Anarchism and Its History

Anarchism and Its History

The YIVO Library and Archives contains significant numbers of material related to books, periodicals, correspondence, and manuscripts relating to anarchism and its history. It is among the major research anarchism institutions that have such collections. Below is a partial offering at YIVO of what is available on anarchism and its history in our collections. List of YIVO-related sources from: The Kate Sharpley Library Yiddish Anarchist Bibliography DWARDMAC.PITZER.EDU/ANARCHIST_ARCHIVES/YIDDISHBIBLIO.HTML l Alek. Sh. In ongli: zikhroynes fun a gevezenem anarkhist. (dos tsvayte bukh fun ‘farmekte vegn.’) [In A Hot Place: Memories Of A Former Anarchist. (The Second Book Of ‘Erased Paths’)] Kharkov-Kiev: Melukhe Farlag fun Natsionale Minderhaytn in USSR, 1932. 198pp. [Y1/55892] l Arlosoroff, Chaim. Kropotkin. [Kropotkin] Reprinted from Fraye Arbayter Shtime. Tel-Aviv: Problemen, 1975. 22pp. [Y3/77368] l Bakunin, Mikhail. Geklibene shriften. [Selected Works] Trans. Y. Krepliak, includes biographical sketch by Rocker. Nyu York: Kropotkin Literatur Gezelshaft, 1919. 307pp. [Y7/1957; KSL; AAP] l Bakunin, Mikhail. Got un der shtat. [God And The State] Trans. Sh. Yanovsky. Lydz [Leeds]: Lydzer Anarkhistisher Grupe, 1901. 99 pp. [Y7/12880; A AP] l Bakunin, M. Di organizatsian fun Internatsional. [The Organisation Of The International] Varshe: Farlag der Avangard, 1906. 13pp. [Y7/1956] l Berezin, M. Fun keyten tsu frayhayt. fertsaykhenungen fun an antlofenes politishen katorzshnik. [From Chains To Freedom, Notes From A Fugitive Political Hard-labour Convict] Trans. Y. Malin, ed. and foreword by M. Katz. Nyu York: Anarkhistishn Royten Krayts, 1916. 159pp. [Y4/16380; Y4/1498; AAP] l Bergman, K. Dos lebn fun a buntar: Mikhail Bakunin. [The Life Of A Rebel: Michael Bakunin] Varshe: Groshz-bibliotek, 1933. [Y10230 4/7858] l Bergman, Leopold. Der visenshaftlikher anarkhizmus un di printsipen erklerung. [Scientific Anarchism: Declaration Of Principles] Nyu York: Oytonomye, 1908. 16pp. [Y7/71537] l Berkman, Alexander. Gefangnis-erinerungen fun an anarkhist. [Prison Memoirs Of An Anarchist] 2 vols. Trans. Moshe Katz and Abraham Frumkin, foreword by Hutchins Hapgood. Nyu York: M. A. Fitzgerald, 1920, 1921. 276pp & 329pp: 605pp total. [Y4/1499; Y4/1500; AAP] l Berkman, Alexander. Di Rusishe tragedye, un Kronshtat. (Kronshtat: di Parizer Komune fun Rusland.) [The Russian Tragedy, and Kronstadt (The Russian Paris Commune)] Nyu York: Yidishe Anarkhistish-komunistishe Federatsye, 1922. 48pp. [Y7/5331; LC:DK265. B4659; IISH Y An 100/35] l Biuletin tsum 60tn yortsayt fun David Edelstadt. [Bulletin On The 60th Anniversary Of David Edelstadt’s Death] Buenos Aires: Grupe David Edelstadt, 1952. [Y15/6758] l Curnow, H. Di grund-gedanken fun anarkhizm. [The Fundamentals Of Anarchism] Vilne: Di Velt, 1906. 20pp. [Y7/5243] l Dave, Viktor. Mikhail Bakunin un Karl Marx. [Mikhail Bakunin And Karl Marx] Trans. R. Rocker. London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1907. 40pp. [Y7/1966] l De Cleyre, Voltairine. Vi azoy men vert poter fun krizisen. [How The People Can Free Themselves From Crisis] Anarkhistisher Federatsi fun Amerika. 16pp. [Y7/1976] l Edelstadt, David. Folks gedikhte. [Folk Poems] Nyu York, 1895. 