CONTENTS#107#107 SeptemberSeptember / OOctoberctober 22014014 ® ANCIENT MYSTERIES FUTURE SCIENCE 24 UNEXPLAINED ANOMALIES 34 PUBLISHER & EDITOR 42 J. Douglas Kenyon CONTRIBUTORS John Chambers Scott Creighton Michael Cremo Frank Joseph Julie Loar Cynthia Logan 10 40 38 29 Jeane Manning Susan Martinez, Ph.D. Patrick Marsolek Jeff Nisbet 7 Letters 2929 TheThe MMysteriousyster 42Ancient Nukes Marsha Oaks on Mars Martin Ruggles Meaning in Robert Schoch, Ph.D. 10 Alternative Ancient Myths The Evidence Steven Sora News Could the Stories Be for a Very Strange William B. Stoecker and Dark Past Carly Svamvour Saying More than 17 Jeane We Realized? COVER DESIGN 45The Moons Ryan Hammer Manning 32Mental Radio & over Mars GRAPHICS The Surprising Randy Haragan Upton Sinclair Denis Ouellette 19 Michael Cremo The Crusading Case for Artificial Ryan Hammer Strange Ancient Reformer and ESP Origins of Phobos ATLANTIS RISING® Lenses and Glass and Deimos (ISSN #1541-5031) published bi-monthly 34 Graduating from 46Quantum (6 times a year) 23 More Pyramid Kindergarten by Atlantis Rising, LLC Teleportation 521 S. 8th St., Ste. A Fraud Evidence A Conversation with How Long Before P.O. Box 441 Did Howard-Vyse’s Dr. Eben Alexander Livingston, MT 59047 Assistant Tamper Scotty Can Beam Copyright 2014 with the Khufu Us All Up? ATLANTIS RISING Cartouche? 38 The Tankering & No part of this publication the Petroglyphs may be reproduced without 48 Astrology written permission from the 24 The Pan Lost Civilization in publisher. Ancient Norway Perspective 50 DVD Periodicals Postage Paid at There Is More than Livingston, MT and 40 Scotland’s Odd at additional post offices. One Way to Look USPS Number: 024-631 at Human Origins Stone Balls 57 Puzzle U.S. Subscription price is $24.95 (6 issues) POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to Atlantis Rising Order BOOKS, DVDs & MORE: See Our Catalog on Page 74 PO Box 441 Livingston, MT 59047 ALTERNATIVE NEWS The Oracle Room of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum The Strange Power of Ancient Acoustics any esoteric and spiritual teachers have inside a chamber, legendary for exceptional used architectural techniques to boost “super- Mlong claimed that our ancient ancestors sound behavior, known as the Oracle Room. acoustics.” Glenn Kreisberg, a radio frequency possessed a science of sound, now lost, which During testing, a deep, male voice in a spectrum engineer with the research group, made it possible to do many things which range of 70 – 130 hz stimulated a resonance observed that in the Hypogeum, the “Oracle baffle us today. Some researchers, like the late phenomenon throughout the Hypogeum, Chamber ceiling, especially near its entrance, John Michell, have argued that the ancients creating what was described as a “bone-chill- and the elongated inner chamber itself, ap- were able to use their mastery of chanting and ing effect.” Sounds continued to echo for up pear to be intentionally carved into the form acoustics to levitate heavy objects to build to eight seconds. Archaeologist Fernando of a wave guide.” Similar design elements are many gigantic structures which still stand, Coimbra reported that he felt the sound also employed in the building of today’s state- and which our modern technology would be crossing his body at high speed, leaving a sen- of-the-art recording studios. hard-pressed to duplicate. While no one has sation of relaxation. Project organizer Linda Eneix says, “If been able to prove ancient levitation, new re- Sound in a Basso/Baritone range vibrates we can accept that these developments were search is demonstrating that the ancients cer- in a certain way as a natural result of the en- not by accident, then it’s clear that Hal tainly knew a great deal about sound, which vironment in the Hypogeum, just as it does Saflieni’s builders knew how to manipulate a we have only recently relearned. On the in Ireland’s Newgrange passage tomb, mega- desired human psychological and physiologi- Mediterranean island of Malta researchers in lithic cairns, and any stone cavity of the right cal experience, whether they could explain it the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, a 5,000-years-old dimensions. or not.” underground temple, have detected the pres- It is clear that five thousand years ago For more informationformat go to www.ar- ence of a strong double resonance frequency the builders of the Malta temple intentionally chaeoacoustics.org.g. Einstein’s Brain Was Nothing Special, Says New Study he special nature of Einstein’s made from other, completely or- cal brain. The question for mate- Sheldrake: mind exists in a kind Tbrain, long claimed by reduc- dinary, brains. rialistic science is: if mind doesn’t of forcefield both within and tionist science, has been de- The study is a major blow come from the brain where does without the body. It is a receiver bunked. In a new study by to the orthodox no- it come