Himachal Karam Singh H

Himachal Karam Singh H

Scholarship Sanctioned during 2009-10 under the Scheme Merit-Cum-Means, Post Matric & Pre- Matric Scholarship to the candidates belonging to Minority Communities (1) List of 33 Students to whom Scholarship Sanctioned under Merit-Cum- Means Scholarship. Sl. Name of student Name & address ot Course Amount of scholarship (in Bank No. the institution in Rs.) Draft Date favour of draft to be No. made Maintenance Course Total Allowance Fee Abida Shah D/o 2784448 24-5-10 Registrar, Institutes Sh. Abdul Gani of Management 1 Shah H. No. 24/15 MBA 5000 20000 25000 Studies HP Lowere Bazar University Shimla-5 Shimla Heena Naz D/o 174326 24-5-10 Principal IITT Sh. Mohd. Shakeel College of 2 H. No. 252 Ward B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 Engineering Kala No. 1Charzan Amb Sirmour Street Nahan Rukhsar D/o Sh. Principal Mata Bala 174327 24-5-10 Sabir Ali H. No. Sundri College of 3 LLB 5000 20000 25000 269/9 Katcha Legal Studeis Shimla Tank Nahan Road Nahan Aman S/o Sh. 174328 24-5-10 Principal IITT Abdul Latif H. No. College of 4 3177/12 Katcha B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 Engineering Kala Tank Nahan Distt Amb Sirmour Sirmour Israna D/o Sh. Principal Himalyan 174329 24-5-10 Nazim Ali Vill Group of 5 Toka PO Professioinal Institute M.B.A. 5000 20000 25000 Jamniwala Distt. Kala Amb Distt Sirmour Sirmour Talib Hussain S/o 174330 24-5-10 Sh. Hashim Ali Principal Jawaharlal Mand Miani PO Nehru Government 6 B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 Mand Manjwa Engineering College Indora Kangra - Sundernagar Mandi 176403 Israil S/o Sh. Sabir Principal M.G. 174331 24-5-10 Ahmad H. No. Institute of Engg. & 7 B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 48/1 Vill Dadoh Tech. Badoo Distt Dhaban Mandi Mandi Principal Shiva 174332 24-5-10 Aysha D/o Sh. Institute of Engg. & Mohd. Yaseen H. Tech. Vill Luhnoo 8 B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 No. 2 Upper Nihal Kantain PO Bilaspur Chandpur Distt. Bilaspur Waseem Malik 174333 24-5-10 Principal Law S/o Sh. Maqsood College Dehardun 9 Hassan Vill. L.L.B. 5000 20000 25000 Prem Nagar UA- Amarkot PO 248007 Nihalgarh Sirmour Principal Shiva 174334 24-5-10 Javed Khan S/o Institute of Engg. & Sh. Salim Mohd. Tech. Vill Luhnoo 10 B.Tech. 5000 20000 25000 VPO Chandpur Kantain PO Distt. Bilaspur Chandpur Distt. Bilaspur Principal Uttaranchal 174335 24-5-10 Neha Khan D/o Institute of Sh. Mohd. Aslam Management Arcadia 11 H.NO. 3/287 M.B.A. 5000 20000 25000 Grant PO B.No. 95 Paonta Chandanwari Prem Sahib Nagar Dehradun B.Sc. 174336 24-5-10 Hotel Mohammed Asad Principal Dr. Manage S/o Sh. Rafaquat Ambedkar IHM Sec. ment& 12 Hussain Set No. 5 10000 20000 30000 42-D, Chandigarh Catering Ram Niwas 160036 Techono Shimla logy(H MCT) Principal Institure of 174337 24-5-10 Amardeep Singh Engineering & S/o Sh. Jaswant Emerging B.Tech. 13 Singh H. No. 1 5000 20000 25000 Technologies (I.T.) Street 2 Shimla Makhnumajra Baddi 171001 Distt Solan Gurjeevan Kaur 174338 