
AAAI- Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence IAAI- Fourth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference Registration Brochure July ‒ , San Jose Convention Center San Jose, California 2 AAAI‒ Please join us Opening Address at AAAI– The Gardens of Learning— The National Conference on Artificial Intelli- The Vision of AI gence has been and remains the forum at which by Oliver G. Selfridge, Senior Staff Scientist, the highest quality new research in artificial in- GTE Laboratories telligence is presented. The highly competitive Tuesday Morning, July , review and selection process helps assure this. For the conference, only of submit- With studies of other kinds of learning in ted papers were accepted. This year, the pro- symbolic and numeric domains, and with the gram committee was encouraged especially to resurgence of interest in neural networks, seek out research results that help to bridge the Oliver Selfridge hopes that learning, the sin- gaps growing between maturing sub-disciplines gle most important component of intelli- of AI. We have, as usual, also sought out the gence, may be eventually understood well new, innovative research ideas that may be to- Oliver G. Selfridge, enough even to be useful. He insists that morrow’s popular research areas. Senior Staff Scientist, GTE Laboratories learning itself is no single or simple thing; The content of the program reflects those ar- that why you learn is as important as what; eas where much current research is focused. A that learning is not only the key to AI, but al- series of nine sessions will explore exciting re- so its essence; and that in this way AI will in sults in learning, approached from diverse view- the long run become the cornerstone of com- points. Another series of ten sessions covers new puter science, and will help to make software results in planning and coordination, and prob- AAAI- Program technology effective and powerful. lem-solving topics including search and con- Selfridge has consulted very extensively for straint satisfaction. One session looks at the em- July -, the United States Government, and has served on panels for the Department of De- pirical revolution in natural language process- The AAAI- program is multi-faceted, and fense, the Intelligence Community, and the ing, and another explores issues that arise in holds wide appeal for the varying interests of National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow scaling up AI systems to realistic, real-world the members of the AI community. High- of the American Association for the Ad- sizes. Although applications are relatively rare lights include: vancement of Science and the American As- in the program, the conference is collocated with • Three days of technical paper presenta- the Innovative Applications of AI Conference, sociation for Artificial Intelligence. tions by top scientists in the field which has an excellent sampling of such topics. Oliver Selfridge studied mathematics as an • A series of invited speakers and panels, in- Session chairpeople will strive valiantly to undergraduate at the Massachusetts Institute make sure that time remains for questions after cluding the opening keynote address by of Technology, where he met Walter Pitts and every paper. We hope that you will take advan- Oliver Selfridge Warren McCulloch, who had just written the tage of the opportunity to ask incisive questions. • Twenty four-hour tutorials that explore first paper that proposed that neural nets were The resulting dialog can make for a more vi- evolving techniques taught by experienced powerful computational devices. He contin- brant meeting and can help advance the field. scientists and practitioners in AI (separate ued his study of mathematics under Norbert In addition to the refereed papers, we have registration fee) Wiener, and extended it into cybernetics, Wiener’s main concentration at the time. also invited a set of speakers to introduce or sur- • AAAI– / IAAI– Joint Exhibition, fea- In , Selfridge joined MIT’s Lincoln vey exciting areas of AI research. Oliver Self- turing approximately seventy exhibits and Laboratory, where his immediate early AI in- ridge, our keynote speaker, will present his vi- demonstrations sion of research in learning. Other topics include terests were in both Pattern Recognition and • AAAI Robot Exhibition and Competition, learning visual behaviors, a control-theory per- Learning: that is, not merely in how a net- combining a live competition of mobile spective on learning to act, case-based reason- work recognizes a pattern, but also in how it ing, and distributed AI. In addition, speakers robots from research labs around the gets to be able to do so. In , he participat- will illuminate applications of AI in legal rea- world with video presentations