30, I94S ... ~ IIEAt'S, PATI, re' Ila.,. 1'5, Z. ... AI '.'· .rll UI Partly Cloudy ••• r..... PROCISSID rOOD8, ....e .Iam,. UI THE 11>' •• rlo Z: and AI Ib.nrll (;1 ... r. ... IUOI\&, ...., rn. Ita .... " all4 " .all. r.. II.. ,ooa ••. rOWA: Partl,. do. with IHOII ...., 110 ••• aI., ..... taea,. J, . ... .... , •••II.IIeI, . OAIIOLlNE, I II- A ..., ... r ... r..... _ t&encl abowen. MUd a-. - ,au ... Ilft' B -1, C-I • • -7 a.' C-7 .n, ••• •aJ " I •• II.. p•• • DAILY IOWAN perMures. ,all. n.. FUE L On,. 11"'.' ••• I'''.r ll fin ... .... abe 1. ... ,. •• r'. ,.r". I • • r • • • It.. e.o.p ••• 1111 n il'. Iowa City's MornIng Newspaper cnvE===CENTS==============================~===.=.I==A=~==I=A=n=D=~==============~========1=O=vv==A~c=n=y=,~k)=VV~A~======~TH~URSD~~A~y~.7~~Y~371.~1~~~S~====================nm===~~~· ~~~n=~PM~====~V=O~L~UMZ~~I~I~I~~NUMrn~~ER 2 1~ ~~~==~==============~~~~~~====~~==~==~================================~ .- e e Ian • al- eSI Marines Take Kirke l. Simpson Pr.dids- Syrian Capital Serves ONE OF LAST U·80AT VICTIMS T. V. Soong Series of Trips for President As BaHieground Shuri Caslle For Local War Succeeds When President Truman sets out victory in Europe and lurtner im­ b en tokl'n Into account fully. nexl onth tor San Francl co to plement proc eding at San Fran­ N IIher lhe time nor the circum­ Damascus Battered speak at tile closing se!:sion ot the cisco. stances of Germany' tlnal collapse As Premier On Okinawa UnitEd Nations conference he may There are no more thsn vague ('ould have been ('I early enough By French Mortar, I be just starting on a series of trips hints in Washington go ip 8S yet lor cen by Pre id nt Roosev 11 of major consequence. that the pr sld nl may find It ex­ and his top r Ilking military advis­ Artillery, Bombs Raises Possibility Fighting Moves He seems destined to make per­ pedienl soon also to discuss with ers for mor than It tentative plan B f FraDIL O'Brlen To High Ground sonal contacl within the next lew American Pacific commanders liS ot red playment agairut Japan to Soong May Attend months not only with such key did Pr~sident Roo ev It the gr nd have b en framed. DAMASClJS (A,P)-Thls Syrian Meeting of Big 5 Eost of Fortress figlit.es ol the United Nations fel­ strategy of ~he final a ault on There have b n significant new city has been a balUeground for Frencb and Syrian forces sloce GUAM, ThUl'sday (AP)­ lowship as Prime Minist r Church­ Japan. Th pattern ot pr limln­ dev lopm nts In China since the HUNG KINO, Thur day ill, Marshal Stalin and General Dry action worked out during Pres­ Pearl Harbor strategy conference 11 :55 p. m. Tuesday in one of the Lea thern ck/! f th F irl>t ma­ (AP) - n raE imo hiang De Gaulle; but also possibly with ident Roo~evelt's visit to Pearl Ihat could greatly inOuence the most inexpUcable outbreakJI of rine di vision I'aised the .A meri· China's generalissimo, Chiang Kal­ Harbor for that purpo. e presum­ CoUr. e of events in the AsiatiC viol nce on record. K i- b k r ign d tod y a. < pr id.ent of u cutive Y uan eau flag over OJ(inawa's Shm'i Shek, and wIth American ground ably has been carried oul to B theat r. Allied success In virtually Artillery, mortar and machlne­ ~astl e at ] :48 p. m. yesterday. air and sea commanders in the large extent, however. clearing Burma ot Ihe enemy add gun tire, as well as bombs, has (pr mier) and we. uc d d Old Olory went ti p a8 marines Pacitic theater. Great achievements have been anoth r lem nt. b n raining on Damascus almost by cting Premier T. V. oong. on the west f lank and don~h ­ There is no official IndlcaUon written in the history of the Pa­ There ar also indications from unceasingly trom the French forces EI vat ion of oon{{ to tb full boys on the east moved 10 en· ot just how or when Mr_ Truman's cific war since that time. Our men Tokyo lhot a revision ot Japanese while Syrian gendarmes and p mi rship raiR d the po ibil· circle Japane. e nrvivors in tbe lirsl meeting with his British and have returned to the PhilipPines defensive strategy is in the makinll police have given IInswering fire ity he mi(lht attend any imp nd­ moated med ieval fortress. Russian colleagues o( the "BIg after fighting their way upwal'd it not already in process of exe­ witn every available weapon, in{t rn etinlT of the Big Five