BIG SANDY NEWS. fnlka. gone L. Thompann ton and I there will he a fab? OUCH! LUMBAGO PAIN! haa Rone to Clnclnnntl share for by to attend an auto school. four. Divided sis it would aklmjwd a Caney Fork can boaat of the heat bare shares bit Here goesl - way RUB BACKACHE AWAY roada In weatern Tawrence. I as well take a to WIND JAMMER. THE ACE chance going after poor Deutou aa to LIVE STOCK risk a shot lu the back!" PLEASANT RIDGE. lie closed tbe door of the aback and The Boats INSTANT RELIEF WITH A SMALL lr. DeloiiK and family entertained OF SPADES went out to tbe overhanging cliff. The HUSBANDRY By TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLD "ST. to dinner Sunday Mr. and Mra T. II. mountain lifted grim, dark shoulders M. QUAD riurcheti, Mr. und Mra. CopyrtsM, HIS. by th MeCtura JACOB' OIL." .lantea Clark, to tbe bright auuabuie. Newapttper Syndicate. S. J. I'reece and Mr. und Mra. Huhe The four men were, in Koberta Deep There Waa Luck Under It consultation of Hole; Mr. and Mra. at the brink of the precipice. They M. H. Johna of Imlaa; Mr. and Mra. EXERCISE THE STALLIONS. One hour After AIL scattered a little at Blake's approach. after noon on tbe twelfth - Kidneys cause ."No.! They M. NelMon Mra. M. ; t tluckuche? and W. Ilerry day of February, 1802, GmO. have no nerve, .letr Newaoin "I was saying," said Andrews craft- the brig - ' therefore run not cause of Twin llrunch wna Regular Work In Harnee Inoreaee bound Liverpool pain. Listen! Vmir la here Suturday. ily, "that I wlub there was some other from to the Cap eT buokacha caused Their Petency a 1 Sire. Good Hope, having forty-eig- I" by lumliiiKo, acluiica ur u mriiln, iiml uarileiii lluya and By way to get to the bottom of this here and alater,of Oale, g CLARISSA MACHE. Observations made by the New the .quickest relief la soothing, pene- apeut Saturday and Sunduy with Mr bole. But 1 don't know how:" souls aboard, burned to the water's) Jersey station show in tbe case edge trating "Ht. Jacob a oil," Huh II right and Mra. John Adama. "There lan't any other way," aald that and sank, leaving u 860 miles your younu of tbe stallions owned by the off on painful hack, anil instantly Ihr neverni folka attended alnK Jack aa he tightened hla belt and slip- state the African coaat ntllTiii-tu- i dis- Iiik achool at Mt. Ktftjr years ago, gold Held by tbe largest percentage mares sureties, und latneneaa l'leaaunt Sunduy when the ped the noose of the new rope under far of There wa some'eonf union, of conrasi appears. Don't u und D,,n Mhv atu crippled! liet sol attended church of California were lalu opened np. a bis arm pita. were settled by those atalltons that when we took to tbe boats, but we got ainull trial bottle of "SI, Jacob OH" at Cult Sunday. were given regular work and dally arty of men were plnylnK poker In . away from tbe brig tu good shape, with from your drugglat Umber up. A Mra. M. ry When you the bottoa yoo anil Itei apenl Salurduy Ban elercllM) BDd no one It la won- with her duuKhter, Mra, FrntirlHco. There were Detitun nul yank the ro, three tlmee," aald lost or hurt and with water and moment after' uppllcd you'll Frank New moM X, . der what became uf Hip, huckach or aom. Andrew and reterson und (Jreen and son. "Then we lower another roue for .. provisions enough to do us for a week. Tltality, says tbe Orange Judd Farmer. We were charge lumhajtu puln. John Kerrel of Twin lliauch wua her Chtiffee and Klak. Patsy or what's left of blm." j in of tbe boatswain, Monday. That tbe draft stallion should not be Kub old, honeal "Nl. Jacob a Oil" "See here, boya," said I'ulay Dctitoib "Goodby," said Jai'k, and without of- and, but for a terrible accident. I know t'' confined In a box stall is generally ad- whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, Mra. Mollle WHien and daiiKhter. i, laying down four klug. "Wbat'i tbe fering to shake hunda with thein be w should bave pulled through without or In Uiutaa apeut Toeaday w ith Klvea Well mitted by successful horsemen, and mishap or suffering. rheumatism sprulna, an It abso- uae of our womlti' our time here, none sat down ou the edge, of tbe cliff, ) He was an oldlah man. certainly such animals are more ca- - lutely 'harmless ami doran t burn th of tin havtn' any money, players on tab The