The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 20 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Three Sections nk IX, No. 40. CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1931 PRICE THREE CENTS Sabo Batted .304 1 Carter* Are Graduated While With Albany Four Locked Up County Detectives Start. Work Today 51 Students To Get During his short gtay with Albany The Cart«ret Xmm Company From Eighth Grades in the Eastern League, Ernie Sabo Raid Slot Machines opened this morJiing in Shurkey'n Diplomas In H. S. played in twenty-six games, and bat- On One Trip Hall In Washington nvsnue with Ur!?est Graduating Claaa In ted .304. Most of the time he was Police Working On One Case Four Are Taken Out Of Local more th*n thirty wott«n employed. Commencement Exercise* Will The company will make ladies' silk History Of Local Public seen at second base. He was at bat Places By Prosecutor's Men. Be Held Monday Evening In ninety-two times, collected twenty- Run Into Another In Colored dresses. M. E. Gross, of 91 Roo«o- Schools Receive Diplomat. Section. velt avenue, haa the employment High School Auditorium. eight hits, scored fifteen runs, hatted Swooping down on the borough in agency and announces that he will I«„ hundred and thirty-seven fltu- in nine others, got seven doubles, employ local residents only. He said three triples, and no homer, and did- Robbed of $9 while he was selling four automobiles a group of county Fifty-one student* will receive di- , the largest graduating class in produce in a house at 17 Bergen detectives staged three raids on slot that the firm will employ close to a plomas from the Carteret High 11 ! iXtory of the school, received di- n t steal a single base. hundred wotnen within a short time. 1 treet, Louis Cohen, of Douglas machines in rapid succession and School at the nnnual commencement ," .,.,, at the eighth grade exercises treet, Porda, appeared at Police exercises to be held Monday evening ! i'l'i'n the high school auditorium Headquarters Monday evening and captured four machines, one of the at 8 o'clock in the high school audi- u' ,|m'«lay night. Of this number demanded that a woman in the Ber- 25 cent play type and the others torium. i HI' from the Columbus School Karcher Whacks (ren street house be locked up. When nickel play machinesi Children s Day The program will open with a pro- 1 |'->n from the Washington School. the police made an investigation The quarter machine and one % cessional march by the high Softool " itl( " program opened with a reci- they locked up two women, gillie nickel machine were found in the orchestra. Invocation by Rev. Daniel . , „ "The Day Is Done," by N.I Legislature Somers, who lives in the house and place at Perahing, and Roosevelt ave- Program Given E. Lorenti, pastor of the Presbyter- '•' ,,/(> Andrejesik, Another recita- Ida Jordan, of 18 Mercer street, who! nues. The. man behind the bar told ian Church, will follow. The Girls' '"' "To Our Friends," by Pauline Ha» Three Serious Failing* was with the Somers women. Both Detectives McDennott and Krnger Large Attendance At Annual Glee Club will give two songs. .'...^•i, followed. A song, "The are colored. They denied any knowl- "Trees," by Rasback-Harris, and that ha had been working there only "Spring's Greeting," by Stauss. I, oilman's Code," was, sung by the Sayreville Assemblyman edge of Cohen's money. a week nr two and did not know the Church — Those Who Took ; '...hatcs. This was followed by re- Tell, Club. While the police were investigat- name of the proprietor. Event In Presbyterian The prize declamation contest will [: ;,.iions by Mary Mudrak and Char- ing the Cohen robbery a fight start- follow, with members of the Rutgen 1 At a so-called social club at 72 Intercollegiate Debating Society act- i', ,' Hiedrick. According to Assemblyman Joseph ed in another house two doors away Roosevelt avenue a nickel machine Part. i barle3 A. Conrad, president of at No. 21 Bergen street where Louis ing as judges. The following will T. Karcher of Sayreville the Legis- was found and carried off. Louis ,i Hoard of Education, presented Johnson and Katherine Smith, both Bertha wns working in the place. A The Presbyterian Church was take part: L*»ter Sokler, Helen Cry- I1!, diplomas. Miss B. V. Herman, BU- lature of the State of New Jersey has colored, live. The Smith woman Spanish social club at Hudson and packed to the doon Sunday morning zeski, Walter SchOnwald, Wilton .,.;,,, principal, made the presen- three serioun failings. "A mania for said she is the common law wife of Union strata yielded one nickel when the annual Children s Day