STRENGTHENING FUNDAMENTALS STRENGTHENING ANNUAL REPORT 2015 REPORT ANNUAL www.drb-hicom.com STRENGTHENING FUNDAMENTALS DRB-HICOM BERHAD Level 5, Wisma DRB-HICOM No. 2, Jalan Usahawan U1/8, Seksyen U1 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor. Tel : +603 2052 8000 Fax : +603 2052 8099 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 STRENGTHENING FUNDAMENTALS In today’s challenging times, we are further strengthening our fundamentals in our three core businesses, namely Automotive, Services and Property, Asset & Construction. To that end, we are focusing intently on improving the quality of our products and services as well as enhancing our operational efficiencies to place us in a better stead to expand both domestically and in the international space. www.drb-hicom.com STRENGTHENING FUNDAMENTALS DRB-HICOM BERHAD Level 5, Wisma DRB-HICOM No. 2, Jalan Usahawan U1/8, Seksyen U1 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor. Moving forward, we are committed to creating greater synergies for the Group’s Tel : +603 2052 8000 Fax : +603 2052 8099 core businesses in order to enhance the value of the Group and to reward our ANNUAL REPORT 2015 stakeholders with better returns. Inside Highlights Corporate Performance Leadership Disclosure Review 4 Notice of Annual 32 Board of Directors’ 2 Vision & Mission General Meeting 8 Corporate Profile 30 Group 5 Years Profile Financial Highlights 7 Statement 12 List of Events & 40 Board of Accompanying Activities Management Notice of Annual General Meeting 20 Financial Calendar 42 Management Team 22 Corporate Information 24 Group Corporate Structure 26 Investor Relations This annual report is available on the web at www.drb-hicom.com Venue th Glenmarie Ballroom, Holiday Inn Kuala Lumpur Glenmarie, No. 1, Jalan Usahawan U1/8, Seksyen U1, Annual General Meeting 25 40250 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Date Wednesday, 9 September 2015 Time 9.00 a.m. Accountability Perspective Key Initiatives Financial Statements Other Information 44 Statement on 80 Chairman’s 116 Human Capital 130 Directors’ Report 303 Analysis of Corporate Statement Development Shareholdings Governance 134 Statements of 84 Group Managing 122 Corporate Comprehensive Income 306 Share Performance 59 Directors’ Statement Director’s Review Responsibility Chart on Risk of Operations 136 Consolidated Statement of Management & Financial Position 307 Material Properties Internal Control 94 Automotive Sector of DRB-HICOM 139 Company Statement of Group 64 Audit Committee 104 Services Sector Financial Position Report Form of Proxy 112 Property, Asset & 140 Consolidated Statement of 70 Additional Construction Changes in Equity Compliance Sector Information 142 Company Statement of Changes in Equity 73 Statement of Directors’ 143 Statements of Cash Flows Responsibility 147 Notes to the Financial 74 Risk Management Statements 299 Supplementary Information on the Breakdown of Realised and Unrealised Profits 300 Statement by Directors 300 Statutory Declaration 301 Independent Auditors’ Report DRB-HICOM BERHAD annual report 2015 2 Our Vision to be Number 1 and continuously excel in all that we do Our Mission to lead in the growth of the nation in the areas of DRB-HICOM’S core businesses Shared Values • excellence • decorum • teamwork • integrity • innovation • quality • transparency 3 DRB-HICOM BERHAD annual report 2015 Highlights 4 Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty- Venue : Glenmarie Ballroom, Holiday Inn Kuala Fifth Annual General Meeting of DRB-HICOM Lumpur Glenmarie, No. 1, Jalan Berhad (“the Company”) will be held at the Usahawan U1/8, Seksyen U1, 40250 Glenmarie Ballroom, Holiday Inn Kuala Lumpur Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Glenmarie, No. 1, Jalan Usahawan U1/8, Date : Wednesday, 9 September 2015 Seksyen U1, 40250 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Wednesday, 9 September Time : 9.00 a.m. 2015 at 9.00 a.m. for the following purposes: Ordinary Business 1. To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 together with the Reports of Directors and Auditors thereon. (Note 1) 2. To approve the declaration of a single tier final dividend of 4.5 sen per share in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2015. (Resolution 1) 3. To re-elect the following Directors who retire by rotation in accordance with Article 79 of the Company’s Articles of Association: (a) YBhg Datuk Ooi Teik Huat (Resolution 2) (b) YBhg Dato’ Noorrizan binti Shafie (Resolution 3) 4. To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following Ordinary Resolutions in accordance with Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965 and the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2012 (“the CG 2012”): (a) “THAT YBhg Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Ramli, the Director retiring pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965 and having served as Independent Director for more than nine (9) years, be and is hereby re-appointed and retained as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.” (Resolution 