REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD .­ C/o, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079·27556670 PUBLIC HEARING PROCEEDING As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.O. 1533 dated September 14, 2006 and subsequent amendments thereon, Public hearing was fixed for M/s. Esdee Paints Ltd. for setting up of integrated paints industry for manufacturing of various paint products (Phase I), 2,673 a'ncl--Acrylic Co-polymer Resin (Phase II), 130 TPM at Blok No. 174/p & 175/p, Village Vasna­ Chacharvadi, Taluka-Sanand, District-Ahmedabad which is covered under category B of the Schedule 5(h). A copy of the draft Environment Impact Assessment report and the Summary of Environment Impact Assessment Report were sent to the following authorities to make available the Draft EIA Report for inspection to the public during normal office hours, till the Public Hearing is over. 1. The District Collector Office, Ahmedabad 2. District Development Office, Ahmedabad 3. District Industry Centre, Ahmedabad 4. Taluka Development Office, Tal: Sanand, Dist.: Ahmedabad 5. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (C), Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India, Regional Office (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E-5 Area colony, Link Road-3, Ravishankar Colony, Bhopal 462 016. 6. Regional Office, GPCB Ahmedabad (Rural), C/o. Khadi Gram Udhyog Board, Gram Nirman Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Old Vadaj, Ahmedabad - 13. Other concerned persons having plausible stake in the environment aspects were requested to send their response in writing to the concerned regulatory authorities. The public hearing was scheduled to be held on 26/09/2017 at 11: 00 hrs, at project site of M/s. Esdee Paints Ltd., Blok No. 174/p & 175/p, Village Vasna-Chacharvadi, Taluka-Sanand, District-Ahmedabad. An advertisement in English was published in "Indian Express" and in Gujarati in "Divya Bhaskar" dated 25/08/2017. Shri 5 M Saiyad, Additional District Magistrate, Ahmedabad as representative of District Magistrate and District Collector Ahmedabad supervised and presided over the entire public hearing proceedings. A statement showing participants present during the public hearing is enclosed as Annexure A. REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) ­ GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD C/o, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 A statement showing salient points highlighting issues raised by the participants and responded by the representative of the applicant during the public hearing in English language is enclosed as Annexure B and in Gujarati Languages is enclosed herewith as Annexure Bl. The copies of responses received in writing from other persons having plausible stake in environmental aspects is enclosed as Annexure C-l, Annexure C-2 &. Annexure C-3 respectively and the replies by the applicants to the same are enclosed herewith as Annexure 0-1, Annexure 0-2 &. Annexure 0-3 respectively. Place: Vasna-Chacharvadi K.R~hyay S.M. S iyad Tal: Sanand Regional Officer, GPCB Additiona District Dist.: Ahmedabad Ahmedabad (Rural) Magistrate, Ahmedabad Date: 26/09/2017 as representative of District Collector and District Magistrate, Ahmedabad Encl: 1. Annexure A, B, Bl, C-l, C-2, C-3, D-l, D-2, D-3 as above 2. Video CD of Public Hearing & PDF of Proceedings " • .. °0 ... REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) .- I ~" -"-­ GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD C/o, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 Annexure-A A statement showing participants present durinq the public .hearing As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India{ New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.O. 1533 dated September 14, 2006 and subsequent amendment thereon{ Public hearing was fixed for M/s. Esdee Paints Ltd. for setting up of integrated paints industry for manufacturing of various paint products (Phase I){ 2{673 TPM and Acrylic Co-polymer Resin (Phase II), 130 TPM at Blok No. 174/p & 175/p, Village Vasna-Chacharvadi, Taluka-Sanand, District-Ahmedabad which is covered under category B of the Schedule 5(h). The statement showing the participants present during the Public Hearing held on 26/09/2017 at 11 :00 hrs, at Project site of MIs. Esdee Paints Ltd., at Blok No. 174/p &. 175/p, Village Vasna-Chacharvadi, Taluka-Sanand, District-Ahmedabad is as under: QU ~ ct. ~ ~Sl ~o1.l "ll Gll Cl ~t;l, Clo1. ~~ "d'(flCll<j "ll~ Clct.o1. l-l?l.lC{Gl, 01. cO. (t(-61.o1.l %1.