Public Document Pack AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2019 Time: 11.00 am Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices Members: Councillor N J Walker (Chairman) Councillor I Bastable (Vice-Chairman) Councillors F Birkett T M Cartwright, MBE P J Davies K D Evans M J Ford, JP Mrs K Mandry R H Price, JP Deputies: S Cunningham S Dugan Mrs C L A Hockley Mrs K K Trott 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 4) To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18 September 2019. 3. Chairman's Announcements 4. Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from members in accordance with Standing Orders and the Council’s Code of Conduct. 5. Deputations To receive any deputations of which notice has been lodged. 6. Development Management (Pages 5 - 303) Planning Application – P/17/0266/OA – WELBORNE LAND NORTH OF FAREHAM. A New Community Of Up To 6000 Dwellings (C3 And C2, Including A Care Home Of Use Class C2) Together With A District Centre (Comprising Up To 2,800M2 Food Store Retail (A1), Up To 2,419M2 Of Non-Food Retail (A1) And Up To 2,571M2 Of Other Non-Convenience/Comparison Retail Use (A1 - A5)); A Village Centre (Comprising Up To 400M2 Food Store Retail (A1), Up To 1,081M2 Of Non-Food Retail (A1), A Public House (Up To 390M2 A4 Use) And Up To 339M2 Of Other Non-Convenience/Comparison Retail Use (A1 - A5)); Up To 30,000M2 Of Commercial And Employment Space (B1); Up To 35,000M2 Of General Industrial Use (B2); Up To 40,000M2 Of Warehousing Space (B8); A Hotel (Up To 1,030M2 C1 Use); Up To 2,480M2 Of Community Uses (D1 And D2); Up To 2,200M2 Ancillary Nursery (D1), Health Centre (D1) And Veterinary Services (D1); Retention Of Dean Farmhouse; A Secondary School, 3 Primary Schools; Pre-Schools; Green Infrastructure Including Formal And Informal Open And Amenity Space; Retention Of Some Existing Hedgerows, Grassland, Woodland Areas, Allotments, Wildlife Corridors; All Supporting Infrastructure; Household Waste Recycling Centre; Requisite Sub-Stations; Sustainable Drainage Systems Including Ponds And Water Courses; A Remodelled M27 J10 Including Noise Barrier(S); Works To The A32 Including The Creation Of Three Highway Junctions And New Crossing(S); Distributor Roads (Accommodating A Bus Rapid Transit Network) And Connections To The Surrounding Cycleway And Pedestrian Network; Car Parking To Support Enhanced Use Of Dashwood; Ground Remodelling; Any Necessary Demolition; With All Matters Reserved For Future Determination With The Exception Of The Works To M27 J10 And The Three Highway Junctions And Related Works To The A32. P GRIMWOOD Chief Executive Officer Civic Offices www.fareham.gov.uk 08 October 2019 For further information please contact: Democratic Services, Civic Offices, Fareham, PO16 7AZ Tel:01329 236100 [email protected] Agenda Item 2 Minutes of the Planning Committee (to be confirmed at the next meeting) Date: Wednesday, 18 September 2019 Venue: Collingwood Room - Civic Offices PRESENT: Councillor N J Walker (Chairman) Councillor I Bastable (Vice-Chairman) Councillors: F Birkett, T M Cartwright, MBE, P J Davies, M J Ford, JP, Mrs K Mandry, R H Price, JP and Mrs C L A Hockley (deputising for K D Evans) Also Councillor Mrs C Heneghan, Item 6 (3) Present: Page 1 Planning Committee 18 September 2019 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology of absence was received from Councillor K D Evans. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 21 August 2019 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. 3. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no Chairman’s announcements made at this meeting. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. 5. DEPUTATIONS The Committee received a deputation from the following in respect of the applications indicated and were thanked accordingly. Name Spokesperson Subject Supporting Minute No/ representing or Application the persons Opposing No/Page No listed the Application ZONE 1 – 2.30pm ZONE 2 – 2.30pm ZONE 3 – 2.30pm 14 SUMAR CLOSE Supporting 6 (3) FAREHAM PO14 P/19/0793/FP Mr L 2EH – TWO Pg 22 Rosenthal STOREY REAR (Agent) EXTENSION AND FRONT PORCH EXTENSION Ms R -Ditto- Opposing -Ditto- Surtees Page 2 Planning Committee 18 September 2019 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS INCLUDING AN UPDATE ON PLANNING APPEALS The Committee noted a report by the Director of Planning and Regeneration on development control matters, including information regarding new appeals and decisions. (1) P/18/0505/FP - 247 TITCHFIELD ROAD CROFTON HOUSE SITE TITCHFIELD Upon being proposed and seconded the Officer recommendation that:- Members agree that:- a) Reasons for Refusal (b) and (c) will not be contested as part of the Council’s defence of the forthcoming appeal; and b) The appeal defence proceed on the basis of Reasons for Refusal (a) and (d) as set out in the Decision Notice dated 14 September 2018 