ANNEXURE 5.8 (CHAPTER V, PARA 25) FORM 9 List of Applica Ons for Inclusion Received in Form 6 Designated Loca on Iden Ty (Where

ANNEXURE 5.8 (CHAPTER V, PARA 25) FORM 9 List of Applica Ons for Inclusion Received in Form 6 Designated Loca on Iden Ty (Where

Form9_AC110_21/12/2020 ANNEXURE 5.8 (CHAPTER V, PARA 25) FORM 9 List of Applicaons fo inclusion eceived in Fo m 6 Designated locaon identy (whe e applicaons have Constuency (Assembly./Pa liamenta y)0 Coonoor Revision identy been eceived) F om date To date 1. List numbe 2 2. Pe iod of applicaons (cove ed in this list) 19/12/2020 19/12/2020 3. Place of hea ing4 Serial number $ Name of Father / Mother / usband and Date of Time of Date of receipt Name of claimant Place of residence of applicaon (Relaonship) % hearing( hearing( LUC7 PRECILLA THEOPHI TRESA COTTA9E, CAROLINA TEA 1 15.12.2020 LI9OURI JUDE COLASO (H) THAN9AMANI ESTATE, COONOOR, , The Nilgi is 2 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR 9IFFARD (F) 6.105A, HOSATT7, Jegathala, , The Nilgi is 3 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR 9IFFARD (F) 6.105A, HOSATT7, Jegathala, , The Nilgi is 4 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR 9IFFARD (F) 6.105A, HOSATT7, Jegathala, , The Nilgi is 5 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR 9IFFARD (F) 6.105A, HOSATT7, Jegathala, , The Nilgi is 6 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR 9IFFARD (F) 6.105A, HOSATT7, Jegathala, , The Nilgi is 7 15.12.2020 SUDHALAKSHMI NATARAJAN (F) 5.237, AHARATHI NA9AR, COONOOR, , The Nilgi is 8 15.12.2020 MONISHAVANI NATARAJAN (F) 5.237, AHARATHI NA9AR , COONOOR , , The Nilgi is 5 15.12.2020 Savisinma Nata aBan (F) 50, Titus Compound, c oss baCaa , , The Nilgi is A77APPAN 10 15.12.2020 9ANESHAN (F) 4.335, KOTA9IRI, KUNDUPET COLON7, , The Nilgi is 9ANESHAN 11 15.12.2020 p adeep Duma Da unaDa an (F) 44.27 A, ma iyappan line , Dotagi i , , The Nilgi is 12 15.12.2020 Ayyappan 9aneshan (F) 4.335, Dundupet colony, naduhaEy, , The Nilgi is 6.105 A, HOSATT7 PALLAM, ARUVANKADU, , The 13 15.12.2020 PREM KUMAR FIFFARD (F) Nilgi is SARAVANAKUMAR 506.3, LOFER CRUGPET, AO7S COMPAN7, , The 14 15.12.2020 9ANESAN (F) Nilgi is Doo No 130 , MeEupalayam Road KaEe y , VTC 15 15.12.2020 KAVI7A NandhaDuma (H) COONOOR, , The Nilgi is 16 15.12.2020 SUNITHA S N DEEPAK (H) 2.127, pe iya ubathalai, coonoo , , The Nilgi is 17 15.12.2020 RA9AVI M MOHAN (F) 10.213 S, HOSATT7, JE9ATHALA, , The Nilgi is SARASFATH7 18 15.12.2020 Deva aB (H) 2.107, Alo ai , Hubbathalai , , The Nilgi is Deva aB 1 of 18 21/12/2020, 11:11 Form9_AC110_21/12/2020 15 15.12.2020 Pavith a MuthuDuma (F) 2.61, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 20 15.12.2020 Nagomi Angeline Paul Chand an (F) s-4 4.1, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 21 15.12.2020 KowshiDa Mu ugan (F) 17.250, Mathanline, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 22 15.12.2020 Moo thi Madaian (F) 8.50, KonavaDDa ai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 23 15.12.2020 Jayasu ya Ravichand an (F) 2.47, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 24 15.12.2020 RamaBayam A unachalam (F) 2.278, Aha athi Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 25 15.12.2020 Aoobalan Ramachand an (F) 2.150, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 26 15.12.2020 Shalini RanBith (H) 3.144-A, KonavaDa ai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 27 15.12.2020 Ha iha an Kannan (F) 8.351, Kai beEa HosaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 28 15.12.2020 Kee thi Kannan (F) 8.384, Kai beEa HosaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 25 15.12.2020 P athap Pa thiban (F) 5.333, Pudu , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 