-·-------..... r.-· ' ' ' , t f , ~ .. ~ I ::J R. I. Jewish Historical .t\ ci sn. I I 130 Se ssio~s Street P~ovidcr.c e, Rhoec Island 02906 Support Read By Jewish More Thon Agencies 35,000 With Your People It Membership ,. VOLUME LVII, NUMBER 52 FRIDAY,FEBRUARY28, 1975 16PAGES 20¢PERCOPY Soviet Military Advisers Said To Double In 'Libya PARIS: The number of Soviet Egypt in ari all-out war policy if military advisers and equipment Mr. Sadat agreed. experts in Libya has . more than The Russians who went to Libya doubled in the last year, a reliable to replace the Egyptian experts source said here. were said to be concentrating on There are now more than 480 teaching the use of the SAM-2, Russians working with Libyan SAM-3 and SAM-6 antiaircraft military units, compared with 200 a missiles, ,antitank missiles, T-62 year ago, according to the source, tanks and radar systems 'that who refused to be identified. The Moscow has sold to Libya. source has access to secret reports on Middle East activities. Said to Have Own Base The increase in the Soviet The Soviet experts have contingent was said to be a result of established a base of their own near the withdrawal of Egyptian the large air base near Tripoili, instructors after President Anwar. which was operated by the United el-Sadat and the Libyan leader, States Air Force until 1970 under Col. M uammar el-Qaddafi •had the name of Wheelus Air Base. quarrelle<l_ ovi:r policies. The Russians also man Colonel Qaddafi disapproves of antiarcraft missles guarding the DISCUSSION LEADERS: Some of the discussion leaders who will appear al the round table discussion on Mr. Sadat's willingness to negotiate Tripoli, air base and important oil Wednesday, March S, al 8 p.m. al the Jewish Com,munity Center on "The Role of Wo111en in Jewish Tradi­ installations. In addition, the tion" are seated, left to riqht, Betty Rose Stone, Alan Hurwitz, Ethel Chinitz, Siqmund Hellmann, Ann Zai­ for a Middle East settlement and man, and standing, left lo riqht, Lola Schwartz, Gladys Kapstein, Judith Robbins, Bernard Kune, Joyce Starr, has repeatedly urged the Egyptians so urce said, some Soviet advis~rs Roberta Bolvin and Carol lnqall. to revert to a strategy of war to hold key positions in Libya artillery destroy Israel. and tank units. Secretary of State Kissinger is The presence of the Soviet " To Hold Discussion On Role ·of Women ,known lo believe that Colonel technicians was said to be causing A lecture and round table dis­ researcher and historian who has Robbins, Sharon Rosen, Lori Rut­ Qaddafi would gladly finance friction and irritation similar to the cussion ..The Role of Women in taught at Brooklyn College and tenberq, Hadassah Stein and Jo­ tensions that existed between Soviet Jewish T<adition" will be held at Rutgers University and has served seph Teverow. and Egyptian military men before President Sadat expelled most of the Jewish Community Center qn as a research associate at the Jew­ Hostesses are Lorraine Allen, the Russians advisers in July, 1972. Wednesday, March 5, at 8 p.m. ish Theological Seminary. Bonnie Dwares, Ruth Fink, Patri­ The resource persons and lead­ Since then, President Sadat has The program is cosponsored by cia Gordon, Marion Mirman, indicated that his main reason for the Center and the Women's and ers of the informal discussion Pearl Nathan, Esther Resnick and groups will be Myrna Aronson, ousting the Russians was to hav-e a Young Women's Divisions of the Janet Zurier. Cochairmen are Roberta Botvin, Linda Brodsky, free hand in planning and starting Jewish Federation of Rhode Is­ Paula Golden and Polly Wachten­ land. The quest speaker, who is Geraldine Foster, A,lice Goldstein, the war against Israel in October, heim. presented under the auspices of Julie Gutterman, Sigmund Hel­ 1973. the American Jc\\>'.ish Committee, lmann, Alan Hurwitz, Carol In­ Cochairinq the - program are Further more, he has made clear is Dr. Gladys Rosen, a program qall, Naomi Janowitz, Gladys Ethel Chinitz and Joyce Starr. that he does not want the Soviet specialist for that organization, a Kapstein, Seymour Krieger, Ber­ Ann Zaiman is program chairman. military men back in any strength . nard Kunc, Florence Markoff, The meeting is open to the pub­ The source here said, however, Norman G. Orodenker, Judith lic. that Egyptian officers continued to rece·ive training in the Soviet Rabbi Kahane To Speak At Bro-wn University Union. Some of them are being trained in advanced weapons and that this ·is part of a definite Rabbi Meir Kilbane, leader of systems like the MIG-25, which United States foreign policy. the militant Jewish Defense Moscow has not been willing to The major call by Rabbi Ka­ League, will speak at Alumnae