ST. CHARLES PARISH PUBLIC NOTICES Larry Cochran Terrell D. Wilson Mary K. Clulee Dick Gibbs William “Billy” Woodruff Marilyn B. Bellock Traci A. Fletcher Julia Fisher-Perrier Wendy Benedetto Paul J. Hogan Parish President Councilman, District I Councilwoman, District II Councilman, District III Councilman, District IV Councilwoman, District V Councilwoman, District VI Councilwoman, District VII Councilwoman-At-Large, Councilman-At-Large, Division B 985-783-5000 985-308-0866 985-308-1690 985-307-0182 985-306-0281 504-360-2025 985-307-0120 985-308-0366 Division A 985-306-0085 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 985-307-0350 [email protected] [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 27, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 27 - August 2, 2017 5D PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 27, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 27, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE Publish on July 27, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 27, 2017 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Rotary Club of St. Charles is applying “We are applying to the Commissioner of to the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office for Alcohol and Tobacco Control of the State a permit to conduct the Alligator Festival of Louisiana for a permit to sell beverages at the West Bank Bridge Park, 13825 River of Low and High alcoholic content at retail Road, Luling, LA 70070 on September in the Parish of St. Charles at the following 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th in the Parish of St. address: VooDoo Restaurant Group, Inc. Charles. dba VooDoo BBQ & Grill, 100 E. James Alcohol will be served at this event. Dr. St. Rose, LA 70087” The times of the festival are: Members: Michael Carro, Craig Reeder Thursday, September 21st 6pm-9pm PUBLISH: July 27 & August 3, 2017 Friday, September 22nd 6pm-9pm Saturday, September 23rd 10am-11pm Sunday, September 24th 10am-9pm Publish on July 20 & 27, 2017 6D St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 27 - August 2, 2017 By virtue of and in obedience to a Writ PUBLISH ON: July 27, 2017 RITIES PUBLIC NOTICE of SEIZURE AND SALE directed to August 24, 2017 CORPORATION, HOME EQUITY- me by the Honorable 29TH JUDI- ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: MORTGAGE CIAL DISTRICT COURT in and for Rader Jackson ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH the PARISH OF ST. CHARLES, State 1010 Common St. Suite 1500 CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2001-KS1 of Louisiana, dated: WEDNESDAY, New Orleans, LA 70112 VS MAY 10, 2017, in the above entitled and 504-581-9444 DEBORAH ORY MAJOR A/K/A numbered cause, I shall proceed to sell SCSO-CIV-209-0402 DEBORAH O. MAJOR A/K/A at public auction at the principal front DEBOARH MAJOR, ET AL door of the Courthouse of which the SHERIFF’S SALE GREG CHAMPAGNE, SHERIFF Civil District Court of the Parish of St. P.O. Box 426 Charles is held on WEDNESDAY, AU- SHERIFF’S SALE HAHNVILLE, LA 70057 GUST 2, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., to the last SHERIFF’S OFFICE Parish of St. Charles and highest bidder for cash, the follow- Suit No: (45) 81803-D Date: Friday, 29th Judicial District Court ing described property, to wit: June 2, 2017 State of Louisiana A CERTAIN PARCEL OF GROUND, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC By virtue of and in obedience to a Writ together with all the buildings and VS of SEIZURE AND SALE directed to improvements thereon, and all of the JASON J. MARTIN AKA JASON me by the Honorable 29TH JUDI- rights, ways, privileges, servitude, ap- MARTIN CIAL DISTRICT COURT in and for purtenances and advantages thereunto GREG CHAMPAGNE, SHERIFF the PARISH OF ST. CHARLES, State belonging or in anywise appertaining, P.O. Box 426 of Louisiana, dated: WEDNESDAY, situated as follows: HAHNVILLE, LA 70057 MARCH 9, 2016, in the above entitled Situated in the Parish of St. Charles, State Parish of St. Charles and numbered cause, I shall proceed PUBLISH: July 27, 2017 of Louisiana, in that part thereof known 29th Judicial District Court to sell at public auction at the principal as Fairfield Plantation Oaks and desig- State of Louisiana front door of the Courthouse of which PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE nated as LOT 16-A, Square No. 3-A. By virtue of and in obedience to a Writ the Civil District Court of the Parish of Square No. 3-A is bounded by Pitre of SEIZURE AND SALE directed to St. Charles is held on WEDNESDAY, Drive and Louisiana Highway 48-Jef- me by the Honorable 29TH JUDI- AUGUST 2, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., to