pro- Pruitt, Benjamin Rabinowitz, Robert Brown, and Sylvia Fisher, Mil'- ;inOf prizes. Rudolph Turner re- passing laws, a mania for creating Johnson and that he put her out of mnchinr. i gwm Was carried out. The Sunday ,vt.,l five dollars in gold for having the house, She asked that he be News of the raid spread as fast as school had charge at the hour of the Nicholin Dmytriw will then render expensive commissions and a mania n vocal solo. This will be followed by ;. highest average in all his work. for spending money" is the way he locked up. He was and ao was she. telnphone wires could carry warn- usual morning worship and the Chll- . moirram was concluded with a They were all detained for a hear- in* messages and other machines in dren's Day program was substituted the presentation of the graduates by MK, "The Children of the U. S. A.," summarized them in an address be- ing1 Tuesday night. the borough disappeared. It does for the usual service The program Miss B. V. Hermann, supervising the graduates. fore the Democratic Club of Middle- - At the hearing Ida Jordan and not appear that the county men vis- was in charge of Walter Colquhoun principal. Diplomas will be presented Thope who received diplomas fol- sex Borough, last evening. Llllie Somers were fined $25 each itcd nny places other than those superintendent of the school. The to the graduates by Charles A. Con- ILCU till V MiaiCS unit* vimU vuuov - r - ------- rud, president of the Board of Edu- He called attention to the fact that with the choice of serving thirty days mentioned hut if they had the prob- children taking part had been coach- Vrom Columbus School were: Ed- the 1931 Legislature enacted almost!'" tne workhouse. Neither one could cation, and Misa A. D, Scott, princi- abilities are that they would have ed by Mrs. Thomas E. Way and Mrs. pal t>f th<> high school will present ,,,i Andysyk, Chart* Cherepanya, i 400 new laws, while the ".Law Revi- •ay the fine and both were sent to found nothing. Frank Haury. ,!.. ,uh BabitsWRakUolrv , PlAllinPauline BftSlllClBjsilici., qirtn rnmmiaiin.'i . j :- 1 : Jew Brunswick. The Smith woman One of the places visited by the With the exception of one small the pri7.es. sion Commission" BsucceeknMnnd in having Benediction will be made by Rev. Barry, Ansley Bryer, Nichol- about 460 old laws repealed. This was ordered to return to her home raiders was robbed of two machines boy the youngsters u]j UmV. then 7 Walter Burta, Phyllis Bren- commission to revise the laws has in Washington, D. C. and warned about two weeks ago. The machines parts well. The boy in question evi- Father Joseph Dziadosz, pastor of the „;,„ John CheimarCh , HeleHlnn bcelleScelle, | been functioning five years and has that if she ever returns to Carteret inclosed in an iron safe with a dently suffered from stage fright and Holy Family Church. The program WESLEY CATRI called he" bolted ! will be concluded with a recessional l^hn Comba, Michael Ciapik, hmmaiSpent approximately $600,000 ac- she will be given a year in the work- Hit I.!combination lock but the robbera hui •|M,rey, Geia Denwter, Mary Derczo, cording to Assemblyman Karcher hhouse . JohnsoJh n was" orderedd d t o givi e C«rleret Boy Who Scored church instead of giving' by the hitch school orchestra. g Dunce Recital In New York TWtra. CUrles Diedrick, John Dydak, Anna who observed that "the Commission her $15 for her transportation. Later were smashed , assigned to him I Of the fifty one students, only two nich, Vladtmar Colub, Mary j become a permanent and Thhe poprograg m openep d with a'chorus have attained an average of ninety ma y ex- she asked that she be permitted to go robbed of the contents of nickels _ over in all their work. They are Ciris. Joseph Gronsky, Norman Go- pensive institution if this system of to Philadelphia instead of Washing- A COMMUNICATION One of the members, the Sunday school, "On Children s Anna Marie (l,Nad, Frank Godlewaki, John Hi- perpetual motion in legislating con- ton. The change was not permitted. ent aLtd^ofaT-' BL " >W» ^«T& MaryW itonWuIu a7d An^M.rie and now heW for the' ture reading and a prayer hymn by Daskowska. Second honors were at- Aav, Lottie Kamont, Walter Kiel- tinues." Dear Editor: man. Anne Korneluk. Michael Kor- j "The taxpayers pay to have the laws juri^vy aree blamed for the theft the school. The Senior choir mem- talned by Ann. („ Luchach Sylvia in Ink, Chester Krasinski, Edith Kar- enacted, they pay to have the laws I never see Scroggins look so rocky e blamed her^ s san^^g "Morning Invitation,Invitation," Fisher and Rose M.
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