SEE STORY BELOW The Weather -Partly sunny and mild THEDAILY FINAL today, mostly cloutly tonight Red Bank, Freehold with chance of fog during Cong Branch early morning hours tomor-. J EDITION row. 21 PACES' Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Plus Tabloid VOL.95 NO. 212 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, MAY 1,1973 TEN CENTS . niiiHmuuiiiniiiniiii imimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii m inn iiiiiiimHmiiiifinimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiHimiiHuimmmifHiiiiirmiiHimumiiiimiiilimmmiiHmim^ itergate Blame; 4 Top Aides Out WASHINGTON (AP) - man at the top must bear (ho Nixon's behalf, the resigna- was authority granted Secre-. The criticism was not stilted Speaking from his Oval Ot- 1 Trying to turn his shaken ad- responsibility. That response. tions of four key adminis- tan, of Defense Elliot I. Rich- by Nixon's address, although fice in the White House, the 9 ministration to "the vital blity, therefore, belongs here, grim-faced chief executive tralion figures: Attorney Gen- ardson, bis nominee for at- he *on general praise for his work before us," President in this office. I accept it." said: . • eral Richard (i. Kleindienst, torney general, "to name a attempts to clean up the Nixon has assumed final re- But- he pictured himself as "1 pledge to you tonight, White' House chief of staff special supervising prosecutor White House slaff. • « sponsibility for the Watergate the victim, for nine months, of from this office, lhat 1 will U.K. Haldeman, presidential, for mattenyarising out oP the Richardson, a former U.S. scandal while declaring those lies by trusted associates who, do everything in my power to assistant John D. Khrlichman case'' should Richardson attorney and elected* attorney criminally guilty must pay the ' he said, convinced him no one ensure [hat the guilty are and White House Counsel deem lhat appropriate. general of Massachusetts, penalty. in his administration was in- brlmght to justice,, and that John W. Dean 3rd. A number of Congress was put in immediate charge Addressing a nationwide volved in last June's cam- such abuses are purged from Dean was fired; the others members of both parties have of'iill federal inquiries con- television-radio audience on paign burglary of Democratic our political processes resigned. demanded that Nixon himself cerning Watergate. Nixon de- the 100th day of his second National Committee head- Barely nine hours earlier. (See related Stories, page 2) appoint a special prosecutor scribed him as "a man of term, Nixon said last night: quarters in the Watergate Press Secretary. Konald L. The only new element dis- from outside administration unimpeachable integrity and "In any organization, the here. Ziegler had announced, on closed by Nixon in his address ranks. rigorously high principle." His^yoioe husky and emo- tional at times. Nixon ac- knowledged at the outset of his 24-minute address that Watergate charges inevitably have raised "serious ques- Controls Power Extended tions about the integrity of he WASHINGTON (AEJ) - and a requirement that big Democrats and'57 Republi- further modified in a confer- Hep. William B. Widndll of White House itself." President Nixon has authority corporations make public in- cans voted ho. Opponents in- ence with the Senate. New Jersey, senior Republi- Declaring that public faith to control wages and prices formation justifying price in- cluded members opposed to can on the Banking Com- in the presidency must "take for another year, voted by a crease of l.j per cent or more. any controls, others who Hep. Loonor K. Sullivan, D- mittee, said the petroleum-al- priority over all personal con- bitterly divided Congress and wanted a simple extension, Mo., chairman of a House location provisions will not siderations." Nixon said: The division on the measure consumer-affairs subcom- help the country, the wage ex- "Whatever may appear to signed at the White House un- was across party and ideolo- and others who wanted Con- der deadline pressure. gress to decree'ceilings or mittee, told her colleagues, emption could have an in- have been the case before — ."