4) (b) “THAT Mr Ong Ie Cheong, the Director retiring pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965 and having served as Independent Director for more than nine (9) years, be and is hereby re-appointed and retained as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.” (Resolution 5) 5. To re-appoint Messrs Ernst & Young as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. (Resolution 6) 5 Special Business To consider and if thought fit, to pass the following Ordinary Resolutions with or without any modifications: 6. Retention as Independent Director of the Company pursuant to the CG 2012 “THAT YBhg Dato’ Syed Mohamad bin Syed Murtaza, who has served as an Independent Director of the Company for more than nine (9) years, be and is hereby retained as an Independent Director of the Company until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting in accordance with the CG 2012.” (Resolution 7) 7. Increase in Directors’ Fees “THAT the maximum aggregate fees to be paid to the Directors be increased from RM800,000 to RM1,200,000 for each financial year commencing 31 March 2016 and the Directors be authorised to divide such fees in the proportions and manner to be determined by them.” (Resolution 8) Notice of Dividend Payment NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the single tier final dividend of 4.5 sen per share in respect of the financial year ended 31 March 2015, if approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), will be paid on 9 October 2015 to the shareholders whose names appear in the Record of Depositors of the Company at the close of business on 15 September 2015. A depositor shall qualify for entitlement to the dividends only in respect of: (a) Shares deposited into the depositor’s securities account before 12.30 p.m. on 11 September 2015 in respect of shares exempted from mandatory deposit; (b) Shares transferred into the depositor’s securities account before 4.00 p.m. on 15 September 2015 in respect of transfers; and (c) Shares bought on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on a cum-entitlement basis according to the Rules of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. By Order of the Board Dato’ Carol Chan Choy Lin (MIA 3930) Company Secretary Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan 18 August 2015 DRB-HICOM BERHAD annual report 2015 Highlights 6 Notice of Annual General Meeting (Continued) Notes: Explanatory on Special Business Explanatory on Ordinary Business 3. Agenda 6 – Retention as Independent Director of the Company pursuant to the CG 2012 1. Agenda 1 – Audited Financial Statements The Ordinary Resolution 7 under Agenda 6 is to seek the This agenda item is meant for discussion only as the shareholders’ approval pursuant to the CG 2012 for YBhg provision of Section 169 (1) of the Companies Act, 1965 Dato’ Syed Mohamad bin Syed Murtaza, who has served does not require a formal approval of the shareholders as Independent Director of the Company for more than and hence is not put forward for voting. nine (9) years, to retain as Independent Director until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. 2. Agenda 4 – Re-Appointment and Retention of Independent Directors The Board, through the Nomination and Remuneration The Ordinary Resolutions 4 and 5 under Agenda 4(a) and Committee (“NRC”), has assessed the independence of 4(b) are to seek the shareholders’ approval to re-appoint and YBhg Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Ramli, Mr Ong retain the following Independent Directors of the Company: Ie Cheong and YBhg Dato’ Syed Mohamad bin Syed Murtaza all who have served as Independent Directors of (a) YBhg Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Ramli, the Company for more than nine (9) years. aged 76, who has served as an Independent Director of the Company for more than nine (9) years and is On the recommendation by the NRC, the Board retiring pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies recommended for YBhg Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman bin Act, 1965. Mohd Ramli, Mr Ong Ie Cheong and YBhg Dato’ Syed (b) Mr Ong Ie Cheong, aged 74, who has served as an Mohamad bin Syed Murtaza be retained as Independent Independent Director of the Company for more than Directors of the Company. nine (9) years and is retiring pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965. The justifications of the Board for recommending them to continue in office as Independent Directors are set out Pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965, a under the Statement on Corporate Governance in the Director who is over the age of seventy (70) year shall Annual Report 2015 of the Company. vacate his position as a Director of the Company at the conclusion of the AGM and upon the shareholders’ 4. Agenda 7 – Increase in Directors’ Fees approval be re-appointed as a Director of the Company to The Ordinary Resolution 8, if passed, will empower the hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM.
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