ANNUAL SEND-HOME EDITION Labor Dispute: DUFS worker Donald Wright claims the University suspended him for criticizing THE CHRONICLE the union. See page 3. WEDNESDAY. JULY 25. 1990 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 17,000 VOL. 86. NO. S8 Administration Putman takes over as executive vice president faces broad By ADRIAN DOLLARD Putman will assume all Mac- office of the controller. He is also Putman will continue to be the Dr. Charles Putman has been Donald's previous respon­ responsible for overseeing the principle organizer ofthe Univer­ restructuring named executive vice president sibilities except investment man­ physical plant of the University, sity's Science Resource Initiative, for administration, an office agement, which MacDonald will and administrative services. a $72 million interdisciplinary By ADRIAN DOLLARD bearing tremendous responsibili­ retain as executive vice president In addition, the new executive research facility under planning. Recent shuffling of duties in ty, effective July 16. for asset management. vice president will oversee bud­ It is unclear who Putman will the University's administra­ Putman's appointment fills the Putman now has budgetary get and policy concerns for devel­ bring in to help him with SRI. tion have spread power and vacancy created when Eugene and administrative responsibil­ opment and alumni affairs, re­ "Support staff decisions added confusion to the gover­ MacDonald resigned the post to ity for internal auditing, corpo­ search administration, student haven't been made yet," Putman nance process. head a management company for rate planning and operation, ad­ affairs, the Chapel and public af­ said. The creation of a new in­ the University's investments. ministrative computing and the fairs. See PUTMAN on page 17 ^ vestment corporation is one example of such organiza­ tional shifts. McCarty decides to drop The Duke University Man­ agement Co. will now manage the University's endowment lawsuit against University and other investments, under the direction of Eugene Mac­ By MATT SCLAFANI denying him a fair hearing. His Donald, its president as well A longtime critic of the B72.3 suit said this was in retalitation as University executive vice cancer test has dropped his law­ for his criticism of the Universi­ president for asset manage­ suit against the University and ty's use of the monoclonal anti­ ment. decided to quit practicing medi­ body B72.3 that has divided the The University has spun off cine at the Medical Center. Medical Center faculty and the subsidiary to keep invest­ Dr. Kenneth McCarty Jr. said sparked a congressional inves­ ment at an arm's length from his legal battle was hindering his tigation. other administrative func­ ability to treat patients as well as The cancer test is a stain that tions explained Mark Kuhn, disrupting his family life. As a vice president of the manage­ should allow doctors to detect tenured faculty member, cancerous cells, but McCarty and ment company and university McCarty will remain at the Uni­ associate vice president. Tax others have charged that it fre­ versity as an assistant professor quently gives false results. constraints and the distract­ of pathology. ing nature of duties such as Rather than fight the Univer­ accounting and insurance MATT SCLAFANI /THE CHRONICLE "Dr. McCarty feels that sity in Federal District Court, compliance sparked the shift. Prisoner of the '60s protracted litigation is inappro­ McCarty will now practice medi­ priately divisive, and unneces­ cine at Durham County General The result of separating in- Enterprising folks sold T-shirts at Raleigh's Carter-Finley sarily detracts from his ability to Hospital with several other for­ See SHUFFLE on page 11 • Stadium when the Grateful Dead came to town. provide attention and care to the mer Duke physicians critical of patients whose welfare he and B72.3. his colleagues hold paramount," Nevertheless, McCarty finally said a press statement released did appear before the Medical Suit alleges union acted unlawfully by McCarty. Center credentials committee He withdrew a request for an last week to clear his name injunction against the University before his colleagues, he said. that would have prevented it His suit alleged the committee Scott says she was fired for challenging leaders from rendering a decision on denied him the opportunity to McCarty's fitness to practice at appear to defend himself. By ADRIAN DOLLARD represents approximately 500 the Federal Bill of Rights govern­ the Medical Center. "You have to see my face to see A former union shop steward Food Services workers and ing union members, which guar­ This is an apparent shift for how much happier I am than a at the University has filed a civil housekeepers. antees the right of union mem­ McCarty, who originally vowed week ago," McCarty said in a suit accusing her union of unlaw­ The suit alleges Scott was bers to run for offices free from to fight until he received justice. telephone interview last week. fully removing her from her posi­ removed from her post in retalia­ retaliation from either the union "I can assure you that Dr. McCarty, a Trinity College and tion and of slandering her repu­ tion for her announcing on Feb. or the institution that is under McCarty Twouldl avail himself of Medical School alumnus who has tation. 