Proposed Residential Development Drumford Meadow, Portadown Site Location Plan 62 Drumnagoon Road 56 36 33 35 39 31 43 41 29 22 25 20 27 Drumford Meadow 11 19 18 13 9 1 7 5 0 25 50 75 100 125 North Approximate Scale in Metres Key Proposed Application Boundary Existing Roads and Footway under control of DfI Roads Ref|2384-050-03-20-001 :: Scale 1:2500 @ A3 :: Drawn|JC :: Date|Sept 2020 Antrim Construction Company P L L ng i sDe no s r e t t aP na Al Proposed Residential Development Drumford Meadow, Portadown Site Context RailwayBelfast towards to M1 Motorway M12 Motorway Rushmere A3 Central Way Shopping Centre Carn Industrial Estate A3 Northway Cinema Hope Church Craigavon Drumnagoon Road Carnregh M12 Motorway SITE to Lurgan Seagoe Industrial Estate Kingdom Central Hall of Sports Area Jehovah's Witnesses Kernan A3 Northway Hill Kernan Hill Road Manor A27 Mandeville Road Portadown Integrated Primary School Seagoe Portadown Railway towards Primary School A27 Lurgan Road Craigavon Area Hospital Southern Regional Killicomaine College Junior High School Bocombra Craigavon Primary to Portadown Senior High School School 0 100 200 300 400 500 North Approximate Scale in Metres Key Sites Access via Kernan Hill Educational Facilities Recreational Facilities Primary Road Links Road & Drumnagoon Road Retail Premises Bus Stops Railway Line Ref|2384-050-03-20-002 :: Scale 1:10000 @ A3 :: Drawn|JC :: Date|Sept 2020 Antrim Construction Company P L L ng i sDe no s r e t t aP na Al Proposed Residential Development Drumford Meadow, Portadown Area Plan Extract Extracted from Craigavon Area Plan 2010 - Map No. 5 - Craigavon Urban Area 0 50 100 150 200 250 North Approximate Scale in Metres Key Proposed Application Boundary Land Zoned for Housing - Phase 1 Protected Route Development Limit Existing Open Space National Cycle Network Ref|2384-050-03-20-003 :: Scale 1:5000 @ A3 :: Drawn|JC :: Date|Sept 2020 Antrim Construction Company P L L ng i sDe no s r e t t aP na Al Proposed Residential Development Concept Master Plan Drumford Meadow, Portadown Buffer Planting New Area of Public Amenity Woodland Planting Visual and Acoustic Buffer to Workshop Existing Workshop Connecting to Drumnagoon Road Buffer Planting Wildlife Corridor Dwellings orientated to overlook public open space Wildlife Corridor Buffer Planting Dwellings orientated to supervise upgraded distributor road Existing Hedgerows Kernan Hill Road Location of Proposed Play Area Towards 0 25 50 75 100 125 North Mandeville Road Approximate Scale in Metres Key Proposed Application Line of New/Upgraded Proposed Planting Proposed Play Area Boundary Distributor Road Existing Trees and Hedgerows Illustrative Dwelling Form Area of Public Amenity Space Combined Cycle/Footway Retained Public Amenity Space, Connecting Footway for Indicative Road Network Proposed Trees New Woodland Area Pedestrian Permeability Ref|2384-050-03-20-004 :: Scale 1:1250 @ A1 :: Drawn|JC :: Date|September 2020 Antrim Construction Company A la n P a t t e r s o n D e s ig n L L P Proposed Residential Development Development Phasing Drumford Meadow, Portadown and Planning History PHASE 2B PH 2C PHASE 3 PHASE 2A PHASE 1 PHASE 3 0 25 50 75 100 125 North Approximate Scale in Metres PHASNG PLANNING PERMISSIONS STATUS N/2009/0470/F, LA08/2015/0469/F & PHASE 1 Constructed LA08/2017/1059/F PHASE 2A LA08/2018/0033/F & LA08/2018/0603/F Under Construction PHASE 2B N/2008/0138/F & LA08/2018/0425/F Under Construction PHASE 2C N/2008/0138/F Not yet constructed Previously covered in part by PHASE 3 Subject site for this consultation N/2008/0138/F & LA08/2018/0033/F Ref|2384-050-03-20-005 :: Scale 