June 20, 2003 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15661 or a man-made disaster like a terrorist attack. and family farms. In 1998, only 1.4 percent of student athletes from Francis Marion have With the advances in technology, we can no all returns that paid the estate tax had farm ever earned both athletic and academic All- longer rely on our televisions or radios to in- assets that were taxed. Even with the changes America honors in the same year. I am en- form us if we need to evacuate our homes or made to the estate tax during the 107th Con- couraged to know that long after their colle- businesses. It’s time to utilize the available gress, the Congressional Research Service giate golf careers are over, these young men technology to ensure that all forms of commu- has estimated that less than one percent of will still be striving as economic leaders in our nication are used to inform the public about small businesses and farms would be forced country. That is truly something worthy of the emergency warnings. to liquidate assets to pay the tax. Our plan title ‘‘All American’’. f would have helped these families. Sadly, H.R. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- 8 will not. portunity to speak to you about these extraor- DEATH TAX REPEAL I urge my colleagues to vote yes on the PERMANENCY ACT OF 2003 dinary young men and their extraordinary Pomeroy substitute and no on final passage. achievements. It is truly a privilege to rep- SPEECH OF f resent a state that turns out such talented stu- HON. TOM UDALL NCCA D–II MEN’S GOLF dents. CHAMPIONS OF NEW MEXICO f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JOHN M. SPRATT, JR. Wednesday, June 18, 2003 IN RECOGNITION OF THE OF SOUTH CAROLINA CINCINNATI TENNIS CLUB Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today, we are once again debating a tax bill Thursday, June 19, 2003 that hopefully will never see the light of day in HON. ROB PORTMAN the other body. Here in the House, we have Mr. SPRATT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF OHIO repeatedly cut taxes for the wealthiest few, congratulate the newly crowned NCAA Divi- while our deficit has exploded and we have ig- sion II Men’s Golf Champions, the Francis IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nored the countless priorities that our nation Marion University Patriots. On May 23, at the Thursday, June 19, 2003 currently faces. Crosswater Golf Club course in Sunriver, Or- That’s what this debate is really about. It’s egon, the Patriots claimed victory in a four-day Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to about priorities. Their priority is to help the tournament over 18 of the best golf teams in recognize the Cincinnati Tennis Club, which is wealthiest few. I am proud to say that I do not the country. But, Mr. Speaker, they did not just celebrating its 120th anniversary. The Club share the Majority’s priorities. win. In what can only be described as a true was founded in 1880, just 5 years after tennis My priorities include our disabled veterans. team effort, Francis Marion ran away with the was introduced in the United States. It has a If we didn’t pass this bill, we could possibly title, ending the tournament with a 3 under par rich history. pass the concurrent receipt legislation. 1,149, which defeated second-place Rollins The Cincinnati Tennis Club played a central My priorities include a fair Child Tax Credit College by an amazing 14 strokes! role in making the sport of tennis a success in to help the working poor who make between In golf, more so than in other sports, an out- our Nation, and has operated from its East $10,000 and $27,000. standing team starts with outstanding individ- Walnut Hills location for over 100 years. It was My priorities include providing decent hous- uals; and Francis Marion’s squad was most one of our nation’s first venues for tennis, and, ing and a quality education for our military definitely a collection of outstanding individ- because of its historic impact on the game, families. uals. The team was led by coach Jonathan was listed in 1983 in the National Register of My priorities include a fiscally sound eco- Burnett, a native of Florence, South Carolina Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the nomic growth plan that creates more jobs by who just finished his sixth season with the Interior for its leadership in the development building more roads, bridges and updating our team. The players were anchored by Junior and advancement of the sport of tennis in Cin- crumbling schools. Fredrik Ohlsson from Goteborg, Sweden and cinnati and the Ohio Valley Area. Unfortunately, by passing H.R. 8, we cannot Senior Dylan Keylock from Johannesburg, Over the years, the Club has been the place begin to address the nation’s real priorities. South Africa, who finished fifth and sixth re- where several nationally and internationally Mr. Speaker, while I support reducing the spectively in the individual standings at the recognized tennis players, including legendary tax burden on working families whenever pos- National Championship. Also playing key roles greats such as Tony Trabert and Bill Talbert, sible, I believe H.R. 8 badly misses the mark. on the team were Senior Matt Dura from Sum- developed their games. The Club also has As written, H.R. 8 would add $80 billion per ter, South Carolina, Senior Juan Pablo Bossi been the home club for numerous leaders of year to the ever-growing federal deficit. While from Alta Gracia, Argentina, and Junior Per the sport and leaders of our country, including we are permanently eliminating the tax paid Hallberg from Ytterby, Sweden, who finished William Howard Taft, 27th President of the on the largest 2 percent of estates, we are an impressive 14th, 24th, and 44th respec- United States and later Chief Justice of the contributing yet again to the exploding national tively at the National Championship. Junior U.S. Supreme Court; Potter Stewart, Justice of debt—a debt our children and grandchildren Luke Wilcox and Freshmen Adam Hart, Luke the U.S. Supreme Court; and Neil McElroy, must pay. In essence, H.R. 8 is a stealth tax Hart, and Battle Hartman also contributed to Secretary of Defense in the Eisenhower ad- on future generations. the team’s successes this season. ministration. The federal estate tax should be reformed, For their efforts, Ohlsson was chosen as a not repealed. I support the plan offered by Mr. first team All American, Dura and Keylock The Club has hosted a number of tour- POMEROY of North Dakota that would have were selected as third team All Americans, naments and events for the Cincinnati area. provided immediate estate tax relief in a re- and Bossi and Hallberg gained honorable For 28 years, it has served as the venue for sponsible manner. I support Mr. POMEROY’s mention recognition. Keylock and Ohlsson the National Father and Son Clay Court attempt to exempt estates up to $3 million also earned Peach Belt Conference All-Con- Championships and also served as the origi- (and $6 million for couples) from all federal es- ference honors for the second time, and Dura nal home of what became the ATP Masters tate taxes. This plan would exempt 99.6 per- earned Peach Belt Conference All-Tournament Tournament, one of the top professional men’s cent of all estates in the country. In fact, only Team honors for the second time in three tennis events in the world. 400 estates nationwide would pay the estate years. Mr. Speaker, the Cincinnati Tennis Club has tax under the Pomeroy plan. Not only is this Though these gentlemen excelled on the had a significant, positive impact on the sport plan fairer, it would be fully paid for by elimi- links, perhaps more impressive was the fact of tennis and the Cincinnati area. We are nating unnecessary corporate tax shelters. that they simultaneously excelled in the class- proud to have had such a distinguished club Although supporters of H.R. 8 use family room. In addition to their athletic accolades, in our area for the past 120 years and look farmers and small business owners as the ra- Ohlsson, Dura, Keylock, and Bossi also forward to many more years. I hope my col- tionale for the bill, this claim is just a myth. earned 2003 academic All-America honors in leagues will join me in recognizing its unique There already are special provisions in the tax marketing, management, finance, and busi- and invaluable contributions to the game and code to ease the burden on small businesses ness economics respectively. Only two other Cincinnati community. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:29 Aug 12, 2019 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 C:\2003 BOUND RECORD\E20JN3.REC E20JN3 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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