Was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against) RESOLVED that Members agree that:- a) Reasons for Refusal (b) and (c) will not be contested as part of the Council’s defence of the forthcoming appeal; and, b) The appeal defence proceed on the basis of Reasons for Refusal (a) and (d) as set out in the Decision Notice dated 14 September 2018. (2) P/19/0761/FP - 45 LONGFIELD AVENUE FAREHAM PO14 1BX Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to grant planning permission was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting: 9 in favour; 0 against) RESOLVED that PLANNING PERMISSION be granted. (3) P/19/0793/FP - 14 SUMAR CLOSE FAREHAM PO14 2EH The Committee received the deputations referred to in Minute 5 above. At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs C Heneghan addressed the Committee on this item. Upon being proposed and seconded the officer recommendation to refuse planning permission was voted on and CARRIED. (Voting; 7 in favour; 2 against) RESOLVED that PLANNING PERMISSION be REFUSED. Reasons for Refusal Page 3 Planning Committee 18 September 2019 The proposal is contrary to Policy CS17 of the adopted Fareham Borough Council Core Strategy and Policy DSP3 of the adopted Fareham Local Plan Part 2: Development Sites and Policies and the Fareham Borough Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document in that it would be of an inappropriate scale and mass in relation to the host property and would have an overbearing harmful impact on the outlook of the neighbouring occupiers, No. 12 Sumar Close. 7. PLANNING APPEALS The Committee noted the information in the report. (The meeting started at 2.30 pm and ended at 3.13 pm). Page 4 Agenda Item 6 P/17/0266/OA FAREHAM EAST, FAREHAM NORTH APPLICANT: Buckland Development AGENT: David Lock Associates Limited SITE: Welborne, Land north of Fareham. PROPOSAL: A new community of up to 6000 dwellings (C3 and C2, including a care home of use class C2) together with a district centre (comprising up to 2,800m2 food store retail (A1), up to 2,419m2 of non-food retail (A1) and up to 2,571m2 of other non-convenience/comparison retail use (A1 - A5)); a village centre (comprising up to 400m2 food store retail (A1), up to 1,081m2 of non- food retail (A1), a public house (up to 390m2 A4 use) and up to 339m2 of other non-convenience/comparison retail use (A1 - A5)); up to 30,000m2 of commercial and employment space (B1); up to 35,000m2 of general industrial use (B2); up to 40,000m2 of warehousing space (B8); a hotel (up to 1,030m2 C1 use); up to 2,480m2 of community uses (D1 and D2); up to 2,200m2 ancillary nursery (D1), health centre (D1) and veterinary services (D1); retention of Dean Farmhouse; a secondary school, Primary schools; pre-schools; green infrastructure including formal and informal open and amenity space; retention of some existing hedgerows, grassland, woodland areas, allotments, wildlife corridors; all supporting infrastructure; household waste recycling centre; requisite sub-stations; sustainable drainage systems including ponds and water courses; a remodelled M27 J10 including noise barrier(s); works to the A32 including the creation of three highway junctions and new crossing(s); distributor roads (accommodating a Bus Transit network) and connections to the surrounding cycleway and pedestrian network; car parking to support enhanced use of Dashwood; ground remodelling; any necessary demolition; with all matters reserved for future determination with the exception of the works to M27 J10 and the three highway junctions and related works to the A32. OFFICER REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE: CASE OFFICER: Mark Wyatt (01329) 824704. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This planning application is made by Buckland Development Limited (BDL) for the new community north of Fareham known as Welborne. The application was first submitted on 6th March 2017. Since that time a number of amendments have been made to the planning application and further amplifying information provided. The application, along with the amended and amplifying information, has been subject to extensive publicity and formal consultation as detailed within the report which follows. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 The planning application site is 377 hectares (932 acres) in area. A further 38 hectares (94 acres) of land known as Dashwood is located immediately to the Page 5 north of the application site and is proposed to be used in association with the development. Dashwood is located within Winchester City Council’s administrative boundary. 2.2 In terms of Welborne’s relationship with existing settlements, the application site is located to the north of Fareham and a mile south of Wickham. The settlement of Funtley lies to the south west of the application site, with the village of Knowle to the west.
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