~AUSTIN ·~7 ~ 11 -' SAVINGS £Qioabeth'g Your Institution of Higher Earning JEWELRY MOTOR INNS Compl ete Line of Jewelry Jewelry and Watch Repairs Chef Paul Kove ra prepares FACTORY AUTHORIZED (;picurean foods daily for your TIMEX ® pleasure. / Specia l orders pre­ pared when advance reservation s " Where Customers SE RVICE CENTER are made . Telephone : (512 ) Become Friends ." 476 -7 15 1. NORTHEN North THEATRE 7431 BUR NET ROA D RI CHCREE K PL AZA 11th & San Jacinto Playbill Austin, Texas 78701 South .:I'll. Jun e 17-29, 1974 112 EAST OL TORF CONTENTS T WIN OA KS SHOPPIN G CENTE R STRAIT 4 PERNELL ROBERTS MUSIC 6 TITL E PAGE EL RANCHO COMPANY 7 PROGRAM RESTAURANT No 1 8 PRODU CTION STAFF 302 E. 1st • 4 72- 18 14 9 CAST Fam ous for so m e of th e F inest Mexican Foods in t he Wo rld WHO' S WHO Mexican Style Sea Foo ds THE PIT PRODU CTION CREWS ~r908 N.Lamar Prepared with Shrimp Eating Out Is Fun - JO E JE FF GOLDBL ATT Also Steaks & Chicke n Especially at 'The Pit" Most Reco mmended Playb ill Editor Restaurant in Austin Food To Go ! By t h e Editor s of T IM E an d Life B oo k s • By MOBIL E TR AV EL Din ing Service ! GUI D E e By FLIGHT TIM E Co n ti n en­ Serving Beef, tal Air lin es Mag azin e e NEW Y OR K T IME S " Our F avorit e Mex ica n R esta u­ Sausage, Ham, Sp are Ribs, rant '' Distincti ve Fabrics For Your Creati ve Ideas - Chicken - Also A Co mpl ete ATE RI NG SE R VI E e Large Parkin g Area Cateri ng Availab le Richard J ones, Ow ner Typica l Mex ican Sty le S teak The Fabric Shop Carne Asa da Mixe d Phon e: 444 -2272 Drink s Dining Room Service Tw in Oaks EL RANCHO ~:r;~fh And Order s To Go Shopping Center RESTAURANTNol Locat io ns Op en 7 Day s 8ANKAMERICARQ. 3 16 East Olto rf 303 E. 1st Str ee t (A ross Fro m) 10 a. m. ti l 9 :30 p .m. Ph. 442 -9938 El Ranc ho Restaur ant No. I IM¾kiil 4 72 3 8 -i 9 Matt Martinez 2302 South Co ngress Mex ican Food To Go Owner Au st in, Texas 78704 PERNELL ROBERTS became nationally known for his portrayal of the eldest son, Adam , on one of America's most popular television dramas, Bonanza. Mr. Roberts has since scored many professional triumphs in the musicals Camelot and The King and I as well as several other guest artist appearances on major television programs. He has appeared in the films Desire Under the Elms and also Sheepman and Ride Lon esome. In addition to working professionally with Edward Mangum , managing director at The Mary Moody Northen Theatre , at the original nationally renowned Arena Stage in Washington, D.C. , he has appeared with the American Lyric Theatre, Equity Library Theatre and the New York City Center. His Broadway credits include Tonight in Samarkand, The Lo vers and A Clearing in the Woods. Most recently , Pernell Robert starred as Rhett Butler in the National touring production of the musical Gon e With the Wind. The great critical acclaim Mr. Roberts received in this production only reaffirms his stature a one of America's most gifted actors . Mary Moody Northen Theatre for the Performing Arts Celebrates Third Anniversary With 197 4 Summer Stock Season. Unique at St. Edward's is an intensive summer program similar to professional summer stock. A series of plays, each featuring a guest star , is produced by staff EDWARD MANGUM, sional theatres of Germany and students to provide everal weeks of exciting theatre for Austin the_atre-goers. chairman of the Depart­ and Turkey. Mr. Mangum This summer , theatre students and playgoer are receiving an added bonus as now , ment of Fine and Perform­ majored in speech and dra­ in addition to our guest star , we are utilizing the talents of five other professional ing Arts at St. Edward's ma at Catholic University actors , all members of Actor 's Equity Association. Theatre students have the rare University, has a wide under the direction of now opportunity of studying and appearing on stage with experienced actors whose background of credits to New York Times' critic, credits include Broadway plays , films and television. his name , having been a Walter Kerr. Since coming St. Edward's is the only university in the United States which offers students theatre director , producer, < to St. Edward's University professional theatre training while working with the nation's top professional artists professor, author, lecturer in 196 5, he has been re­ during the Fall , Spring and Summer semesters. and consultant in Europe, sponsible for initiating the The combination of a theatre program econd to none in the nation and a Asia, and the United States. Perhaps he first theatre courses within the curricu­ stimulating university environment is one of many reasons that more and more is best known for having founded the lum. Mr. Mangum's professional direct­ students from all over the globe are choosing