HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1904. McDonald &Henrich Dealers in FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLES BICYCLES ' 70 .aa" Mi. 1 Waoons years test. BuotilES the very best Plowa, HarrowH, etc. Cultivators, Spray aud Well Pumps Wind."Mill, Gasoline Eng's Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and Extras, Hardware, Fishing; Tackle. Barb Wire. Hercules Stump Powder, HAYNES & CO. ' " W. K - f Kii;-- 1, 1 .'."' Sneeeaaora to E. E. Savage'a Sons. DEALERS IN Grant (flub Sherman Tinware. JVIarcbing JUb jVLit'cbtng ttb Lee JVIarchtng Hardware.- . j --" - ,.r, j " Stoves. Paints. Oils year bloody IC. mid the Klstb under bls-- , years ago the of al G. Warren I' reiilly matters but little to easy triumph that would end In drlv-lu- fOBTr opened with campaign General John Sedgwick. Early on Hip tory just how and by whom th the Federals across tbe Rapldan waa "marching heaviest, recalling tbe stone wall at WndsWorth, SHERMAN and Georgia. Grant 0th General James 8. bloody linttlo of the Wilderness river again before nlgbt. Georgia" months be- Fredericksburg. Newton's division led recently given tbe rank of commanding a division of the Fifth was opened forty years ago, fore be started on famous I Thomas' attack, and that of Jeff C. bad been hut there rode at the head of a odumn which be the . AND A FOIL MNE OT lieutenant general, witll command of corps, was ordered to fuco his com- was one Incident of that hour which bad formed to attack Hancock, but trip from Atlanta to tbe sea whtcti Is Davis followed, making a column sev- j gong. II tbe Federal force. lie personally mand by the flunk southward and shows how I he wisest experts may was disabled by a painful wound be- celebrated In tbe. popular war en lines deep. until "forty years ago army conducted tbe Army of tbe Potomac charge through, to the plank road gravely miscalculate In war. The fore the ball was fairly opened. - Al- Thla, time the The two divisions of Newton end Builders' Material was In the march against Richmond through he Joined on the rl(,'ht of Huneoek's Army of tho I'otomnc crossed the most at the General on the. northern slope of Pine Davis were exposed to the lire of iSome instants tolling Estimates furnished to Contractors, the region went of tbe Rappahannock line. The movement was a forlorn Ilapldan river 011 the 1th of May, 1HG1, Micah Jenkins,, who was by tbe side mountain to break through tbe two Confederate divisions of infantry to tlio passes held by General Joseph E. river known as the Wilderness. In the hope. Distances were unknown and began Us nmivh through the of I.ongstreet,, was killed. and thirty-two- . Held guns for two AdEKTS Klli f ground hud to-- Johnston's Confederate and covered, month of Hay, 1804, over a hundred ac- Federal leaders, for tho wilderness region by roadi 'eadlpg Six days after-th- e deadlock-I- the hours. In places the assailants reached by his guns. Beyond tion! were fought all over tbe theater always been Inside tho Confederate aid Itlolmiond. Hat tie Wfls not look-r-l wilderness there'Wos another at Spott-sylvan- Fine mountain the parapets, where many fell, and lay bold Oliver Chilled Plows. of war, which resulted Jn lots of life. lines and had not been reeonnoltercd. lor by the federal leaders before Court House, where Lee again Kenesaw, through wblcb the some even crossed trenches and railway the May 0 was a day of battlea. and the officers were without maps or mhing the North Anna river, many blocked the' vyay to Richmond. At passed leading to Atlanta. were killed there. The Confederates Tbe battle opened in the wilderness guides. Ti n distant. Spottsylvania the troops of Hancock, Tbe actions fought during this stage stated thrit they counted a thousand re- of on May 6 with one of the moat General Wadsworth took his men l.'vt ltobcrt TJ. I.ee saw bis oppor- and Ewell were opposed In a struggle Sherman's march were less san- dead boys In' blue In the line closest to markable atruggle known to the an-nn- li through tho unknown wilderness with- tunity to hold up the Federal march for the possession of the key to the guinary, than those taking place In their works. This assault was a bloody of war. Writing of tbe battle- out falling Into ambush, but In the In the v iidorness and deployed his field, a sharp, elevated position, fitly the same period on ' eastern battle- failure, but that was not because of E. R. Bradley ground, General Badean says, "One first attack after be formed his Hue ot niiny across the roads to dilute the called the "Bloody Angle." General