1:2500 @ A3 :: Drawn|JC :: Date|Sept 2020 Antrim Construction Company P L L ng i sDe no s r e t t aP na Al Proposed Residential Development Ref|2384-050-03-20-007 :: Scale 1:1250 @ A1 Drawn|JC Date|September 2020 Antrim Construction Company Drumford Meadow, A58.3b 4 A58.3a 5 Portadown A114.1 15 A114.2A A114.1 21 18 A114.1 A1.2 spc 19 22 A14.1 17 20 A1.2 spc 23 A1.2 spc A1.2 A14.1 G 1 43 G Gospel Hall A14.1 G A1.2 spc 16 A6 24 A14.1 18 G G 21 A130.1 A6 25 G A6a G1 A114.1 17 30 A130.1 G1 42 A6a 22 A114.1 A6 2 A6 16 A6sw 111 23 A6 A130.3 A6 A27.1 29 3 15 G A1.2 spc A1.2 26 A1.2 spc A1.2 spc A1.2 A130.3 G G1 28 A6 4 G 112 37 14 36 A6 A14.1 5 A114.4 A130.1 24 G1 41 G A6 31 A130.3 A130.3 A14.1 G A6a A114.4 A6 G 12a G G1 A130.1 40 D_DOORS_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOORS_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 25 123 G A15.2 D_DOORS_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 39 38 HEADER HEADER GLASS 27 DG A14.3 G G1 32 113 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR S_DOOR1 122 HEADER HEADER GLASS A6 G1 G DG 12 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR HEADERGLASS HEADER S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR 26 9 G A130.2 HEADER HEADERGLASS A15.2 A130.2 8 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR 35 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR S_DOOR1 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR2 D_DOOR A15.2S_DOOR1 6 114 G 121 HEADER HEADERGLASS G1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 G1 A15.2 33 HEADER HEADERGLASS S_DOOR2 D_DOOR S_DOOR1 G1 G1 G G A130.3 G1 34 A130.3 10 34 A1.2 spc A1.2 spc 11 G1 A15.2 A114.1 7 A7.1 A6 A114.1 27 120 35 A1.2 spc 28 115 A130.2 29 G1 30 31 39 32 A1.2 G1 A1.2 spc A6 A130.3 33 A14.3 116 G1 A130.3 A6 A130.1 A130.1 A1.2 spc A6 A130.2 G1 86 38 A1.2 spc A1.2 119 G1 37 A1.2 spc A1.2spc G1 A108.1 A108.1 117 A1.2 A108.1 A108.1 DG 36 DG A15.2 53 54 118 G1 A108.1 A15.2 87 A108.1 52 G1 A1.2 55 51 A1.2 spc 56 G2 G2 G2 G2 Gs 50 A15.2 49 57 G1 A108.1 G2 A108.1 G2 G1 88 A15.2 G1 G1 58 A15.2 G1 A1.2 G2 48 G2 G1 47 S_DOOR1D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR S_DOOR2 89 46 A15.2 D_DOOR G2 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 G2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR 86b S_DOOR2 Gs S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 86a S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR 46 G2 47 G2 87a A130.1 G2 A1.2 110 A15.2 HEADER G1 HEADERGLASS S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR A130.1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR G2 A15.2S_DOOR1 HEADER 87b HEADERGLASS HEADER HEADERGLASS S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR G1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR A15.2 A15.2bwS_DOOR1 HEADER HEADERGLASS HEADER HEADERGLASS Gs G2 A15.2 85b 90 94 G1 G2 G2 A130.1 A6 G2 A1.2 59 G1 A15.2 93 85a A6 91 A6 A130.1 G1 A15.2 95 108 60 A15.2 109 G2 G1 A6 88a G1 G2 107 A1.2 A15.2 G2 Gs A15.2 G2 A17.1 A17.1 92 88b A1.2spc A6 A6sw A15.2 G1 G1 104 93 84 G1 105 A6 A17.1 A6 92 G1 49 G2 103 A6 48 A1.2spc A6a G2 91 89 A17.1 G1 A6 61 A1.2spc 94 G1 A6a G1 A6 102 G1 Gs 95 A1.2 106 A6spc 126 125 A6 90 96 A6 124 DG A6a G1 A15.5 A6a A6 DG G1 83c 82 83b A6 A15.5 83a 98 97 G1 101 A1.2 81 A15.2 62 99 96c A6a A6 A35.2 A15.2 G1 63 G1 Gs DG A1.2spc 100 A6 96d A27.2 DG 96b A1.2 96a A6 80 64 A130.1 G2 G1 G1 A108.1 G2 79 A130.1 DG 65 DG A108.1 96e G1 A15.2 DG Planning Approved Layout G2 A108.1 78 G2 96f DG 96g Gs A15.2 0 96h A108.1 77 96i DG 66 A18.1s A15.2 DG A15.2 A1.2 A108.1 G1 A108.1 spc A1.2 Approximate Scale in Metres 76 A1.2spc 67 99 A1.2spc