N ■/ ,'v ■ ■ X- TUESD AY, a u g u s t 14, 1986 PAGE FOl^TEEN \ ;;iManfhPglgf Ijpralb Average Dafly Net Press Ruik JThe Weather F or the Week Ended FereeMt ^ P. 8. Weather BorMU A daughter waa bom Friday In that .lime covered 4,400 miles. Tliey June I f , 1966 Martford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Hike in Home Assessments Picnics to End were particularly impreased with CSear, cool again tenIghL lAm Al)outTown WHIiam Parkinson, 62 Wedgewood the growth oftMlanil Beach and its HRE TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE In mid BA*. ' ’IliunNlajr moatly Dr. ' , * On Playgrounds many palatii^l hotels. They speijt Notice of the ’Tax Collector of the South Mailcheater Fire DIatrlet 12,06! Riinny, not quite no waki. High Dr. WilUam Schneider of Rock- some time at Clearwater Beach Memper of tlm Audit Expected to Be 42 Per Qent All persona liable by law to pay taxes m the .south Man­ near 80. vlUe wlU be guest speaker at tlie Msrlin Atpian, chief pharpia- The last Family 'Picnic Suppef near St. Petersburg. chester Fire Dljitrlrt are hereby notified that I wjll liave a rnto Bureau et OIrculatJon jyJItancheHer—^A City of Village Charm meeting of Manchester Wales this cist at Manchest^ Memorial Hos­ of the summer .season is scheduled Mrs, Mae M. Vennard, who is as­ bill for the list of 1955 of 8 mills on the dollar due hqd collectible evening at the Italian -American pital. ptans to attehd^the American The aver'age increase in assess- j for this evening on the 10 Man­ sistant clerk of Manchester Towp on August 15, 1956, and will hnve office hours for th>..^ollectlon :z; C3ub on jadridge St. Weighing will Hospital As.soriation Institute for ment for residential land and • Court, met two families during of such lax at Hoae House No. 4 on S<-hool Street each-N^etday Coiithifl^^rrvicfa j chester playground.^. PRICE FIVE fake place atT:30 as usual./Mrs. Hospital Pharmacists a tth * Uni- buildinga after tax revaluation This will be the la.st chance for i their slay there who bought build-; and Thursday evenings from 7 P. .51. to 9 P. M. and on S a n ^ n y t VOL. LX X V ,^. 269 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) iCANGHBSTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1956 (COaMdiled Adverliang en Page M ) CENTS . Anne Rickls of Windsor wdn the ver.sity of Chicago. Aug. 20'-tn,24. ing lots, so cnlhusiastlc were they j from 10 A. 51. to P. M. beginning Thursday, .August 16, 1956^-. w ill probably be about 42 per ceht.,^ families to use the fireplaces on | 6 flO prUe for the greatest^ weight the playgrounds for a cook-out. \ I over the color and beauty of the | Schedule of collection hours at Hqsc Hbuse No. 4— 19 School 'Uje Revaluation Advisory Commit­ reduction during the mionh o f July. Mrs. Alexander' Mannella, presi­ • The.se picnics have been fairly j landscape'--and houses. Whether; Street: - ' H H pounds. Miss Joan Kenney of dent of the Women’s Auxiliary, and tee lemned last night at a meeting well attended this y^ar by both people plan to build or not. land in ’ Thursday,. August 16 7 r. .M. Ill 9 P. M. Manchester was second with a loss her husband, will jail Aug. 18 on with Henyy Mutrie. tax assessor. children and adult.s. After the Florida is a good investment, she .Saturday, August 18 10 .A. M. to 6 P. 51. '.t* . o f 10 pounds, and was awarded $.1 . the Mauretania for a visit to I and repre.sftitatives of Valiiation families picnic, the playgeound believes. As an example, she spoke Tueaday, . August 21 7 P. .M. to 9 P. 51. Dr. S^neider will epjfak about 8 France, Switzerland, Holland, Italy ' i^sociates, the'" m conducting", supervisora lead the group in -df one piece of land which has' Thursday, August 28 7 P. .51. to 9 P, 51. •’clock. , , and England.. The Mannellas are game.s and olhec,group agtivities,^ soai'-ed in value since last March to| August 25 10 A. M. to 6 P. 51. the tax revaluation.'-i.; Saturday, expected to fetum Sept. 17. the tune of *.500, qp'^about *100 a, Tuesday, August 28 7 P, 51. to 9 P. .51. A ao(i.-Was bom Friday in Hgrt- The,-12 per cent hike i'S the av^r month. Z ' Thursday, August 80 7 P. .51. to 9,P. M. ford-Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ron- The surgical dressings group of ' age for .50 examples of resiH^Hal Vennards Return Saturday, September 10 JA, ,51. to 6 r. 51. j M I* Hall, 57 Falknor Dr. the Manchester Memorial Hospital I properties chosen for revjAv'*!