fields, but the National cemetery at want of valor In the troops. Finding tangled maai of stunted evergreen, the plank road be was shot from the passes toward Hiclnnond. The first Edward Johnson's Confederate divi- Marietta, on the southern slopes of themselves In danger of annihilation, Kenesaw, dwarf chestnut, oak and hazel, with saddle Just Us his horso leaped the firmed clash of the field took pluce on sion held the front line of tbe angle holds the ashes of 10,000 yet scorning retreat, they clung to the Federal PRINTING an undergrowth of low IvHllns' Confederate breastworks. tiie Orange turnpike between the Con-- j when Hancock sprung the attack dur- soldiers, who fell from the slight ridges under the enemy's guns. bullets or shrubs, making tber forest almost im- From the Wilderness battlefield federates of Kwell's corps and the-- l ing a fog early on the morning of May disease. Kenesaw and the Tbe brigade of General Daniel Mo penetrable." of "a! army for - lesser mountains around it held Sher- Q And the bnttle, Grant marched the whole Federals nnder (ieneral O. K. Wnr- 12 and was captured almost entire Cook built a little parapet within seven- HIGH GRADE PAMPHLET 0 aa as midnight; to Ppottsylva-nl- man's army a month. On 27th of wrestle blind at a ward around Lee's flank ren. Farly in the day. the advanco with Its commander. Other troops ral tbe ty-live feet of the works. General AND COMMERCIAL WORK June heights were J gloom that made maneuvers Imprac- Court House, where the fighting Confederate brigade, led !y Opnernl lied to defend the angle, among them the stormed, with McCook was mortally wounded, and J PROMPTLY PERFORMED , loss of 2,500 Federal ticable; Jungle where regiments was resumed on May 8. The Klxtli John 1. Jones, drove In the Federal the brigade of General Junius Daniel, assailants. his second in command. Colonel O. F. en- The tumbled on each other and on the corps, nnder General John vedettes who were guarding Warren's who was killed In one of tbe strangest operations In front of Kenesaw Harmon, also fell. McCook seemed emy by turns, firing sometimes into reached tho field lute on the 8th and Hank from surprise and saw the great encounters on record. The troops mountain wore attended with one of to have a premonition of the carnage PRKIS ALWAYS BIGHT their own fculded on- Otli for brit- those peculiar trogedies ranks and often early the took tip position array of enemies marching confidently j fought all day at arm's length over a war which to come, for before tbe assault he 're- ly by crackling of One of corps lo- carry regret to foes as the the bushes or tle. battery the was toward' ltlehmotnl, Blnglo breastwork. The recital of Inci- well as sorrow cited to his men tbe lines from "Hora-tlu- s Wa are hen to do your work today cheers and cries arose from In of Confederate to to friends. After Sherman bad push- the that cated full view tho Jours reported his chief what he dents of that fight makes one marvel at the Bridge," beginning: tomorrow and every other day, and the depths around." The fighting of sharpshooters, and every oflioor who bud discovered and drew his brigade' that warfare could be so terrible. ed his right and left wings respective- Oh, how our money (what little we have) May 5 In the Wilderness, and, In fact, showed himself ns a target there wnf biu U two miles to the Intersection of a During the afternoon of the 12th a ly beyond the line of. Tine mountain it can men die batter than facing both was became a question Confed- fearful odda la apent m Hood River. We want days of the battle, the hit, crossroad with a turnpike, alongj South Carolinian belonging to Orr's with the glory country For tha of their and tha your work neatly erate commander whether he should altara of their gods! and can do it and SATISFACTORILY Brlfidler General Brljadler Gcnernl Alexander H ay a, a e a Wmls-wort- J m S. Brigadier Brigadier V. V.. morally V. i. V Pritadlcr General General General X lieutenant Gen- - wounded at the John M. Jonrfl. C. Micah Jenklna, C. Daniel McCook, U. aw eral Leonldae Polk. mortally wounded . V jhcX battle of the Wil- at the battle of Wil- 5. A., kiilfd nt the ImttniilUlilUJJluuiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S. A killed at tha mortally C . A killed on PARADISE HOTEL t - wounded derness, Vs.. May derness. Vs.. May hattle of battle of tha In tha f --9a. Wna mount, Ceor M. ... ' S, General 6, 18(1. 3, assault on Kenesaw Junt 18a- - 180. General Va., May Georgia. 1 " Heya commanded ml com- lB'j'l.
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