HEAVE HO!—A Tug-of-War during half time of the The Inside Story Millburn-Summit soccer game last Thursday lasted CITIZENS, BEW ARE—Ghosts, goblins and assorted spirits and only 46 seconds but it provid­ sprites will invade the township on Halloween for the 33rd time. The ed the public debut of the occasion is the annual Halloween parade sponsored by the Fire MHS Blue and White in­ Department. Details on line of march and prizes will be found on tramural squads. Here the Page 3. Blues, anchored by Paul Balser, win the contest with a final lunge against Chris FAR EAST BECKON.S- The Classified 18,19 Rooney's Whitejj. The director of the Museum of the Coming events 6 squads, sponsored by the City of New York will con Editorial 8 recreation department, duct an armchair tour of Movies 15 Bagel Chateau and Burger China, ancient and modern, Obituaries 13 Express, will compete in next Thursday evening in Religion 13 golf, racquetball, chess, Millburn Library. The Social. 13 backgammon and nerf foot­ Friends of the Library is Social 12 ball this fall. Points will be sponsoring the program. tallied for all activities to M o re inform ation on Page determine a Blue-White cham p. THEMTEM OF MILLBl R \ A W SHORT HILLS T hg m H B i H’ l o her' 21.1982 Fouivd. d ihbh Vol. 93 NO. 42 Se rvin g the township for 94 years © Member.. VuilLl Kneemi of ( in iiliiliim- Town acQuires Glen wood land, plans Essex Street purchase Township shoppers and merchants of both The property, for which the township paid acquisition of property on Essex Street. held its last revaluation program, the land the Glenwood and Central business areas $198,000, will become the First off-street The property, located immediately west and the l 1-.-story residence located received welcome news Tuesday night as municipal parking area in the Glenwood of the Charlie Brown’s parking lot, if ac­ were assessed at $34,300 the Township Committee announced it has business section. Merchants in that area of quired would provide a ingress and egress to In introducing the sSiMton handing or taken title to land which will be the site of a the community have urged the construction the pedestrian mall and parking area which dinance Committeejnan Hubei t P- Denise new municipal parking lot and it plans to of an off-street facility for more than two is to be constructed on land purchased by said the amount provided ro the measure purchase another tract which is contiguous the township two years ago. The 1980 pur­ was not indicative of the pfiui that would chase provided the municipality with the ti­ to town-owned property already designated ■Jit is hot expected that the area will be be paid for the proper-tv tffi'ifiTmMiutflCTtin’, as the site for a municipal parking lot. tle. to a tract stretching behind stores fron­ ordinance m erel^ ^ ^ M is to proceed I B i opened to the public for parking until mid to ting on Millburn Avenue from Main Street to The land purchase which took place last late 1983. Parking spaces for approximately negotiations—andthat- s a week saw the municipality acquire the the easterly Town Hall parking lot . 50 cars will be available on the tract. former Smith tract which runs behind stores The township spent $180,000 in 1980 to ac! fronting on the southerly side of Millburn The improvement to the already planned The property now sought would add an ad­ Quire the land behind the'Miilburri^v eriue Avenue from Short Hills Avenue to the pro­ municipal parking lot was announced as the ditional 3,800 square feet to the area which stores and earlier this year approved the ex­ perty now occupied by P.J. Maxwell, a Township Committee introduced a $72,000 will become the site of the pedestrian mall penditure of $170,000 for the construction of clothing outlet. bonding ordinance to provide funds for the parking lot. In 1976, at the time the township the pedestrian mall and parking area Office building gets site plan OK After nearly 1® months of plan revisions before Dr J Haftfg&Benm-tt dml.'.\hlfu|||l and appearances before township boards. Resnick, principals ihfhe project received Essex Lackawanna Associates received permission lu go nhtad wit! mi.s' CjjVi r-fw'"1] final site approval Monday night from the the 10.000 square foot Zoning Board of Adjustment for construc­ The major condition wj- j mit-igi i.l£»jj| tion of a stilted office building at the corner- parking Jot": to vompiv with i ! of Essex Street and Lackaw anna Place dinances.'fofbiddirfg tandem * parking Mi The vote for approval w as unanimous. Steen explained ,e* d i ' .iT Architect Lawrence'Stern said work .on been corfiDte^^BSj| ^MKi^^Mas.ew.fi.l.n)Li the new building would begin within six, 'he previously uiaillvd \ weeks The property npw occupied bv a deficieniv ol thus