CULTURAL STUDIES APPENDIX ENGLISH EDITION 2019 Nr 2 A R T IC U L A T I O N S O F T H E P O L I S H I D E N T I T Y EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: dr hab. Brygida Pawłowska-Jądrzyk, prof. UKSW (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: dr Piotr Jakubowski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) STAFF MEMBERS: dr Agnieszka Smaga (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) prof. dr hab. Ewa Szczęsna (Warsaw University) MANAGING EDITOR: dr Dorota Dąbrowska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) ASSISTANT: mgr Katarzyna Gołos-Dąbrowska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) ADVISORY BOARD: dr hab. Anna Czajka-Cunico, prof. UKSW (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) dr hab. Dorota Kielak, prof. UKSW (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) prof. dr hab. Teresa Kostkiewiczowa (Institute of Literary Research of Polish Academy of Sciences) prof. dr Luca Lecis (Università degli Studi di Cagliari) prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Mejor (Institute of Literary Research of Polish Academy of Sciences) dr Alberto Pirni (Scuola Superiore Sant Anna, Pisa) prof. dr Bernd-Juergen (Warneken, Empirische Kulturwissenschaften, Ludwig-Uhland-Institut, Tübingen) dr hab. Jan Zieliński, prof. UKSW (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) TRANSLATION: Biuro Tłumaczeń Lingua Lab, ul Piastowska 8a, Kraków REVISION AND PROOFREADING: dr Małgorzata Ciunovič Jacek Łuczak LINGUISTIC EDITION: dr Piotr Jakubowski COVER DESIGN: dr Agnieszka Smaga LOGO DESIGN: Marek Ostrowski TYPESETTING: Maciej Faliński Website: www.zalacznik.uksw.edu.pl Email: [email protected] ISSN 2392-2338 The primary version of the journal is an on-line one. Illustrative materials are published under the quotation rights; the Creative Commons licence’s conditions (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs) do not apply on them. Wydanie dwóch anglojęzycznych numerów czasopisma „Załącznik Kulturoznawczy” – zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy 850/P-DUN/2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę. Cultural Studies Appendix. Special Edition – English Issue 2019/2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 7 CULTURAL STUDIES’ INQUIRIES Magdalena Danielewiczowa What is Language Necessary for? What is Necessary for a Language? 9 THEMATIC SECTION: ARTICULATIONS OF THE POLISH IDENTITY Jacek Kopciński The Return of the Forefathers’ Eve or Two Theatres 27 Dorota Dąbrowska On the Revival of the Need to Take Root – Dorota Masłowska’s All’s Good between Us 45 Dorota Siwicka Give It Back to Us, O Lord… 55 Leszek Szaruga Re-writing Poland – Discovering and Creating Localness 66 Dorota Feret Family Reunion as an Example of an Invented Tradition 75 Danuta Dąbrowska What Tradition Do Poles Need? Re-enactments, Celebrations, Protests, Brawls 89 Dariusz Kosiński Poland! White-and-Red! 103 Tadeusz Sobolewski Post-war Cinema and the Traps of the Polish Consciousness 115 Joanna Niewiarowska On Stefan Żeromski’s ‘Little Pole’ and Karol Irzykowski’s ‘True Poland’ – the Real Dimension of Polishness in the Face of the Great War 123 INTERPRETATIONS Brygida Pawłowska-Jądrzyk When Rylski meets Nabokov… (A Little Girl from the ‘Excelsior’ Hotel and the Nymphet Phenomenon) 141 Katarzyna Bałdyga March 1968 in Polish Cinematography. On Little Rose by Jan Kidawa-Błoński 153 Maciej Woźniak Music as a Means of Narration in Selected Films by Michael Haneke (Funny Games, The Piano Teacher, Amour) 169 VARIA Krzysztof Stachowiak Cultural Intermediaries and Their Role in Creative Economy 225 Anna Wróblewska Mapping the Creative Sectors. In Search of Definitions and Method 245 Agnieszka Praga Strategic Management of Martyrdom Museum and Site of Memory: Example of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Oświęcim 261 Patryk Dziurski Strategies in Cultural (Non-)Institutions. Case Study of Zamek Cieszyn 279 Łukasz Bańburski Thematic Television Channels in Poland in the Context of Technological Changes and Dominance of New Media 297 PHOTO-ESSAY AND AROUND Magdalena Szczypiorska-Chrzanowska ‘I think I will die’ 319 Bronka Nowicka Replacing the Body with a Painting. Trying to Catch the Path of Things from Matter to Memory 339 Stanisław Baj I Paint the Bug River 353 PREFACE The presented special issue of the „Cultural Studies Appendix” – an academic journal of the Institute of Cultural and Religious Studies at Faculty of Humanities of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw – features translations of various archive articles, which were published in the issues from 2015, 2016 and 2017. The papers featured in the thematic section were taken from the 2/2015 issue. The main theme of this issue – presented by many original voices – is ‘Articulations of the Polish Identity’, which remains particularly