Date Time Media Channel Comments 1 01-Jun-09 14:00 TV 2 04-Jun-09

Date Time Media Channel Comments 1 01-Jun-09 14:00 TV 2 04-Jun-09

Date Time Media Channel Comments 1 01-Jun-09 14:00 TV Arutz HaKnesset 2 04-Jun-09 10:20 Radio Radio 99 3 09-Jun-09 Newspaper POst print quoted in 4 24-Jun-09 Radio Arutz 7 5 11-Aug-09 11:00 Radio Arutz 7 6 26-Aug-09 10:00 Radio Galei Zahal Death of Senator Ted Kennedy 7 03-Oct-09 9:50 Radio Galei Zahal Obama & IOC bID 8 11-Oct-09 7:20 Radio 99FM Obama & Nobel Prize 9 11-Oct-09 9 20 Radio Galei Zahal Obama & Nobel Prize 10 11-Oct-09 Newspaper JPost Op-ed Obama & Nobel Prize 11 11-Oct-09 Web Media Line Obama & Nobel Prize 12 04-Nov-09 6:55 TV Channel 10 Obama first year (by phone) 13 05-Nov-09 11:10 Radio Kol Israel Obama first year 15 minutes 14 08-Nov-09 9:15 Radio Galei Zahal 15 09-Nov-09 TV Arutz HaKnesset 16 08-Dec-09 Newspaper J Post Public discussion 17 10-Dec-09 11:05 Radio Kol Israel Obama & Nobel Prize 18 25-Dec-09 7:40 Radio Galei Zahal Health Reform 19 17-Feb-10 1:300 TV Arutz HaKnesset uS Jews and Israel 20 10-Mar-10 5:10 TV Erev Kadosh Lox in America 21 15-Mar-10 8:10 Radio Radio Yerushalayim US-Israel crisis J-m construction 22 15-Mar-10 10:00 Radio Galei Zahal US-Israel crisis J-m construction 23 16-Mar-10 7:14 tV Channel 10 US-Israel crisis J-m construction 24 16-Mar-10 8:25 Radio Galei Yerushalayim US-Israel crisis J-m construction 25 21-Mar-10 13:35 Radio Radio Tel-Aviv US Health Care Reform Vote 26 22-Mar-10 10:45 Radio Galei Zahal US Health Care Reform Vote 27 22-Mar-10 13:20 Radio Radio Kol Chai US Health Care Reform Vote 28 22-Mar-10 18:00 TV Channel 10 US Health Care Reform Vote 29 23-Mar-10 Newspaper J-m Post US Health Care Reform Vote 30 24-Mar-10 8:25 Radio Radio Yerushalayim Meeting Obama - Netanyahu 31 01-Apr-10 10:30 Radio Reshef Bet - Ayala HassonObama & Israel 32 28-Apr-10 14:00 Radio Radio Shalom Obama & Israel 33 29-Apr-10 Newspaper J-m Post Obama & Israel 34 02-May-10 7:35 Radio Galei Zahal Obama paramour 35 2//5/10 11:35 Radio ? Obama & Israel 36 03-Aug-10 10:30 Radio Galei Zahal Obama withdrawal from Iraq 37 15-Aug-10 9:40 Radio Yerushalayim Obama and WTC mosque 38 12-Sep-10 8:10 Radio Yerushalayim WTC anniversary 39 28-Oct-10 9:30 Radio Galei Zahal Midterm Elections 40 29-Oct-10 6:00 TV IBA English News Midterm Elections 41 31-Oct-10 Radio Kol Yisrael Midterm Elections 42 01-Nov-10 Newspaper @haaretz Midterm Elections Interview 43 02-Nov-10 7:30 TV Channel 10 Midterm Elections 44 2/1r/10 1:00 Radio Tel Hai Midterm Elections 45 2/1r/10 Interrnet Midterm Elections Article 46 03-Nov-10 1:00 Radio Kol Yisrael Midterm Elections 47 03-Nov-10 Radio Galei Zahal Midterm Elections 48 03-Nov-10 1;00 TV HaKnesset Midterm Elections 49 04-Nov-10 Radio Radio Galei Yisrael Midterm Elections 50 04-Nov-10 Radio Radio Yerushalayim Midterm Elections 51 30-Jan-11 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiEgyptian uprising and Obama 52 31-Jan-11 Radio Kol Israel - English newsEgyptian - Jackie uprisingBeacham and Obama 53 20-Feb-11 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiUN Veto 54 03-May-11 10:00 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiDeath of Bin Laden 55 04-May-11 7:00 TV Channel 2 Morning ShowDeath w/ Danof Bin Shilon Laden 56 05-May-11 8:10 Radio Galei Israel Death of