27 Adar II 5771 2 April 2011 SHABBAT HACHODESH A Shabbat ORG . of Double Blessing Rabbi Hagay Batzri KAHALJOSEPH . This Shabbat we take WWW ● out two torah scrolls, two sifrei Torah. In one, we chant the parasha, the ongoing, weekly Torah portion. 310.474.0559 ● The parasha for this In Parashat HaCho- week is Tazria. In the desh, the Torah says, Prayer Schedule second scroll, we read “This month shall be the special torah por- SHABBAT HACHODESH for you the beginning , CA 90025 90025 , CA tion for the Shabbat PARASHAT TAZRIA of the months, it shall that precedes Rosh Friday, April 1st be for you [for us, the Hodesh Nisan, the be- Minhah & Arbit 6:45 pm NGELES Jewish people] the Candle Lighting 6:55 pm A ginning of the Jewish first of the months of OS month of Nisan. This Saturday, April 2nd the year” (Shemot , L parasha, and the Shaharit 8:30 am 12:2). When the Torah Shabbat on which it is Tehillim before Minhah refers to months of the read, has the special Minhah & Arbit 6:30 pm EVASSER year, it counts from title of Parashat Motzei Shabbat 7:59 pm OULEVARD Nisan as the first HaChodesh or Shab- B month—and names WEEKDAYS bat HaChodesh—the the other months the Sunday, April 3rd Shabbat of The Month. ONICA Shaharit 7:30 am second month, the M third month, and so What is so special Monday-Friday forth. (In comparison, Shaharit 6:30 am ANTA about Nisan? It is the Rosh Hashanah, month in which we ROSH HODESH NISSAN which occurs in the M celebrate Pesach, or Monday Evening, April 4th seventh month, 10505 S 10505 Tuesday, April 5th ● Passover, our freedom Tishrei, marks the be- from enslavement, and Women’s Rosh Hodesh ginning of the world the beginning of the Gathering 11:30 am and creation, and is Jewish people as a Wednesday, April 6th celebrated as the gen- nation, rather than Passover is Here, Get Ready! eral New Year for all A Class w/ R. Batzri 7:00 pm simply as a large ex- ONGREGATION beings.) TALMUD TORAH CLASSES C tended family. In part, OL Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 pm because of this, it is Interestingly, both the considered the begin- EREV SHABBAT OSEPH torah portion of J ning of the Jewish PARASHAT MEZORAH “Tazria” and Parashat year. Friday, April 8th AHAL (Continued on page 2) Minhah & Arbit 6:50 pm K K Candle Lighting 7:00 pm P a ge 2 2 April 2011 (Continued from page 1) Within the Jewish lunar- HaChodesh concern solar year, these Torah themselves with the portions are always concept of “heet-chad- read during the spring. shut” or renewal. In its In content and timing, very name, parashat both readings encour- HaChodesh refers to age us to welcome and this process of re- embrace new begin- newal—the same three nings and new life. Tak- letters form the basis of ing these scrolls out to- both the Hebrew word gether, during one for “month” and for Shabbat in the syna- “new”—chet, dalet, gogue, confers a double shin. Each month on blessing upon us of re- the Jewish calendar newal and re- begins with the new invigoration. l’ad” or “Their righteous- Einy has the knowl- moon, the “pregnancy” ness and good deeds edge to lead us with of the month just be- In my eyes, the the first stand for all time.” strength. ginning. Each new lu- Sefer Torah, containing nar month, like each Parasha Tazria, contin- The second Sefer To- By taking out both woman’s cycle of fertil- ues the annual cycle of rah, containing these Sifrei Torah, ity, contains the possi- readings from the Parashat HaChodesh, filled with the mes- bility of bringing new Torah. When chanted, welcomes every new sage of renewal and life into the world. the torah portion of Taz- month and the new year birth, we are showing ria represents continu- that is just beginning. through our very ac- Similary, parasha Taz- ity—for us, all the previ- And, we are blessed tions—carrying these ria opens with refer- ous presidents and this Shabbat to wel- Torah scrolls through ence to women’s ability board members of Ka- come our new Presi- the sanctuary, reading to ovulate and gestate hal. These great lead- dent, Ronald Einy, a from them, raising new life, to laws sur- ers remain in our com- great leader who carries them for all to see— rounding birth, and to munity and their influ- within himself the com- our willingness to let brit milah, the covenan- ence, character and munal legacy. As the go of the past, to em- tal ceremony by which legacy are continuing child of one of Kahal’s brace the new, and to each new baby boy be- blessings for our con- founders, who himself start fresh both in our comes a part of the gregation. As the verse has twenty-four years community and in