KEYSTONE CORTEGE o Badger offerstwo NEW Air-Opaque H-O SCALE FENCE and RAILING INCLUDES: 7 bonle weathering sets designed for FIVE STYLES PER PACKAGE you, the serious Modeler! Now wilh Air-Opaque Wealhering Sels, every modeler including beginners, can wealher and age locomolives, rolling slock, scenery and slruclures jusl like a masler modeler. The Air-Opaque colors in bolh sels have been chosen 10 give you Ihe proper dusl, rust. dirl and grime effecls modelers want. If you don 'I like Ihe effecl, you can remove Air-Opaque wilhin 10 minules and slarl over. Air-Opaque can be applied wilh an air-brush, painl brush or Q-tips, and it offers Ihe serious modeler many advanlages;.._ __ ... ...- - Each style is minulely delailed 10 Ihe samehign quality as our famous Pran Truss Bridge. Packed in sels of 4,each sel has5 styles of lencing lor a lotal of apprOl. 24" per style (wilh gale). Other uses: The 6' Boa'" Fence makes an excellent board sidewalk; Pickel Fence trimmed ma�es open platform walkways; and Ihe Pipe Railings adaptIhemselves 10 induslrial models and ships. Formed of Styrene Plastic Ihey're rugged, easily cemenled and painled. A lotal of 96" of fencing for only $395 OTHER QUAUTY PROOUCTS Styrene Plastic -IIIOG[ II[ �CIIONI ' 801 mom 1111 .nl,� �.I'''') , nK� ,,' IIRING Metal ,Ill WHIIl PIISIKGII,IOUIWHIIl IISS[NGEI,MOOlINfIlIGHI . ..f,lING�NS Ask lor them at your tocal hobby shop. Send SASE for FREE detailed Catalog See future ads for other new items to come. TIGER VALLEY MODELS • NON-lOXIC-safe C420 Kits S80 for modelers who may be allergic to C420·I·Lo L&HR 21,22 (Essex Terminal 106) (eA 2072) LV/D&H 404-15 lacquers, enamels or petroleum based points �-�.l!!!!!!�iiiii:= NKP 578' (N&W 2578) L&N 1300-05' (APA 81'. 84') • NO FOUL ODOR-no need for a ventilation system C420·l1h·Lo SAL 110-35 (SeL) (L&N 1351-75) ME 63 • READY-TD-USE-requires no chemical thinner. Thin with plain water if necessary. C420-I-Hi II 200-21 (NYS&W 2002) (M&D) (R&S) (D&M 976) • 100% COLORFAST-won't fade. (LR&W 101) C420-1V2-HI N&W 413-20 • TRUE COLORS-colors don't dry dorker. What you spray is what you get. C420-II-lo PN 2000. 01 (L&N 1377,78) WIDE SELECTION-43 intermixable colors for almost infinite color selection, L&HR 23-29 (eR 2073-77) (D&H 401) (GS&W 323) • (M&D 2073, 74) (SeR 631. 32) EM 7220-22 • RAILROAD MIXING CHART-easy directions to mix colors for 60 prototype railroad colors. TC 400.01 (L&N 1316. 17) Monon 503-18 (L&N 1320-35) 83) • VERSATILE-can be applied with air-brush, paint brush, sponge or Q-tips, (APA SAL 136 (L&N 1376) L&N 1306-15 (M&D) (NYS&W 2000) (LR&W 102) Available at your nearest hobby dealer. APA 82' Suggested retail price $15.00 C420-II-Hi LI 222-29 Monon 501. 02 (L&N 1318, 19) NOTE: APA units were heavily "Kitbashecf' by GE 'Two sand fills In low nose -I8"'�3:II. H"" - BADGER AIR-BRUSH co. 9128 W ' BELM ONT A VE.. FRANKLIN PARK.IL 60131 Send SASE for information DiS1.inCdnada by:HOBBY INDUSTRIES· 24 Ronson Drive ' Rex d a1 e. O nlano M g W I B4 TIGER VALLEY MODELS 1070 County Road 1123. Phelps. N.Y. 14532·9769 0$25/1 year 0 $47/two years 0 $67.50/3 years W� [D�(bU(!J�(]... Every Month. (Outside U,S, add $4 per year) Name ____________ _ , , _ Pacific RailNews delivers the entire West with rail-. road features by top authors, up-to-date news, spectacu­ Street ____________ lar color photography, traction and more! Discover why City · _______ ______ we're the fastest-growing rail magazine in the nation, State ________ Zip__ _ We deliver, ., on the advertised! I o Check enclosed All aboard for PACIFIC RailNEWS, Major credit cards o Charge to D MasterCard D Visa welcome, 52_50 ON NEWSSTANDS (NEW RATES EFFECfIVE JAN, 1986) Exp, Date Card Number _________ Signature 2 PROTOTYPE MODELER prototype ""---- The MODELER'S Magazine of Prototype RAILROADING Vol. IX, No.9 FEBRUARY 1987 F27 Publisher Kevin McKinney Editor features PaulZack Art Director Allen Ambrosini/GRAVITY GRAPHICS Te chnical Illustration Mike Schafer/Zephyr Graphics & Editorial John Signor Stations on the Santa Fe Belen Cutoff ............. 8 Contributing Editors Charles W Bohi John Swanson Ty pesetting Atlantic Coast Line GP7's .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Publishers Studio Tom Smiley Research & Assistance Weathering and a Load for a 50-foot Gondola .... 18 H. John Kuehl Mont Switzer Pennsylvania Railroad Secondary Trains.......... 21 ADVEI1TISING INQUIRIES: Con loci PROTOTYPE MODElER. P.O. Box Mike Schafer 860. Homewood. Il 60430; (312) 957-RAIl. Or send poslcard requesling lalesl role card. Great Northern PhotoRoster Part II ............... 26 PROTOTYPE MODEl,. (ISSN 0734-1482) is published monlhly by Cyril Durrenberger Interurban press. P.O. Box 6128. Glendale. CA 91205. Second­ class postage paid at Columbus. Wis.. and at addilional office. CoHon Gins .................................... 