16 she intended to run for presi­ contract. every legal option. He would donated over $100,000 to the Stephanie Scott was removed dent of Local 77 in the Septem­ Scott contends she was un­ not go away. He would stand and Medical Center, said he still from her union office of chief as­ ber elections. fairly dismissed as a union mem­ fight," said McCarty's attorney in loves the University despite his sistant shop steward of Local 77 The complaint, filed in the U.S. ber in good standing as a result February. experiences. of the American Federation of District Court in Greensboro, of improper accusations made McCarty alleged that a com­ "Duke is truly remarkable not State, County and Municipal goes on to claim that such retali­ against her by union and non- mittee set up to rule on a renewal for what happened here but for Employees on Feb. 24. Local 77 ation is a violation of Title 1 of See LAWSUIT on page 12 ^ of his medical privileges was See MCCARTY on page 20 • Med School examining curriculum By MATT SCLAFANI time in big rooms being lectured on their own in the laboratory. The first year of medical school at by professors, many of whom But this third year takes away is a trying experience and no one teach only a few lectures before time from core science instruc­ knows better than Tracy Gaudet. being followed by another in­ tion, forcing professors to cram "It was the hardest year of my structor. two years into one. life. You live from one test to Unlike most other medical stu­ Basic medical knowledge is in­ the next. The stress level is so dents, Gaudet only had one year creasing at such a rapid rate that high, because you are constantly of basic science. By her third educators are at a loss to teach being evaluated and you are year at Medical School, she was students all they need to know in being thrown all this information working in an oncology lab, still four years. you haven't seen before." putting in long hours, but with­ "It's like trying to drink out of Like medical students all over out the stress of difficult exams a fire hydrant," said Dr. Doyle the country, Gaudet endured and big classes. Graham, dean of medical rather than enjoyed her intro­ The Medical School has a education. The problem is, "the duction to medicine. First-year unique "research year" that gives physician of tomorrow is going to SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE students spend most of their students the opportunity to learn See MED SCHOOL on page 10 • Faculty and students would like to limit big lectures. PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1990 Summer Update From staff reports problems and customer dissatisfaction as partial rea­ Medical Center faces budget crunch: Federal sons for his decision. Auxiliary Services has created a cuts in Medicare and Medicaid have caused a loss of rev­ Pearcy blasts University computing: ASDU task force to examine DUFS to see what improvements enue for the Medical Center. The hospital has been should be made. President Connie Pearcy strongly criticized the Univer­ forced to initate a series of cost-cutting measures to com­ sity's handling of computing facilities. She told the pensate. The hospital hopes to scale back temporary em­ Board of Trustees in May the administration was ignor­ Krzyzewski SnubS NBA job: Men's Basketball ployees as one method of savings. ing the advice of several consultants by decentralizing Coach Mike Krzyzewski turned down the chance to computing. University President Keith Brodie disputed coach professional basketball's most successful fran­ Fraternities punished: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta the charges, claiming Pearcy was "misinformed." chise, the Boston Celtics. Chi and Alpha Tau Omega fraternities will start the fall Citing family reasons as well as a desire to remain on semester on social probation due to violations of the Un­ the college level, Krzyzewski turned down the offer after dergraduate Judicial Code. Chancellor retires: Chancellor William Anlyan SPE was charged with violating a previous probation resigned his post June 1. He will stay in a limited role as meeting with several representatives ofthe Celtics orga­ nization. by having alcohol at a senior banquet. Theta Chi and a consultant for Brodie. Several days after retiring, An­ ATO were punished for a fireworks war between the lyan was elected as a trustee ofthe Duke Endowment.
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