THE DWM POST Vol. XIV No. 1 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Tuesday, September 16,1969 216 • Students protest filled, crowded art classes here Forty students gathered to ester. This, however, will only protest overcrowded and filled alleviate our problems for a art classes in the student com­ short while and in time will mons of the Fine Arts building compound them — where will Monday. the money come from for next The students met withAdolph semester's classes ?' Suppan, dean of the school of Smith said that the shortage fine arts and professor William of classes was inevitable since Smith, art department chair­ 700 to 800 students were en­ man. Both Suppan and Smith rolled in the art department, said that little or nothing could for which no new sections were be done to alleviate overcrowd­ opened and no more instruc­ ing unless more money was tors were hired. appropriated to the University After discussing the situation by the state legislature. for about a half hour the stu­ 'Half the school has no open­ dents asked Suppan and Smith ings,' said Kenden Paegelow, to leave and continued discus­ junior art student. 'They're sion on their own. working with last year's budget The general feeling was one of minus seven per cent and enroll­ helplessness. Suggestions were ment at UWM went up 13% made by several students favor­ this year -- in the school of ing more demonstrations. fine arts, almost 20%. Every­ Wendel Pugh, an art instruc­ body's getting hurt,' he said. tor here, said, 'I've been on 'We have less money per stu­ these crusades a dozen times. dent than we have ever had Once we got all the way into in the history of the university,' the president's office. Fifteen of said Suppan, adding, 'This is, us were standing around pound­ of course, due to severe budget ing on his desk and we still cuts- didn't get anywhere! I don't 'Fortunately, the new budget know where to go any more.' hasn't been passed yet. In fact, When asked if he thought the finance committee of the that the students were getting an board of regents has asked the inferior education, Pugh said, state legislature to attach a 'It's a constant downgrading rider bill when it comes up process. Ten years ago people for hearing in two or three came to the university for a weeks. This bill would give bachelor's degree, now they about three million more dol­ come here for a masters. Next lars to the university. The only it will be a doctorate, and then thing I can suggest is that they'll think up a new one.' students write to their legis­ Aleader of the group, Cheryl lator asking him to support Tucker, a junior art student, this bill,' said Suppan. said that the group was going to Smith said, 'We have been try to bring about a response authorized as of this afternoon from other departments in .to dip into next semester's hopes of gaining power to deal Budget cuts and a rise in enrollment produced uation prompted some disgruntled students to funds to hire new instructors with the legislature. an unfortunate situation for many students. This stage a protest Monday and form a group to and open new sections this sem- girl, with little luck, perused a listing of the try to solve the trouble. See stories this page countless number of closed courses. The sit- and page 4. (Post photo) FOCUS idea called a 'creative approach' by J. W. Schomisch fellow group members and then cussed what they saw and asked discuss common problems. Ex­ any questions that the trip of the Post staff brought up. 'It was the first creative plained one freshman,'The dis­ approach to Freshman Orien­ cussion showed us how to over­ A picnic style dinner was tation taken on this campus,' come our fear of both the univ­ served in the snackbar with free was how Pat Conway, a member ersity and other students.' food as the main attraction. of FOCUS summed up Friday. After the discussion session After the picnic the snack bar On that day nearly 1,600 each group toured the campus. was converted into a coffee freshmen came to UWM to en­ The tour included the Fine Arts house to accomodate two guitar- counter both the university and center, Bolton hall, the field- playing folk singers. their fellow students. house, and the Union. The purpose of the day was The student organizations The evening ended with a to give the student the sense of were also out in force trying to classical rock concert in the being part of a group and to recruit new members. The Union ballroom. acquaint them with the univer­ Bolton hall lobby and portico sity and its various activities. were the sites for the hobby- The freshmen, about 200 of Primarily it broke down their oriented campus clubs andsport them, participated in a camp feelings of just being