Bin Laden 57 22-May-11 7:45 Radio Radio Obama speech on Middle East 58 22-May-11 8:45 Radio Radio Yerushalayim Obama speech on Middle East' 59 22-May-11 12:30 Radio Galei Zahal Obama speech on Middle East' 60 22-May-11 TV Channel 2 - canceled Obama speech on Middle East' 61 22-May-11 TV Channel 1 - referred topObama Hillel speech on Middle East' 62 22-May-11 4:30 TV Knesset Channel - shortObama speech on Middle East' 63 22-May-11 20:00 Radio Radio Col Chai Obama speech on Middle East' 64 23-May-11 9:20 Radio Galei Zahal Razi Barkai Obama at AIPAC 65 24-May-11 18:00 Radio Radio Kol Chai 2 hour panel commentary on Netanyahu address to Congress 66 25-May-11 9:40 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiRe Netanyahu address to Congress 67 7/4/2011 10:15 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiJuly 4th 68 31-Jul-11 10:05 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiUS debt crisis 69 1/8/2011 8:20 Radio Radio Yisrael US debt crisis 70 09-Aug-11 9:00 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiUS debt crisis - stock market crash 71 9/8/11 Internet US debt crisis - stock market crash 72 24/8/11 7:30 TV Dan Shilon Glenn Beck event 73 5/9/11 9:30 Radio Galei Yisrael Republican candidates 74 23/9/11 8:15 Radio Galei Yisrael Obama at UN 75 23/9/11 8:25 Radio Radio Yerushalayim Obama at UN 76 23/9/11 20:15 TV Arutz 1 - Yaacov AhimeirObama at UN 77 02-Oct-11 12:40 Radio Galei Yisrael Pollard 78 02-Oct-11 13:45 Radio Kol Israel Pollard - couldn't accept call 79 05-Oct-11 9:30 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiPollard 80 05-Oct-11 IBA English News Pollard - taped interview 81 18-Nov-11 Newspaper BeSheva Jewish vote in America 82 21-Nov-11 Radio Galei.Yisrael Jonathan Pollard 83 23-Nov-11 Radio Galei.Yisrael Jonathan Pollard - cancelled 84 04-Dec-11 10:10 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiNGO bill and democracy 85 18-Dec-11 8:35 Radio Galei.Yisrael Obama address to Reform Jews 86 87 05-Jan-12 9:30 Radio Kol Israel - Ayala HassonObama v Romney 88 11-Jan-12 10:36 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiNew Hampshire primary 89 22-Jan-12 10:35 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiSouth Carolina primary 90 1/27/2012 Newspaper Haaretz Quoted in article about Republican primaries 91 05-Feb-12 10:56 Radio Galei Zahal - Razi BarkaiNevada primary & Super Bowl 92 06-Feb-12 5:23 - 6:10TV AM Channel 1 Netanyahu / Obama @ AIPAC re Iran 93 18-May-12 Newspaper Jerusalem Post Comment on local poll 94 20-Jun-12 Newspaper Quoted in article about IVoteIsrael 95 19-Jul-12 20:00 AACI Debate Jerusalem 96 20-Jul-12 Newspaper JPost Photo of debate 97 26-Jul-12 20:00 AACI Debate Bath Shemesh 98 27-Jul-12 Newspaper Haaretz Feature on DAI 99 29-Jul-12 9:00 Radio Rina Matzliach Romney visit to Israel 100 29-Jul-12 10:00 Radio Razi Barkai Romney visit to Israel 101 30-Jul-12 7:15 TV Channel 2 102 02-Aug-12 11:45 Radio Channel 2 - Ayala HassonRomney - Panetta 103 12-Aug-12 10:05 Radio Razi Barkai Romney selects Ryan for VP 104 02-Sep-12 10:40 Radio Razi Barkai Republican Convention- Clint Eastwood and chair 105 03-Sep-12 9:50 Radio Radio Galei Yisrael Election and Iran 106 05-Sep-12 17:00 TV IBA English News Democratic Convention 107 06-Sep-12 19:00 Radio Radio Kol Chai US Elections 108 12-Sep-12 