30 15.12.2020 Ka thicD Pe iyasamy (F) 271, A ul Naga Colony, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 31 15.12.2020 AshoD Sounde aBan (F) 2.141 A, Kambisolai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 32 15.12.2020 RanBith Manoha (F) 3.144-A, KonavaDa ai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 33 15.12.2020 Moses Paul Chand an (F) s-4 4.1, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 34 15.12.2020 ManiDandan K ishna aB (F) 10.354, Annai Indi a Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 35 15.12.2020 Mouleeswa an Palanisamy (F) 1.136, Pe iya AiDDaty, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 36 15.12.2020 Shalini JayaDuma (H) 10.331, 9ood News Cente , A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 37 15.12.2020 Ha i K ishnan Ka uppaiah (F) 10.350, R K S, A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 38 15.12.2020 Ka uppaiah Poochi (F) 10.350 F 4, R K S, A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 35 15.12.2020 Nancy Naga aB (F) 10.253, Annai Ind a Naga , A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 15.184-2, Annai Indi a Naga , A uvanDadu, , The 40 15.12.2020 John Filt Jeeva athinam (F) Nilgi is 41 15.12.2020 Aa on Paul Chand an (F) s-4 4.1, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 42 15.12.2020 ManiDandan Kuma (F) 516, RiIle Range, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 43 15.12.2020 9oDila Sathish (H) 2.125, Malligo ai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 44 15.12.2020 Jaya Ka uppaiya (H) 10.350 F 4, R K S, A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 45 15.12.2020 Mith a Kuma (F) 10.355 I 2, R K S, A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 46 15.12.2020 Mageshwa i RaBa (H) 10.331, Annai Indi a Naga , A uvanDadu, , The Nilgi is 47 15.12.2020 Sa anya sivasanDa (H) 1.112, ThampaJ Village, Nundhala , , The Nilgi is 48 15.12.2020 Ha sith Kannan (F) 8.351, Kai beEa HosaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 45 15.12.2020 Poo viDa Deva aB (F) 2.132, Maligo ai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 2 of 18 21/12/2020, 11:11 Form9_AC110_21/12/2020 50 15.12.2020 Dinesh Kuma Velayutham (F) 2.156, Kambisolai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 51 15.12.2020 MeshaD Paul Ka megam (F) 5.322, Pudu , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 52 15.12.2020 Sugind a Kuma (F) 3.80 A, NaduhaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 53 15.12.2020 Lavanya Pappathi (M) 7.2, Amman Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 54 15.12.2020 P eethi Lingan K ishnamoo thy (H) 16.452, AenthaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 55 15.12.2020 SneDa Moo thy (F) 16.18 C, RiIle Range, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 56 15.12.2020 Su ya SasiDuma (F) 1.145, Annanaga , ThampaJ, , The Nilgi is 57 15.12.2020 Vignesh ManoDa an (F) 1.312, Ku inBi Naga , ThampaJ, , The Nilgi is 58 15.12.2020 Hemavathi Su ya (H) 1.145, Anna Naga , ThampaJ, , The Nilgi is 55 15.12.2020 Ishwa iya SasiDuma (F) 1.145, Anna Naga , ThampaJ, , The Nilgi is 16-116, VINA7A9AR KOVIL STREET, KOTA9IRI, , The 60 15.12.2020 SUDARSHAN NA9ARAJ (F) Nilgi is 7.41 -14A, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 61 15.12.2020 P anesh Ka nan (F) Nilgi is 62 15.12.2020 Aeena Ravichand an (H) 8.363, Kai beEa HosaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 7.22 - 4A, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 63 15.12.2020 A un Aheeman (F) Nilgi is 64 15.12.2020 Monisha Selva aB (F) 1.308, Ku inBi Naga , ThamPaJ, , The Nilgi is 65 15.12.2020 Ramesh ManoDa an (F) 1.312, Ku inBi Naga , ThampaJ, , The Nilgi is 66 15.12.2020 Mageshwa i JaiDuma (F) 1.311, Ku inBi Naga , Tham paJ, , The Nilgi is 7.110, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 67 15.12.2020 S 9ayath i SivaDuma (F) Nilgi is 15-65, ROSE VIEF STREET, , KAMAAI KADAI, , The 68 15.12.2020 JUDI7ANA SELVI SAMUEL RAJKUMAR (H) Nilgi is 65 15.12.2020 SaDthi Sa an Kannan (F) 5626863204, Kai beEa HosaEy, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 70 15.12.2020 9anapathy Kannaiyan (F) 2.155 J5, 9anthi Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 8.258, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 71 15.12.2020 MenaDa JoDi (F) Nilgi is 72 15.12.2020 Jaini John Aosco (H) 2.155, Ku unBi Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 7.21 - 7A, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 73 15.12.2020 7ashiD Ravi Ravi (F) Nilgi is 8.140, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 74 15.12.2020 Sivasandhiya MageshDuma (F) Nilgi is 3 of 18 21/12/2020, 11:11 Form9_AC110_21/12/2020 8.258, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 75 15.12.2020 Vignesh Magesh (F) Nilgi is 8.55, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 76 15.12.2020 Sa avanan RaBend an (F) Nilgi is 8.58, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 77 15.12.2020 Sa avanan RaBamani (F) Nilgi is 8.58, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 78 15.12.2020 Sa avanan RaBamani (F) Nilgi is 7.22-4A, Athiga aEy Mel Paguthi, Athiga aEy, , The 75 15.12.2020 Sowmiya Vigneshwa an (H) Nilgi is 4-302, THEN9UMARAHADA, HALLIMA7AR, , The 80 15.12.2020 DHARANI JA7ARAJ (F) Nilgi is 81 15.12.2020 AmbiDa Neelavathi (M) 1-8, Allimaya , Allimaya , , The Nilgi is 82 15.12.2020 Sumathi Kuma (F) 4325, Thengumahada, Allimaya , , The Nilgi is 83 15.12.2020 P iyada shini Mu ugaiya (F) 2.158, Aha athi Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 84 15.12.2020 ViBayDuma Vasu (F) 1.138, 9undada, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 85 15.12.2020 Kathi esan Dandapani (F) 1.3, Cu Con, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 86 15.12.2020 Ka pagam RaBend an (F) 5.44, Anna Naga , Kodanad, , The Nilgi is 87 15.12.2020 Vinish Kuma Manoga an (F) 1-78, HullathaJ, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 88 15.12.2020 LaDshmanan RaBu (F) 1-83, HulathaEy, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 85 15.12.2020 9oDul SeDa an (F) 1.53, UlathaEy, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 50 15.12.2020 Sa asu Mega aB (H) 1-42, HullathaJ, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 51 15.12.2020 Hemalatha Sivan (F) 1-26, HullathaJ, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 52 15.12.2020 AJITH AAAU (F) 1-213, AAMUDI, NEDU9ULA, , The Nilgi is 53 15.12.2020 Rehan P assat RaBenthi an (F) 3.54, Ke combai, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 54 15.12.2020 Sa avanan Selva aB (F) 3.23, Kai combai, Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 55 15.12.2020 RaBan Mathialagan (F) 3.216, KaDDasholai, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 56 15.12.2020 ManoB EsaDDimuthu (F) 4.1214, Ind a Naga , Kotagi i, , The Nilgi is 57 15.12.2020 SIVARAJ LAKSHMANAN (F) 4-567, SAMILTHITTU, NEDU9ULA, , The Nilgi is 58 15.12.2020 MOORTH7 AHOJAN (F) 4-517, JACKALODAI, NEDU9ULA, , The Nilgi is 55 15.12.2020 SuBi Thambu aB Thambu aB (F) 5.258, VOC Naga , Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 100 15.12.2020 Ahuvana Chand an (F) 5.407, Ne iDuda, Kanne imuDDu, , The Nilgi is 101 15.12.2020 Subhashini Sub amani AChagi i (F) 5.471, Ne iguda, Nedugula, , The Nilgi is 4 of 18 21/12/2020, 11:11 Form9_AC110_21/12/2020 102 15.12.2020 Su ya Thambu aB Thambu aB (F) 5.258, VOC Naga , Nedugula,

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