other long man, a good sailor, and be bad author- lira, t.eornla Uoberla of Little Ulalne end of the rope was pable doing akin. 1 of a full day's work than ity over all In with each other? know ledge tip securely to J the boat Besides th vlalied Mlaa fuatened a tree. I l.lllie Itrudley Monday.' tlie breeding mars during tb latter crew, were young W. M. Juallce Dixon o lu tbe mountains where there is a Gently they eased the rope until there three men and LOVE ARIA IS TELEPHONED 3,000 and Hub ; stage of her pregnancy. Fat makes a a Inilaa itaaaed throiiKh here Sunday. deaerlnd lead that 1 believe if dug np Blake swung lu under the brow of the woman and a girl. The woman waa MILE8 AND REUNITES FIANCES I I nice color, and idleness is conducive arl Hi i n ln-- t i of Deep Hole, wn will liow payln' dirt. Wbut d'ye say Cliff, out of their sight, the girl's aunt I even to a greater pretentious condition, here Mindn . to our all frolu' up there with picks The rate quivered through tbelr An- It had com 0 o'clock or later, an4 Philadelphia, Oct. 29. -- i but the stallion is worked every The strain of Mlaaoa fjiura and l.ulu Chatlln via and shovel, doln' the work thafa gers, tautened sod auddenly raced that some of the men were asleep, when Tachalkowaky beautiful "Itnmance'' lied Mtaa May day and able to do a day's work in Delia Sunday nltthl. needed, ud If we strike good ore we scorchlngly through, and tlie severed the boatswain went forward and stood played In this city and Henry k by Irauaiiiit'ed laaac uf I.li creek paaaed can sell out, divide, come back here the harness has far the best chance on the thwart with big over, the telephone to San Francis through Sal end ruulahed Into space. arm around tbe here iinbiy. - of siring useful and marketable foals. I nd go on with the game to aome par There followed a crushing mast to steady himself. I think be waa more than l.ouo mile away, reunite Flvea Wellman anil Mra. Allc Kra sound and Perhaps tbe greatest drawback to an engaged couple Cupid P"- - long afterward a faint thud, looking about to see If be couhl find Jiihi thru ler vialted Mra Kunlce Nelaon Sun after that successful breeding In the east Is tbe to have deserted I hem. A a a lay. Every one of tbe party eipreaaed the o lio of a laugh. anything of tbe other boats. Just twniel fact the colts during tbe first reault of the trunacnuttneiitul call, which Miaaea I.urlle and ImoKnie Hlank himself ready for the venture, aurt a The four breathed benvDy and wiped that bow It happened no one could telL lusted for ten minutes and coat Hi" u, nahlp npent Sumluy evcnlnc with Mlaa couple of day Inter all were hard the sweat from their face. Andrews, though three of us hnd our eyes on Alia iNirla C. of lf3.', Tenth-av.- , Ida AduiilM. June, at wors uweioptug an abandoned who bad bought his own life from Pe-- blm when be snddenly pitched over- Hun Cal., r. and Charles NOIHiDY'S DAItLINI Claltn which hud aome time Iwfore, teruon, slliitaxl the knife hi board. We were still pitching briskly Corse, of Ihe Mtdvalc Kteel Company, back Into looked well, but had at Inst petered pocket. I about and perhaps it was a sharp drive will be married in llila on, uiiliin iwij FALLSBURG. bey wenl Info the nearest out. Iienton claimed thnt the original shack and drank heavily. o( tbe boat which sent' him to bia weeks. Mlaa Theraa Shortrldire waa hrouxh lead, i Uk li i us v ei y rich, had been death. If he rose to the surface be According to.' Mr. la' nere J f'ri, Who the from Normal and laid to real In lost It was their bind new And it did not call out. simply right grandson of the lute J., mm pollock, the Shortridt cemetery. 0 Jack Bluke looked down at the lum lie went again. .i i .;- out of sight and never even called out. twloe Governor of I'cuna) lunlu, lie re- The funeral w.ia largely attended bled rocks fur below aa be dangled at cently hud some real estate invent Several of Imt relallvia and frlenda The lead, wua not found, and the , u,e f,, cu1 Little or nothing was said that night quar-relwl- . ' men (a In Weal l'biladrlplila turn out came up from Normal The funera uaiurui ua lum tue uieu as to who. should command the boat Just then be swung under the cliff; i badly. When waa by Itev.
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