St. Edward's University for their original Arena Stage in Washington, ing experiences have included produc­ undergraduate study. If you are interested , or know of someone who would be D. His world travels, under the spon­ tions starring Linda Darnell , John Carra­ interested , in learning mor 'e about our offerings please write: sorship of the American National Thea­ dine, Frank Sutton, George Grizzard , tre and Academy in New York , have Carl Betz , Pat O'Brien, Mercedes Mc­ Director of Admissions taken him to twenty-five countries cambridge, William Shatner, Peter St. Edward's University where he has also directed in the profes- Breck , Gary Collins and many others. Austin, Texas 78704 St. E dward 's Univ ersity Ma r y Moody Northen Theatre for the Performing Arts Scenes pr esent s A TI PERNELL ROBERTS Scene 1: The living room of the Trowbridge hou e Ozone Height New Jer ey. A Spring Morning. in Scene 2: A barroom in the ba ement of the Lavillere Hotel , New York City. 3:00 p.m. the am afternoon. Three Men on a Horse A T II by Seen 1: Ozon Height . Before 12 noon the following day. JOHN CECIL HOLM and G E ORG E ABBOTT Scene 2: A room in th Lavillere Hotel. Shortly ther aft r. S tage d by EDWARD MANGUM A T III Seen 1: Ozone H ight . A few minute later. with HENRY OLIV ER Scene 2: The Hotel room Mid-afternoon. CLAYTON JESSEN JANN JACKSON JO JEFF GOLDB LATT TH R WILL BE TWO T LV -MIN TE INTERMI SIONS B TW N A TS. Settings Designed by Costumes Designed by Lighting Designed by Pl ase, Smok ing, Refreshment in Lobby nly. JAMES KEANE SYLVIA VASQU EZ JOHN WHITE Actor ' quity A ciation trict ly prohibi ts the taking of photograph or u e of recording device during perf rmance . TH R M O A HO RS i produced with pecia l permi ion of Dramati t Play Service, New York ity. Our tenthyear of bringingthe best of everythingto Austin. ,,• HANCOCK CENTER 41 ST. and INTERREGIONAL Production Staff Cast (in order of appearance) Managing Director ......... .... ........ Edward Mangum Audrey Trowbridge . Lori Godsey Guest Director ........................... Henry Oliver Erwin Trowbridge ........... .. ...... Clayton Jessen Technical Director ....... .... .... ... .. ... James Keane Clarence . George Phelps* Assistant Technical Director . John White Harry . Jam es Keane Charlie . Henry Oliver* Business Manager .... ....... ...... .. ......... Teri Gaus Frankie ............................ Jo e Jeff Goldblatt Construction Foreman ................. William Creamer Patsy ..... ................ .... PERNELL ROBERTS Box-Offi ce Manager . Janet Marecki Mabel ................................. Jann Jackson Props & Costumes . Sylvia Vasquez Gloria ............... ............ .. Carol Blodgett* Playbill Editor ....................... Joe Jeff Goldblatt Al .. .. ........................... .. ... Larry Watson Carver .............................. William Creamer Stand-in for Pernell Rob erts .. ...... ....... Johnny Lopez PERNELL ROBERTS , Henry Oliver, Carol Blodgett and George Phelps appear through the courtesy of Actor's Equity Association. * Members of St. Edward's University's Professional Acting Company. COURTESY OF cf<anuVJ~~ p::- \!l bank of austin 807 Congress Avenue 1 SHOESTORES, INC,I 2501 SOUTH CONGRESS 1603 West Ben White Boulevard Memher FD IC 5517 Burnet Road Headquarters for Capezio Dance 6325 Cameron Road Footwear and Accessories Who,s Who Production Crews CLAYTON JESSEN (Erwin) appeared as the JOE JEFF GOLDBLATT (Frankie) most Deaf Mute with Mercedes McCambridge in recently served as assistant to the director for la t summer's production of "The Madwoman "The Desk Set" and ha appeared on stage, ASSIST ANT TO THE DIRECTOR ST AGE MANAGER of Chaillot." Mr. Jessen ha al o appeared as screen and televi ion during the last several Dude in "Tobacco Road." years. He is also an instructor of dance at St. Candace Windel Summer Watson Edward's University during the summer LORI GODSEY (Audrey) is a veteran ession. SET CONSTRUCTION performer of the famed Alley Theatre of LIGHTING Houston. She has appeared there in many William Creamer, Foreman WILLIAM CREAMER (Carver) has appeared John White, Designer roles and has studied extensively with Alley Larry Watson Director Nina Vance. in featured roles with Pat O'Brien, Peter Casey O'Hara Breck, Carl Betz on the Northen Stage. Film Candace Windel Mark Jantzen credit include "Lovin' Molly," "Leather­ Cyndie Lava to GEORGE PHELPS (Clarence) a veteran of face," and "The Great Waldo Pepper." Colleen Kennedy New York Broadway appearance and Sum­ Diane Carter mer Stock tour . He has appeared with Betsy Rianna Erker Palmer and with Richard Burton and Julie LARRY WATSON (Al) is a profes ional Andrews during his extensive profe sional clown.
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