24-5-10 D/o Sh. Balwinder Principal Akal Singh H. No. D1 College of Nursing B.Sc. 14 10000 20000 30000 Baru Sahib Teh. Baru Sahib Distt Nursing Rajgarh Distt Sirmour Sirmour Sukhman Kaur 278449 24-5-10 Principal Business Kawatra D/o Sh. Institute of 15 Ravinder Singh H. MBA 5000 20000 25000 Management Studies No. 108 Lower Shimla-1 Bazar Shimla Mandeep Kaur 174339 24-5-10 Maan D/o Sh. Principal Akal Joginder Singh College of 16 Maan Kothi-1 B.Tech 10000 20000 30000 Engineering & Tech. Bonney Nesty Baru Sahib HP Lower Kaithu Shimla-3 Amanmeet Singh Principal Hotel & Hotel & 174340 24-5-10 S/o Sh. Ajeet Catering Catering 17 Singh H. No. 87/3 Management Institute Manage 5000 20000 25000 Pursharthi Basti (Vidya Jyoti ment Near Lower Bazar Educational Society) 1year Shimla-1 Chandigarh Samandeep Singh 174341 24-5-10 Panwar S/o Sh. Principal J.B. Jaswinder Singh Institute of B.Tech. 18 5000 20000 25000 H. No. 84 Ekta Technology Chakrata (C.S) Colony Paonta Road Dehradun Sahib Satwinder Singh 174342 24-5-10 Saini S/o Sh. Principal Himachal Karam Singh H. Institute of Pharmacy B. 19 5000 20000 25000 No. 32 Kundiyon Paonta Sahib Distt Pharmacy Jamniwala Sirmour Sirmour Jasjeet Kaur D/o Principal National 278450 24-5-10 Sh. Kulbiner Institute of 20 Singh Dale View Management Walia MBA 5000 20000 25000 Lower Bazar Cottege 2nd Floor Shimla Lakkar Bazar Shimla Nidhi Devid D/o 174343 24-5-10 B.E.(Ele Sh. Rajesh Kumar Principal Green Hills ctronics Near Cold Store Engineering College 21 & 10000 20000 30000 Trind Tharu Gandhi Nagar, commun Nagrota Bagwan Kumarhatti Solan ication) Kangra -176047 Principal Institute of 174344 24-5-10 Prem Rattan S/o Hotel Management Sh. Satya Pal Vill. Catering Technology B.Sc. in 22 Thangi Teh. & Applied Nutrition H.& 5000 20000 25000 Moorang Distt. CIT Campus, H.A Kinnaur Tharamani P.O. Chennai -600113 Virender Singh 174345 24-5-10 S/o Sh. Devi Principal BHSBIET 23 Singh Vill Lindoor Lehragaga Sangrur B.Tech. 10000 20000 30000 PO Jahalman Distt Punjab 148031 Lahoul Spitti Vinod S/o Sh. Principal Baba Hirs 174346 24-5-10 Devi Singh Vill Singh Bhattal Instt. 24 Lindoor PO of Engg. & Tech B.Tech. 10000 20000 30000 Jahalman Distt Lehragaga Sangrur Lahoul Spitti Punjab 148031 Principal Institute for Shahid Mohd. S/o Computer Education, Sh. Ali Mohd. Coporate Office Sathi 25 H.No. 268/12 MBA 5000 10500 15500 Road Near Khalsa Cheeranwali Gurudwara Ferozpur Nahan Cantt Punjab-152001 (2) List of Students to whom Scholarship sanctioned under Merit-cum-means Scholarship Scheme during 2010-2011 (Renewal Cases) Sr. Name of student Name & address . Bank Date No. of the institution Course Amount of scholarship Draft in favour of (in Rs.) No draft to be made Mainten Course Total ance Fee Allowan ce 1 Mohammed Principal M.G. B.Tec. 5000 20000 25000 172472 26-4-2010 Sajad Sayed S/o Institute of Engg & Sh. Mohd Gulrej Tech Badoo, Mandi Vill Dadoh PO Distt.Mandi Dhaban Mandi 175027 Distt.Mandi 2 Haoiya Haram Principal Doaba B.Tec. 5000 20000 25000 172473 26-4-2010 D/o Sh. Roshan Women electronic Lal H. No. 