©CzechTourism.com August 26–30, 2012 Prague, Czech Republic Final Program www.euchems-prague2012.cz ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The organisers sincerely thank the following sponsors and partners for their generous support of the 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress Sponsors PlatinPlatinumum sponsor BASF www.basf.com Gold sponsors portal.acs.org portal.acs.org www.clariant.com www.evonik.de www.rsc.org www.wiley.co.uk www.wiley-vch.de Silver sponsor www.sanofi .de Bronze sponsors onlinelibrary.wiley.com www.gdch.de www.bruker.com www.bayer.com www.nature.com Partners www.americanelements.com www.staralliance.com www.aaas.org www.amvis.cz www.journals.elsevier.com www.natur.cuni.cz/faculty-en www.novartis.com www.uochb.cas.cz LETTER COMMITTEES WELCOME GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM Content INFORMATION EVENTS SPECIAL VENDOR SEMINARS Welcome letter 2 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE AT Committees 3 General information 4 PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC Program information 6 POSTER Special events 8 SESSIONS Vendor seminars 11 LIST OF POSTERS Program at a glance 14 Scientifi c program 15 SOCIAL PROGRAM Poster sessions overview 45 TOURS List of posters 46 GUIDED Social Program 94 Guided tours 96 FLOORPLAN Exhibition fl oorplan 98 EXHIBITORS EXHIBITION Exhibitors 99 PLAN Venue plan 100 VENUE Practical Information A – Z 102 PRACTICAL About EuCheMS and CChS 106 INFORMATION List of presenters 108 EUCHEMS AND CCHS AUGUSTAUGUST 26 – 30,30, 2012,2012, PRAGUE,PRAGUE, CZECHCZECH REPUBLICREPUBLIC 1 LIST OF PRESENTERS WELCOME LETTER COMMITTEES WELCOME LETTER INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM SPECIAL EVENTS Dear Fellow Chemists, Dear colleagues, Dear colleagues, Following the very successful confer- I invite you to attend the 4th biennial It is my honour and pleasure to invite ences in Budapest (2006), Torino (2008) Euro pean Chemistry Con gress on Au- you, the members of the large chemi- SEMINARS VENDOR and Nürnberg (2010) we are now invited gust 26 – 30 in Prague, Czech Republic. cal community to the Prague European by the Czech Chemical Society to come The meeting is organized by the Czech Chemistry Congress. All the conveners to Prague for the 4th European Chemistry Chemical Society on behalf of the nearly and organizers are doing maximum Congress. 50 European chemical societies and pro- to make the 4 ECC a successful meeting, AT A GLANCE AT PROGRAM Prague is not only one of the most fessional organizations that constitute full of inspiring and exciting new chem- beautiful cities in heart of Europe, it the European Association for Chemical istry and motivating meetings, personal also a traditional city of science be- and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). It discussions, enjoy ment, and fun. cause it hosts Charles University, one provides participants with academic, All are doing their best to fi ll the 11 main industrial, and government laboratories SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM of the oldest European Universities, structural blocks of Congress with founded in 1348. Furthermore, Prague with a unique opportunity to familiarize the most interesting available mate- has a long tradition to gather chemists themselves with the cutting edge of cur- rial in the fi eld. Congress stresses not from all over Europe. Around the turn rent chemistry in Europe, to renew old only “haute chimie” but also other of the 16th century Habsburg emperor acquaintances, and to establish new con- dimensions of this important human SESSIONS POSTER Rudolf II, who resided in Prague, rallied tacts. An exhibition will be an excellent activity, indispensable for quality life: en- the key alchemists of that time around opportunity for learning about the latest vironmental aspects, professional points him. The Zlatá ulička, the Golden Alley, advances in commercial products and of view, quality of teaching chemistry, a touristic spot at Hradschin, owes its for networking. Students and chemists responsibility and ethical connotations, OF POSTERS name to the alchemists who supposedly in early stages of their careers are par- and links to other branches of science LIST worked there to convert lead in gold and ticularly welcome. and technology. to fi nd the Philosopher’s stone. The ten main sections, each hosting Let the Prague meeting of chemists be Prague is therefore the ideal setting for several symposia, will provide a feast yours. May you feel you need to ask PROGRAM SOCIAL addressing the challenges of today’s for the curious spirit, with chemistry the organizers for anything, here we are. chemistry. The 4th European Chemistry for a sustainable world as the unifying Congress provides the opportunity theme. The following areas of chemistry Pavel Drašar to present the latest progress in all ar- will be covered: (i) analytical and electro, Chair of the Local Organising GUIDED (ii) education and history, (iii) food, (iv) TOURS eas of chemistry. It will bring together Committee chemists from academia, industry and environmental, energy and green, (v) governments and provides a platform for inorganic, (vi) life science, (vii) nano, discussing the contributions of chemistry (viii) organic and polymer, (ix) physical, FLOORPLAN EXHIBITION to innovation in Europe and to meeting theoretical, and computational, and (x) the big global challenges. solid state. The congress also has a social function I do not expect that it will be easy to fi nd that is a “family celebration” of the Eu- free time, but if you do, or better, if you EXHIBITORS ropean chemistry community. EuCheMS stay for a few extra days before or after has more than 40 member societies the meeting, you will be able to enjoy in over 30 countries across Europe, which the fabled glory of the historic center in total represent about 150.000 indi- of Prague, one of the few cities listed vidual chemists. I would be delighted in the UNESCO World Cultural and Natu- VENUE PLAN to meet a large proportion of them ral Heritage register. It is easily visible and in Prague, as well as many friends from easily reachable from the hill at which all over the world. the conference center is located. INFORMATION PRACTICAL Personally and on behalf of EuCheMS I am looking forward to seeing you I invite you to come to Prague. My special in Prague in August 2012. invitation goes to young chemists to use Josef Michl this unique opportunity for networking Congress chairman AND CCHS and creating contacts EUCHEMS Ulrich Schubert EuCheMS President PRESENTERS LIST OF 2 4 TH EUCHEMSEUCHEMS CONGRESS,CONGRESS, FINAL PROGRAMPROGRAM LETTER WELCOME COMMITTEES COMMITTEES Organising Committee Local Organising Committee GENERAL INFORMATION Committee chair: Committee Chair: Schubert Ulrich, Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker Drašar Pavel, Prague, CZ PROGRAM INFORMATION Members: Members: Bjerrum Morten, Danish Chemical Society Barek Jiří, CCS and Charles University Praha EVENTS De Angelis Franco, Società Chimica Italiana Bělohlav Zdeněk, CCS and Institiute of Chemical SPECIAL Drašar Pavel, Czech Chemical Society Technology Praha Facchetti Sergio, Consiglio Nazionale dei Chimici Koča Jaroslav, CCS and Masaryk University Brno Grennberg Helena, Swedish Chemical Society Mareček Lukáš, CZECH-IN s. r. o. (PCO) Keinan Ehud, Israel Chemical Society Moravcová Jitka, CCS and Institiute of Chemical VENDOR SEMINARS Koch Wolfram, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker Technology Praha Koroniak Henryk, Polish Chemical Society Pokorná Helena, Czech Chemical Society Praha Majcen Nineta, EuCheMS General Secretary Slovák Václav, CCS and University Ostrava Stará Irena, Institute of Organic Chemistry Milata Viktor, Slovak Chemical Society PROGRAM Negro Álvarez Carlos, Asociación Nacional de Químicos and Biochemistry AS CR Praha A GLANCE AT de España Ulrichová Jitka, CCS and Palacký University Olomouc Oro Luis, Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica Wágner Tomáš, CCS and University Pardubice PROGRAM Parker Robert, Royal Society of Chemistry (CCS – Czech Chemical Society) SCIENTIFIC Siegel Jay, Swiss Chemical Society Simon Sarkadi Livia, Hungarian Chemical Society Tkatchenko Igor, France Chemical Society POSTER Conveners SESSIONS Brett Christopher MA, Coimbra, PT Scientifi c Committee Credi Alberto, Bologna, IT Drašar Pavel, Prague CZ LIST OF POSTERS Committee chair: Eisenstein Odile, Montpellier, FR Facchetti Sergio, Rome, IT Michl Josef, Boulder, US; Prague, CZ, Committee Chair Fluxa Viviana, Berne CH Giger Walter, Zurich, CH SOCIAL Members: PROGRAM Frank Hartmut, Bayreuth DE Brett Christopher, Coimbra, PT Mihovilovic Marko, Wien, AT Carpenter Barry, Cardiff, UK Müllen Klaus, Mainz, DE Credi Alberto, Bologna, IT TOURS Sozzani Piero, Milano IT GUIDED De Angelis Francesco, l'Aquila, IT van Eldik Rudi, Erlangen, DE Drašar Pavel, Prague, CZ, Committee vice-Chair Wedzicha Bronek, (CZ Liaison) Leeds, UK Eisenstein Odile, Montpellier, FR Facchetti Sergio, Rome, IT FLOORPLAN Gäggeler Heinz W., Bern, CH Giger Walter, Zurich, CH Gouverneur Veronique, Oxford, UK Grennberg Helena, Uppsala, SE EXHIBITORS EXHIBITION Jeziorski Bogumil, Warszawa, PL Khripach Vladimir A., Minsk, BY PLAN Larsen Sine, Copenhagen, DK VENUE Madder Annemieke, Ghent, BE Martín Nazario, Madrid, ES Meijer Bert E.W., Eindhoven, NL Mihovilovic Marko, Wien, AT PRACTICAL Müllen Klaus, Mainz, DE INFORMATION Schmidtchen Franz P., München, GE van Eldik Rudi, Erlangen, DE Vogt Dieter, Eindhoven, NL EUCHEMS AND CCHS Wedzicha Bronek, Leeds, UK AUGUSTAUGUST 26 – 30,30, 2012,2012, PRAGUE,PRAGUE, CZECHCZECH REPUBLICREPUBLIC 3 LIST OF PRESENTERS WELCOME LETTER COMMITTEES GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATION GENERAL Registration fee includes: Registration INFORMATION PROGRAM • Admission to all sessions, poster
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