l872 DEL NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. [:S:ELLY'8 De Lacey William Henry, 42 Robin Dixon Henry, 100 St. Ann's Well road, Dresswelll\lrs.r64Woodboro'rd.Ntnghm Hood's chase, Nottingham Nottingham Drewry G .H. 101 Waterloo cres.Nttnghm DeLa FontaineRev_ William M.A.Barnby- Dixon T.94 Nth. Sherwood st.Nottinghm Droosten Rev. Percy Howard M.A. The in-the-Willows, Newark Dixon Thomas, 4 Wellington terrace, Rectory, Bingham, Nottingham De Laux H. L. 47 Gregory boulevaTd, Radford, Nottingham Drury T. Newcastlest. Tuxford, Newark Nottingham Dixon Thomas Henry, II Winchester Dryden Henry A. 9 Burford road, Hyson De Manilpied Rev. Daniel Alfred, 14 street, Sherwood, Nottin~ham green, Nottingham Waterloo road, Nottingham Dixon William Edward, Bridge house, Duckett Artb. r6 Lorne gro. Nottinghm de Montmorency HarveyFras. Wm. The Wollaton road, Radford, Nottingham Duckett Horace, 55 Pym st. Nottinghm Lawn, Sutton-on-Trent, Newark Dobbin Rev. Abraham Jsph.Lockett n.A. Dudgeon Mrs. 7 Mount Hooton, Forest Denbigh J oseph, Grove villas, Meadow Vicarage, Cropwellllishop, N ottinghm road east, Nottingham road, Beeston, Nottingham Dobbs Frederick Henry, 14 Berridge rd.jDuffin Roht. Patrick rd. WestBridgford Den ea m Rev. Thos. 2sGeorge st. W orksop Sherwood rise, Nottingham Duffy Mrs. 62 Waldeck road, Carring- Denison Lieut.-Col. Henry R.E., J.P. Bab- Dobbs Henry, 16 Villa rd. Nottingham ton, Nottingham worth hall, Retford Dobbs W. 31 Huntingdon st. Nottinghm Dufty Jn.N. Lincoln st. Tuxford,Newark Denison Capt. Wm. Evelyn R.A.,D.L., ;r .P. Dobney FrancisRichard, The Pleasaunce, Dufty Mrs. Epperstone, Nottingham & Lady Elinor,Ossington hall,Newark North Collingham, Newark Dufty Mrs. Gravel mnt. Westfid. Retfrd Denman Mrs. Wigthorpe hill, Worksop Dobree Rev.Geo.B.A.Carltonrd.Worksop Dufty Thos. 36 Portland rd. Nottngham Denman Thos.Wm.g Church gt.Retford Dobson Charles Frederick,Hawthorn vil. Dugdale Rev. Jn. C. Park st. Southwell Dennett Chas. 272Arkwright st.Nttnghm Peveril drive, The Park, Nottingham Dumpleton Harry, 1 Queen's Walk villas, Dennett Charles E. Loughborough rd. Dobson Miss, 23 Mansfield grove, Peel Nottingham West Bridgford street, Nottingham Dunbar Thomas, 214 Mansfield road, DennettMisses,17AllSaints' st.Nttnghm Dobson Mrs. Castle grove, Lenton road,! Carrington, Nottingham Dennett Robert, 3 Park valley,Nttnghm Nottingham Dunington A.156Queen's wlk.Nottnghm Dennis Jas.E. 24 Hampden st.Nottnghm DobsonWm.E.23 Lentonrd.Nottingham Dunk Rev. Jas. West Retford, Retford DennisOliverA.1I4Goldsmithst.Ntnghm Dobson William Ebenezer, 46 Queen's DunlopJames, 6 Queen's road, Beeston, Dennis Richd.T. Colwickrd.W.Brdgford road, Nottingham Nottingham Dennison William, Forester cottage, Dobson W.R. 32 Waterloord.Nottinghm Dunlop Mrs. 87 Goldsmith st. Nottnghm Netherfield, Nottingham Dodsley Chas.I8 Forest rd.ea.Nottnghm Dunn Jonn. N. 77 Raleigh st. Nottnghm Dent John, 2 Ossington villas, North Dodsley D. -8 Bernard street, Carrington, Dunn Miss, 21 Gedling gro. Nottingham Sherwood street, Nottingham