A108.1 A15.2 A17.1 A15.2 129 A6 G1 G2 A108.1 75 68 69 G2 G1 A27.1 A6 HEADER HEADER GLASS GLASS HEADER HEADER A17.1 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR A15.2 25 98b G1 148 98a A35.2 130 127 G1 G1 Gs DG 128 149 147 A1.2 spc A1.2 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 DG G1 S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR DG DG 97 146 A15.2 DG 100a 74 G1 G2 G1 G2 136 A6 DG A108.1 A27.1 G1 A15.2 73 100b 131 A108.1 A6 G1 72 G1 81 A27.1 132 G2 82 A1.2 50 DG G2 A15.5 145 150 G1 DG A1.2 spc A1.2 A15.5 A6 DG A6a A6 101 DG A27.1 137 33.50 DG FFL: A35.2 G1 133 134 DG 135 A27.1 A15.2 A6 A15.2 144 138 A108.1 A2.2 A108.1 A6a 106 151 A1.2 105 DG 75 107 139 A1.2 104 A6 DG DG 103 DG A27.1 DG 140 102 DG 143 152 DG A1.2 DG G1 spc A1.2 DG DG DG 141 156 DG 155 100 157 S_DOOR1 G1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 158 A6 G1 159 A7.1 S_DOOR1D_DOOR spc A1.2 S_DOOR2 A6a S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR 160 A6 153 142 HEADERGLASS HEADER HEADERGLASS G1 HEADER D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 A15.2S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 A1.2 spc 154 GLASSHEADER HEADER A15.2 A7.1 HEADER HEADERGLASS A1.2 HEADER 165 HEADERGLASS HEADERGLASS A15.2 HEADER S_DOOR1D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR A15.2 S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR HEADER GLASS 125 HEADER HEADERGLASS 164 D_DOORS_DOOR2 DG S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 163 DG S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1D_DOOR A114.1 DG A114.1 DG 162 161 A l a n P t e r s o D i g L North Proposed Residential Development Ref|2384-050-03-20-006 :: Scale 1:1250 @ A1 Drawn|JC Date|September 2020 Antrim Construction Company Drumford Meadow, S_DOOR1 S_DOOR2 D_DOOR S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 1 HEADER HEADER GLASS HEADER GLASS HEADER S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 D_DOOR A15.2bwS_DOOR1 2 3 G1 A6a A58.3b A6 4 A58.3a 5 A6 6 A6sw A6a G1 9 7 G1 A6 A6 8 A6 10 11 12 A1.2spc 13 Portadown G1 14 A1.2spc A6 19 G1 A6 A114.1 A6 20 A114.2A 15 A6 21 18 A114.1 A1.2 spc 19 A1.2spc 22 17 20 A1.2 spc 23 A1.2 spc A1.2 A1.2spc 1 43 A1.2spc A1.2 spc 16 A6 24 18 A1.2spc 21 A130.1 A6 25 A6a G1 17 A6 30 A130.1 G1 42 A6a 22 A6 A6 2 A6 16 A6sw A1.2spc 111 23 A6 A6 A130.3 A27.1 29 169 3 A15.2 15 A1.2 spc A1.2 26 A1.2 spc A1.2 spc A1.2 A15.2 A130.3 Gs 28 A6 4 112 168 ESS 4.5m 37 14 36 A6 A1.2spc 5 167 A114.4 A130.1 24 G1 41 A15.2 A130.3 A130.3 31 A1.2spc A15.2 A6a A114.4 12a G1 40 S_DOOR1 A130.1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 124 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 25 A15.2 A1.2spc S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR 39 38 HEADER HEADER GLASS DG 123 27 G1 32 A27.1 113 A1.2spc S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR HEADER HEADERGLASS A6 G1 DG 12 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 HEADER GLASS HEADER S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 26 9 A130.2 GLASSHEADER HEADER A15.2 A130.2 8 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 D_DOOR 35 S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 166 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR S_DOOR2 S_DOOR2 A15.2D_DOOR S_DOOR1 85 6 114 HEADER HEADERGLASS G1 122 S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR G1 A15.2 33 HEADER HEADER GLASS S_DOOR2 S_DOOR1 D_DOOR G1 DG A130.3 G1 34 34 DG A130.3 10 A1.2spc DG A1.2 spc A7.1 11 G1 A15.2 DG 7 A6 A7.1 A6 27 35 A1.2 spc S_DOOR1 D_DOOR A6 S_DOOR2 28 115 A130.2 40 S_DOOR1 29
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