8:00 Radio Radio Yerushalayim US-Israel-Iran 109 12-Sep-12 21:15 Radio Democratic Convention 110 19-Sep-12 10:00 Radio Razi Barkai Romney Video with supporters 111 19-Sep-12 14:00 TV Arutz HaKnesset Romney Video with supporters 112 23-Sep-12 7:05 TV Channel 2 Election in general 113 24-Sep-12 20:00 AACI Debate Raanana 114 27-Sep-12 7:15 Radio Galei Yisrael UN session 115 03-Oct-12 14:15 TV Arutz HaKnesset Presidential debate 116 04-Oct-12 7:15 Radio Galei Yisrael Presidential debate canceled 117 09-Oct-12 9:30 Radio Razi Barkai Explain voting process 118 09-Oct-12 20:45 Radio Galei Yisrael Debates 119 11-Oct-12 11:45 Radio Galei Yisrael Debates part 2 120 16-Oct-12 10:20 Radio Razi Barkai Debates part 2 121 16-Oct-12 11:00 TV French TV Election interview at home 122 16-Oct-12 19:50 Radio Kol Chai Debates part 2 123 17-Oct-12 10:10 Radio Radio Galei Yisrael Debates part 2 124 17-Oct-12 14:15 TV Arutz HaKnesset Debates part 2 125 17-Oct-12 19:45 Radio Kol Chai 126 18-Oct-12 20:00 AACI Debate Haifa 127 18-Oct-12 19:50 TV French TV at debate 128 18-Oct-12 22:00 TV NBC at debate 129 10/19/12 Newspaper Haaretz Quoted in article 130 22-Oct-12 9:35 Radio Kol Israel - Rena Matzliach 131 23-Oct-12 7:20 Radio Galei Israel 3rd debate 132 23-Oct-12 17:00 TV Erev Hadash 3rd debate 133 23-Oct-12 19:45 Radio Kol Chai 3rd debate 134 29-Oct-12 17:00 TV CNN panel at TAU 135 29-Oct-12 17:00 TV CNN Interview 136 29-Oct-12 17:00 TV Brazil TV interview 137 31-Oct-12 13:30 TV Arutz HaKnesset Hurricane Sandy & the election 138 31-Oct-12 14:30 TV Channel 1 Bayit HaYehudi 139 31-Oct-12 19:45 Radio Radio Kol Chai Hurricane Sandy & the election 140 31-Oct-12 12:00 Newspaper Bakehila Interview 141 01-Nov-12 12:00 Internet YNET Interview 142 01-Nov-12 17:30 Radio IBA English News David Zeev 143 05-Nov-12 13:20 Radio Radio Galei Israel 144 05-Nov-12 17:45 TV Channel 1 TV 145 05-Nov-12 19:15 Radio Radio Kol Chai 146 05-Nov-12 19:40 Radio Galei Zahal - Tur Ishi recording 147 06-Nov-12 15:00 Radio Galei Zahal 148 06-Nov-12 17:30 TV Erev Hadash - canceled 149 06-Nov-12 19:00 Radio Radio Kol Berama 150 06-Nov-12 20:00 TV Channel 10 151 07-Nov-12 0:00 Internet 152 07-Nov-12 7:00 Newspaper Washington Post Interview 153 07-Nov-12 2:00-6:00Radio Kol Israel Election Night Running Commentary Panel 154 07-Nov-12 6:00 Radio Galei Zahal 155 07-Nov-12 6:15 TV Channel 1 TV 156 07-Nov-12 11:00 TV Channel 2 157 07-Nov-12 13:00 Radio Radio Kol Chai 158 07-Nov-12 17:00 TV Erev Hadash 159 07-Nov-12 7:40 TV Avri Gilad - canceled 160 15-Nov-12 Newspaper Bakehila Interview 161 16-Dec-12 10:00 Radio Galei Zahal Razi Barkai Gun control in light of CT shooting 162 24-Dec-12 9:15 Radio Galei Zahal Razi Barkai US fiscal crisis 163 30-Dec-12 10:05 Radio Galei Zahal Razi Barkai US fiscal crisis 164 01-Jan-13 10:10 Radio Galei Zahal Razi Barkai US fiscal crisis 165 16-Jan-13 10:10 Internet Channel 2 News Obama v Netanyahu on building 166 22-Jan-13 Radio IBA English News DavidObama Zeev inauguration 167 22-Jan-13 18:15 TV Channel1 1.5 hour running commentary on Obama inaugurak 168 23-Jan-13 0:45 Internet Arutz 7 Israel elections 169 08-Feb-13 21:00 Panel Columbia University HillelIsrael elections 170 18-Feb-13 20:15 TV Guysen TV Chuck Hagel nomination Sec Defense 171

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