Constructio n .s tarts on downtown library complex ? • • •• • • .. enders for phase one of the perimeter of the library site the fa9ade alone will cost $1.5 Everyone is the six-storey, 20,975- - bordered by de Maisonneuve to $2 million. T square-meter library Boulevard, Mackay Street, Once the Royal George is complex were issued October 7, Bishop Street, and the laneway re~died, excavation will begin invited to the 1988. The winning bid was between de Maisonneuve and on the rest of the site. awarded to the construction Ste-Catherine Street - remove Phase Two of the project, firm of Herve Pomerleau Inc. existing mechanical and electri­ the construction of the new ground-breaking The company's previous cal services on the huge lot, and building, will begin in late projects include Le Windsor demolish all but the fa<;:ade and spring. Total construction time by Ken Whittingham (the renovated Windsor Hotel first bay of the Royal George is 28 to 36 months. / building on Pe~l Street) and building. Concordia's downtown It's ·finally happening. I.:edifice La Laurentienne, the Integrate fai;ade library facilities are currently Nearly 20 years after the idea was first proposed, 25-storey office tower on the The east side of the new spread over 11 floors in four construction is about to start on Concordia's corner of Peel Street and Rene library complex, on Bishop separate buildings. All 11,000 downtown library complex. Levesque Boulevard. · Street, will integrate the front square metres of existing down­ Concor dia's . library was section of the Royal George, town library space will be Faculty, students, alumni and staff will join designed by the architectural including the structure's 76- incorporated into the new government and University officials on the site consortium of Werleman & year-old glazed terra-cotta building, along with additional tomorrow morning at 11 :30 a.m. to mark the official Guy Blouin & Associes. fa<;:ade . study space for graduate and sod-turning for the $40-million complex. During the coming months Months of study, including undergraduate students and The entire University community is welcome to the contractor will shore up government analyses, conclud­ badly-needed seminar rooms, portions of the foundations ed that maintaining the Royal conference rooms and faculty attend. Afterwards, everyone will be invited to cross and inner walls of the 76-year­ George in its entirety would offices. the street to the lobby of the Henry F. Hall Building to old Royal George Apartment add $5 million to the overall join in a toast to Concordia. Building, erect fencing around cost of the project; maintaining See EVERYONE page 2 .. Page 2 TIIE THURSDAY REPORT November 3, 1988 Natu·re and art Faculty Personnel Administrator Pat Freed's interests and beliefs coincide. She has imported Third-World W017!en's art and she works tirelessly for equality for all - by.Buzz Bourdon help orientate new faculty is supporting women. Thus, members to the University, pro- _ purchasing artwork from Third he next time you come _vide information and support World women and selling it across a, piece of Afri­ to the Chairs, Deans and Vice- here accomplished several T can art ask who import­ Rectors, and also administer goals. It placed money in the ed it - the answer will proba­ the. CUFA Collective Agree- hands of women in Third bly be Pat Freed. If you want a ment. We're basically a support World countries; it provided an ·raise ask Pat Freed. If you're service and we try to do it with a outlet and created a demand angry and want to change smile-." · for their goods here;- and it something ask Pat Freed. Freed has been at Concordia enabled-me to hire women here Art importer, world travel­ for about 12 years. She holds a to staff the store." ler, negotiator, radical feminist BA in English Literature and Freed says she really enjoys and gay rights activist, Pat Theatre from Bishop's Univer- travelling, especially off the Freed manages to find time for sity and is now wor~ing on an,.___ beaten track, to places like East a lot of things on top of her MBA . .The theory learned in Africa (great for scuba diving), regular job at Concordia. the program has been comple- the Andes, the Yucatan and Reporting to the Vice-Rector mented by the practical experi- Venezuela and searching for Academic, she's the Faculty ence of importing and selling · the special women behind the Personnel Administrator. native art from all over the art. Most of the imported art- It keeps her very busy. "I' world. works were stone or wood carv- PAT FREED: "Purchasing artwork from Third World women and handle salary adminl.stration, "One of my central interests See PAT FREED page 7 selling it here accomplished several goals." Anti~seisIDic technology developed at Concordia , No earthquake damage here Concordia's downtown considered earthquake-prone, Concordia Civil Engineering ture and the foundation are gy. library complex will feature