PROVIDENCE INAUGURAL ISSUE FALL 2015 A JOURNAL OF CHRISTIANITY & AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY CHRISTIAN ETHICS & THE REALM OF STATECRAFT: DIVISIONS, CROSS-CURRENTS, & THE SEARCH FOR CONNECTIONS BY JAMES TURNER JOHNSON SPONSORED BY LESS HEGEL, MORE HISTORY! CHRISTIAN ETHICS & POLITICAL REALITIES BY NIGEL BIGGAR FALL CHRISTIAN REALISM & U.S. FOREIGN POLICY BY JOSEPH LOCONTE 2015 ALSO: MARK TOOLEY ON CHRISTIAN POLITICAL DUTY • BRYAN MCGRAW ON VIOLENCE • BARONESS COX ON JIHAD • ALAN DOWD ON THE MORALITY OF DETERRENCE • TIMOTHY MALLARD ON WAR • MARC LIVECCHE ON MORAL INJURY • ROBERT NICHOLSON ON BOUNDARIES, COMMUNITY, & THE MIDDLE EAST • WALTER RUSSELL MEAD ON THE COSTS OF CHRISTIAN RETREAT • Number 1 Declinism. Joffe thinks that true American decline is pos- sible only if America itself decides to decline, which he Subscribe to believes no superpower has PROVIDENCE ever done. He discerns in the Providence: FALL 2015 NUMBER 1 current obsession with de- cline an American desire to es- A Journal of Christianity & INAUGURAL EDITORIAL cape from global responsibil- ity. Christians and especially American Foreign Policy Evangelicals, preoccupied with MARK TOOLEY a much more narrow strata of American & Christian Duty events and impressions, can learn much from Joffe, who 04 in Today’s World speaks with the grim historical reality of a Jewish European FEATURES who realizes that American leadership and confidence NIGEL BIGGAR are essential for international Less Hegel, More History! Christian order. Can Christians operate from Ethics & Political Realities 10 a similarly broad historical and international perspective in appreciating the geopolit- JAMES TURNER JOHNSON ical and moral necessity of American global hegemony? Christian Ethics & the Realm The Evangelical Left is un- likely to abandon its obsessive of Statecraft: Divisions, Cross-Currents, and contradictory anti-Amer- 18 icanism, wanting American & the Search for Connections apology and retreat while at the same time demanding America reshape the world according to the Evangelical JOSEPH LOCONTE Left’s policy desires. Christian Realism & If America, or at least its cul- U.S. Foreign Policy 26 tural commanding heights, and join a movement of thinkers interested continues to secularize, con- servative Evangelicals will in the intersection of Christian faith and have to decide how or wheth- political reflection, foreign policy, and global er formidable American pow- Cover Image: affairs. Become a part of the inaugural cohort er can be deployed for good. Engraved byby Benjamin Benjamin Tanner Tanner after for an introductory rate of $28.00 – for four aft erdesign a design by by John John JanesJanes Barralet,Barralet, Their retreat from serious America GuidedGuided by by Wisdom Wisdom public policy engagement will print issues per year is anan allegorical allegorical depiction depiction of whatof what miss important opportunities and early access to the digital edition. American exceptionalism meantmeant toto the the to influence America’s global post-Revolutionary generation. Issued predominance. Even a suppos- after thethe WarWar of of 1812, 1812, Barralet Barralet drew drew edly post-Christian America For subscription information please contact: on the then-familiar iconography of on the then-familiar iconography of still carries within its cultural [email protected] the West’s Greco-Roman patrimony toto depict the virtues ofof republicanrepublican liberty.liberty. and political DNA the burning www.providencemag.com America, guidedguided byby transcendenttranscendent wis-wis- embers of biblical justice that dom, whilewhile engagedengaged inin commerce,commerce, thethe Evangelicals can and should liberal arts,arts, andand industry,industry, wouldwould enjoyenjoy fully exploit for the global the peace of security and plenty. common good. ■ 79 COMMENT PROVIDENCE ROBERT NICHOLSON TOWARD A NEW VISION PUBLISHERS FOR THE MIDDLE EAST 34 MARK TOOLEY ROBERT NICHOLSON ESSAYS EDITOR BRYAN T. McGRAW MARK TOOLEY NEITHER YODER NOR FOUCAULT: MANAGING EDITOR POLITICS & THE PROBLEM OF VIOLENCE IN ANDY CROUCH’S PLAYING GOD 41 MARC LIVECCHE DEPUTY EDITOR CHAPLAIN (COL) TIMOTHY MALLARD MARK MELTON A CALL TO ARMS: AN AMERICAN SURVEY SENIOR EDITORS OF WAR IN THE 21ST CENTURY 46 KEITH PAVLISCHEK JOSEPH LOCONTE WALTER RUSSELL MEAD CONTRIBUTING EDITORS BOOMERS, MILLENNIALS, MARK AMSTUTZ & THE SOCIAL GOSPEL 53 FRED BARNES NIGEL BIGGAR MARC LiVECCHE PA aUL COYER KEVLAR FOR THE SOUL: MICHAEL CROMARTIE THE MORALITY OF FORCE DEANa CURRY PROTECTION 56 THOMAS FARR MARY HABECK ALAN DOWD WILL INBODEN SHIELD & SWORD: JAMES TURNER JOHNSON THE CASE FOR MILITARY DETERRENCE 64 HERB LONDON TIMOTHY MALLARD BARONESS COX PAUL MARSHALL STRATEGIC JIHAD THREATENS FAITH MCDONNELL THE UNITED KINGDOM WALTER RUSSELL MEAD & THE WEST 70 PAaUL