from? The of intelligence, like a television or psychologist Terence Hine of tion that mind or study seems con- radio is for signals originating Pace University, Einstein’s brain intelligence is sistent with elsewhere. To look for intelli- proved to be nothing special, at strictly a the view of gence in the brain is like looking least in terms of its physical char- function scientists for little performers within one’s acteristics. According to Discover of the like Ru- television set. news, blind tests with unlabeled physi- pert This is not to suggest that slides made from Einstein’s brain much intelligenceg can be found were no different than slides on television.n. 10 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 107 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More! ASTRONOMERS FIND EVIDENCE for PLANET X— More Than One ccording to the late Zecharia Sitchin beyond the orbit of Pluto. The orbital align- Athere is an undiscovered planet which ment of these objects has suggested that they makes periodic passes through the solar sys- are influenced by the presence of yet unseen tem and has contributed mightily to the his- planets. Brazilian astronomer Rodney Gomes tory of Earth. He called it ‘Niburu.’ Sitchin reported in May that his calculations showed was, by no means, the first to speculate about the presence of a planet four times the size an unknown “Planet X.” The Lowell observa- of Earth lying beyond the orbit of Pluto. In tory in Flagstaff, Arizona, was originally es- June, Carlos and Raul de la Fuente at the tablished in the hope of explaining anomalies Complutense University of Madrid in Spain in the orbit of Uranus which Lowell believed re-examined the data and concluded that, not must be caused by an unknown trans-Neptun- only must there be a planet such as proposed ian planet. Today the possibility of a Planet by Gomes, but that there must be an even X is alive and well among astronomers. The bigger planet still further out which is influ- latest notion, in fact, is that there could be at encing the first one. That such objects could least two such planets. have remained undiscovered for so long, we The clues which science is following are are told, is quite understandable. in the orbits of some unusual rocky objects Moon Rocks Show Traces of Another Planet races of another world have been found Ton our moon, but not very much. Theia According to a new study published in collides the journal Science, a team led by Dr. Daniel with Herwartz, of the Universtity of Cologne, in moon Italy, has finally found traces of another planet in the rocks brought back by Apollo like near collisions with other planets have astronauts in the 1960s. Previous attempts to happened often since the dawn of civilization. find such material had failed. Some scientists The moon, wherever it came from, he argued, are hailing the new data as vindication for the was a recent arrival. Such monumental events, conventional Theia theory of Moon origins. he was convinced, account for the amnesia According to this view, the Moon was formed which still cripples the human race. when a hypothetical planet called Theia col- Even more controversial explanations for lided with Earth 4.5 billion years ago. Scien- moon origins have come from researchers like tists advocating other theories, however, say Christopher Knight and Alan Butler. In their that the material discovered is not sufficient book, Who Built the Moon, they argue that to prove the point. the perfectly balanced and geometric relation- The Theia hypothesis may sound like a ship between the moon and Earth indicate catastrophist idea, somewhat similar to those that it was consciously and intelligently con- of the late Emanuel Velikovsky. The big dif- structed and placed in an ideal orbit to sup- ference is over when such events may have oc- port life on Earth—it is not a randomly curred. The establishment thinks that the occurring natural object. moon has been with us since long before hu- For more on the catastrophic history of mans and civilization first appeared. Ve- our solar system, see the article by Martin likovsky believed that catastrophic episodes Ruggles on page 42. See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 107 • ATLANTIS RISING 11 ALTERNATIVE ARCHAEOLOGY More Evidence Uncovered In Howard-Vyse Pyramid Fraud Vyse Assistant J.R. Hill Now Implicated in the Deception • BY SCOTT CREIGHTON he long-simmering debate surround- ing quarry marks found in the Great Pyramid in 1837 by British explorer Colonel Howard-Vyse and his team, wasT returned to a full boil in June, 2014, when we reported (in Atlantis Rising #106) damn- ing new evidence taken directly from Vyse’s handwritten journal. The Colonel’s own notes establish a powerful case that—in a bid to con- nect the Great Pyramid to Khufu, a fourth dynasty Pharaoh of ancient Egypt—fraud had been perpetrated.
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