FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS 1958 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT INCLUDING TECHNICAL REPORTS NOS.1342to1392 (Final Report) UNITEDSTATES GOVERNMENTPRINTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON: lK9 For snlebr theSuperintendentof DwnmantaU.S.GovermnentPrintingOtlke.jWashington2%D.C — Prfca$10.50(Suckmm) —------- .—. -.-— — —— —.. ——.._ . CONTENTS “ Page Letter of Tranmniti . v Ikterofsnbmittal. m Forty-fonrth&mual Report:. lx Part I. Technical Activities. 1 TheNACA-What ItIsandHowIt Opera. 1 Foq YearaofAeronauticalReaearch. 3 The FollowingYears; 1955-58 . 29 AerodynamicReaearch . 31 Power Plant8for Aircraft. 45 Aircra&Miasil% and Spacecraft Conmmction. 55 operathlg Problems. 61 Reaearchpublications. 67 Part II. Commitwe OrganizationandMemberahip. 83 Part III. FinancialRep&t.. 94 Part IV. Final Meetingof NACA. 95 Appendix National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958, approved July 29,1958 . ... 105 Proclamation Making Said Act Eiketive at Close ofBnaincm September 30,1958. 115 Technic.alReports . 117 m ‘1’JWHNICA.L H.tWolt’l’s No, P8ge go. Pam 1342. A VariationalTheoremfor Creep with Applications 1357. Experimental Determination of Effects of Fre- to Plates and Calumne. By J. Lyell Sanders, Jr., quenoy and Amplitude on the Lateral Stability Harvey G. MuComb, Jr., and Floyd R. Sohlech@ Derivative for a DU@ a Swept, and an Unewept NACA ------------------------------------- 117 Wing Oscillating in Yaw. By Lewie R. Fisher, 1343. A Phenomenologiml Relation Between Streee, NAIL ------------------------------------ 461 Strain Rate, and Temperature for Metals at 1358. On Flow of Eleotrioally Chduoting Fluide Over a Elevated Temperature. By Elbridge Z. Stowell, Flat Plate in the Presence of a Trmaveme Mag- NACA ------------------------------------- 125 netic Field. By Vernon J. RowoTv, NACA_—-- 489 . 1344. A Simplified Method for Approximating the Tran- 1359. Thin Airfoil Theory Based on Approximate Solu- sient Motion ip AngleE of Attack and Siddip tion of the Transonio Flow Equation. By John During a &mstant Rolling Maneuver. By R. Spreihr and Alberta Y. Alkane, NACA----- 509 Leonard Stield, NAC&---------__--_---- 131 1360. Growth of Disturbances in a Flame-Generated 1346. The Reaponee of an Airplane to Random Atmo5 Shear Region. By Perry L. Blackehear, Jr., pherio Disturbances. By Franklin W. Dieder- NAC&------------------------------------ 546 ich, NAIL -------------------------------- 142 1361. Approximh Analysis of EHecte of Large Deflec- 134(3. Differential Equatione of Motion for Combined tion and Initial Twiet on Torsional Stiffneea of Flapwise Bdnding, Chordwiee Bending, and Tor- a Cdntiiever Plate Subjected to Thermal Stresses. sion of Twieted Nonuniform Rotor Blades. By By Richard R. Heldenfels and Lauia F. Vosteen, John C. Houbolt and George W. Brooke, NACA- 179 NACA ------------------------------------- 593 1347, Ditching Investigation of Dynamiu Modele and 1362. Theoretical Combustion Performance of Several Effeds of Design Pammetere on Ditohing Char- High-Energy Fu&le for Ramjet Engines By aoterietim. By Lloyd J. Fkher and Edward L. Leonard K. Tower, Roland Breitwieser, and Hoffman, NAIL --------------------------- 197 Beneon E. Gammon, NAIL ----------------- 605 1348. Ground Simulator Studies of the Effeoti of Valve 1363. Origin and Prevention of Crash Fires in Turbojet Friction, Stick Friction, Flexibili@, and Baok- Aimraft. By I. Irving Pinkel, Solomon Weiss, Iash on Power Control Sy$tem Quality. By B. G. Merritt Pm&on, and Gerard J. ~esman, Potir Bmm, NACL ----------------------- 225 NAIL ------------------------------------ 623 134fI. A Low-Speed Experimental Inv%igation of tie 1364. M easurement of Statio Pressure on Aircraft. By Effect of a Sandpaper Type. of Roughnw on William Gracey, NACA----__---------------- 643 Boundary-Layer Transition. By Albert E. von 1365. A Correlation of Results of a Flight Investigation Doenhoff and Elmer A. Horton, NACA-------- 239 With Results of an Analytical Study of Effeots 1350. Methoda for Obtaining D.sdred Helfcopti Stabil- of Wing Flexibility on Wing Strkina Due to Guata. ity Charaokiatim and Procedures for Stability By C. C. Shtiebarger, Chester B. Payne, and Prediotione. By F. B. Guetafson and Robert J. Gmrge L. Cahen, NACA-------------------- 669 Tapscott, NACA--------:------------------- 2s5 1366. The Meohanism of Thermal-Gradient Mass Trapa- 1351, TlwcwY of Self-Exoited Mechanical Oscillations of fer in the Sodium Hydroxid~Nickel System. Heliwpter Rotors with Hinged Bladea. By By Charles E. May, NACA------------------ 683 Robert P. Coleman and Arnold M. Feingold, 1367. Calculated and M easured Streses in Simple Panda NACA ------------------------------------- 267 Subject to Intense Random Acoustio Loading 1362, Effeot of Fuel Variablee on Carbon Formation