36 (USPS 710-590) Cyril Durrenberger SUBSCRIPTtON RATES: In the U.S. and its possessions.-$27 lor 12 issues. $48 for 24 issues; Canada and Mexico-$31 (U.S.) for 12 The Union Pacific 0035 ......................... 40 issues. $56 (U.S.) for 24 issues; outside North America-$36 for 12 issues. $66 lor 24 issues. Single-copy cover price $2.75 ($3.50 Doug Nuckles poslpaid). Cover price subject 10 change without notice. CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please send change-of-address nolice 01 least 4-6 weeks prior 10 moving. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to Interurban Press. P.O. Box 6128. Glendale. CA 91205. The Posl Office does nol regularly forward Second Closs mo;1 and Interurban P r essJPROlONPE MODELER is not responsible for copies deslroyed or not forwarded by Ihe Posl Office. Replacemenl copies/P.O. nolificalions will be billed. SUBMISSIONS: Feature and pholo submissions are welcome and should be senl 10 Ihe Homewood address. Accepled articles and pholographs are held on file and paid for upon departments publication. When submitting material tor consideration, in­ clude rei urn packaging and poslage if you wish il relurned. PRQTOTVP€ MOOElERassumes no responsibility for the safe return of unsoliciled material. EDITORIAl ADDRESS Address all editorial correspondence, photo and manuscript submissions 10: PROtOTYPE MOOELER P.O. BOX 860 PM Junction............. ................................. 4 HOMEv,QOD. Il 60430 Now Arriving ............................................. 5 UPS deliveries the PT J editorial office must go to this streel 10 .......................................... address: Company Mail 45 PROTOlYPE MOOElER 2023 RIDGE ROAD. SUITE 2-SE HOMEv,QOD. Il 60430 BUSINESS ADDRESS Address all correspondence regarding subscriptions (includ­ ing neworders and renewals) and business-related matters to: Interurban Press On the cover: Looking every inch like a Standard Railroad of the Wor ld passenger train, P.O. Box 6128 the westbound Penn Central Duquesne roars upgrade past MG tower between Altoo­ Glendale. CA 91205 na and Gallitzin, Pa., during June of 1968. This issue's Prototype Portfolio, beginning on Ie 1987 Interurban Press page 21, examines Pennsy secondary passenger trains. (Inset) A Union Pacific DD35 takes a break at Council Bluffs, Iowa, during September of 1967. Doug Nuckles paints Mac Sebree PRESIDENT and details an Athearn "DD40" to UP specs, starting on page 40 of this issue. Photo­ graphs by Mike Schafer. Jim Walker VICE PRESIDENT F�BRUARY 1987 3 he "Chico Chief' ran in May 1969, than the 4650's (by 31/2 feet, as shown T not May 1970 as stated in your ar­ in the table), they're also two inches ticle. narrower and five inches lower in Robert B. Nicholson height, They are the only series of WP Ft, Madison, Iowa center-flow hoppers that don't require a square Plate C stencil since they are within the tolerances of Plate B. One series of WP center-flow cars was left out . These hoppers, WP Nos, ike Schafer's article on the Santa 11741-1 1750, were built as early as Fe "Little Chiefs" was most in­ M late 1961, and were originally Sacra­ teresting. The "La Junta Chief' train mento Northern 5501-5510, These We welcome letters that provide interesting information. correc­ number combinations were 191/200 cars were of a different design-more tions. or your views on model railroading or PROTOTYPE MODELER. and 201/190, however, Just look at a Mark at top of letter ··To PM Junction·· if it is to be considered for Santa Fe timetable from the later years cylindrical in appearance--and were possible publicalion. Your lull address will be g,ven ONL Y if you of aluminum construction, so request. Because of our limited staff. we are not always able to of the train's operation. Without dig­ answer all mail (although a self·addressed, stamped envelope ging (literally, with a shovel) through Carl W, Shaver w,lI help'), but we do guarantee to read all mail. my own files I can't say which pair was Lombard, Ill, which, It was either 190/191 east of Pueblo and 200/201 to the north or vice versa, Also, F units were the regular power during the final years of operation of A letter from an editor No reservations for Chiefs the La Junta Chief. The consist was ike Schafer's "Little Chiefs of the usually a single F3 or F7, a steam gen­ M Santa Fe" (August 1986 PM) erator car (converted from a smooth­ our September 1986 issue with was very informative and colorful. I side baggage car), a baggage car and Y the TP& W feature just crossed my am planning on modeling Santa Fe's one coach.
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