TUESDAY, JANUARY 1«, 1»4» T V m T f The Weather Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation Forecaet of V. 8. Weather Bureau For tka Month of December, 1944 The monthly meeting of the Don’t Be Gloomy, Folks Manchester Getting Ready Clearing and colder tonight; trustees of the Manchester Me- Only Eiffht More to Co A REMINDER! 9,011 thurilday fair anJ rontluned e ^ ; About To^vii r.iurial hospital which was sched­ O v e r Half of Hospita]^ (linsiniiihing winds. uled to be held this evening has ‘Date Book Member of tbo Andlt Today's storm, the ninth of For Big Event When Yon Need More been postponed until one week this winter, makes just over Barean of CircalatloBs Ul% B*njamln Eldretige of Har- IcaM iaiilght. Tonight Manchester— A City of Village Charm m<d Itoad, h *f been called to New half tba' number that are to Fund Is Now Subscribed INSURANCE i vMtt MaBobester, acconMM to ’ .Special meeting. Eighth Schdbl ij;- 'fo tk because of the death o f her t| m e awill be a regular meeting CJiarles Maag. the .‘foeth District, Hollister Street Audi­ Firemen’s Committees Fire • Theft • Antomobile (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ 4f Amloreon 9Shea Poet, 3044 to- torium at 7. (Classlfled Advertising on Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNPSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1945 Windsor weather prophet. To Meet Tomorrow or Fnraitare rO L . LX IV ., NO. 90 A m St the IHome, Manchester Mr, Maag some time ago Corporation and Large Manchester and January meeting. Nurses' Aides, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Aah _ Greeii at d:lS. After this meeting predicted a hard winter, aay- Individual Memorial neighboring communities served at the " Y ” at 8. Evening. a!' Woodbridge street have received » a meeting of the Corporation offi- Ing that this was to follow be­ . I A O n Manchester Mensorial hospital Wednesday, Jan. 17 CALL letter from their son, Pfc NotnM will be held. cause o f the hot dry summer t s l l t S 1 O ta l have accepted the memorial plan Meeting, Manchester Woman’s A jnbeting of the General com­ 14 Die In C h i^ H.lel Fir, Jr., conveying the toferaMh last year. « • n , 1 of subscribing specifle units in the Republican club. Masonic Temple ALEXANDER | | f | FOTCeS DrlVe «on that he bah aeceived ttie « - mittee and sub-committees for the Troop 16, Girl Scouts, will omit The weather prophet said I t I s I t e p o r i e t l . greater hospital and are contlnu- at 2’30 p. m. pert Combat Infi anlry tadge. Meeting, League of Women Vot- Its meting scheduled for this eve­ this morning that there were ^ ---- ing In greater numbers to support first annual Ladies Night of the _ with Genent ___ I era Discussion Group, 27 Carol Jap Counter-Attack a V JARVIS ning. to be eight more storms this Corporation subscriptions and the movement thro\igh that combined,fire companies of the Army, Mth ZNvMeAi any. DVlve at 8 p. m. 28 ALEXANDER STREET winter, o r seventeen in all. individual meirofHal subscriptions' means. Soutl Manchester fire district will He also predicted an early { Friday, Jan. 19 Office 4112 Residence 7275 nie Professional Women's club to the 1500,000 Manchester Memor- "The list of names of people The Senior Luther XtMigtM will spring as the result of the Concert, Manchester Civic Mu­ be held Wednesday, evening at 8 Weekdays and Snndays w ill meet this evening at eight iai Hospital Building Fund have sic Association, High School hail, •seet this evening at eight o’clock heavy fall of snow already ex­ scriptions," she con'lnued. "con­ o'clock at the quarters of Hose o’clock at Centei Church Home. ronched an eelimalcd total of at 8:15. Into Dieteren Today; Sit Bmanuei Lutheran church. Miss perienced. stitutes a roil of honor which haa i Company No. 2 at the Center. Slowing Left Flank; The guest speaker will be Mrs. $248,620, It was announced last ' At the Y. M. C. A., first in a Ruth KJeUson w ill lead the devo­ only just begun to grow and w ill, Most of the details for flie tions. and Rev. Reynold G. John­ William G. Crawford of Academy ii.ght at a dl.mcr at Masonic Tem­ 1 Aeries of four lectures by Rev. ple attended by more than 200 vol­ expand substantially within the | event have been worked out and son of the Covenant-Congregation­ atreet, whose subject will be "Ire­ A son was born yesterday in next few weeks.” j Ti.omaa K. Stack, of St. Thomas’s reports of the various commltteea al church will be the guest speak­ land." A social time will follow. unteer team members, when the Seminary, Bloomfield. "Better Hartford Hosmtal to Mr. and Mrs. public phase