^ Tueaday, September 4 7 P. 51. to 9 P. 51. Auxiliary, will resume work Sept. I the committee. - From Trip South Thursday, September 6 7 P. 51. to 9 P. 51. A daughter was bom Friday in 10, according, to Mrs. Dane Gid- ! Among tho.se .sam^e.s. main F O R R E N T Saturday, September 8 10 .A. .51. to 6 r. 51. j buildings increased sm average of ; Sti Francis Hospital to Mr. and . dings. The unit meets every Mon­ Mr* and Mrs. Alfred -Vennard' 8 and 18 mm. Movie Prpjectofa Tueaday, .September 11 7 P., 51. to 9 P. 51. ’ Mrs. James Fitzpatrick, 200 Hit- day from. 2 to 4 p.m. in the Aux­ ' 41.8 f per-cent, acc^sory building ' —sound or ailent, also SS mm. Thursday, September 18 7 P. M. to 9 P. 51. 34,2 per cent, land 44.40 per and son, Dennis, have returned t o : Bard St. iliary dining room and Is ’interested their home, 184 Holljatcr St., after slide projectors. ^Saturday, September 15 AlO A. 51. to 6 P. 51. cent. in persons W-ho wish to beconie a vacation tour of Florida's East A t all other tlmea Ihe tax may be paid at my home at 11^ Nomination on Opening Ballot WELDON DRUG CO. members. - Increase in/ 8 of the .50 ca.ses and West Coasts. They spent thrff’' ' Summer Street, 5lohdays through Frldaya, 2 I*. 51. to 7 P. 51. 901 Main St Tel. »II S-5S21 Failure to make payment before September 16, rendei^ha were bclovv/ 30 p « ’ cent, in 1.3 weeks in the South’, and during ca.ses the/fnereases were between tax delinquent and Interest will be added al Ihe rate of /' |«ri ^na Presents Colors .50 a n d ^ per cent, and in three' per cent per month or portion thereof, dating from Augiiatj 15, THE OFFICE OF i the Increases were more than 60 1956. / ., V 'ni05I.AS 55'EIRi.tkilloctor. DR. WILLIAM L. At VKW Conclave pei-^nt. Civil Rights. Plank „ome members of the commit- y ■ Fight on Civil Rights CONLON Mrs. Ruth Cunningham, presi­ ee expressed surprise al the size of some increases, but agreed on Rev. James B. .Maelagan A- dent of the Dadies Auxiliary 29 HAYNES STREET reflection that they were justified. the Veterans of Foreign W ari^of One committee member Said he Thb Rev, James B. Maelagan of : to S Could Upset Margin WILL BE CLOSED the State of Connecticut, hax *P* expected the largest increa.sea in j London, England, superintendent pointed tile patriotic instplctor of residential assessments would be of the South British I>les District ' i - ■ e \ ' in the fringe areas, undeveloped PROM AUG. 11th ' her Department, Mrs. ^ a r y I.,e- of the Church of the Nazarenc, | Chicago, Aug. 15 (/P)— The Democratc party’s proposed Chicago, Auff. 15 (TP)— The Georgia tjeleRatinn to the^DMo* ' Due, past president or Andersont in 1947 when the last revaluation Givil Right.s platform plank said today the Supreme Court’.s thru SEPT. 3rd Shea PosD No. 204^Ladies Aux­ was made, but built up aince that will conduct apecial services at cratic national convention aRreed today to vote aRainfn\|h9 iliary, to present iitr Department time. the Church of the Nazarene here All Day W ei> Aug. J5 desegrelfation decisioii.s ” have brought con-sequences of 5’ast platform drafted by the convention platform committee. Colors at the Iw io n a l Encamp­ Aithough commercial lands and Wednesday through Friday at importance." But the draft said “ we reject all projxisala for : so MAY HAVE FITX TOOE^ER ADD DEPARTMENTS ment in DaWasf Te.x.. today. I building were mentioned briefly 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 10:45 the luie of force to’tnferfere aavaa Chicago, Aug. 15 (i<P)— The Adlai Stevenson bandwagon Mrs.. LeDpe,afc'ompanled by I last night, the main discussion a.m. and 7 p.m. tii; ' WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY the orderly determination of t h e s e ^ . c j l * . Mrs. Floreilce Streeter, past De­ I hinged on residential properties. A native of Scotland. iHe Rev. matters by the com Is ” L i O U V e i l t l O n S l a l C rolled to within 34 vote.spf a first ballot nomination today on p a rtm en t president, and Mrs. I Examples Mr. Maelagan was converted un­ Although the suggested edilca- , • the basis of Associated Press tabulations of delegate caucuses M artht^ Mansfleld, Gold Star ! Among the residential proper- der the liiinistry of Dr. Oeorge tion plank had omitted any refer-, -- ' i. and unofficial preferences. Mother, motored to Texas to at- ities presented as examples were; Sliarpe.
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