18/01/2021 Homer on the Hamilton Vase – Red Figure Apotheosis of Homer from Alexandria c. 225 BC and Roman copy of original Hellenistic Calyx Krater and Wedgwood Jasper Ware, bust, British Museum British Museum 1 2 Roman Mosaic with Homer and the Muses – Calliope the Muse of Epic Poetry Aristotle with a bust of Homer by Rembrandt Homer by Rembrandt 1663, The Hague 1653, Metropolitan Museum 3 4 Homer and his guide by Bouguereau Homer between Dante and Virgil in The The Parnassus by Raphael 1511, Vatican 1874, Milwaukee Art Museum Parnassus Fresco by Raphael 1509-10, Vatican 5 6 1 18/01/2021 Townley Odyssey C11th C15th Copy of the Odyssey The Apotheosis of Homer by Ingres 1827, Louvre 7 8 Detail Ulysses in Crete from the ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César’ 1330-1340, Naples Penelope, Laertes and Telemachus from a Mediaeval French Odyssey 9 10 Penelope and her suitors 1912 by Waterhouse, Aberdeen Art Gallery Penelope at her loom C15th from a coffer 11 12 2 18/01/2021 Penelope by Bassano c. 1580, Rennes Penelope unravelling her web by Lamplight 1785 by Joseph Wright, Getty Museum 13 14 Penelope by Rossetti, Private Collection Telemachus’s Journey to Pylos and Sparta 15 16 Telemachus with Nestor and Polycaste Red Figure Krater Helen recognising Telemachus as the son of Odysseus by Lagrenée, Hermitage Museum 17 18 3 18/01/2021 Menelaus capturing the sea god Proteus whilst in Egypt The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis by David 19 20 21 22 The Adventures of Odysseus 1460 23 24 4 18/01/2021 The Lotus Eaters by Pogany 1915 25 26 Cyclops Polyphemus devouring the Greeks by Pogany 1915 Odysseus and his Companions leaving the Land of the Lotus Eaters 27 28 Roman lamps showing Odysseus making Polyphemus drunk and escaping under his sheep, Getty Odysseus making Polyphemus drunk, Villa del Casale Sicily 29 30 5 18/01/2021 Odysseus and Polyphemus marble sarcophagus relief C2nd AD, Catania Sicily 31 32 Blinding of Polyphemus Early Attic Vase Eleusis Blinding of Polyphemus Etruscan Tomb of Orcus 33 34 Blinding of Polyphemus Black Figure Skyphos from Boeotia c. 490-480 BC, Berlin Blinding of Polyphemus Archaic Vessel, Argos 35 36 6 18/01/2021 The Blinding of Polyphemus Black Figure Pelike C6th BC, British Museum Blinding of Polyphemus Black Figure Kylix, Bibliothèque nationale Paris 37 38 The Blinding of Polyphemus Red Figure Calyx Krater C5th BC, British Museum The Blinding of Polyphemus reconstruction from Tiberius’s villa at Sperlonga 39 40 Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus Black Figure Oinochoe and Six Technique Lekythos, British Museum Blinding of Polyphemus Mediaeval Illustration 41 42 7 18/01/2021 Odysseus and Polyphemus from Christine de Pizan’s Othea’s Epistle c. 1410-1414, British Library Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus Terracotta, Carlsberg Glyptpthek 43 44 Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus Bronze, British Museum Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus Bronze, Delphi 45 46 Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus Roman marble, Galleria Doria Pamphili Rome Odysseus escaping from Polyphemus by Jordaens c. 1625, Pushkin Museum 47 48 8 18/01/2021 Polyphemus hurling the Rock by Carracci Polyphemus hurling the Rock by Böcklin 1896 49 50 Odysseus Deriding Polyphemus by Turner 1829, National Gallery Polyphemus hurling the Rock by Reni 51 52 53 54 9 18/01/2021 The Laestrygonians Hurling Rocks at the Fleet of Odysseus C1st BC Fresco, Vatican Odysseus and Circe White Ground Lekythos and Red Figure Calyx Krater, Metropolitan Museum 55 56 Odysseus and Circe Mediaeval Manuscript Odysseus’s men turned into pigs by Circe receiving the antidote Black Figure Kylix c. 560- 550 BC, Boston 57 58 Circe on two Maiolica Dishes C16th, British Museum Circe with the Companions of Odysseus by Parmigianino 59 60 10 18/01/2021 Circe by Kauffmann Emma Hart as Circe by Romney c. 1782, Waddesdon Manor 61 62 Circe by Wright Barker 1889 The Wine of Circe by Burne Jones 1900 63 64 Circe by Waterhouse Circe by Waterhouse 1911-1914 65 66 11 18/01/2021 Odysseus Threatening Circe Etruscan Bronze Mirror, Metropolitan Museum Agamemnon, Tiresias and Ajax in the Underworld Etruscan Tomb of Orcus 67 68 Odysseus with Tiresias Red Figure Vessel c. 380 BC, Bibliothèque Nationale Odysseus at the Entrance to the Underworld by Fuseli 69 70 Bronze Siren from a Cauldron c. 700 BC, British Museum Odysseus in the Underworld by Flaxman 71 72 12 18/01/2021 Sirens on a Corinthian Pyxis c. 600-575 BC, British Museum Odysseus and the Sirens Red