Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia volunre I i 0 no. I pp.181-190 April 2004 ENVIRONMENTS AND FAUNAL PATTERNS IN THE KACHCHH RIFT BASIN. \TESTERN INDIA, DURING THE JURASSIC FRANZ THEODOR FURSICH', JOHN H. CALLOMON" DHIRENDRA K. PANDEY.E{ ANAND K. TAITLY* Recit,ed September 19, 2002: accepted July 13,2003 Key-zoords: Jurassic, taphonomy, palaeoecology, cycles, Kach- dominata dai bivalvi, seguiti da brachiopodi, gasteropodi, coralli, ser- chh, India. pulidi e spugne. Lanalisi di 370 campioni statistici ed oltre 27000 esem- plari h;r prodotto più di a0 associazioni e rrggruppamenti bentonici. Abstract. Marine Jurassic sediments (Bajocian-Tithonian) of the Essi mostrano una relazione con molti parametri ambientali, due dei Kachchh Basin were deposited in a ramp setting. Except during the quali, salinità e clima, vengono brevemente discussi. Viene delineata la Middle and Late Bathonian, when a carbonate reginre became estab- distribuzione areale delle facies e dei biota per due porzioni temporali, lished, the fill of the basin consists predominantly of siliciclastics. The rispettivamente il Bathoniano ed il Calloviano-Oxfordiano. sediments represent environnrents that range from coastal plains (riv- ers and associated flood plains with caliche nodules), deltas, brackish water lagoons, nearshore sand and iron-oolite bars of the inner rlmp, generally situated above fair-weather wave-base, to the middle ramp in- Introduction fluenced by stornr-waves and by storm-generated currents, and finally to the outer ramp which is characterised by lor. energy, fine-grained The rift basin of Kachchh originated at the west- sediments. Changes in relative sea level produced a cyclic sedimenta- ern margin of the Indian Plate in the Triassic (e.g. Biswas tion pattern. The rich benthic fauna of macroinvertebrates is dominated 1982). After a phase that was characterised by non-ma- by bivalves, followed by brachiopods, gastropods, corals, serpulids, and rine sediments (alluvial fans, fluvial systems), the sea in- sponges. The analysis of 370 statistical samples and more than 27,000 undated the basin sometime in the early Middle specimens produced more than 40 benthic associations and assemblages. Jurassic, They show a relationship to several environmental parameters, two of when it became an appendix of the so-called Malgassy which, salinity rrnd climate, are briefly discussed. The spatial distribu- Gulf, a southern extension of the Tethyan Ocean. The tion of the facies and biota is outlined for two time slices, the Batho- precise timing of the transgression is still not clear; the nian and the Callovian-Oxfordian. resDectivelv. oldest ammonite, a Leptosphinctes, is from the Late Ba- jocian (Singh et al. 1982). However, the bed containing Riass unto. I sedimenti marini giurassici (Bajociano-Tìthoniano) del Bacino di Kachchh furono deposti in un ambiente di rampa. Eccetto this ammonite is underlain by about 250 m of sediments che durante il Bathoniano medio e superiore, quando si stabilì un resin.ìe of partly marine, partly fluvial origin so that the earliest carbonatico, il riempimento del bacino consìste predominantemente di marine influence may date even from the Aalenian (Fùr- materiale silicoclastico. I sedimenti rappresentano ambienti che vanno sich et aI.2001). dalle pianure costiere (fiumi e relative piane d'inondazione con noduli a caliche), delta, lagune d'acqua salmastr:r, barre di sabbia litorale e oo- The Jurassic sedimentary fill consists mainly of sil- liti ferrosi della rampa interna, seneralmente siturti sopra la base d'on- iciclastics (except for a carbonate interlude in the central da di bel tempo, alla rampa media (influenzata dalle onde dì tenrpesta and western areas of the basin during the Middle and Late e dalle correnti generate da tempesta), ed infine alla rampa esterna, che Bathonian) and records a general deepening culminat- è caratterizz-ata da sedimenti a grana fine, di bassa energia. I cambìa- menti nel livello marino relativo hanno prodotto una sedimentazione ing in the Middle Oxfordian Schilli Subzone (Krishna et ad andamento ciclico. Le ricca fauna bentonica dei macroinvertebrati è ai. 2000). This was followed by regression which result- I Institut fùr Palàontologie der Universitàt rù/ùrzburg, Pleichemall 1, D 9/070 \íúrz-burg, Germany: E-mail: franz.fuersich(ri,nT ail.uni-wuerzburg.de z 129 Moffats Lane, Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Herts. AL9 ZRB United Kingdom. E-mail: johncallomon(r,lineone.net.uk 3 Department of Geology, Universitv of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302 004, India. E-mail: dhirendrap(l.,satyam.net.in + Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 AA5,India. E-mail: akjaitly(ri'banar,rs.ernet.in r82 F. T. Ftirsicb, J. H. Callomon, D. K. Pandey e. A. K. Jaitly Great Rann Mauwana Dome Chappar Bet Khadir Is Kala Dongar I Cheriya Betl Chorad I Khavd Pachchham Is Washtawa .te ' ,/ .r;.':;tr Ìrua^ lr\rr\\trrrfa\ {t i r rr ru \ r i a \\r\ I arrì\\\ì\ )f Iììitù\1rÉír- ,r,,,,,f\ . t\\ tlt\f I !it\ttltì\tfiluIIIìl ntuttt a atlì\ì\rrla\ ÌtrtarÌtÌaa^ !rr\ìilì\ìall tatrrraaauar^ \\ttt\a\ttaa\.R I r r t, r t I Ì I t , r r 11 arra\r\i\\raì1lt ,trrraaruaatrrt Mandavi fii':1"q,;- 7f\ t\tÈ\!