124pp. [Y1/21376] l Edelstadt, David, Winchevsky, Bovshover. Geklibene Lider. [Collected Songs] Kiev: Kooperativer Farlag Kultur-lige, 1931. 323pp. [Y1/38301] l Edelstadt, David, Winchevsky, Rosenfeld, Bovshover. Gezangen fun kamf. [Songs Of Struggle] Varshe: Melukhe Farlag Far Shul-oysgabn (State School Publisher), 1951. 86pp. [Y1/29721] l Edelstadt, David. Ovent glok. [Evening Bell] Nyu York: Frayhayt Gezangsfareyn, c1924. 9pp. [Y892.491] l Edelstadt, David. Shriften. [Writings] London: B. Ruderman. 90pp. [Y1/4696] l Edelstadt, David. Vera. [Vera] New York: Hebrew Publishing Co., 1909. 75-94pp. [Y9412] l Eltzbacher, Paul. Der Anarkhizm. [Anarchism] Trans., foreword Dr. J. A. Meryson, preface Peter Kropotkin. Nyu York: Internatsionale Bibliotek, 1909. 347pp. [Y7/41937; Y7/1974; IV; AAP] l Epshtayn, Meylekh. Sacco-Vanzetti: di geshikhte fun zayer martyrertum. [Sacco-Vanzetti: The History Of Their Martyrdom] Nyu York: Yiddish Section, Workers (Communist) Party, 1927. 72pp. [Y8/27002] l Faure, Sebastian. Der mensh. [The Man] London: Grupe Frayhayt, 1901. 55pp. [Y7/4701; IISH Y Bro 2933/2; Prager p414] According to Prager p414, Trans. by S. Lifshits. l Faure, Sebastian. Dos moderne rekht. [The Modern Right] Nyu York: Kropotkin Literatur Gezelshaft, 1914. 64pp. [Y8/2445] l [Feraynigte anarkhisten in Amerika.] Di naye Toyre, oder printsipen erklevrung fun di anarkhistn- komunistn. [The New Torah, Or Declaration Of Principles Of The Anarchist-Communists] Leeds: Lidzer Anarkhistishe Grupe, 1902. 11pp. [Y7/12880] l Frank, Herman. Anarkho-sotsialistishe ideen un bavegungen bay yidn: historishe un teoretishe aynfirung. Anarcho-Socialist[ Ideas And Movements Among Jews: Historic And Theoretical Initiation] Pariz, Tel-Aviv: Fraye Tribune, 1951. 66pp. [Y7/29800] l Frank, Herman. Geklibene shriften. [Selected Works] Nyu York: der Herman Frank Buk-komitet [un] Bialistoker Gezelshaft, 1954. 484pp. [Y8/43117; M4067/9350; AAP] l Frank, M. A. Gedanken fun revolutsion. [Thoughts On Revolution] London: Di Lidzer Anarkhistishe Grupe. 45pp. [Y7/1958] l Gdalia, P. Kemfer un denker. [Fighter And Thinker] Tel-Aviv: Farlag A. Sh. V. H., 1963. 177pp. [Y3/77086; IV] l Glaser, Leons. Fun Moskve biz Yerusholayim. [From Moscow To Jerusalem] Nyu York, 1938. [Y4/18780] Contains material on Schwarzbard. l Goldman, Emma. Opfer fun moral un di filozofie fun atheizm. [Victims Of Morality And The Philosophy Of Atheism] Nyu York: M. Yankovitts. 16pp. [Y7/1960] l Gorodiski, Jonah. Kegn shtrom. [Against The Stream] Ed. and biography by Yitsak Niborsky. Buenos Aires, 1978. 270pp. [Y9/77514] l Grave, Jean. Di abshtarbende gezelshaft un di anarkhye. [Moribund Society And Anarchy] Trans. R. Rocker, foreword Octave Mirbeau. London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1908. v, 280pp. [Y7/8985 ; IV; AAP] l Grave, Jean. Di anarkhistishe gezelshaft. [The Anarchist Society] Trans. M. Katz. Nyu York: Fraye Arbayter Shtime/Anar. broshuren fer., 1894. 57pp. [Y7/8172; Y7/; IV] l Greenberg, Hayim. Bletlekh fun a togbukh. [Pages From A Diary] Nyu York, 1954. [Y16/43397] Contains material on Schwarzbard. l Grosman, Vladimir. Georg Brandes un Peter Kropotkin. [Georg Brandes And Peter Kropotkin] Pariz: Editions Polyglottes, 1961. 