~~o1.ll-ll 5l-lis: ~RvU. <t1.t33, ct.l. <t'(5/0~/~O<t5 ~~ ~crCl21. :u21.C{ ~t.tl~Lo1.L ~oj~t.tl~ i{~~ ~~Sl ttcS~~ c{ll-(1.~s, VC{LS a1.- <t~'(5 /1J..8l. ~~ <t~1.t/1J..8l.1 JLll-l Cll~t;ll-<U <-l~CllSl. ct.lCj,Sl.-~lt;l£1 ~-~l-lCl Cll£ 1.J.I.lct. (Ct(Ctt.t ttcS~~ o1.l G("lll£o1. (~Y.> <t), G("lll£o1. atl-lct.l- ~ 5 ~3 eo1./l-ll ~ ~~ ~~c{ls 81. -Lilc{ll-l~ ~~o1.o1.l G("lll£o1. (~Y.> ~), G("lll£o1. atl-lct.l-<t30 eo1./l-ll~ o1.l Wl"llo1.l l-ll~a{1 "ll~cil"d'o1.l B~Jl~ 1.t(~<-l) IIvflll l-li ~lCl~ 8.ClL21.({ ~. o? l-ll~ C{LS~o1.lClt;o.oj ~lcil"d'o1. S~Clll-ll ~lqC{ ~. ct.l~1.J.I. ~5/0~/~O<t~ o1.l ~"d' ~l-lGl <t <t:OO SC{lB, Wo?s-e ~(fl "ll~ i{~~ ~~Sl ttcS~~ c'(h·a~s, VC{LS 01.- <t~'(5/\l.81 :ut~ <t~1.t/\l.811 Jlll-l Cll~t;ll-<-ll<-l~CllSl. ct.lC181.-~lt;lcl ~-:utl-lClCllc 1.J.I.lct. cil"d'Clll-li ~lqC{ C{LS ~o1.LClt;o.l-li <?l"d'~ ~~C{l C{L8I.a{1 Gll£l a{1i\. l;],"d'0-\. ~. Sign ~6I. , REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) r GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD C/o, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 Sr. No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Sign zl-l.18 aUl-l. ~~ &.Sl ~Wl/ ::llll-l. ~6t 1­ ,lAo p~y~S-\ 'Y'_ &~___ \__ _ ~ ~~ f----~t_V_1+tMA'!ti '7-. QhMkGY' ~,,-----,cl,--,----Y-=---J1FuA.-----,----~_---+_~.~ ) ~~h--- C­ ~k\to.d~. ~~~ \._(J_-I_~~~ M8~~_'\__-j f-----'\---+_~C1 ; Le3 .)<. V@~ J( ~_dr;r- J~h~t~ __ \'<­ ) B"ltL1? )2. 5 I-J I' ~ 'J d f6, .J:!. () ~~ __ ._~___ fJ k 11 yr IV- WrJt+­ ---'~-'----------I 1---·---_..·_-­ fI ' H~Jr ~cAni~__ _--­ ·---..--·---I-----~---------l 3V\ P-a ~ V&51 rna ________0~~~ ~_ .............,,"'" \--\_\_-flJh~e{-~~·-#-----'------,,--ff7&~81'----d:- 1---_,~_t_____r_'_~<t~~, ~ ~""'''lct____~ ____ _, \ v;l'I/'od, Y'1 . c __ il1 ()'Oc}~(;L____________________.._._-----j <:a -~-cmr~~-.-------------r- ~~~rL _____~Jl_it.f±.~ REGIONAL OFFICE .. AHMEDABAD (Rural) ,- II GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD C/o, KHADI GRAM LlDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN " 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ. AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 ..2 Sr. No. Name and Designation Organization/VilIage Sign c zl-lL8 a1.ll-l ~~ ~El :ei~l I Olll-l ~&l. ( f----~_\----1.~9{) fiF},gh ~j~~ ~c I @e,,","' ~ 1­ i -_., REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) ,­ GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Clo, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 Sr. No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Sign I il-lla aUl-l ~~ ~61 ~Wll ::>lll-l ~6J. A ( -.:s-~ __ ~ ~<LN~!L __ c:(~ 'E. "L-t-t \W-" S~c.~i~ ~ ~1 - -(l''''lf'-1l- \ ] h.. -V~~~~ ~~ ~-C) ~deep P--·ffl~·r_-O'" l - ~'$4t! t:.-, lC-V­ ~ ~\ i -' d-i i~~~eJ (e J. ~ , t J I REGIONAL OFFICE - AHMEDABAD (Rural) ­ I GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Clo, KHADI GRAM UDHYOG BOARD, GRAM NIRMAN BHAVAN 2nd FLOOR, OLD VADAJ, AHMEDABAD - 13 PH: 27556631-7556632-27556634, FAX: 079-27556670 ANNEXURE - B (English) A statement showing issues raised bv the participants and responses by the representative of the applicant during the Public Hearing As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S.D. 1533 dated September 14, 2006 and subsequent amendment thereon, Public hearing was fixed for MIs. Esdee Paints Ltd. for setting up of integrated paints industry for manufacturing of various paint products (Phase I), 2,673 TPM and Acrylic Co-polymer Resin (Phase II), 130 TPM at Blok No. 174/p & 175/p, Village Vasna-Chacharvadi, Taluka-Sanand, District-Ahmedabad which is covered under category B of the Schedule 5(h). Shri S.M. Saiyad, Additional District Magistrate, Ahmedabad as representative of District Magistrate and District Collector Ahmedabad supervised and presided over the entire public hearing proceedings. Shri K.R. Upadhyay, Regional officer, GPCB, Ahmedabad (Rural); welcomed all participants present in the Public Hearing. He outlined the various provisions of the Notification and briefed the procedural details for conducting this Public Hearing including various actions taken by GPCB for wide publicity of this Public Hearing and the· advertisement published earlier in the local daily newspapers. He announced that as per the provision of Notification, only locally affected persons will be allowed to re-present in the Public Hearing while others having plausible stake holders may give their representation in writing which would be included in the public hearing proceedings.
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