\\t\\ata\a r 4-,-,',-, BAY OF tttrr\!rrr\arìra * {,}.wi1í;11í1í;1 BENGAL O!. i' *' *' *' *' *' *t *' *' *.b,14 't)t$\atarttttt\ríi:;l;:;ììiìiii arìtrrrtftuÌ lTIl Washtawa Fm (Callovian-Oxfordian) E::::::::::1 Jhurio Fm, Patcham Fm, Chari Fm (Bajocian-Oxfordian) IITTITTTII Khadir Fm, Gadhada fm (Bajocian-oxfordian) rrFTTrnTI HJ#++ttfH Kaladongar Fm, Goradongar Fm, Patcham Fm, Chari Fm (Bajocian-Callovian) Generalised geological map of Kachchh with localities nrentioned in the text. ed in the deposition of marginal marine to non-mlrine Environments sediments by the late Early Cretaceous in most parts of Within the of the Kachchh Basin, five dis- the basin. However, this overall trend was not uniform, Jurassic tinct facies associations can be identified, namely alluvial but con.rposed of numerous smaller cycles of different fan congiomerates, coastal plain sediments, deposits of a hierarchies (e.g. Fùrsich tr Oschmann 1993; Krishna et siliciclastic ramp, mixed carbon- al.2000). and of a carbonate and ate-siliciclastic deposits. In the following, the maior facies The marine Jurassic sedin.rents of the basin are types are briefly summed up. A somewhat more extensive well-known for their rich faunas, both benthic rracro- account is given by Fúrsich et al. (in press). A detailed invertebrates, ammonites, and microfaunas. Good expo- description of the facies pattern is in preparation. sures, the facies n.rosaic and the rich benthic faunas irre ideal prerequisites for an integrated basin analysis. First results towards this goal have already been published Alluvial fans and coastal plains (Fùrsich et al. 1991, 1,992,'1,994a, b, 2001, in press; Fùr- The non-marine sedin.rents occur at the base of the sich tr Oschmann 1993; Fùrsich 8r Pandev 2003). The basin fill and at the margins of the basin. At present-day present paper gives a short outline of the main environ- they are exposed on the islands within the Great Rann ments of the basin ,rnd of the palaeoecology of the ben- of Kachchh (Fig. t). They consist of conglomerates rep- thic n.racroinvertebrates, focussing on their relationship resentins alluvial fans, of fining-upward crossbedded with son.re of the nrain palaeoenvironmental parameters. sandstones and arkoses with erosional bases that repre- A locality map is given in Fie. 1, an outline of the lithos- sent fluvial channels, and of reddish silts with thin inter- tratirrirphy in Fig. 2. calations of fine-crained sandstone. The latter are flood Jurassic environments and biota of the Kachcbh Basin 183 vertebrate fossils are absent, but remains of camarosau- M. P. IIB/M w. romorph dinosaurs have been discovered in flood plain deposits on Khadir Island (Moser et al. submitted). È I Siliciclastic ramp 6) Siliciclastic ramp deposits represent arange of envi- z ronments. Strongly bioturbated silty to sandy sediments containing a low diversity molluscan fauna (see below) are indicative of brackish water conditions and correspond to protected bays and lagoons. Thick, large-scale cross- bedded sandstones of the western islands are most likely Fr deltaic sand bodies. Towards the west (e.g. on the Habo Dome), these delta front sandstones grade into biotur- bated silt and silty sandstone of prodelta origin. bo Several metres thick. well sorted. fine- to coarse- L grained sandstones (e.g. the Upper Callovian Athleta o) oo al k Sandstone of the Jara Dome; Fùrsich et al. 2001) extend V F over tens of kilometres. They are interpreted as sheet v sands that are of deltaic origin, brrt were subsequently spread across the middle ramp during destructive delta tFix phase or transgressive events. Argillaceous silt with thin intercalations of sand- È stones that exhibit an erosional base and hummocky crossbedding was deposited on the storm-wave influ- -l rì U) enced ramp, whereas bioturbated argillaceous silt with intercalations of graded, parallel-laminated, sharp-based, cq fine-grained sandstones with tool marks and flute casts Q rl are evidence of deposition by storm-generated currents Patcham below storm wave-base. Indistinctly laminated to bioturbated argillaceous silt to silty clay with bands of ferruginous concretions t< represent the deepest environment in the Kachchh ba- f+t sin, beyond the influence of storms. These outer ramp - deposits, widespread in the Callovian Chari Formation -l H of Kachchh Mainland, generally reflect low energy con- bo \l ditions. CJ Protected bays with bioturbated iron-oolitic silt '-l Gl were widespread during late sea level highstand in the Late - V Callovian. They record low energy environments. In the Lower Callovian part of the Chari Formation at the Keera Fig. 2 - Outline of the lithostratieraphy ofJurassic rocks of the Kach- chh Basin. The lithostratigraphic units rre prrtl,v those of Dome and in the Jhurio Formation (Bajocian-Bathoni- Biswas (1980), partly they are traditional terms introducccl an) of the Jhura Dome, several metres-thick crossbed- by Vaagen ( 1 8 75).
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