An official spokesman aid Three" group will come out. It Is (rom the ocean's fringes. They have cution in China. All of tile cLr­ Clay Gowran of the Chlcalo Trib­ leaders ( hina, France, Rn ia, definitely in the cards in the neat· gone on to crack the inn r de­ cum t nc point LOW I'd a recon­ the flag-rai ing signalized cap­ une and 1 were trapped ln the nit d tat II end Or at Brit­ fu ture, however. A Truman-De f nses of the Japan se empire. No sidera lion of Pacific strategy mov s erall (Iovernment house) when ain) . It al 0 would give him tnre of the castle. u ntil recently Gaulle get-together is slated as malleI' how tar the Poclflc plan ot by the president and his ranklni Dam a s c u s exploded suddenly grt'llter Cace if he lUak 110 ex­ t h ~ headquarters of the ,Japa­ well. There is urg nt need tor action wenl at thot me ting, events military advisers In the tl Id as Tuesday evening into utter chaos. n e s e commander on Okinawa. those meetings to consolidate the have occurI'd thal could not have well as In Washington. p I d vi it to 10 ow on his Fronl dispat.ches said the marines We were held In the 8entl for way back to hinu. from the an three hou", by the COnltaaat thoot­ were mopping scattered enemy Frallci 0 conf renc . Inr, bat ' inally were able 10 du b pockets inside the castle and fight­ Wong W h Hao, mini t('r of Ing on high ground immediately to At a Glance- lhrourh a Iulila &he flrla&' 10 reaeh Doughboys Corner I I Chinese Veterans the Brl ..... officers dub, hallway e onomic aCfairs and h ad of the east. HUGE BILLOW OF MOK E curl kYwa rd a lhl allied tanller. with hina', war pr du lion board, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz re­ to oar hotd. Then after anO\ber onl, her bow above water, ~rlns her final plunre beneath tbe Al­ w a 8 appointeil vice-premier, ported today thai marines of Maj. Japs on Mindanao Drive for Liuchow walt of two hours we were able lantlc. The ship, one 01 the l a1it to bf' attacked before Germany'. ur­ to ret 10 \be hotel, u c ding n. II. Kun '. Th ap· Gen. Pedro A, Del Valle's FIrst Today's render. was truck by torpedoe a she neartd the hore of the Unlu d IIIvlslon streDl'!.bened and built up Approach Former Ev ntnal1y we decided to take KJnr dom. Tbls I an ortlclal Ronl Canadia n nllVY photo. pointm('nt probably waq 8 r • their positions In the castle ruln8, 510 Tons of Bombs reCuae in th British consulate, ward for his labors a. h ad of tlrs~ reached Tuesday In a swift Dropped on Luzon Yank Air Base City lolng there y stetday a!ternoon to th 'hin e WPB. duh by Company A of the Fifth By Fifth Airforce Iowan On 50-Mil. Front e cape the continual mortar fire. hiang' relillquishm ilL of rtriment, I~ by C.pl. Julius QQ­ Even there safet.y was not assured, Nations May Forfeit tb position of pr mi r to oong eDberry of Charlo~te. N. C. CHUNGKING (AP)-Chinese for one British otfieer was killed 250,000 Japs did not nfC ct the formrr'!! po. On the west flank, Maj, Gen. MANILA, Thursday (AP) ­ ChlanK K*al - *hek * resigns as vE:lerans, hot on the heels of Jap­ ther this mornJn, by a mortar. Japanese for c e s on Mindanao, China's premier; T. V. Soonl Vote for Failure slUon as president of China and Lemuel C. Shepherd J r.'s Sixth II n forces reportedly pu Ui n, Ollt In London Forelan Seer lary pushed out or their Sayre highway succeeds. the head of the state. marine division veteronll pushed of south Chino, ripped a lona a 50~ E<lel'\ told commons last nl,ht that positions in the center of the is­ He announced his resllnallon of southeastward from occupied Noho mil (ront last night toward the the British cabinet Wh in emer­ To Support League Left Homeless the premierShip at a meellng to· toward the Kokuba river, which land and from Davao on the south­ Ma.rines capture costle of Shuri grt'at former American all' base , ncy ae Ion on the warlike Bllu­ west coa t, were being gradually on Okinawa. day ot the newly elected central empties into Naha harbor. Nearly city uf Liuchow, now sw pt by Uon In th batUe-torn Syrian cap­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Tokyo executive commltt e of the Kuom­ all ot Naha, blasted capital of compressed y sterday In larg Iy­ AN FRANCISCO (AP)-The Dama u ern of bitt r fight- (if s.
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