our Jewish people, renew- in Psalms says, experience of service private lives. ing our life as a nation. “V’tzidkatam omedet on our Board, President Shabbat Shalom To Publish Life Event Notices Norma & Sam Dabby Members with information about life events such as births, bar/bat mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, anniver- Talmud Torah saries or passings, call the office at 310.474.0559 to ensure information reaches our editor. Please note, notices must KJ after school classes for be received by noon Wednesday for inclusion in the kids ages 5 to 13 are ongoing for 2011. week’s issue of as space allows. If space is limited notices will be published as soon as possible. We appreciate your Call 310.474.0559 or e-mail donation in honor of family event notices. [email protected] 2 April 2011 P a ge 3 In Memoriam Community News It is customary to light a memorial candle in the evening and to donate SEUDAH tzedakah. Family members are THANK YOU encouraged to attend prayer ser- SHLISHEET to everyone who assisted with the vices in honor of loved ones. is sponsored Purim Carnival. Special thanks to Shabbat / 27 Adar II in memory of Nisim ben Jacob Molly Jalali Shaul ben Hacham Moshe Yakob their grandmother Sunday / 28 Adar II Miriam Rafie, z’’l and Jonathan Kelly Moshe Haim Navid* for planning and organizing the best Tefaha bat Salima by Rahmatollah Rahamim* Purim extravaganza ever and to all Farshaad Rafie and the staff and volunteers who helped Monday / 29 Adar II Maryam Shadie Lulu bat Matooka make it happen. Mordechai ben Yehudah Sarraf* Tuesday / 1 Nisan Lotfollah Nassi* Sadik Slah ben Ezra Zakoo Halevi Wednesday / 2 Nisan MAZAL TOV MAZAL TOV Aharon Yosef Eliyahu ben Amouma David M. Elias Sara bat Khatoon Mitra and Eddie Hakimi Thursday / 3 Nisan on the birth of who will be reading HIlwa Farha bat Tiffaha Ezair* your grandson this week’s Haftarah Portion Jalal Kohan Naim ben Sasson for Parashat HaChodesh Sammy Dallal Congratulations Shabbat / 5 Nisan to the entire family in honor of Moshe ben Shemuel Somekh Moussa Shaaya To update, please call the office at 310.474.0559 . Learn to Read Refuah Shlemah SHABBAT MITZVOT the Haftarah Yonatan ben Alizah ▪ Mazal Tov We offer for donation the following Mitzvot. bat Sulha Mitana ▪ Matilda 1. Petichat Hechal opening of the ark; Wouldn’t you like to chant Louisa ▪ Yaheskel ben Regina ▪ 2. Carrying of the Sefer Torah & Sefer from the concluding section Ayala bat Naomi ▪ Khayah Noa Haftara; 3. Hakamat Sefer lifting of the read on every Shabbat— bat Sara ▪ Haim ben Mordechai ▪ Torah; 4. Mashlim* The seventh aliya to Pnina bat Esther ▪ Yosi ben the Haftarah? 5. Esther ▪ Victor ben Latif ▪ Ramah the Torah who recites Kaddish; Maftir* Regina bat Farha ▪ Aziza bat Sara The last aliya to the Torah which includes the Reserve a haftarah portion at Judith bat Malka ▪ Ofek ben Yochai Haftara (read by the clergy unless member 310.474. 0559. Then, schedule time ▪ Efrayim Zev ben Fayga ▪ Sulha reading is preapproved). We suggest a to practice with Saeed Jalali & learn Matana bat Mozelle ▪ Gershon ben minimum donation of $126 or multiples of your haftarah with authentic Bagh- David ▪ Farangis Miriam bat $18 or $26. You will receive confirmation dadi ta'amim, our traditional Iraqi Touran ▪ David ben Leah ▪ before Shabbat to confirm if you will re- melodies for the Torah. Avraham Haim ben Miryam ▪ ceive the aliya. Members may reserve in Yaakov ben Freda ▪ Rachel bat advance by calling the office. Non- Torah Readings Mazal Tov ▪ Avraham ben Rab- members reserving aliyot should contact bie ▪ Mazal Sigalit bat Rivkah ▪ Parashat Tazria pp.460-466 Orit bat Tikvah ▪ Yaakov ben the office for availability at 310.474.0559. Parashat HaChodesh pp. 253-257 Aliyah ▪ Chana Leah bat Reiza We appreciate your support. Haftara pp. 1001-1004 SPONSOR KIDDUSH or SEUDAH SHLISHEET If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush or an afternoon meal, also known as Seudah Shlisheet, in honor of a special occasion or in honor of a family member or friend, please contact our office at 310.474.0559. Pesah Classes with Rabbi Hagay Batzri Passover is Here—Get Ready! Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 7:00 to 8:00 pm Take the chore out of Passover preparation. Learn why we do what we do, what matters, and what doesn’t. The Seder—Let’s Do It More Meaningfully, this Year Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 7:00 to 8:00 pm Enrich your enjoyment of the Passover dinner, its blessings and stories and make this Seder your family’s best ever.
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