Nottingham DunnW.D. 304Alfred st. centrl.N ottnghm Dent Thomas, 138 Robin Hood's chase, Dodsley Rt. Marsh Eckersley Wilkinson Dunworth Mrs. 20 Gregory boulevard, Nottingham J.P. Skegby hall, Mansfield Nottingham DentThos. Wm.Loughboro'rd. W. Bridgfd Dodson Miss, 3 Wellington terrace, Rad- Durose Samuel, 9 Zulla rd. Nottingham DeplidgeRt.giGoldswongter.Nottnghm ford, Nottingham Durose William, 28 Colville terraee, Col­ de Pull'y Count William E. Manor house, Dodsworth William, Randal st. Hyson ville street, Nottingham Elton, Nottingham green, Nottingham Eadon Alfred M. Meadow field, London Derbyshire J. S. 31 Woodborough road, Doidge Henry, 25 Beech avenue, New road, Retford Nottingham Basford, Nottingham Eadson Miss, Beech hill, Chesterfield Derbyshire Sl.P.22 Chaucer st.Nttnghm DolemanJn. 95 Goldsmithst.Nottinghm road, Mansfield Derrick Mrs. 48 Portland rd.Nottinghm Dominy George, 53 Church drive, Car- Eames Mrs. 18 The Rope wlk.Nottnghm Derry Joseph, 4 Gregory st. OldLenton, rington, Nottingham Ear!eWalt.G. EastBridgford, Nottnghm Nottingham Dominy George William, 13 Mapperley Earp Thomas J.P. White house, Newark DervinHy.Sl. 17Goldswong ter.Nttnghm Park drive, Nottingham Easom Mrs. Fk.3o Raleigh st.N ottinghm Detre Chas. 45 Portland rd.Nottingham Doncaster Charles R. T. Cromwell house, Easom Mrs. 75 Derby road, Nottingham DeverillWm.H.26Clipstoneav.Nottnghm Bingham, Nottingham East Evelyn, The Hollies, Gunthorpe, Dewick Rev. A. W. 1\I.A. Sherwood rise, Doncaster J.33 Huntington st.Nottnghm Nottingham Nottingham Donne Miss, Easthorpe, Southwell East Mrs. n Ossington villas, North Dewick Misses, Westfield, Retford Donovan Denis W. M. n. Potter st. W orksor: Sherwood street, Nottingham Dexter Frank, 93 Gawthorne street,New DorringtonMiss,31 Addisonst.Nottnghm Easterfield J. E. 14 Beaumond st. Newrk Basford, Nottingham Doubleday FrancisAdam,Clawson lodge, Easterfield W. 18 Wellington rd. Newark Dexter John, 3 Gloucester villas,Colville Watcomberd. Carrington, Nottinghm Eaton Jas. Wm. Bingham, Nottingham street, Nottingham Doubleday Frank James, 221 Mansfield Eaton Miss, 51 St. James' st. Nottinghm Dexter Mrs. n6 Noel st. north, Hyson road, Carrington, Nottingham Eaton Miss, 2 The Pa~k, Nottingham green, Nottingham Doubleday Matthew, Loughborough rd. EbblewhiteJ.S.124Queen'swlk.Nttnghm DexterR.I.Parkdrive,ThePark,Nttnghm West Bridgford Ebsworth Rev. Canon A. F. M.A. Vicar- Dexter William Charles, 105Robin Hood's DoubledayW.Rose vil.London rd.Newrk age, Retford chase, Nottingham Doudney Rev. E. P. M.A. 134 Queen's Eddie Mrs. Church street, Sonthwell D'Hooghe Mrs. 4 Robin Hood's chase, walk, Nottingham Eddison G. TheHall,Shireoaks,Worksop Nottingham Doughty Edwin, Forest lodge, :Foxhall Eddison Robert J. P. Woodlands, Shire- Dickens Arthur William, 283 Mansfield road, New Basford, Nottingham oaks, Worksop road, Carrington, Nottingham Doughty Edwin, Foxhall house, Gregory Eden Henry C. 16 Peel st. Nottingham Dickens Mrs. Belvidere street, Mansfield boulevard, Nottingham Eden Saml.1o2BlueBell