ship to Egypt. bane and the JDL is for a change Hall in Brown University on Mon­ According to the s_ource, Libyan of government in Israel and the day, March 3, at 8 p.m. He is officers, including some members creation of "a government of na­ sponsored by the New England of the Revolutionary Command Emergency Council. tional unity based on no territorial TO HEAR DR. SIEGEL: Dr. Morton Siegel, executive director of the Council headed by Premier Abdel Rabbi Kahane's speech is part concessions. Salam Jallud, have been urging The JDL has organized a group United Synagogue of America and of his nationwide tour in which he Colonel Qaddafi to follow -called CAIR (Committee Against director of its department and takes issue with the Israeli govern­ commission· on Jewish education, President,Sadat's example an expel Israeli Retreat) to implment the ment and the American Jewish es­ will speak al Temple Emanu-EI the Soviet technicians. above, calling on American Jews tablishment leadership. He says~ dtTring the weekend of March7. These Libyans are said to believe to try to influence Israel in its for­ there is severe pressure on Israel Dr. Siegel is the editor of "Syna­ that they can obtain Syrian and eign policy. to make "suicidal concessions," · gogue School" amd "In Your Iraqi officers to replace the Hands." He serves as assistant professor at · New York University Russians as instructors. De Jean .Replogle Receives and is a lecturer al Teachers In­ But President Qaddafi was stitute, Jewish Theological Semi­ reported to be u11willing to reduce nary of America. the Soviet presence so long as his TO DIUVH ADDIIISS: Dr. Stanley Sympathy, Love From Israelis big arms delivery contract, signed M. Ar-, dean of medical af. He will address the con­ '-in, Brown University, will deliv­ EIN KAREM, Jerusalem: No the United States pour into the qreqation on Friday, Morch 7, al in May, 1973, remained in effect. « the keynote oddreu on m-1 victim of a terrorist atrocity has Medical Center every day . 8: 10 p.m. at eveninq services on Libyan military men arc said to •mmas in the field of meclicirw inspired such an outpouring of Delegations of teen-agers come to "Education for Commitment." On complain that the Russians insult en Friday, r.ltruory 21, at I: 15 sympat~y and love from members visit her from all parts 'Of the Soturday afternoon, March 8, he them and treat them as p.111. Tl,il is the thW and fl-I ad­ of the Israel public as De Jean country bringing gifts of handmade will mffl with member of Temple incompetents. .._ in the Temple leth 8 Mries. Replogle, the 16-ycar-old Baptist jewelry. Emanu-B, parents and educators Dr. i.. SMm, pecl;otridon in pilgrim from Jacksonville, Florida, Small school children send her in a study group to consider a AWARDED GRANT chief, ..... lllond ......... will paintings and drawings. Bouquets traditional Jewish text relatinq to REHOVOT : A $146,000 who lost a leg as a result of a Jewish education. Ulllan Lewis at .........Ment!DllarnmasinTel­ grenade thrown into a bus at of flowers fill her hospital ward research grant for furthering lnt the Patient," on Wecl.-dc,y, the temple office will be able to Lazarus' Tomb in East Jerusalem, from wcllwishcrs. Principals and provide information on the text on research into the cancer-causing Morch 5, and Dr. Dnld S. ON., properties of chemicals has been ......,,. cleon of medlcol affairs, during a pilgrimage of the Main St. school teachers telephone to ask which the study session will be awarded to Weizmann Institute ..... Unlwnlty, wil ...... the Baptist Church Congregation of what they can do for her. Veterans based . •bject "Merel .....,_ in the Jacksonville, led by Dr. E. C . come· from long distances to At a combined mHtinq on Sun­ Professor Leo Sachs, Head of its light te Die Whe Decides?" on McDaniel, at Christmastime. demonstrate to her how well they day, March 9, tho Slstorhoecl and Genetics Department and the Dean Wed.-dc,y Motdt 12. De Jean is hospitalized at the manage with artificial limbs. Men's Oub of Temple Emanu-B of its Faculty of Biology. The flnof Wecl.-dc,y in-depth Hadassah- Hebrcw Uni,.crsity Apart from these demonstrations will hear Dr. Sloqel on. "Can· exchange wil take place on Medical Center here, where her of concern by the ordinary Israelis, servattvo Judoitm: A Temp-ry COVERS AVAILABLE Suburban Phenomenon or a ,-,. March 19 when Dr. Albert F. p a rents have been given a the First Lady of Israel, Nina WASHINGTON: B'nai B'rith's w­ manent Contribution te Jewish Mn, r"'- of ~ and physician's apartment so that they Katzir, wife of President Ephraim international convention in Israel mecficel Ide--, 1r-n IJniver.
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