TECHNICAL FEATURES Chicago, May 5, 1960 Decca Gets Sides I BEATS AND OFFBEATS By Phil Napoleon ARRANGERS' CORNER New York—Decca records has ucquired four two-beat sides by By SY OLIVER aad DICK JACOBS By ALAN ABEL Phil Napoleon, who recently New York—Question box time, ho let*a plunge right in. -igned with Columbia Sides were Columbus—In this issue we promised some help in playing B. M., of Chicago, has two questions. First on how to use the originally cut by Napoleon for mu­ shows, so dig right in and let’s see what we can discover. s ic publisher Joe Davis to help Da­ French horn in the dance band. Well, there are many meth­ vis promote tunes in his Beacon Whether it i» vaudeville, burlesque. night club show, the ods, but one that we like is to have the horn double trumpet Music catalog Davis sold the mas­ responiàbility fails upon the drummer. It i* he who must set melody an octave lower in ensemble passages. Herr** a short ters to Decca the tempo in a pronounced man­ example. • In a similar promotiona1 effort, ner for the benefit of muaician» of both conductor and stage. Get Davis is cutting some sides by in the habit of keeping your eyes and act» on atage. singer Bob Houston und piamrt San Oftentimes the Tempo will he on the music, conductor, <ind stage Buddy Weed which he may even­ given on a downbeat, with no indi­ continuously, particularly the con- tually turn over to u major label. and ii cation of the rhythmic speed. It is ductor. You responsible to iromo him for tempo changes, even up to the drummer to know rather noat i accurately the Tempo and to set though the acts may cue you di­ rectly. Names In Rhumba Ork ’wo we this rhythm with confidence. Even New York—Luis Del Campo’s irew II though it has been a number of During th« first show it is wiser His other question is what instrument of the danee band can substi­ to forget the catching of falls or tute for the oboe? Oui opinion: Trumpet in tin straight mute. rhumba band, recently installed at oui* ai hours since he rehearsed a particu­ the Domino .n Yorkville, includes y The lar tempo, it is up to him tc re­ tricks on stage; learn your music R R., of Zurich, Switzerland, wants to see some illustrations of and tempo« first. Above all, don’t modern trumpet markings. Here they are. several line’« < member the tempo when show time Among them are Billy Howell, ng don rolls around. be timid. If you are going tc make a mistake, it’s going to be heard Tommy Allison, and Ix*nnie Gott­ Ine Metronome System by a few, so why not let everyone Ex.n schalk. trumpets; Ed Caine and One good way to retain the hear it? Building up self-confi Close Open Frank Socoiow, altos; Lee Gor­ speed of the beat accurately is to dence is the first step in master­ don, tenor; Harvey Lavine, bari­ use the metronome system By this, ing show-drumming technique. ton. and Tom Garcia, piano. familiarize yourself with the tem­ This, along with the ability to pos of 80, 90, 100, etc., as indi­ read well, alertness to the conduc­ Which winds it up for this issue. cated on the metronome During tor’s movements, the acts on stage, Set1 you all next time out. Our rehearsals be sure to label your and playing relaxed, will result <n P. S., of Lima, Ohio, wants to see parting thought: Thirds or sixths drum parts with the tempo mark­ the proper finesse for playing a real tight v< icing illustrated for H. K.. of Laurelton, N. Y., is in­ are the best intervals to use in ing according to the metronome. good show drums. three brass and four saxes. Here's terested in seeing a voicing for one writing strict duets, such as single Lat* t. when the downbeat cuiuer New Det in- Book a pip, and take careful note of it, trumpet and four saxes. Here’s the string guitar and clarinet. around, you are prepared to set because it produces a really won­ one we like best. (Ed. Note: Saad question# to Sy Oliver Barrett Deems, formerly with and Dick Jacoba* 1619 Broadway* Now York tbs tempo by merely glancing at Joe Venuti, and known as the derful sound. EX. IV 19* N. Y. Eaeloee celf-addreeeed, «lamped the metronome marking made dur- envelope for personal reply.) world's fastest drummer, has just EX. ni TRIT. ing rehearsal. leader’s completed a >iew drum text in co­ luwnbeat, h» nun to make a strong operation with Martin Dixon. En­ entrance Almost all introductions titled Drummers' Practice Routine, are fortissimo, so you needn’t wor­ this book is unique and very help­ ry about playing too strongly. The ful. Plate I shows several examples Strand Theatre intro is the cue that starts the act ; Bldg., sdvertii of the