JOURNAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, �MECHANICS, A WEEKLY OF PRACTICAL- CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. LV.-·No. "'0].NEW SERlE�. NEW 20,' .1886. 10 •• [ ]21.]. YORK,NOVEMBER [PrIce$3.00 per Cell'"l':ear. PERSPECTIVE. INTERIOR. • 1 PLAN. ATD.SU:P:PLY.-:PROPOSED BOUSE FOR NEW AQUEDUCT T 136TlI ST .. CONVENT lOW 'YORK CITY W GATE A UJ) AVE,-[See page826.] © 1886 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC 320 [N OVEMBER 20, 1886. SUIT FOR THE CANCELLATION OF THE GOVERlO[E:NT ing an outside resistance of 2O,OGO pounds to the square �mttitIU. THE BELL TELEPHONE PATENTS. inch for the girders, w.Qich were made of % in. steel, A suit for the cancellation of the Bell telephone pa- the moment of resistance of each one was found to be Ititntifit 737, or 43 more than required. The steel, moreover, ES'L'ABLISHED 1845. tents was brought by the United States before an Ohio circuit court, in the city of Columbus. Much was hoped was tested for a breaking pressure of 80,000 pounds for from this action, but it has received one defeat to the square inch instead of the 20,000 allowed in the MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. calculation, so that the safety of the girders may be already. The question of jurisdiction by a circuit' PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT court over a company not in its district was raised. It regarded as assured. But there are also backing plates to the and girders, great­ No. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. was decided that the Bell Company, being a Massa- and rods attached main posts chusetts corporation, was outside of the jurisdiction ly increasing the strength, and there is little doubt O. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. of an Ohio court. Although a stockholder in the Ohio that before the statue could be overturned by the wind local companies, this was held not to be sufficient con- the pressure on its plates would be su fficiQnt to j;Qar TERMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. them apart. nection to establish a partnership. The opinion was a ... ... ... ..... has been .made by sol­ ostaj{eincluded . .. ... .... ...... .. 00 long one, covering 52 pages of type writing. The de- Against lightning, provision une copy. one year. p .... ... .... .. .. .. $3 One copy, six months, postage included . � . .. GO SCIENTIFIC 1 i dering four in. copper rods to the inside of the statue ()I.u"s.-One extra ofcopy of 'rHE AMERICAN. will be supplied cision was given without prejudice, leav ng it open for % gratis for every club tlve subscribers at 3 each; additional copies at against the external copper plates to a height of 15 ft. same proportionate rate. Postage prepaid.$ .00 the plaintiffs to bring suit elsewhere. The government Remit by postal or express mOlleyorder. Address is just where it started from, with one exception. It above the pedestal. These rods pass through the ped­ MUNN & CO.. 3tH Broadwuy. corner of Franklin Street. New York. can bring a motion in the Supreme Court for a man- estal, each inside of a 4 in. iron pipe tamped with coke The ScientUic American Snpplement dust, extending 5 ft. below low tide level in the earth. from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. damus cOlnpelling the hearing oi the case by the Ohio Is a distinct paper tile 16 THE SUPPLEMENT In the lower four feet of these pipes the copper rods 1s issuedSCIEN'L'I�'IC weekly. AMERICAN.Every nun...be r contains octavo pages.for uniformSUPPLEMENT in size tribunal. with to rrerms of subscription 10 are closely coiled like springs, thus giving a greater t5.ooa year, postage paid, subscribers. Single copies, cents. Sold by The objections to bringing the case in Massachusetts all newsdealers throughout theSClEN1'IFlC country. IC y s m ass of metal in the wet ground connection. WhilQ ,'"mbln,,"for ltates.-The AM R ofN and SUPPLEMENT were that, it being the home of the compan , a bia wi1l be sent one year, postage free, on receiptE A seven dollars." Both ma of metal in the paFers to one address or dlO'erent addressesas detlired. favorable to its interests was to be feared. This de- therc are some who insi!!tthat the ss to remit is by draft, postal order, exp�eHs money order, or. ground should equal the amount exposed to the light­ r:���e��3�:t'i:1. of cision, unless overruled by the higher court. virtually Addre.s MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway. CQrner Franklin Street. New York. restricts the place of proceeding to the Massachusetts ning, it is probable that in this case the protection ill !JcienUfic American Export Edition. circuits. It is in another sense an unfortunate decision. sufficient. The statue itself is the best kind of a con· ' N outside rods o ! o i O n It virtually tends to establish the fact that a monopoly, quctor as far as her pedestal ; hence no : J E��g �t:� !