20090427-SUPP--0001-RG1-CCI-AN_-- 4/24/2009 10:51 AM Page 1 SUPPLEMENT T O APRIL 27, 2009 © 2009 Crain Communications. All rights reserved. autonews.com SHENG LI/REUTERS 2009 Guide to China’s Auto Market Global automakers’ joint ventures • Domestic Chinese automakers Vehicle production and sales data • Map of production facilities in China an-supplement.qxd 4/24/2009 10:48 AM Page 1 where industry leaders build their knowledge Our knowledge of the auto industry is deep. Whether you need industry-related data, our quarterly forecast information, trends, analysis or tactical insights, our AUTOFACTS® team should be able to answer your needs. To help see what lies ahead and to better understand the changes impacting the entire industry, visit www.autofacts.com or contact: Anthony Pratt 313-394-3074 [email protected] Kristin McCallum 313-394-6349 [email protected] ASSURANCE / TAX / ADVISORY 20090427-SUPP--0002-RG1-CCI-AN_-- 4/24/2009 10:53 AM Page 1 2 2009 GUIDE TO CHINA’S AUTO MARKET As once-hot market cools off, Contents government wants fuel economy hina’s economy is slowing down, and so is 4 the auto industry. To put growth on a more 2008 sales sustainable path, the Cgovernment is counting on policies to encourage small cars 6 and cut gasoline consumption. Last year China’s gross domestic Global product slowed to 6.8 percent automakers/ growth in the fourth quarter from joint ventures 10.6 percent in the first quarter. Meanwhile, sales of locally produced vehicles grew 6.9 percent in 2008 to 6.5 million 18 units, according to JATO Map of Dynamics. Sales of passenger vehicles surged more than 20 production percent in 2006 and 2007. facilities The government wants to encourage sales and cut the national THE F6DM IS ONE OF FIVE NEW BYD MODELS THIS YEAR — AND IT’S A HYBRID. THAT in China SHOULD INTEREST CHINA’S GOVERNMENT, WHICH WANTS TO CUT THE NATION’S FUEL BILL. fuel bill at the same time. China buys half its oil overseas. But until late last year, the government subsidized oil Group Corp. and Shanghai Automotive CHINA’S TOP 10 20 prices to keep them below Industry Corp., sold nearly 1 million China’s top-selling passenger international levels. That fueled cars under the Volkswagen, Audi and Domestic vehicles in 2008 automakers exuberant sales of gasoline-guzzling Skoda brands last year. vehicles such as SUVs. But the Japanese are catching up. Model Sales But with the global economy in Toyota sold 543,106 locally produced 1. Wuling Light/ recession, crude oil prices tumbled. vehicles in China last year, up 19.3 That gave the government the percent over 2007. Meanwhile, Honda Sunshine/City Breeze 545,239 opportunity to raise the fuel tax. On Jan. saw its sales in China of locally 2. Changan 1, the tax on a liter of gasoline rose to produced vehicles increase 11.3 Green Star 222,366 the equivalent of 15 cents from 3 cents. percent, and Nissan saw an increase 3. Hyundai Elantra 203,734 At the same time, the government of 28.2 percent. abolished most annual fees charged U.S. automakers, suffering from a 4. Volkswagen Jetta 202,303 vehicle owners, such as the $210 shortage of new or redesigned models, 5. Buick Excelle 175,470 annual fee for road maintenance. slipped last year. General Motors’ 6. Honda Accord 170,304 To boost sales of fuel-efficient sales of locally produced vehicles vehicles, the government cut the dropped 8.1 percent, and Ford Motor 7. Toyota Corolla 165,270 purchase tax for vehicles with engine Co.’s sales of locally produced vehicles 8. Toyota Camry 152,834 displacements of 1.6 liters or below. fell 10.4 percent in 2008. 9. Nissan Tiida 137,193 In the works are incentives to Chrysler lacks a joint-venture stimulate used-car sales and partner in China to assemble vehicles. 