BUCKSBURN PRIMARY SCHOOL, INVERURIE ROAD, BUCKSBURN ERECTION OF ONE SINGLE STOREY AND ONE TWO STOREY CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATION UNITS For: Aberdeen City Council Application Type : Detailed Planning Permission Advert : Can't notify neighbour(s) Application Ref. : P130449 Advertised on: 17/04/2013 Application Date: 05/04/2013 Committee Date: 30 May 2013 Officer : Lucy Greene Community Council : Ward : Dyce/Bucksburn/Danestone(B Crockett/G Lawrence/N MacGregor/G Samarai) RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions DESCRIPTION The application site consists of the existing Bucksburn Primary School site and lies on the south side of Inverurie Road (A96 trunk road), behind of row of residential properties that front onto the main road. The existing single storey school buildings lie towards the southern end of the triangular shaped site. Vehicles reach the existing school via an existing access road off the Inverurie Road, almost opposite the Britannia Hotel. To the south and west of the school lie agricultural fields; to the north west is the nursery that is linked to the school via steps; to the east is a large grassed recreational area containing a children’s play area. The land within the school site is at a higher level than the properties to the north, with the level difference being such that the area of playground immediately to the south of the residential properties, would be just below the level of the upper floor windows. There is a bank within the school playground that slopes steeply down towards the northern site boundary and the boundary walls to the residential properties. There are 14no. existing car parking spaces on the site. RELEVANT HISTORY On this site there is no planning history of particular relevant. There is a current planning application for the new primary school at Newhills. PROPOSAL The application proposal is for the erection of temporary classroom accommodation. This would be within two ’portacabin’ style temporary buildings: a double storey height building that would contain a total of 8 no. classrooms, plus ancillary facilities; and, a single storey building that would contain 2 no. classrooms. It is proposed that the classrooms would be used by pupils currently at Newhills Primary School. The intention is that Newhills Primary School would be replaced on its existing site and the pupils would then move back. It is indicated that the temporary accomodation would be required up until summer 2015, however, the application is not for a temporary period. The two storey building would lie immediately to the south of houses fronting onto Inverurie Road, the northern side of the building would be between approximately 2.9m and 5.8m from the rear wall of the gardens to these properties, and more than 18m from the rear wall of the properties. The external face of the walls to both buildings would be ‘plastisol’ coated steel sheets. The single storey building would be located immediately to the east of the school adjacent to the car park. Supporting Documents All drawings and the supporting documents listed below relating to this application can be viewed on the Council’s website at - http://planning.aberdeencity.gov.uk/PlanningDetail.asp?130449 On accepting the disclaimer enter the application reference quoted on the first page of this report. A Transportation Assessment, including Preliminary Travel Plan, by Buro Happold, has been submitted with the application. This includes the following: - that staff will be instructed to park at Bucksburn Academy - parents will be encouraged to park at the former library car park on Kepplehills Road - that on-street parking in the area would be monitored by the Council and appropriate parking restrictions and enforcement be implemented if required. - The conclusion is that levels of person and vehicle trips would approximately double, but with a robust parking strategy in place, it is not expected that this will impact significantly on the operation or safety of the highway network. - The school are committee to implementing a travel Plan. - Although not part of the application, the Council have committed to undertake work to the pedestrian network and relocating the school patrol to the northern end of Kepplehills Road. REASON FOR REFERRAL TO SUB-COMMITTEE The application has been referred to the Sub-committee because it is a Council development. Accordingly, the application falls outwith the scope of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. CONSULTATIONS Roads Project Team - Request drawings of ramp access; cycle parking should be provided; the site is well served by public transport. The proposals to limit staff use of the on site parking with staff parking being provided at Bucksburn Academy is welcomed. This is acceptable as a temporary measure, providing the agreement is reviewed to ensure that the academy car park is operating within capacity. It is noted that provision is being made to reduce the number of vehicles parking at or near the site entrance, in order to allow larger vehicles to enter and exit for construction. Transport Scotland – Does not object. Request the attachment of a condition relating to ensuring the access road remains clear of parked vehicles during the construction phase. Aberdeen Airport – Does not object. Request that the applicant is provided with advice on the use of cranes and noise insulation. Environmental Health – Responded - no observations Enterprise, Planning & Infrastructure (Flooding) – Responded – no observations Community Council – No comments received. REPRESENTATIONS Two letters of objection have been received. The objections come from occupiers of the residential properties immediately to the north of the application site and issues raised relate to the following matters: - privacy, in relation to views from the two storey building into the property to the north; - blocking of natural light into garden and house - water drainage – in the past there has been a problem of flood water flowing down the slope and resulting in the garden boundary wall being knocked down. The wall has now been rebuilt, but the garden remains damp. - It is requested that the two storey block is placed further from the houses for the above reasons - That the road from the dual carriageway into the school grounds is unadopted and the Council do not repair the road. Further damage would be caused by construction vehicles using the road. - Difficulty of accessing the site for larger vehicles – in the past this has resulted in damage to residents property which had to be repaired at their cost; - When the schools merge there will be increased pressure from parents dropping off / collecting and the problems of illegally parked vehicles blocking access to residents parking areas, will be likely to be exacerbated. - With many vehicles parked illegally in the access road, safety for children is compromised. - That the Transportation Assessment does not include mention of the parking space that exists adjacent to the school entrance. Access to this space is often very difficult due to parked vehicles and the space is used for turning, which adds to wear and tear. PLANNING POLICY Aberdeen Local Development Plan Policy H1 – Residential Areas Within existing residential areas, proposals for non-residential uses will be refused unless: they are considered complementary to residential use; or would cause no conflict with, or nuisance to enjoyment of residential amenity. Supplementary Guidance Temporary Buildings Design Guide States that for portable buildings planning permission will normally be granted for this type of temporary unit on a year to year basis for a maximum duration of two and a half years. Other Relevant Material Considerations The implications for transportation, access and parking; the Transportation Assessment, which includes ‘Preliminary Travel Plan’ is a material consideration. EVALUATION Sections 25 and 37(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) require that where, in making any determination under the planning acts, regard is to be had to the provisions of the development plan and that determination shall be made in accordance with the plan, so far as material to the application, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The issues for consideration are whether the proposal is appropriate in this location in terms of its use; impact on residential amenity and in terms of transportation and road safety, including access and parking, as well as the other matter raised by objectors – drainage. Residential Policy The proposal would be for use as part of the school, it would represent an intensification of that use, however, schools are generally considered complementary, in principle, to residential use. The proposal therefore complies with Policy H1. Residential Amenity The potential for the proposal to impact detrimentally on privacy, daylighting and sunlighting are the issues to be considered. The issue of parking and access is dealt with in the ‘Roads’ section below. The proposed single storey building would be at sufficient distance from residential property to have essentially no impact. The double storey building would be quite close to the northern site boundary. The rear elevation of the proposed building would lie at an angle, rather than parallel to the site boundary; it would be a maximum of 7m and a minimum of just under 3m from the rear garden walls. The double storey building would stand on ground that is significantly higher than the residential properties. The proposed building would be directly to the south of the house at no. 71 and flatted one and a half storey property at no. 67/69. The ground floor level would be roughly level with the dormer windows of the property at 67/69 Inverurie Road. In terms of privacy, there is currently a view directly into these windows from the school playground. The property at 67/69 is flatted and the window to window distance would be approximately 18m. The house at no. 71 has only a roof light at the upper level, with relatively limited expanse of windows and door at ground floor level.
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