in Including the Near Noise Field of a Turbojet TurbojeLEngine Ckmlmatora. By Edmund R. Engine. By I%die W. Lassiter and Robert W. Jonash, Jerrold D. Wear, and William P. Cook, Hese, NACA ------------------------------- 703 NACA ------------------------------------- 309 1368. Syetematia Two-Dimensional Caaoade Tests of 1363. An Experimental Investigation of Sting-Support NACA 66-Seti Compreaeor Blades at Low Effeots on Drag and a Compadson with Jet Speexie. By James C. Emery, L. Joseph Herrig, Effeots at Transonic Speede. By Maurice S. John R. Erwin, and A. Riohard Felix, NACA--- 713 Cahn, NACA ------------------------------- 327 1369. Blowing-Type Boundary-Layer Control as Applied 1354. Effect of Chord Size on Weight and Gooling Char- to the Trailing-Edge Flapa of a 3S0 Swep&W3ng aoterietios of Air-Cooled Turbine Bladee. By Airplane. By Mark W. Kelly, Seth B. Ander- Jaok B. Eagar, Eugene F. Sohum, and Arthur N. son, and Robert C. Innie, NACA------------- 799 Curren, NACA ----------------------------- 359 1370. Area-Suction Boundary-Layer Control aa Applied 1356. A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Plardng to the Trailing-Edge Flaps of a 35° Swept-Wing Surfaces Inoluding Effeote of Cross Section and Airplane. By Woodrow L. Cook, Seth B. An- Plan Form. By Charlea L. Shuford, Jr., NACA- 373 dereon, and George E. Cooper, NACA--------- 823 1366. Investigation of Separated Flows in Supemordo and 1371. Investigation of Some Wake Vortax Charaotm3stios Subsonio Streama with Emphaak on the Effect of an Inclined Ogive-Cylinder Body at Maoh of Transition. By Dean R. Chapmrm, Donald Number 2. By Leland H. Jorgensen and Ed- M. Kuehn, mid Howard K. Larson, NACA----- 419 ward W. Perkins, NAIL-------------------- 857 — UL rv TEclzNKML REPORTS No. Page No. Page 1372. A Method of Computing the Transient Tempera- 1382. A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of ture of Thiok Walls From Arbitrary Variation of Long-Range Hypervelooity Vehiolea. By Alfred Adiabatic-Wall Temperature and Hea&Tranzfer J. Eggem, Jr., H. Julian Allen, and Stanford E. Co@icient. By P. R. Hill, NACA ------------ 877 Nefce, NACA ------------------------------- 1141 1373. Theoretical Analyeis of Total-pressure Loss and 1383. Survey of Hydrogen Combustion Properties. By Airflow Distribution for Tubuhu Turbojet Com- Isadore L. Drell and Frank E. Belles, NACA-- 1161 buetors with Chztant Annulus and Liner Cross- 1384. A Summary of Preliminary Investigations Inti the i%%iOIlfd Areas. By Charl= C. Graves and Characteristic of Cembuetion Soreeoh in Duotod Jack S. Grobman, NACA-__-----___--------- 899 Burners. By Lewis Laboratory Staff, NAOA--- 1195 1374. The Similarity Ruk for Second-Order Subsordo 13S5. Drag M“ “ - tion for Win@ and Boclies in and Supersonic Flow. By Milton D. Van Dyke, @)ereonio Flow. By Max. A. Headot and NACA ------------------------------------- 925 Franklyn B. Fuller, NACA-----------.------- 1213 1375. A Wiid-Tunnel Investigation of the Aerodynamic 1386. Investigation of the Drag of Various Lxially Characteriaties of a Full-scale Supersonic-Type Symmetno Nose Shapes of Fineneea Ratio 3 for Three-Blade Propeller at Mach Numberz to 0.96. Mach Numbem from 1.24 to 7.4. By Edward W. By Albert J. Evans and George Liner, NACA_- 933 Perkins, Leland H. Jorgensen, and Simon C. 1376. Elliptio tines Alone and With Wings at Supprsonfo Sommer, NACA ---------------------------- 1231 Speede. By Leland H. Jorgensen, NACA ------ 975 1387. IhdLScale Investigation of Several Jet-Engine 1377. Measurements of Free-Space Oscillating Preasurm Noise-Reduotion Nozzla. By Willard D. CoIw Near Propellers at Flight Mach Numbers to 0.72. and Edmund E. CaLlaghan, NACA ------------ 1240 By Mrm C. Kurbjun and Arthur TV. Vogeley, 13S8. NACA I@earch on Slurry Fuels. By M. L. Pinns, NAIL ------------------------------------ 999 W. T. Olson, H. C. Barnett, and R. Breitmieaer, 1378. A Method for Simulating the Atmospheric Entry NAIL ------------------------------------ 1273 of Long-Range Ballistio Missiles. By A. J. 1389. Characteristics of the Langley 8-Foot Tramonio Eggerz, Jr:, NACA -------------------------- 1009 Tunnel With Slotted Teat Section. By Roy H. 1379. Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer Over a W’right, Virgil S. Ritohie, and Albin O. Pearaon, Yawed Irdinite Cylinder With Heat Tranefer NACA ------------------------------------ 1297 and Arbitrary Prandtl Number. By Eli Reshotko 1390. Incompressible Flutter CharaotarMica of Repre- and Ivan E. Beckwith, h7ACA---------_-_--- 1016 sentative Aircraft TVinge. By C. H. Wilts, 1380. An Analysia of PMum Studies and Experimental California Institute of Techolo~-=-------.--- 1386 and Theoretical Dowmvash and Sidewash Behind 1391. Inv@ation 0[ a Nonlinear Ckmtrol Syetam. By Five Pointed-Tip Wiigs at Supemonic
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