MILLER JOSHUA MITCHELL BOOK REVIEWS ERIC PattERSON MACKUBIN THOMAS OWENS HOW THE LEFT STABBED GREG T HORNBURY ISRAEL IN THE BACK - Mark Melton RICK WARREN Making David into Goliath by Joshua Muravchik 74 DESIGN & LAYOUT MORE THAN GOOD NEWS - Marc LiVecche JA COMMUNICATIONS Evangelicals and American Foreign Policy by Mark R. Amstutz 76 PRINTED BY LINEMARK NOT DEAD YET - Mark Tooley WEBSITE The Myth of America's Decline: Politics, Economics, and a Half Century of False Prophecies by Josef Joffe 78 WWW.providenCeMAG.COM Gesturing to the shield, Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom (Greek Athena) counsels Columbia, the personification of America 4 INAUGURAL EDITORIAL AMERICAN & CHRISTIAN DUTY IN TODAY’S WORLD BY MARK TOOLEY eventy-four years ago, Reinhold Niebuhr launched his Christianity Sand Crisis magazine to awaken American Protestants from pacifism, utopianism, isolationism, neutralism, and delusions about abstaining from the war that was engulfing the world. In what he described as the “first effective revolution against Christian civilization since the days of Constantine,” Britain then stood alone against Nazi-dominated Europe, while militarist Japan dominated much of Asia. Niebuhr succinctly explained the journal’s purpose: In the presence of the crisis the editors against the shrinking community of free of this journal feel that as Christian nations, was impatient with his formerly citizens the least they can do is to ad- kindred spirits who insisted Christianity vocate a policy on the part of the gov- was incompatible with violence, even in ernment of the United States of giving defense of innocents against monstrous ag- those who fight for freedom all the aid that it is in our power as a nation to gressors. He observed with great alarm: give. The tragic irony of the hour is that so Himself previously a pacifist, Niebuhr, many of the men in America whom in early 1941 as totalitarianism swirled this revolution against Christian 5 civilization most concerns seem to be power, national interest, and force of arms least aware of its implications. The would become irrelevant in favor of rea- freedom of these men to speak and soned international conversation. Niebuhr, write depends upon the existence of guided by Christian insights about chron- a certain type of civilization. Yet they ically sinful human nature, knew these talk and act as if they believed that, assumptions were not just nonsense but whoever wins, religion-as-usual like business-as-usual will be the order of dangerous. the day in America after the war. The Dangerous assumptions about a peace- fact is that if Hitler carries out his de- ful world where force of arms and strategic clared designs there is not going to be calculation are no longer needed again per- any religion-as-usual, at least as far as Christians are concerned. vade much of American Christianity. Much of Mainline Protestantism, which preoc- Niebuhr was unsparing in his critique: cupied Niebuhr, has imploded. It has been largely replaced in numbers and influence The choice before us is clear. Those by Evangelicalism, which is traditionally who choose to exist like parasites on the liberties which others fight to se- more conservative theologically, well aware cure for them will end by betraying of the limits of human accomplishment in a the Christian ethic and the civilization fallen world, and was overwhelmingly sup- which has developed out of that ethic. portive of strong U.S. leadership in the Cold War, even playing a key role in sustaining And Niebuhr implored his fellow the resolve for ultimate victory over the Protestant clergy, as citizens, to lead in Soviet Empire. informing their flocks of the crisis before them and the moral urgency of placing the But there has arisen a new generation of “full resources of America at the disposal of Evangelicals who know not Joseph, who are the soldiers of freedom.” Christianity and detached from and even embarrassed by Crisis would spend the next decade urging earlier Evangelical leadership that enthusi- American Christianity to fulfill its temporal astically supported a strong U.S. foreign and duties by thoughtfully and resolutely sup- military policy. Figures of the Evangelical porting resistance to the Axis powers and Left, like Sojourners chief Jim Wallis, later the Soviet Bloc in defense of justice, who, like many Christian romantic liber- liberty, and the witness to truth. ationists, supported Nicaragua’s Marxist Sandinista regime in the 1980s, were once The challenge for Niebuhr was an marginal to public life. Now their perspec- American Protestantism that, after its zeal- tive, which is pacifist, implicitly or explicitly ous patriotic exertions during World War rejecting all violence, even by a legitimate I,
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