from sev- ed in the Dartmouth Summer Study, often soning, molecular biology, machine translation, eral US robot manufacturers recognized as the beginning of AI. and multimedia. There will also be a survey of • AAAI Arts Exhibition, presenting several In the middle sixties, Selfridge initiated the newly-emerging discipline of artificial life. pieces judged to have both artistic merit Project MAC, the beginning of time-sharing This year we are introducing two new exhi- and a substantial AI component and personal computation, later serving as its bitions in addition to the traditional exhibit • A series of nineteen small workshops with Associate Director for two years. His interest program: a mobile robot exhibition and an AI selected focus. (Attendance is limited and de- and research in learning were continued art show. The mobile robot exhibition marks termined prior to conference.) strongly in the s at Bolt Beranek and the resurgence of interest in AI in robotics and For more detailed descriptions of the exhi- Newman. focuses on the interaction of various parts of AI bitions, please turn to page six. The AAAI– In the early s, Selfridge moved to GTE to achieve effective behavior in the real world. Preliminary Program begins on page sixteen. Laboratories, where with Bud Frawley he The AI art exhibition will feature the use of AI Tutorial descriptions begin on page seven. helped to start a considerable effort in ma- in the production of serious works of art in a chine learning, probably the largest in the in- number of media. dustrial world. He is continuing his work as a Paul Rosenbloom & Peter Szolovits Senior Staff Scientist in the Computer and Cochairs, AAAI-92 Program Committee Intelligent Systems Laboratory. IAAI‒ 3 “The biggest and most complete AI event IAAI- Program Special IAAI Plenary Session: of the year.... [Putting AAAI and IAAI to- Japan Watch Panel—Expert gether] is a clever and natural teaming System Applications & Advanced because people interested in one are — or Paper Presentations should be — interested in the other .... Twenty-one deployed applications will be Knowledge-Based Systems Speakers at this conference offered a whole featured this year at IAAI. Sessions have been Research organized around the following topics: array of applications. And they were not : PM, July , • Finance pie-in-the-sky. They are working systems • Customer Service Panelists: Edward Feigenbaum (Chair), Stan- that are increasing productivity, increas- • Industrial ford University; Robert S. Engelmore, Stan- ing service, and saving money right now.” • Data Analysis ford University; Peter Friedland, NASA Ames Don Felice • Software Development Research Center; Bruce Johnson, Andersen The Computer Conference • Regulatory Consulting; Penny Nii, Stanford University; , Analysis Newsletter, July . • Routing. Herbert Schorr, USC/Information Sciences Please see page fourteen for the preliminary Institute; and Howard E. Shrobe, Symbolics, program. Inc./Massachusetts Institute of Technology This exciting panel will report the findings Please join us at AI-on-Line of a study, including many site visits in IAAI– Now entering its third year, AI-on-Line is a March , of Japanese work in • Industrial and commercial applications of The Fourth Annual Conference on Innova- series of vendor-organized issue-oriented expert systems tive Applications of Artificial Intelligence will panels. Short presentations by users of de- showcase the most innovative deployed ap- ployed applications are followed by intensive, • Advanced knowledge based systems re- plications of AI. These applications are win- interactive discussions. This year, the AI-on- search in university and industrial labs. ners of a worldwide competition for the best Line series has been incorporated into the Work of national labs in fuzzy systems, fifth use of AI technology to solve real-world schedule of IAAI, and will provide a balance generation systems, and large knowledge problems. As in earlier years, applications each day to the presentation of the twenty- bases will also be covered. will be described in talks that are accompa- one award-winning IAAI papers. Topics for The study was conducted under the aus- nied by audiovisual presentations and live include: pices of the Japan Technology Evaluation demonstrations. Meet-the-authors discus- • Technology Transfer/Corporate Adoption Center (JTEC), primarily sponsored by the sions at the end of each session will encour- • Case-Based Reasoning Systems National Science Foundation. age close interaction between the presenters • Neural Networks Due to the widespread appeal of this pan- and other conference participants. • LISP Applications el, it will also be open to AAAI– attendees. This year the conference
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