hill,Nottingham Dickins Rev. B. 2 Sop hie road, Hyson Doughty Mrs. 19 Dryden st. N ottinghm Edensor Miss, 52 Up. Talbot st.Nottnghm green, Nottingham Douglas Rev. Philip Henry M.A. & Lady Edeson W. Clinton malt kilns, Worksop Dicktns Jn.26 Goldswong ter.Nottnghm Byron, Thrumpton hall, Derby Edgar A.H.Lenton bonlevard,Nottnghm Dickinson Rev. J. D. 17A,Gedling grove, Douglas Jas. B. 7 Villa rd. Nottingham Edgar H. Lenton boulevard, Nottinghm Nottingham Douglas Mrs. Babworth road, Retford Edgar Miss,Lenton boulevard,N ottnghm Dickinson Rev.Thos.M.Park pi. Worksop Douglass Very Rev.Ca.non EdwardB. St. Edgcome Rev. George M. A. St. Peter's Dickinson Herbert A. 41 St. Matthias Barnabas' presbytery, North Circus rectory, Standard hill, Nottingham road, Nottingham street, Nottingham Edge Fredk. 54 Wilford gro. Nottinghm DickinsonMrs.2rArboretum st.Nttnghm Dowdeswell Miss, Gedling, Nottingham EdgeH.J.8Church st.Basford,Nottnghm Dickinson Mrs. Harwood house, Magdala Dowland K.E. S. 15 Burns st.Nottinghm Edge J. T.n.L.,J.P.Strelleyhall,Ntnghm road, Nottingham Dowland S. 31 Tennyson st. Nottingham Edge Thos. L.K.J.P.Grant ho. Southwell Dickinson Rd.189 Mansfld. rd.Nottnghm Downes Fredk. John, 2 Mount llooton, Edgson Hugh, 9 Belgrave square, Gold- · Dickinson Rt.2 Up. College st. N ottinghm Forest road east, Nottingham smith street, Nottingham Dickinson William, Chestnut house, DowningF.3oGregoryboulvrd.Nttnghm EdmondstoneR.g8Mansfield rd.Ntnghm Arnold, Nottingham Downs Robert, r6 Maples street, Hyson Edwards Alfred, Bingham, Nottingham DickissonMrs. 20Portland rd.Nottnghm green, Nottingham Edwards J. Beckingham, Gainsborough Dicks William, 30 Waldeck road, Car· Dowsan Benjamin, Overbank, Upper Edwards J.1gMansfield gro.Nottingham rington, Nottingham Broughton, Melton Mowbray Edwards Jn.4o5Alfreton rd.Nottingham DicksonOwen, 3 Crown terrace, Newark Dowse Richard, Potter street, Worksop Edwards Miss,6oUlarendon st.Notnghm DicksonR.H.27Goldswong ter.Nttinghm DowseW.J.x8IAlfredst.cntrl.Nottnghm Edwards R. 73 Queen's walk,Nottinghm Dickson Rt. H. Radcliffe rd. We. Bridgfrd Dowson B. 4 Cl umber road west, The Edwards R. A. 54Addison st.Nottinglun DikesMrs.81 Hunger Hill rd. Nottinghm Park, Nottingham Edwards W.J,228Wilford rd.Nottinghm Dilks James, 32 Bentinck rd. Nottinghm Drabble Jas. Betts, 2 Eastern ter. Newrk Egan Rev. Rt.B.B.A. 16 Bridge st.Mansfld DimockJohn Geo. Church gate, Retford Drabble Thos. New Balderton, Newark Eggington H.C.29 Baker st.Nottingham Ditchett Rev. Henry Arthur, ·'fhe Vicar- Drake Wm. North Leverton, Lincoln Ernert Paul, 2 All Saints' ter.Nottnghm age, South Scarle, Newark Drakes William John, Manor house, Eking William George,ThePines,Broad· Dixou Chas. W. 7 Redcliffe rd. Nottnghm Gringley-on-the-Hill, Bawtry gate, Beeston, Nottingham Dixon Henry, 223 Mansfield road, Car· Draper William, Bailey house, Radcliffe Elborne Edward Neweombe, Bolsover rington, Nottingham Draycott Mrs. 15 Carlton road, Worksop gdns. Mayo rd. Carrington,Nottinghm .
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