the appleton north NOCTILUCA Appleton, Wisconsin November 2014 Vol. XX Issue III Online scheduling offers independence By Megha Uberoi The coursebook will be online The switch to Infinite Cam- and the prerequisites to classes pus and the one-to-one technol- so students will be able to check ogy referendum has made the what classes they want. This prospect of online class sched- makes students take ownership uling for next year a viable op- and become advocates for their tion. “Scheduling is a year long future,” said Mr.Pynenberg. process; it never really ends, According to Mrs. Prudom, it just slows down and speeds last year, the school counselors up,” said Mr. Pynenberg. meticulously entered the se- “The change to online niors’ classes to make sure they scheduling will be a gradual meet graduation requirements. process,” said Mr. Pynenberg, “I believe with the gradual “I talked to three other high switch to online scheduling the schools [Kaukauna, Neenah, clerical work will be greatly and DePere] who already have reduced for the school secretar- used Infinite Campus for online ies and counselors,” said Mrs. scheduling and they said for the Prudom. first couple years they took it as Many students understand a slower process.” the benefits of online schedul- Due to the gradual switch Using a Chromebook and FlexiSched, Mrs. Amber Evey Schmidt helps junior ing too. to online scheduling students Noreen Alam in homeroom to schedule her I/E time for the week. Next year, North “I think online scheduling will still be required to fill out students should also be able to use another new program, Infinite Campus, to through Infinite Campus will the course request sheets that schedule their classes for the year. Photo by Paige Beckum be much easier to use for the will be due Dec. 12 according students of Appleton North to Mrs. Julie Prudom, school through the online scheduling front of them and they already into the computer and then because with the new Chrome- counselor. In January, after the process or bring classes down will be signed off by the coun- parents will be able to go into books students will be able to sheets are turned in, the plan to to the LGI and go through the selors and parents. the portal and make sure that check and set their schedule be executed by the guidance de- process with them. “Now with online schedul- is what they want. So it is defi- anywhere in the school, not to partment will be to either go to During the process the stu- ing the students can take own- nitely not a process the students mention at home,” said Brad classrooms and walk students dents will have their sheets in ership of getting that schedule will have to go through alone. Pennings, junior. Standardized testing provides opportunity to grow By Erik Bakken year, most notably with the Standardized tests have “That’s really a ACT Aspire for freshman. Mr. always been held at North, Chad Behnke, the school’s whether the Wisconsin Knowl- theme with Technology Integrator ex- edge and Concepts Exam standardized plains: I helped set up what’s (WKCE) or the Measures of testing this year; we known as a kiosk app on the Academic Progress (MAP) want everyone to... Chromebooks. In general, tests. Both have been in place have the same Chromebooks in kiosk mode only allow one application to at North to provide admin- opportunities.” istration and teachers with a be open at a time; this is need- snapshot of where students -Mr. Dave ed to maintain the integrity of are in learning, but there have Pynenberg, associate questions posed in an online been concerns in the last few principal at environment,” Mr. Behnke year as to whether these tests Appleton North said. can accurately portray stu- He, along with many oth- dents abilities. Thus, several ers, believes that the future of new tests are being offered by prove and how teachers can standardized testing will be North this year. help them in that improvement North’s school report card reflects on several as- affected by changes in tech- The ACT Aspire and the process,” Mr. Pynenberg said. pects of scholastics, including standardized test- nology. But what about the entire ACT will be given, so And not only that, but stan- ing. Both standardized test performance and atten- response from the school com- students will be testing more dardized tests can reflect to the dance are taken into account. View the full report on munity? How do students feel than ever; but there is a posi- state how a school is achiev- the AASD website. Graphic by Erik Bakken about the increased testing in tive side to the hours of stan- ing. Each year, Appleton the 2014-15 school year? dardized tests, said Mr. Dave North receives a report card, ACT participation and per- “It’s a lot of paperwork, but “The general sentiment has Pynenberg, associate principal or a comprehensive analysis formance. Wisconsin seeks we want to make sure that all been good, and we’ve gotten a and testing coordinator at Ap- of how students are doing in to improve ACT performance of our students with disabili- lot of positive feedback about pleton North. school. North currently ranks numbers in high schools by re- ties have the same opportuni- the changes this year,” said “The standardized tests to in the ‘Significantly Exceeds quiring the ACT for all juniors. ties. That’s really a theme with Mr. Pynenberg. North sopho- be offered at North this year Expectations’ category, with Since the state is covering standardized testing this year; more Skye Iwanski agrees. are crucial, because they paint Appleton West and East fall- the nearly $100 cost, students we want everyone to be in the “Although it can be te- a more accurate picture of ing into the ‘Exceeds Expecta- will not have to pay for the same situation and to have the dious to take standardized where a student is for teach- tions’ category. Categories that test. Also, students with dis- same opportunities,” said Mr. tests, I think that the increased ers, parents and for the student factor in to the overall percent- abilities needing special test Pynenberg. amount of testing this year themselves. They will be used age grade are graduation rate, circumstances will be eligible Technology has also been will actually be a good thing.” to find where a student can im- post-secondary readiness, and for testing. integrated into testing this NEWS Appleton, Wisconsin November 2014 Volume XX Issue III Page 2 The Referendum Showcase: Informing the public By Ally Price meaning each student got their their money was going. The Appleton North participat- own. Students in grades 3 second was to visit any of the ed in the AASD Referendum through 8 were given Chrome- schools in the district on No- Showcase on Wednesday, books on a 4:1 ratio, meaning vember 19th and take a tour. Nov. 19. This district-wide that they would have to share; These tours went on through- event aimed to inform the their Chromebooks were to be out the day and was avail- public about the many con- kept on carts at the schools. able to anyone who called the struction projects and tech- The second referendum school and reserved a spot. nological additions to our question asked if voters would The third option was to take schools since this past year. give the district $5 million per the citywide tour, which ran These new additions can be year for “recurring purpos- the morning of the 19th and seen in both our school and es”, which includes “ongoing featured a bus ride to schools schools around the Appleton school building maintenance around the city. This was the Area School District. projects; replacement of in- most extensive option; it al- The AASD paid for these operable technology; and staff lowed guests to visit four improvements using money positions to support technol- schools (East High, Johnston from a referendum voted on ogy training.” This money can Elementary, Madison Middle, earlier this year. On Feb. 18 be used to fix Chromebooks, and West High School) to see of this year, voters were asked PA systems, playgrounds, a variety of projects. to vote on two questions. The building infrastructure, and The Referendum Showcase first asked to give the district more. was a positive event for the district, according to Apple- up to $25 million to pay for In 1995, the Appleton North Student Council led tours While many citizens voted “reconfiguring building en- to pass the referendum, most ton North principal Mr. James of North for community members. In 2014, the refer- trances and classroom spaces don’t know what their money Huggins who said, “There are to improve building security endum showcase allowed for taxpayers to experience is going towards. The district a significant number of capi- and function; updating science the referendum’s firsthand by touring schools in the was hoping to change that by tal improvement projects, as and industrial use; replacing AASD. Archive photo holding a Referendum Show- well as technology upgrades school building windows, Also included in part one are necessary in today’s soci- case. This event showed off and purchases, that occurred generators, and electrical ser- of the referendum was money ety. Personal technology re- the new additions made. across the District as a result vice to improve function and for the Chromebooks. $4 mil- fers to student Chromebooks. There were three ways that of the referendum’s success. energy efficiency; and con- lion of the total budget was The referendum allowed the taxpayers could access the The showcase is one way to struction of additional space set aside for technology.
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