puking | i i -’ V tJ gasoline stat ion. than ZwHflBI STEPS DOWN, STEPS U P - Daniel J. Moore (left1), senior member (rffiffig A-series of last-minute conditions were ad­ The board had gran1ed-Essti||j|v kawa» recreation board, h is resigned. Jeffrey P. Ruddy has been appointed. ded to the developers' plans by 'the board na ASsocMeS-tfe2:ipare leew iv .tjfiJpMifcft before the prohibitum iga spaces was brought to Its attention i township engineer Anthony Isaac 2 board members named A second change in design reQuest d i the board wouMHgfce.ttie heigh^fc lb • ■saw the governing body adopt I mu 4e-!BMwyj due to the resignation of Natalie Forth, a stilted space between iHe'SV'oo id New members of the municipality's Iv minor ordinances on final reading One of Board of Recreation 'Commissioners and board member.for the past year Mrs Furth first stor^jn^W wfy allow gre j 1 C- ■those measures reestablishes tfife^MSHall 1 and her fan fl® re moving to Washington jUftr- firi f.ghting ■ Planning Board were nam'ed'by Mayor Earl position of assistant municipal clerk an DC called for a 10 5 foot clearance W Cryer at Tuesday night's meeting of the action dictated by the state 'ra®-.Service After hearing testimony from Da' » Township Committee. Commission Mrs. Naughton is . a member of the Mendelson. a traffic consultant, the hoard The Civil Service order was handed down Named to the recreation board was Jef­ municipality’s environmental commission further requested that a 4 font high wall g£|S| SB-tfMnfh after Patricia Brady, who had frey Ruddy of 50 Cayuga Way while and is vice chairman of the Millburn Short rounding the building be decreased to j . held that title, was transferred to the Elizabeth Naughton of 296 Lupine Way was Hills Chapter of the American Red Cross feet near the dm'ew|y3 le.ading.'tn F, sites. township health office Civil Sorv ice, after named to the planning body Both Mr Rud- In addition she serves on the boards of the Street and Lackawanna f’lan conducting hearings on Miss Brady 's appeal dy'and Mrs Naughton have been, residents Citizens League for Environmental Action said this could he done by ta|x I ing ‘igjfegjTy.jzH of the move, found the municipality had no of the community for 20 years Now (CLEAN i. the Short Hills Home as 'jt approaches the entrances ami-exit*. legal basis for its action and ordered that Garden Club and file Brookhaven Associa­ Mr Stern also agreed t'o provjtle a hue School board discussion Mr Ruddy replaces Daniel J Moore. & the former assistant i lei k he ret in nisi lmtgn| tion shrubbery screen around a stdirwelfpioje. former chairman of the recreation board Tuesday night's brief ( ommittee session post and that organization's senior member Mr tion at the rear of the building Moore who was fifest appointed to the board In other business Mondajc-ltiVTiWj 'i’yyS'- hedrd-ff reQuest on declining enrollment EM»972. had originally planned to step down 211 Main Street to create a fifrfgipJvr.mf.’tTi from the post at the end of last year, but Road work begins Mow m the basement of ifis' 4 family house then sought an extension of his tenure in Though a variance would not be reQuired ic. order to work with the recreation depart Old Short Hills Road between Brookside Avenue. Emergency vehicles j add the additional apartment a..waivei \J. ment's new director, Richard Romano. Drive and Marion Avenue will be open to ed through the construction"sffea «t SBratss in either direction. the ordinance reQuiring two parking spaces Mr Ruddy, an attorney, has been active limited traffic only for the next four or five- F or approximately one week during the per living unit would be necessary Current in Republican Party affairs in the township weeks to allow installation of new paving work period this portion of Old Short Hills for many ■years. He is a former board and curbing. ly the property holds eight parking 'P.jjjpt! member of the MillburnShort Hills Work will begin Monday, according to Road will be closed to all regular traffic tor the four apartments Mr Pettrilli s attornev Liwreim 1i j Scholastic Boosters, is a trustee of the Boys township engineer Anthony J. Isaac North­ Mr Isaac said. Cost of the road reconstruction project is Club of Newark and serves as a coach in two bound vehicles will be allowed to use the told the board his, .client planned J $90,000 with $76,000 of the amount provided space across the street from the propertv in township baseball leagues ( roadway while southbound traffic will be The Planning Board v£|®c> occurred detoured along Marion Avenue unto G$Vit ■byithe state Economy, foreign policy highlight candidates’ debate believed that “Congress, when faced bv tle..*¥;vuU»ip' to ttie cue.-.uou.
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