The Franklin NEWS-rECORD zn,.,.a=...=o.a =x..... ..,o. J.’y s, 1Psi VOL. 16, NO. 4 =tthe po=t Omce In Somerset NewJe;’sey. SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1971 -10¢ per. copy SchoolBoard Asks For$8.4 Million TaskForce News: 20 Citizens Attend ’nnCBySehoolWantSBoardACti°n H:heanp ~r~a~k:~n c:°W~sh~ Superintendentof Schools Dr. Hearing On Budget ishoping for some encouraging RobertShaffner regarding the newsin thenear future about report. theboard of education’splans memberscame from candidates ~ The staff is scheduled toincrease Dr.Shaffner, in commenting Itavethe taxpayers of Franklin Superintendentof Schools Dr. forpossible implementation of tothe commission oneach point readabout their school board’s or campaignleaders. by fivenext year. RobertShaffner and Board The approximately12,000 suggestionsincluded in the mentionedin the taskforce proposed$8.4 million budget, a 10 **Repairwork, which according MembersRobert McCredie and reportof theFranklin Task report,cited many areas in .35per cent. increase over last eligiblevoters whodid not show up RaymondMesiah each expressed [ Force on Community missedthe board’s detailed ex-I toBoard Member Daniel Cerullo, which the school ad- year,and decided that it should be "hasbeen either neglected or the feelingthat the proposedI Problems. ministrationis working toward passedbecause of its austerity? planationof the budget,its l budget.was as tightas possible. The commission,which has Havethe taxpayers, onthe other unanimousvote of approval,an choppedout aftera defeatfor improvement, such as explanationofa public question on severalyears,"aeeounts for a Dr. Shaffnercalled it an theresponsibility ofprodding curriculumevaluation and the hand,read about the budget, thetownship council and the creationof betterreading examinedtheir own financiallandacquisition which will also sizableamount of money. "austere,status qua" budget, appearon theballot on Feb.g, **Thesecurity guards, who were while Dr. McCredieand Mr. schoolboard to at least programs. stability,and decided to voteit seriously consider the detailsonthe election itself, and addeda fewmonths ago to control Mesiahexpressed the wish that at He lamentedthe shortage of down,knowing such a movewould fightsamong students, will be leastanother $100,O00 for new recommendationsof the guidancepersonnel, absence of resultin a smallertax increase? the statementsof each.board citizen-panel,isnow issuing a memberabout the merits of the providedfor in futuremonths by programswhich the superin- a sensitivitytraining course, Itseems, judging by the turnout tendenthad requested had been seriesof weeklyreports on the and difficultiesin making at Monday’spublic hearing, that proposedbudget. an allocationof more than Significantfacts about the $10o,000. leftin the document. situation. libraryfacilities more somethinghas alreadybeen **Thefew new programsasked Bothboard members, however, Commission Chairman available. decided,orelse no one cares. budget: ProbynThompson said that the **Thebudget calls for a 17 per for includean expandedwork nrgedthe public to approvethe Dr. Shaffnertold the com- Only20 spectators were on hand studiesprogram, an electronicsbudgetas it stands, saying that it schoolboard has not yet missionthat the township needs tohear the school board’s line-by- centincrease in theamount to be reportedonits plans in regard raisedby taxes: due to increased course,a few more student hadbeen a coml~romise. itsown vocational center, and lineexplanation oftheir 1971-72 tothe report, which was made thatthe fate of the next middle budget. townshipratables, the schoolelectives,andsalaries for reading Board PresidentMichael systemis a minimumstate aid anddisabilities specialists. publicsix months ago. schoolreferendum would have Halfof the audience consisted of Peacessaid "we have covered all Membersof thecouncil and greatbearing on the future candidates,reporters, campaign district,with only 16 per cent of its I m , ,.-, necessaryitems and added some CookieSale Time costscovered by suchfunds. I"~’l~n~.l)l.I ").~l~t~ the boardare scheduledto progressof thesystem. managers,or relativesof board new ones,and becauseof the TheSomerset Neighborhood Girl Scouts will launch their annual meet tomorrowevening to Thesuperintendent defended members. **Almosthalf the totalbudget, =~ .... r--~ ~.y~L7 generalausterity and highem- approximately$4 million,is r’x ]r~ cookiesale on Saturday,Jan. 30. Funds raised from the sale will discussthe report, and the the present grievance Almostall of the questions about ploymentthe majorityof the financeprojects ofthe area council and individual troops. Franklin HumanRelations Commission procedureand the disciplinary the-:budgetraised by audience boardfeels this is a goodbudget." hassaid that it will make public system,and