116 Institute of &commun Ward No. 3 Engineering ication Pungh Sunder Technology Nagar Mandi Kharar Distt 173001 Mohali Punjab Distt.Mandi 3 Sheikh Naz D/o Principal Mata Bala L.L.B. 5000 19100 24100 172474 26-4-2010 Sh. Jamshed Sundri Ahmed Qureshi College of Legal Talon (SERTA) Studeis PO Nahan Distt Shimla Road Sirmour 173001 Nahan Distt Sirmour 4 Muhammad Principal Babe Ke BAMS 5000 20000 25000 172475 26-4-2010 Sadique S/o Sh. Ayurvedic Mustak Vill Medical College Bhour PO Kakrot and Hospital Hamirpur Distt Doudhar Distt. Hamirpur Moga (Punjab) - 142053 5 Nazia Khan D/o Dean Faculty of LLB 5000 20000 25000 273866 26-4-2010 Sh. Mohammed Law, HPU Sharif Grass Shimla-5 Distt. Mare Building Shimla Summer Hill Distt. Shimla 6 Akhtar Hussain Director Pioneer LLB 5000 20000 25000 273867 26-4-2010 S/o Sh. Infotech Mohammad (PTU)Study Centre Yusuf Masjid Chotta Shimla -2 Complex Boileau Distt. Shimla Ganj Shimla Distt. Shimla 7 Taranpreet Kaur ICFAI (INC MBA 5000 20000 25000 273868 26-4-2010 Rishi D/o Sh. Shimla) Moon Ravinder Singh International Hotel Rishi Top Shop Near Vishal 80 The Mall Mega Mart Chotta Shimla -1 Distt. Shimla Distt. Shimla Shimla 8 Hussain Heena Principal, NIT B.Arch. 10000 20000 30000 172476 26-4-2010 D/o Sh. Rafaquat Hamirpur- Hussain Set No - 177005 Distt 5 Ram Niwas Hamirpur Sanjauli Shimla - 6 Distt Shimla (3) List of 349 Students to whom Scholalrship Sanctioned under Post matric Scholarship Scheme to Minorities during 2009-10 Sl. Name of Student Name & address Clas Amount of Bank Date No. of the s/Co scholarship(in Rs.) Draft School/college in urse Course/ Maint Total No favour of Draft in Tuition enanc to be made whic Fee e h Allow stud ance ing 1 Meer Khan S/o Sh. Principal Govt. XI 580 1400 1980 172477 26-4- Gulab Deen H. No. 4 Vill Sr. Sec. School 2010 Jamsai PO Sarkaghat Sarkaghat Distt Mandi 2 Yakub S/o Sh. Rafiq Principal Govt. XI 740 1400 2140 172478 26-4- Mohd. Vill. Jhandutta Sr. Sec. School 2010 Bilaspur 174031 Jhandutta 3 Shaveena Khan D/o Sh. Principal Govt. XI 730 1400 2130 172479 26-4- Rafiq Mohd. VPO Sr. Sec. School 2010 Jhandutta Teh. Jhandutta Jhandutta Distt Bilaspur 4 Nisha S/o Sh. Manat Ali Principal Govt. XI 410 1400 1810 172480 26-4- Vill Rajpura PO Noa Teh Sr. Sec. School 2010 Bilaspur Sadar Bilaspur Kothipura 5 Heena D/o Sh. Mohd. Principal Govt. XI 375 1400 1775 172481 26-4- Riyaz H. No. 158 Diara Girls Sr. Sec. 2010 Sector Bilaspur School Bilaspur 6 Mumtaj Begum D/o Sh. Principal Govt. XI 465 1400 1865 172482 26-4- Sher Mohd. Vill Sounda Sr. Sec. School 2010 PO Thanei Kothi The. Jhajja Kothi Chaurah Distt Chamba 7 Sharif Mohd. S/o Sh. Principal Govt. XI 645 1400 2045 172483 26-4- Deen Mohd. Vill Guryani Sr. Sec. School 2010 PO Jhajja Kothi Teh. Jhajja Kothi Chaurah Distt Chamba 8 Sajiya D/o Sh. Mohd. Principal Govt. XI 555 1400 1955 172484 26-4- Ameen Changar Sector Girls Sr. Sec. 2010 Bilaspur School Bilaspur 9 Gulzar Mohd. S/o Sh. Principal Govt. XI 647 1400 2047 172485 26-4- Nikku Deen VPO Sr.

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