reading material the in Oak its importance cannot be overem­ book. If you desire further infor­ IMS Broadway * phasized REHARMONIZATION DIAL Mte St includir mation on this publication, drop a No. 1 me a line, along with any of your inn win made of lilk-rayon in all colori Y. C.. Suite 304 SOLIDS or POLKA DOTS Columbus S-NU he wa» Keep your music well- drumming problems. COMPOSERS •’ iperial attention *o Combo» INSTRUCTION hadn’t lighted Stand to the right of your MENS and LADIES A twist of thr dial Saxophon« sock-pedal. Be sure the stand is teavy ho neo rimmed automatically select« all possible Ciarlìi«« high enough to permit a free view substitute high tension chords for This any given portions of melody. «trong. Cete. Cheek or SEETON SALES CO., Dept. 0 Thousands of possibilities for rich, s coup] mon.y order. 1145 E. 14th St., modem harmonic treatment. and tl C O.D.» «««pted Brooklyn 30, N T Dereloped at/ dropped SCHILLINGER HOISE School of Musie «1.00 POSTPAID Moaey Baek Guarantee DRUMMERS On 1 ARE YOU BEAT CONSCIOUt? «ned g BURROWS MUSIC CO., INC. the moi Learn to Play Progretsively With All WANTED IMMEDIATELY Stylet Of Bind» agents not pu’ DRUMS VIBRAHARP TYMPANI Dixieland Arrangements VALE CHORD PROGRESSION CHART promote FOR Ba Bop Anelyied Tc Play With Taite For corn«* eteri««*, trombone oH Menlchno radio pl And a Boat • nd four rhythm and co n»t ruction • new easy way. By setting r.O.Box30VS Hollywood 2». Calif. chart to key desired «11 frequent chord progressions are shown, plus many varia­ CLARENCE CARLSON An il tions u»ing substitution and pasting chords. Coimepollfon Schaal af Music develop For enhancing any tune, for intros, and making colorful arrangement*. G. I. Ml Approved where f Sead DI for Sliderule Chart aad Method I62S Kimball Building, Chicago 4 Edison ORCHESTRATIONS VALK CHORD CHART CO. Bar as HArriton 7-4S6I tracts t Band Music Method Books and thr Supplies Instruments This ARRANGEMENTS liou La Out FREE Cataloga list thousands MELODIES two y« of Orchs Be hope Books. Band PRINTING Swin^ i Music, Instruments and Supplies. PROMOTION occasior SONGWRITERS where < tVERYTHIHS FOR THE MUSICIAN! seen. A Need oichestratlona in a hurry? a fat o] Try our fastest service— Send $1.00 BAY deposit and we'll ship C.O.D. SONGWRITERS SERVICE. velle, s same hour. prawe 1 TERMINAL MUSICAL SUPPLY, Inc, tab her II3A W. 48 Street, New York IS. N.Y. COMPLETE ARRANGING EDUCATION tito ope tap-Chord > App «d -: Mumtel Pirckology Arranging I ■ Arranging II Arranging III Voicing by tina clu iiulrumantaflon - Piycnological Ausciafiom - Orchaitrafion fcatuiei ladarwdll AacMniadll loib Baah O*a »alter —LEARM TO ARRANGE—a PRIVATE—CLASS—CORRISPONOENCI LESSONS b, .tad,in* the SY OLIVER-DICK JACOBS •lairni of MODERN APPLIED ARRANGING. MAURY DEUTSCH. Mus.D. Step by atrp, you learn all the device» u»ed by leeding arrangers. Inatmction available through personal lesaona or by mail. Call, writ« or phono for lull in for ma lion and fr«« chord abort DICK JACOBS —SY OLIVER (lite Hoor) LEARN TO MAKE 1E1SA »»ooiteoy-N. T. IB—Clicl« T-nM YOUR OWN ARRANGEMENTS PIANO TUNING PAYS Tita difference between madiocra otffih and those tea* reelly get *u tea fop it tea -jlfference betwee« Learn this Independent Profession »tock ariangamarii and panonal arrangamaMi which ______________ AT HOME______________ craate a i*yle—a fradamark You can team to make th«»a popularity-building an angamanti by itudying out convaniant HOME STUDY Harmony and Arranging Cour— Sand lodar catalog and tenon»I Wolfe Buys Lair Bushkin Cuts LP Chart toursat tea* tetere.t you Pittsburgh—Tiny Wolfe, onetime New York—Pianist Joe Bush­ Blue Barron bass player and vo­ kin has cut his first LP platter, h Piene, *••»*•■ > Normel Ceuria Choral Conducting HARMONY calist. has bought a half interest 10-inch job for Atlantic records in the Clover club. He expects to * Pieno, Student » Coune DANCE GAND ARRANGING «•iter which will carry 10 numbers in­ Public School Mui.—Beginner ■ of Muilc Mandali* acquire the remaining half within _ Public School Mui.—Supervlior'i Cornet—Trumpe* r Voie« Violin a year. Wolfe took over Barron’s stead of the conventional eight. " Advanced Competition Profeitional Cornet— Cteri na* Doubl« Counterpoint Disc, titled I Love a Piano, is due Ear Training 4 Sight Singing Saiophone Foe baur for h spell while Barron war □ Advenced Competition in the army. for release late in April. Name....................................................... •ing » Street ................ romba Muur enperieace on tn Bill St.
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