� �o�t:i�:g:b��� 8g�� g��S��d lal'�e�{��1.�� quarto� pages.�:�!�n�(�\1� profusely illustrated, embracing: MOHt of the plates as stockholder, can p erpetrate injustice in outside States are needed, and the copper rods extending into the and ",,!6S o.f the four pre�eding weekly Issues of the (1.)SCIEN1'IFlC AMERl· CAN .P. WIth Its splendId engravings and valuable information; '(2.) Com­ as a stockholder in local companies, while it is protect· ground will doubtless carry offany ftashesthat Liberty n�ercutl, trB:..?e. and ��Ilufacturing announcements of leading houseH. f a ed in its own State by association and business in- attract. In auy event, no damage would be done gtn:l�Pg��i:s?W��nls�·OO��!n :�:�tt��:r8 !�J�tt�sP�o cte:i�: lna.y ���id�to secure foreign trade ,may have large and handsomely displayed an­ terests. to the statue by a stroke of lightning, but only to the n9\lncements pnb1ished in this edition at a very mod�rate cost. to t e e e On January the united telephone suits corne be- pedestal h exLent thaL the rode were una.ble to cn�!W(�f���l���!:I�c��f��!!Pt)i;o::���r tt�s :��f! I'a��� �'h�� 24 u carry offthe current. & CO.. OOI Broadway. corner of �'rlmkllnStreet. New York. fore the Supreme Court on appeal. B rdened U. S. A..g&W.st....ga.lvanic action, an ingenious insulation of by concessions and incomplete as recoras 01 OH'" lUll e d' m the copper from the iron framework has been employ­ YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1886. facts, a great deal is not to b hope for fro these NEW cases. If, as the final outcome, the patent can only ed, the insulating material used being asbestos cloth have its claims restricted to conform in some sense to soaked in shellac ; and the device has been managed Content s cunningly that in no place the two .metals corne •• the specification, some good will then have been done. o do in contact with each Qther. was at first feared asterisk.) At present the patent is held to cover all and every It (Illustrated articles are marked with an mode of transmitting speech electrically. that the durability of the statue would be threatened . ... .. Y . .. 829 it would be Aqueduct. N... .... gate.. .. house. .. .for. 319. Millinery. simple ... .. ; ..... ; 821 by the great expansion and contraction . 326 . proposed . of. North. new. the .... ... ...... .. small. manufacture in Notes and queries ... ....... ... 331 • 'e I .. sub' Jec t e d to under d ifferent temperatures, thereby ArmB. ... .. ... Belgium . ......... .. .. One hundred years .. ..... 32S . 325 of, the Bert, Paul.. .. ... .. .. .... ..ltoot'3'J2 .. .. 321 Paper. white, use eft'ectupon THE STATUE OF LIBERTY, NEW YO RK. wearing out the copper rivets; or even straining Boller. safety. Abendroth & .... 381 frame. Experien e so far has shown that the mottled Book.sand publication�.•........•.... new PIP .��: forwRi;,riiiaiii.:::::. 32;{· ��� t •. �328 Now that Liberty has been dedicated to her task of Brak.e.car, Morrow's Planting. spring vf autumn .. or corru ated surface� , due to the hammering the copper Car coupling', BoiE's'*..... '.......... R23 ��i'rif[n;����:�s� iiauge"';ii"'cii�;;so enlightening the world, there are some timorous minds g Centerboard for vessels, Mcl!�all's*S34 had received, has prevented much of the expansion a . ° who fear that something will happen to overthrow her. ��. ::::::::::� ::::::: Re.�o ';rit�a:l·pa':k:"valve 328 that the direct rays of the sun would otherwise have 8;�i�fd:\r�:!.etl'ect of the. on . the � \!. b e Eilrthquake. · . .. Where such a mass towers aloft in expoRed posi- Railway·. 327 Scl;�:e����t��!\ l'g�:;;Y·Of.: South Carolinato . .. f an caused. No two contiguous parts received the same Egl(s,Rge of. tell . .. .. 329 ri: �� ���:::;,·::l:,"n����':.�fo':.� expe 8'28 tion, there are, of course, dangers ; but investigation :istt.n:rI:�iTe��.��·..· ·.·..·· .·.::: amount of heat, and the expansion in midsummer was of .l� : shows that all that human forethought could do pro- Flshe. tbe Malay A.rchlpelago. .. :r.!9 stat� �f"Libe':i:i':'NeWY;';:k:::: . found to be much less than had been feared. Whether Fly catcher. Xever's* of,. ... '" 3'M ��'ic'!.�,:: �:[,\'��r;;;pr'Oveiiie.ii.·in :m bably was done to insure her safety and permanency. �un barrels. erOSIOn by pow- � expansion and contraction will eventually produce a der products ......... ............... ..... 32� Tel s . b There are five dangers to be feared, namely, earth- . ... .. 3 r�����:� �� .� .�� . ���.����� 325 ci ed ; but Gun, monster, ato . .... 3.'lO26 . serious injury of any kind cannot now be de d Hell (late light be stopped. .. •... ... Tel a quake, wind, lightning, galvanic action, and man. If we Invent.ions agl·icultural . :l.'U :il'��t":ult :;;i�e�:�c�y.
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