of the campaign was Calling war production a mira-' should indicate the amount of in­ LECLERC er. David Nisula of 24 Drive C, Silver Books for Better Times." launched. cle of Industry Mr. Waddell said i Sunday, Jan. 21 terest which haa been created. Yanks Near St. Vith ■ The Intermediate Fellowship of FUNERAL HOME Advance Continuing Unofficially, there seema to be Lane Homes. Mrs. William R. Tinker. Jr., co- "Business and industry have been ! ........Annual. meeting of Emanuel Dr. .Joseph C. *barry of 154 Main the South Methodist -church will a tremendous interest In the La­ ch3lrmsn with Mrs. Robert W. quick to chtch the social im plies-; Lutheran church 23 Main Street street w ill respond to emergency meet this even .g at 4:30 at the Professor Joseph Maguire's lec­ Russell of the individual me­ tlons of their positions and to ac-1 Monday, Jan. 22 dies Night social affair, the first Second Army’s Troops calls tomorrow afternoon. church, to go sleighing and skiing. of its kind. Formerly each of the Phone 52(>«l ture on Interracla. Problems, morial gifts committee, reported cept the civic responsibility that Paper salvage. Southeast sec- Already One-Third of A fter the outdoor sports they will which was to have been given this subscriptions totaling $48,150. rests upon them. j tion of town. fire companies held its own social. Cross Little Roode Canter Church older young peo­ return to the church for light re­ evening at the Y.M.C.A., under Georg.e H. Waddell, speaking for The affair will be held on Satur­ Lublin Poles Say It is not surprising." he added. I Friday. Jan. 24 W ay to Manila, Still ple will hold their weekly meeting freshments. All members of the day. Feb. 10, at the Sports Center Formosa Targets River at Two Places auspices of Gibbons Assembly, Sidney Ellis, chairman of the com- "that corporations in this vicinity Blood Donors M'bblle Unit here. St the church this evening at Fellowship morning and evening on W ells street, one of the largest Finding Only Token Catholic Ladies of Columbus, has rrlttee on corporation aubscrip- find In the enlargement and com­ Wednesday, Jan. SI And Push Steadily on T:S0. A social time will be enjoyed. groups are urged to attend. Ed­ been postponed until a later date. halls In Manchester. tlona, reported t'nat industrial cor­ pletion program for Manchester Lecture by A. S. Blackington Resistance; Another, ward Harris will supervise the Professor Maguire, who lives in porations, banks and commercial on "Yankee News Reel of 1944.” Reds- in Warsaw Over Glassy Roada; Memorial hospital something 8t. Mary's Ladies' Guild will party. ____ Meriden, was willing to risk the Arms have mneie subscriptions esU- LEARN For Super-Forts which has an important bearing on Auspices Educational club, Hol­ Tank-Led Spearhead i meet Thursday afternoon at two trip here, but ths committee In mAted at 1220.470. Third Army Tat their relations with the men snd lister Street auditorium. 'o'clock In the Guild room. The Seaman 2-c Glenn R. Law, son charge, o f which Mra. Cain Ma-1 Seated at Head TsMs Saturday, Feb. 10 Past Camiling; Meet heetesses will be Mrs. Francis Mc­ honey is ehalrnjan, decided to | women in their shops.” Oil Burners No In,mediate Confie- VotCS Plail Trap Number of of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Law, Jr., of Seated at r'n- bond table witli the South End Firemen’s "Ladles' SPANISH! Audaciously Fly Over Gowan and Mrs. Martha Bell. 14 Wadsworth street is home on a postpone it until more favorable' H- n. William J. Shea of the Mr. Wedei. congratulated the and Few Enemy Patrols From Any Night.” Sports Center, Wells 30 Jap Ships motion Near Seized B u^aorf. six-day leave from Twenty-nine traveling conditions prevail. Connecticut S.ipcrior Court, who memorial gifts committee and the street. Mighty Japanese Is- The Boroptlmlst club will hold W ho Quickly Disperse. Palms, Calif. He is attached to the In g e n e r I J rh.-iirmsn mt the < jmmittee on corporation sub­ Sunday, Fd». 11 This is the last week to Other Sour^; Report Its January meeting tomorrow Furnaces land Bastion in D«y- May Counter Paris, Jan. 17.-7'^flV-Bay- Amphibious Forces, and the spec­ The regular monthly meeting of. building fund mid who presided, scriptions, and described the pub­ Police Benefit show at State enroll in a 20 les<ion course Czestochowa Advance. availing at the T. M. C. A. Hos­ tacle of ao much anow in the East the Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ w. re C. Elmi.i e Watkins, president lic phase as an opportunity for theater.
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