241pp. [Y7/63927; IV; AAP] l Hamon, A. (Augustin) Patriotizmus un internatsionalitet. [Patriotism And Internationalism] London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1904. 32pp. [Y7/1963] l Ingersol, Robert. Farbrekhens gegen farbrekher. [Crimes Against The Criminal] London: Free Publishing Association, 1903. 29pp. [Y8/4512] l Ingersol, Robert. Velekhen veg? [Which Way?] Trans. Morris Vaulfman. Lydz (Leeds): Yidishn Fraydaynker, 1907. 46pp. [Y7/5645; AAP] l Ingersol, Robert. A velt fun frayd. [A World Of Joy] Adapted by Prof. G. Zelikovits. Varshe: Farlag ‘Progress’, 1906. 34pp. [Y7/4677] l Korenchandler, Chaskiel. A gast fun yener velt. [A Guest From The Other World] Pariz, 1955. [Y3/45634] Contains material on Schwarzbard. l Kropotkin, Peter. Di anarkhistishe filozofye. [The Anarchist Philosophy] London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1907. 94pp. [Y7/21255] l Kropotkin, Peter. Di anarkhistishe filozofye. [The Anarchist Philosophy] London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1910. 94pp. [IV; Y7/1977; AAP] l Kropotkin, Peter Di anarkhistishe moral. [Anarchist Morality] Trans. ‘Pinus Sylvestris’. Nyu York: Fraye Arbayter Shtime, 1892. 74pp. [Y7/(21376); Y7/8172; IV] l Kropotkin, Peter. Di anarkhistishe moral. [Anarchist Morality] Trans. ‘Pinus Sylvestris’. London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1906. 36pp. [Y7/1980; IISH Y An 29/945] l Kropotkin, Peter. Broyt un frayhayt. [Bread And Freedom (The Conquest Of Bread)] (in three parts) London: Grupe Frayhayt, 1906. 84pp. [Y7/4491; IV; IISH Y An 29/94-A,B,C] l Kropotkin, Peter. Broyt un frayhayt. [Bread And Freedom (The Conquest Of Bread)] Foreword Elisee Reclus, trans. M. Katz and A. Frumkin. London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1906. v, 344pp. [Y7/11048; Y7/20625; AAP] l Kropotkin, Peter. Felder, fabriken un verksheper, oder industrie ferbunden mit agrikultur un gaystige arbayt mit hand-arbayt. [Fields, Factories And Workshops, Or Industry Joined With Agriculture And Intellectual With Physical Work] Trans. J. A. Meryson. Nyu York: Kropotkin Literatur Gezelshaft, 1914. 410pp. [Y7/1985; KSL; IV; AAP] l Kropotkin, Peter. Gegenzaytige hilf bay khayes un menshen als a faktor fun entviklung. [Mutual Aid] Trans. J. A. Meryson, with foreword by Kropotkin. Nyu York: Kroptkin Literatur Gezelshaft, 1913. xiv, 433pp. [Y7/1984; KSL; IV; AAP] l Kropotkin, Peter. Gezetts un oytoritet. [Law And Authority] Trans. F. A. Frank. (=J. A. Meryson.) Nyu York and London: Knights of Liberty/Arbayter Fraynd, 1889. 24pp. [Y8/4128; BL:8288.aa.50] l Kropotkin, Peter. Iber der anarkhistishe bavegung in Rusland. [On The Anarchist Movement In Russia] London: Arbayter Fraynd, 1905. 15pp. [Y7/4506 ; IV; IISH Y An 29/1269] l Kropotkin, Peter. Kropotkin’s lebens-beshraybung. [Kropotkin’s Memoirs] Seven parts. Foreword by Kropotkin, intro. Georg Brandes, trans. M. Cohn. London: Grupe Frayhayt, 1904-05. 430pp. [Y9246 4/1547; IV; AAP; IISH Y Bro 3104/4- /10] l Kropotkin, Peter. Di ksovim fun a revolutsioner. [Writings Of A Revolutionist] Trans. A. Z. K. Varsha: Farlag Visenshaft, 1919. 36pp. [Y7638] l Kropotkin, Peter. Dos menshlikhe rekht. [Human Rights] Trans. M. Katz, two poems by J. Bovshover. Nyu York: Anarkhistishen Broshuren Farayn, 1894. 30pp. [Y7/8184] First four chapters of ‘The Conquest

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