•-"••-"•••»» Wlr«pHbt» gical lilies. Several supporters "This bill is the consumer's flationary effect, and that whatever improper activities UNSCHEDULED APPEARANCE — President The House took the' final said they voted, for it only to rollbacks — as did the bill legislative action less than six originally approved by the Waterloo if.'Miot his Water- many companies objected to may yet be discovered in con- Nixon addresses newsmen In fhe White House avoid disruptions if tho au- gate." She said "it does little the disclosure provisions, al- nection with this whole sordid press room last night afjer delivering a-nation- _ hours before the authority thority \vere allowed to lapse. House Banking Committee. would have expired last mid- more than give President Nix- though he said some affair — 1 want the American wide television address. Nixon made the unsche- That bill was lost on the on the power he has Used so safeguards against disclosing people, I want you to know duled appearance after the White House an- ( night. It passed, 267 to 115, a In the House, 153 Demo- ' compromise measure praised crats joined 114 Republicans House floor to a Republican- ineffectively to curb in- trade sectets had been writ- beyond the shadow of a doubt nounced there would be no pictures after his flation."' . ten'in conference. See Nixon, page 2 speech. by few members. to pass the measure, while 5S backed substitute which was The Senate had acted ear- lier. By rionrecord voice vote, after Sen. Gale Mcdee, D- Wyo., withdrew a threat to JudgetoDecide talk until midnight unless he Assembly Haggles, OKs State Budget got Senate action on a post- TRENTON (AP) -In its last gen County, who has already Uie state's program ol auto pol- :)8-;iH and so the motion failed and the rules of the General card-voter-registration bill. scheduled session until after been confirmed as the next lution control which would be to carry. •* Assembly during their maneu- Nixon signed the measure the fall elections, the Assem- chief justice of the State Su- part of the inspection pro- With three exceptions, it vering. Pentagon Case two hours before the deadline. bly has approved the state preme Court gram. was a straight party line vote Afer the 3H-3X vote on the The bill extends Nixon's budget for the next fiscal Arter a marathon session The $2.:i!» billion budget was with'Democrats supporting key motion, the Democratic basic authority for a year. It year, a delay in an auto pollu- that last more than 15 hours, approved after virtually an the motion, Republicans op- floor leader John J. Horn of contains none-of the manda- tion control program and two the Assembly adjourned this entire afternoon of parlia- posing it. Republican Peter Camden asked for "a 15 min- tory price-or-rent-rollback bills to aid senior citizens. morning. mentary maneuvering and Garibaldi of Middlesex and ute recess." Future Today ^provisions for which eon- The house also witnessed Chaill announced yesterday partisan haggling. Independent Anthony Impe- The recess took more than "' sumcr advocates worked, and that he would like the Senate The key vote came relati- rialc of Essex voted with the an hour and was actually LOS ANGELES (AP) - considering thejr request for a the resignation of its Republi- to that extent pleases the ad- to come, back in special ses- vely early in the afternoon on Democrats. Democrat David called to get Dr. William (I. The judge in the Pentagon pa- hearing with present and for- can floor leader, Richard W. ministration, which wanted a sion in June to recortsider a motion by House Democrats J. Kriedland of Hudson voted Wilkerson, D-Hudson, back pers ft-ial was to announce mer, officials in the Nixon ad- DeKorte of Bergen, who is ru- simple extension. three bills to protect the envi- to amend the budget to appro- with the Republicans. from Jersey City whore he today whether he'll stop the ministration. mored to be appointed soon as ronment that were defeated priate $1.^ million to finance a Antlcllmactlc had gone to take his col- trial and demand sworn testi- Ellsberg's chief attorney, But it does contain provi- counsel to Gov. William T. last Thursday. program of J5U0 yearly bo- The final vote of 55-17 on Ihe league, Christopher Jackman, mony of two former U.S. at- Leonard Boudin, demanded sions to which Nixon spokes- Cahill. Ironically, Cahill is ex- nuses to Vietnam era veterans budget was almost antitiimat- D-Hudson. to the hospital. torneys general and nine oth- that a full-scale hearing bo men objected: Authority for (Other Assembly Stories on pected to sign a bill the As- to help them through college. ic, coming as it did some four er men on possible links be- held with former Attorneys allocation of petroleum prod- page 2) At first reluctant Wilkerson sembly approved yesterday With just a simple majority hours after debate on the tween the trial and the Water- General John N. Mitchell and ucts, exemption of wages up DeKorto would replace finally Returned to the capitol which would delay until Feb. 1 needed, the vote was a tic at budget began. gate affair. Richard G. Kleindienst and to 33.50 an hour from controls. Pierre V. Garven, also of Ber- but his votes were not needed others speaking under oath. Democrats tried without since subsequent motions U.S. District Court Judge "Very frankly, we don't success for two hours to get a were not close and were hand- Matt Byrne said on Monday trust the government of the vote on other amendments to ily defeated by the Republi- lhat the government's re- United States." Boudin said.
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