the ferson Highway and commences at a CIAL DISTRICT COURT in and for last and highest bidder for cash, the fol- distance of 864.70 feet from the corner the PARISH OF ST. CHARLES, State lowing described property, to wit: of Louisiana Highway 48-Jefferson of Louisiana, dated: WEDNESDAY, Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana, Highway and Pitre Drive, and measures MAY 3, 2017, in the above entitled and in Magnolia Ridge Park Subdivision, in thence 56.54 feet front on Pitre Drive, numbered cause, I shall proceed to sell Section 119, Township 13 South, Range same width in the rear by a depth of at public auction at the principal front 20 East, and Section 1, Township 14 86.48 feet on the sideline near Louisi- door of the Courthouse of which the South, Range 20 East, said subdivision ana Highway 48-Jefferson Highway, Civil District Court of the Parish of St. being portions of Farm Lots 34 to 49, and a depth on the opposite sideline of Charles is held on WEDNESDAY, AU- Ellington Plantation, and described and 86.92 feet. Lot 16-A is further described GUST 2, 2017, at 10:00 A.M., to the last designated as per map of EM’. Collier, as being bounded by Lot 17-A on its and highest bidder for cash, the follow- R.S., dated July 19, 1957, as LOT NO. 11, Northern sideline and by Lot 15-A on ing described property, to wit: BLOCK “E”. its Southern sideline, all in accordance ONE CERTAIN LOT OR PORTION BLOCK “E” is BOUNDED BY I, Barbara Wallace McCorkle, have I, Luther Comardelle, have been with a survey by Gilbert, Kelly & Cou- OF GROUND, together with all rights, ACORN STREET (formerly Magno- been convicted of Unlawful Sexual convicted of Simple Rape. Date of turie, Inc. Surveying and Engineering ways, privileges, servitudes, appur- lia Avenue), LOCUST STREET, the Contact with a 16 or 17 year old/ Conviction: 05/24/2012. My address dated December 31,1986. tenances and advantages thereunto Northwesterly boundary line of the Class A misdemeanor. Date of is 210 Matthew Dr., Apt. Lot 1, Des Which has the address of 131 Pitre belonging or in anywise appertaining, subdivision and MAPLE STREET. Conviction: 07/02/2013. My address Allemands, La. 70030. Street, St Rose, LA 70087 situated in St. Charles Parish, State of LOT 11 commences at a distance of Louisiana, on the right bank of the Mis- is 224 Sycamore St., Hahnville LA And from the proceeds of said sale to 100.99 feet from the intersection of pay petitioner by preference over all oth- sissippi River, in or near the Town of ACORN STREET AND LOCUST 70057. RACE: White Ama, being portion of Lot 3 of a parti- SEX: Male er claims, the sum of: NINETY-EIGHT STREET, and measuring 70.35 feet front THOUSAND THIRTY-ONE AND tion between the heirs of Widow Ursin on ACORN STREET, with a width RACE: White DOB: 03/29/1982 Zeringue, recorded in COB “F”, folio SEX: Female HGT: 5’8” 67/100 ($98,031.67) DOLLARS, measurement of 70.14 feet, a depth on along with interest and attorney’s fees 114,*The lot of ground herein is more the sideline adjacent to LOT 12 of 85.07 DOB: 09/06/1978 WGT: 160 fully shown on a plat survey made by HGT: 5’8” HAIR COLOR: B1onde and all other costs including my own feet, a depth on the sideline adjacent to costs and charges. Lucien C. Gassen, Registered Land Sur- LOT 10 of 92.07 feet. WGT: 182 EYE COLOR: Blue TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF veyor, dated January 15, 1980, entitled And from the proceeds of said sale to HAIR COLOR: Brown SALE: CASH IN THE FORM OF A “Subdivision of a Portion of the Proper- pay petitioner by preference over all oth- heraldguide.com/legals/listings.php EYE COLOR: Hazel PUBLISH: July 27 & August 3, CASHIER’S CHECK DUE BY 2:00 ty of the Heirs of Anatole Friloux, being er claims, the sum of: FORTY THOU- online at Legals are available 2017 P.M. DAY OF THE SALE. a portion of lot 3 of a Partition between SAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY- PUBLISH: July 20 & 27, 2017 PUBLISH ON: June 29, 2017 the heirs of Widow Ursin Zeringue, lo- FIVE AND 98/100 ($40,675.98) SHERIFF’S SALE July 27, 2017 cated in Section 34 and 36, Township 13 DOLLARS, along with interest and at- PUBLIC NOTICE GREG CHAMPAGNE-SHERIFF & South, Range 21 East, Ama, St. Charles torney’s fees and all other costs including SHERIFF’S SALE EX-OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR Parish, Louisiana,” a copy of which is on my own costs and charges. SHERIFF’S OFFICE ST. CHARLES PARISH file in the office of the Clerk of Court of TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF Suit No: (45)82951-0 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: St.
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