numbers. associations, The religious which was held in the Kettle The day started for the new­ groups were situated on the Moraine last week.FOCUS set comers with a formal check- Union portico, while political up the three day orientation in , where they were divided organizations like Young Amer­ at Camp Minikani. into 85 groups. In each group icans for Freedom and the was a student leader and a Young Republicans were in the The camp highlighted by sev­ freshman aide who conducted main lobby. The Greeks and A new freshman sat pensively under this poster as other eral speeches and programs by the orientation. professional clubs did their re­ incoming students were massing in the Union lobby for lunch UWM faculty, was an attempt The groups met in a relaxed cruiting in the second floor Un­ as part of the orientation proceedings Friday afternoon. The ion lounge. to unjumble university life for young man paused with his own lunch, a bag of sunflower seeds. atmosphere. The students were the freshman. encouraged to talk with their After the tour, the groups dis- (Post photo by Alan Roshak) Tuesday, September 16,1969 THE UWM POST Page 2 New dean of L&S wants ?$* ££ student advisory committee on protests - The J Youn(St.g AmericanLouis - s CPSfor )Freedo - m (YAF) attended a convention by Linda Soike ary and even revolutionary. N setting is particularly advan­ X-radiography. tageous for developing the 'in­ here this month,to decide if of the Post staff curriculum or course can b Pincus was nominated by YAF should take legal action to good and static. A curricula ter-disciplinary approach to Chancellor J. Martin Klotsche meeting today's problems,' stop campus disruptions. No The newly appointed dean of must be flexible in dealing with on the recommendation of a concrete plan of action was an­ the college of letters and sci­ individuals but inflexible in that through an integrated, sensible faculty search and screening approach.' nounced. ence proposed, in an interview it insures high quality and the committee. Klotsche praised Two other resolutions were Monday, organizing a student students' exposure to the cream The interdisciplinary ap­ his appointment: passed. One supported the a- counterpart of the faculty ad­ of the intellectual community.' proach in the academic com­ 'I am pleased to have a re­ partheid and white control of visory committee which advises munity 'lends a committment to cognized scholar and teacher of the governments of the Union of the L&S dean. work with others' to the scholar, Dr. Pincus' stature accept the South Africa and Rhodesia while Howard G. Pincus, who of­ rather than a dedication to post of dean of the college of condemning the 'North African ficially became dean Sept. 2, working only in his own field.' letters and science. This is socialist states.' The second succeeds former Dean Roy G. Pincus, a noted geophysicist, UWM's largest college and cen­ resolution called for major es­ Francis, who accepted a Brit- graduated in 1942 from City tral to the whole academic de­ calations in the Vietnam conflict tingham professorship in soc­ College of New York, majoring velopment of the university.' PINCUS including an invasion of the iology here. 'If a criticism is in mathematics and statistics. Pincus said he had visited North, 'closing' of Haiphong valid, ' he said, 'a comment His masters and doctoral de­ the University twice previously harbor, bombing of Communist truly constructive, it doesn't grees from Columbia university as a lecturer and.on both oc­ strongholds in Loas and Cam­ matter where it comes from. were in geology. casions was pleased with quality bodia, and flooding the Red If it's from a student, I think From 1949 to 1967, he was of the faculty, the students, River valley through destruc­ it's wonderful' Like Francis, Pincus stressed on the geology staff of Ohio and the school's attitude toward tion of its irrigation system. Pincus said he had not yet the challenge of the urban uni­ State university, where he was self improvement, which he had time to consider any pro­ versity over that offered by a chairman of that department for cited as 'quite unusual.' Class covers gram changes, but would in the small college, calling the U- five years. He also researched He said he has kept this view future. niversity's urban status 'a there from 1965 to 1967 for of the school, praising the stu­ 'I like to think of all our source of great opportunities.' the National Aeronautics and dents as being quite serious union laws programs as being evolution­ Pincus said that he felt the Space administration concern­ and mature in their reactions A non-credit labor law course ing radar and microwave radio­ to ideas.
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