said teacher ; allocatedfor teachersalaries. [~Jru~" POl’ltlll Theland acquisition which the residentsSusan Reilly, Ann Leimkuhler, andDebbie Foldes will be amongtbe area girls who will be takingorders during the next anyinformation which comes turnoverhas shown a decrease SOMERSET- The TempleBeth boardhopes the voters will ap- toits attention asa result ofthis inrecent years. El Men’sClub and Sisterhoodproveis a proposalto purchaseseveralweeks. meeting. Dr.Shaffner told the com- SocialAction Committees are justover t0 acres adjacent tothe In general,the township mission"while our movement sponsoringa drug forum on FranklinPark Scbool at $3,400 per council’smajority opinion was mayappear slow, it is never- Wednesday,Feb. 3 at8:30 p.m. at acre, CouncilTo Enact favorableto the conclusions of thelessbasically positive and thetemple, Amwell Road. Board Members William the task force,while the forwardlooking. Dr. Roy Waldman,assistant Bockleyand KennethLangdon majorityopinion of theschool "Onlythe people in Franklin professor,Rutgers Department of toldthe audience that the price boardwas one of disagreementknowwhat kind of systemthey Psychiatry,will moderate. was"a greatbargain and a rare ToughLitter Law withthe report’s criticisms of want,and I hopethat it will be Participantswillinclude Rabbi opportunityto makea goodin- The council will hold thesystem. the kind envisionedby the MartinShlussel, and two college vestment." The Franklin Township Thecommission has recently thoughtfulcitizens." ,studentswho have had experience Mr.Mesiah said that the board Councilwill introduce an or- hearingson an ordinance dinanceat its meeting tonight settingspeed limits on various ’withdrugs. hadno plans to Use the land in the partsof GirardAvenue, and on immediatefuture, but that the whichauthorizes a 30-day jail entireboard felt the offer was too sentenceor$500 fine or both for thevacations of Fourth Street 4 LeadersOf FTEA HeartFit nd’s goodto pass up. personsconvicted oflittering. andClinton Street. It willintroduce ordinances Dr. McCredie warned the Theactioncomesafter weeks CoffeeKlatch audiencethat "a defeatof this forvacating Fairmont Street budgetat the polls would give the ofcouncil discussions on the anda portionof CampusDrive. bestmethods for discouraging VoluntarilyResign PlannedSunday systemsome real problems; if we KennethJones, Central litteringalong the township’s Avenue,Franklin Park, will be getless money than we are asking roadways. Four members of the members desire "more for,we’ll be in real trouble." appointedto the sewerage FranklinTownship Education moderateleadership." SOMERSET- A coffeeklatch authority,and the resignation willbe held Sunday at 2;30 p.m. at Iftownship voters do reject the Also on tonight’sshort Association’sexecutive The FTEA presidenthas theElizabeth Avenue Fire House budget,state law requires the agendais a resolutionrenewing of ThomasReilly, Dahlia Road, committeehave announced beencontroversial in recent for FranklinTownship Heart, townshipcouncil to reviewthe, thequarry licenses ofthe Glen- fromthe industrial develop- theirresignations asofficers of monthsdue to hissupport of documentand make redt ctions. I mentcommittee will be ac- Fundworkers. Gory Corporationand Trap cepted. theorganization. JanBraverman, a school social Allchairladies andcaptains are The board of educationis! RockIndustries. FTEA President Irving workerfired by theboard of expectedto bring all their obligatedeither to cut the budget The township’slicensing educationin December. bythe amount the council decrees provisionsfor private garbage MacDowell, First Vice workers,according to JosephS. PresidentVirginia Lund, Mr.MacDowell has declared Tanora,township chairman. orappes the matter to thestate collectorswill be revoked thatnominations for new of- commissionerof education. CALENDARi! becausestate law supercedes SecondVice President Charles ficerswill be acceptedim- Necessaryequipment for the localregulations inthatarea. Wilkinsand Intermediate c. fund’scampaign drive will be Theelection will be heldon Tonight mediately,and has indicated distributed. Tuesday,Feb. 9 fromnoon to g Bidsfor diesel fuel and for a SchoolCoordinator Richard thatan electionwill probably p.m.at various polling places, TOWNSHIPCOUNCIL, 8 p.m., 20-inchwater line will he Englishwill resign as of March occurin mid-February. receivedby council. I, ArtExhibit At FHS BOARD CANDIDATES Voterswill choosethree men Smith School. The FTEAnegotiating team NIGHTON WEDNESDAY lermsonthe sehoel board, aswellfr°m a field of six for three-year PLANNINGWednesdaY’BoARD,Feb’:|8 p.m., IIONOR SOCIETY MEMBER~ ofThe thefour group’sremaining executivemembers is presentlydiscussing nexl Thework of Jeffrey Witchell, a 1969 graduate ofFranklin
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