the even slight tremors can damage Professor Avtar Pall; the Presi­ criss-crossed with a device that ~ti-seismic technology is latest in . earthquake-resistant or · destroy electronic data­ dent of Pall Dynamics Ltd., . functions like brake pads on a not only a safe investment, he technology. banks. will protect the sensitive com­ car. When· installed at strategic says, it saves on building costs Although Montreal is not Technology' developed by puter equipment Concordia points in building joints, they because less money is spent on will house in its p.ew library. provide friction to reduce.up to stiffening materials. · Pall's "friction base isola­ one-third of the seismic energy Existing building codes tion technique" uses a centu­ -generated during earth trem­ require only that buildings ries-old engineering concept ors. remain standing during an that isolates and dissipates Pall began his research in earthquake. Pall says that these vibrations at the base of a 1977 while completing his doc­ should be changed to ensure structure, leaving· little energy· torate at the Centre for Build­ that building interiors are pro­ to cause damage. ing Studies. He now holds tected as well. A series . of sliding steel patents in 10 countries on his plates between the superstruc- earthquake-resistant technolo- -DV EVERYONE IS INVITED continuedfrompage I The ongoing $8.5 million sity bookstore, a student ser­ latest in library design and addition and renovation to the · vices area - with admissions, equipment. Vanier Library· will provide registrar services and student Extra study space 11,671 square meters of library, · accounts facilities - a dining Floors five and six will office and conference room area and a 250 seat cinema for group academic departments space. teaching, conferences and the currently scattered in annexes As previously announced, Cons~vatory of Cinemato­ and buildings in downtown · the new downtown library will graphic Art. Montreal. be connected to the Henry F. More than 100,000 people The 20,975 square metres of Hall Building by a passageway · visit the conservatory and art usable space' in the new build­ under de Maisonneuve Boule- gallery annually. ing (excluding two floors of vard. Elevators, escalators and underground parking) are The library building's stairs on the Mackay Street side divided as follows: ground floor · will feature a of the building will lead up to a - • 11,000 square metres of spacious, naturally lit 24-foot- second-floor lobby outside the library space; wide interior street" and com- library's main entrance. The • 9,975 square 'metres of non­ munity space known as Place two halves of the library will be library space, including Concordia. The entire area will joined across the atrium by • 2,490 square metres on the be enclosed by a six-storey bridges. 1st floor of "over-the-counter" atrium. The library facilities will be student services, and Place Concordia will also be consolidated on floors two, • 7,485 square metres of fac­ the new address for the Con- three and four of the new ulty offices on the top two cordia Art Gallery, lhe Univer- structure, and will feature the floors . ' .. ' November 3, 1988 THE 1llURSDAY REPORT Page 3 Job Evaluation Update The committee overseeing compensation package - Pat Hardt. Concordia's Job Evaluation including things such as sala­ Assistant'Director project has just published the ries, benefits, and vacations - (Health Services - 3576 or fourth issue of its Update is equitable (from unit to unit 3569) newsletter. within the University) and • All non-unionized, non-aca­ competitive with t-hat offered Marian Hughes Vice-Rector, Services, J. Charles Giguere is to be congratulated on assuming (on Sept. 22) the Chairmanship - demic staff members at Con­ by other employers. Administrative Secretary of the Board of Govenors of the Centre de recherche cordia should receive a copy All employees affected by (Modern Languages & informatique de Montreal (CRIM), the government-univer­ through internal mail. If you the project will be asked to fill Linguistics - 2300) sity-industry computer think tank which he had a large part are overlooked for some rea­ out a questionnaire in the new son, extra copies are available year to ensure that each indi­ Maria Kovacs in founding. He succeeds Jean Brassard, the Executive Vice­ President of Le Groupe CGI. The 12-member board is at the Security Desk in the vidual's job tasks are adequate­ Secretary to the Director Administration Building on the ly reflected in the classification (TESL .:. 2447) comprised of five representatives from both the academic west-end campus, or down­ and salary scales. and industrial sectors, and two from government . ... Congratulations to George Hargrave, a part-time town at the Information Desk If you have any questions Miriam Posne~ faculty member in Communication Studies, wno co­ in the lobby of the Henry F.
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