relevant at the moment, since it nearly automatically becomes a part of the process of problematizing Polishness in public and political discourses. This, however, is an issue whose relevance and significance would be difficult to question at any historical moment, even beyond its local dimension. The growing importance of reflection on identity shaped nationally, culturally or ethnically seems to be an increasingly common trend, not only in the West. The ongoing presence of questions about Polishness in social life prompts reflection on the possibility of deepening the perspectives of perceiving various aspects connected with this issue through the lens of cultural studies. The articles collected in the thematic section form a complex whole, allowing the readers – as we believe – to capture the internal diversity of this issue, showing how every original view of these issues is rooted in a specific axiological perspective. At the same time, the presented perspectives can be thought of as a counterbalance to those narratives, which form the dominant discourse of the presentation and expression of Polishness, or in other words, statements whose style is far from radicalism, and instead points to the possibility of addressing the issue of Polishness with diligent and thorough research, as well as distanced, yet, at the same time engaged, scrutiny. We believe that this kind of debate is not only valuable, but also extremely important in our time. Join us in exploration of issues connected with Polishness and – more broadly – the issue of national identity, by learning more about various internal perspectives of its perception, presented in these studies by Polish authors. We also cordially invite you to read papers published outside the thematic section of this edition of the „Cultural Studies Appendix”. The Editorial Team ▪ www.zalacznik.uksw.edu.pl 7 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polska (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL) Cultural Studies Appendix – English Issue 2019/2 CULTURAL STUDIES’ INQUIRIES What IS LANgUAgE NECESSARy FoR? What IS NECESSARy FoR a LANgUAgE? Magdalena Danielewiczowa Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Warsaw [email protected] The aim of the paper is to sketch the answers to the two questions posed in the title, closely and directly interrelated as they are. I will first take a stance on the relationship between a natural language and animal codes on one hand and other phenomena considered part of culture on the other. I will subsequently present a list and short outlines of qualities comprising the essence of any language, both inherently constitutive and irreducible, responsible first for making the boundary between all the various sets of signals exchanged by various animal species and human speech less of a blurred line and more of a chasm, and secondly – for language being a distinguished and unique entity among other sign systems. LanGUAGE FacULTY as A sinGUlaRLY HUMan PHenOMenON Already at the outset, I must discard a conjecture which pervades contemporary anthropology, neurobiology and primatology, according to which languages used today by the variety of human communities are to have resulted from an evolutionary transformation or development of either various hooting sounds (as posited vocal theories), or expressive gestures (as posited in gestural theories) of the great apes, particularly chimpanzees and orangutans, for some experts claim that their genetic code is 90% identical with the human genome1. Hence, I contest the notion that 1 For all the various evolutionary theories of the origin of language, see among others: Leakey 1996: 38-138; Pinker 1995; Aitchison 1996; Żywiczyński, Wacewicz 2015. ▪ www.zalacznik.uksw.edu.pl 9 MAgDALENA DANIELEWICzowa there existed in the history of speaking beings a protolanguage, used either ca. 4 to 1.5 million years ago by Australopithecus or much later (evolutionary scientists still debate the dating), for as late as in the Palaeolithic Age – i.e. ca 35 thousand years ago – by hominids, supposedly a missing link between animal signals and human language. Various accounts of such protolanguage, claiming for instance that it originally comprised solely names of individuals and events and did not include relation descriptions2, or envisioning the order of emergence of various notions in various ages, including those semantically simple and universal3, are unscientific in the sense that they are unfalsifiable. Also the relative ease in shifting back the origins of the proto-speech without any linguistic arguments a million years back or several tens of thousands years forward must raise serious doubts. Regrettably, there is no direct pathway leading from observation of material remnants, incl. skulls, skeletons, primitive tools and
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