Figure Stamnos c. 470 BC, British Museum 73 74 Odysseus and the Sirens White Ground Vessel C6th BC, Athens Odysseus and the Sirens Roman mosaic, Palestrina 75 76 Odysseus and the Sirens Fresco from Pompeii, British Museum Odysseus and the Sirens Roman Mosaic, Tunisia 77 78 13 18/01/2021 Odysseus and the Sirens Etruscan Cinerary Urn, Museo Guarnacci Volterra Odysseus and the Sirens Etruscan Alabaster Cinerary Urn C2nd BC, British Museum 79 80 Odysseus and the Sirens Etruscan Cinerary Urn, Museo Guarnacci Volterra Odysseus and the Sirens Etruscan Cinerary Urn, Museo Guarnacci Volterra 81 82 Odysseus and the Sirens Miniature from Benoît de Sainte Maure's "Le Roman de Sirens on a Roman gem British Museum Troie« c. 1340-1350 83 84 14 18/01/2021 Odysseus and the Sirens Chapter House Corbel Northern Cyprus C14th Odysseus and the Sirens by Bruckmann 1829, Stuttgart 85 86 Odysseus and the Sirens by Belly 1867, Saint Omer Odysseus and the Sirens by Etty 1837, Manchester Art Gallery 87 88 Odysseus and the Sirens by Waterhouse 1891, Melbourne Odysseus and the Sirens by von Blaas 1882, Private Collection 89 90 15 18/01/2021 Odysseus and the Sirens by Moran 1900, Private Collection Odysseus and the Sirens by Draper c. 1909, Ferens Art Gallery Hull 91 92 The Siren by Waterhouse c. 1900 Scylla Red Figure Bell Krater, Louvre 93 94 Scylla Terracotta Vessel c. 300 BC, Altes Museum Berlin Scylla Terracotta Vessel, Metropolitan Museum 95 96 16 18/01/2021 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa Scylla C4th BC rhyton, Publia Scylla Terracotta Plaque, British Museum 97 98 Scylla on Etruscan Bronze Bowl, British Museum Reconstruction of Odysseus and Scylla at Tiberius’s Villa Sperlonga 99 100 Head of one of Odysseus’s Companions in Scylla Group at Tiberius’s Villa Sperlonga Reconstruction of Odysseus and Scylla at Tiberius’s Villa Sperlonga 101 102 17 18/01/2021 One of Odysseus’s Companions, British Museum One of Odysseus’s Companions, Hadrian’s villa at Tivoli 103 104 Scylla and Charybdis Roman Sarcophagus c. 150 AD, Naples Scylla Roman Sarcophagus c. 150 AD, Naples 105 106 Scylla and the Sirens, Manuscript of c. 1475, Getty Museum 107 108 18 18/01/2021 Scylla and Charybdis by Fuseli Scylla and Charybdis, Circe and others by Breughel the Elder 1595 109 110 Scylla and Charybdis Fresco by Allori c.1575 Flaxman 111 112 Gillray 113 114 19 18/01/2021 The Corryvreckan (meaning Cauldron of Speckled Seas)Whirlpool Argyllshire between Jura and Scarba 115 116 Stealing the Cattle of Helios by Tibaldi 1554-6, Bologna Odysseus with Calypso by Styka 1901 117 118 Odysseus and Athena at the meeting with Nausicaa Attic Red Figure amphora from Vulci c. 440 BC, Munich Russell Flint 119 120 20 18/01/2021 Odysseus at sea on a raft of amphoras Boetian Black Figure skyphos found at Thebes C4th The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa by Jordaens c. 1640, Rijksmuseum BC, Ashmolean Museum 121 122 Odysseus and Nausicaa by Rosa, The Hermitage Odysseus and Nausicaa by Desubleo Nausicaa by Leighton 1878 123 124 Nausicaa by McGregor Paxton Pentathletes Black Figure Vessel c. 525 BC 125 126 21 18/01/2021 Odysseus at the Games of the Phaeacians by Pogany 1915 Departure of Odysseus from the Land of the Phaeacians by Claude 127 128 Athena Revealing Ithaca to Odysseus by Bottani 129 130 The Return of Odysseus by Schutzenberger Odysseus with his dog Argos on a Silver Denarius 131 132 22 18/01/2021 Odysseus recognised by Eurycleia Red Figure Vessel Odysseus recognised by Euryclea by Heyne 133 134 Odysseus recognised by Euryclea by Boulanger 1849, Paris Odysseus recognised by Eurycleia by Flaxman 135 136 Penelope and Odysseus Terracotta Plaque, Louvre Odysseus and Penelope Mirror 137 138 23 18/01/2021 The Return of Odysseus by Pintoricchio 1508-9, National Gallery Penelope and Odysseus by Tischbein 1802 139 140 Slaughter of the Suitors Reliefs c. 385 BC from Lycia, Vienna Odysseus killing the Suitors Red Figure Bell Krater c. 330 BC, Louvre 141 142 Slaughter of the Suitors by Odysseus and Telemachus by Degeorge 1812, Clermont-Ferrand Slaughter of the Suitors by Odysseus and Telemachus by Palliere 1812 143 144 24 18/01/2021 The Murder of Odysseus by Telegonus from Le Roman de Troie by Bênoit de Sainte-More c. 1350 Slaughter of the Suitors by Odysseus and Telemachus by Moreau 1852-3 145 146 Dante and Virgil meeting Odysseus in the Eighth Circle of the Inferno by Blake 1824-7, Tate Gallery Virgil Introduces Dante to Odysseus in the Eighth Circle of the Inferno by della Quercia C15th 147 148 25.
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