10. BYD F3 136,782 encourage inefficient state-owned It mainly imports slow-selling Jeeps Source: JATO Dynamics Data in this publication were automakers to merge with healthy to a network of about 130 dealers. provided by JATO Dynamics Inc., North American ones. Meanwhile, the competitive Chinese brands still dominate the Operations, 2851 High landscape in China will grow more market for inexpensive cars. Domestic Meadow Circle, Suite 220, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA. intense this year as Japanese brands are particularly strong in the www.jato.com/usa. automakers build momentum and economically underdeveloped inland Note: Sales data reflect domestic automakers crank up their of the country. vehicles produced in China own brands. But with international brands such as unless noted. With a market share of locally Chevrolet and Suzuki making inroads Cover photo: Employees work produced vehicles of 15.1 percent, in China’s interior, the domestics on the production line at Volkswagen is still the clear leader. Its increasingly will be challenged to Brilliance Automotive’s factory in Shenyang, Liaoning joint ventures with China’s two largest defend the low end of the market. province last month. state-owned automakers, China FAW — Yang Jian 2009 GUIDE TO CHINA’S AUTO MARKET Automotive News • J.D. Power and Associates • Automotive Resources Asia an-supplement.qxd 4/23/2009 3:34 PM Page 1 One Law Firm for Your International Legal Needs 9LS` VU 4PSSLY *HUÄLSK [V HZZPZ[ ^P[O `V\Y PU[LYUH[PVUHS SLNHS ULLKZ PUJS\KPUN H\[VTV[P]L JVYWVYH[L 4 ( ÄUHUJL PU[LSSLJ[\HS WYVWLY[` PU[LYUH[PVUHS HYIP[YH[PVU IHURY\W[J` HUK PUZVS]LUJ` HUK LU]PYVUTLU[HS -YVT V\Y OLHKX\HY[LYZ PU +L[YVP[ [V V\Y UL^ VMÄJLZ PU :OHUNOHP HUK 4L_PJV HUK V\Y JHWHIPSP[PLZ HJYVZZ ,\YVWL HUK (ZPH ^LYLWYLZLU[JSPLU[ZPU [YHUZHJ[PVUZHUKSP[PNH[PVU[OYV\NOV\[[OL^VYSK TPSSLYJHUÄLSKJVTH\[VTV[P]L UNITED STATES s CANADA s MEXICO s POLAND s CHINA 20090427-SUPP--0004-RG1-CCI-AN_-- 4/24/2009 10:54 AM Page 1 4 SALES Volkswagen AG remained the top-selling automaker in China in 2008. Gaining fast are three top Japanese automakers: Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. These sales figures include only locally produced passenger vehicles — cars, SUVs and multipurpose vehicles. They do not include commercial vehicles and imported vehicles. CHINA PASSENGER VEHICLE SALES 2008 2007 % chng. 2008 2007 % chng. Suwei 12,063 10,163 18.7 Besturn 47,750 23,279 105.1 BAW 12,063 10,163 18.7 C1 – 31,686 – 3 series 13,462 13,047 3.2 Envoy 970 1,972 –50.8 5 series 21,702 19,202 13.0 Freewind 929 2,066 –55.0 BMW 35,164 32,249 9.0 N3 120,970 132,544 –8.7 Coupe 1,346 – – Redflag 619 3,006 –79.4 Grace 12,079 11,900 1.5 Redflag Hq3 1,548 – – Grandeur 17,226 32,360 –46.8 Vela 4,670 14,073 –66.8 Splendor 73,086 82,311 –11.2 Vita 49,914 – – BRILLIANCE 103,737 126,571 –18.0 Vizi 1,084 1,977 –45.2 F0 23,677 – – FAW 228,454 210,603 8.5 F3 136,782 93,033 47.0 Palio – 9,605 – F3-R – 5,443 – Perla – 3,086 – F6 10,250 – – Siena – 2,834 – Flyer 173 1,650 –89.5 FIAT – 15,525 – BYD AUTO 170,882 100,126 70.7 Focus 112,552 124,991 –10.0 Benben/Benni 39,036 47,523 –17.9 Mondeo 39,622 44,375 –10.7 CM8 2,589 8,328 –68.9 S-Max 3,918 4,719 –17.0 Green Star 222,366 249,567 –10.9 Total Ford 156,092 174,085 –10.3 Joice 509 558 –8.8 S40 5,666 6,391 –11.3 Z-Shine 1,153 – – Total Volvo 5,666 6,391 –11.3 Total Chana 265,653 305,976 –13.2 FORD MOTOR CO. 161,758 180,476 –10.4 Jiangling Baowei 2,765 4,817 –42.6 MP-X 2,549 474 437.8 Fashion 741 2,610 –71.6 View Surf 921 1,243 –25.9 Fenghua 3,265 882 270.2 FOTON 3,470 1,717 102.1 X6/X9 4,095 8,011 –48.9 6500 88 294 –70.1 Total Landwind 8,101 11,503 –29.6 FUQI 88 294 –70.1 CHANGAN GROUP 276,519 322,296 –14.2 Free Cruise 81,076 79,935 1.4 Kylin 826 – – Haoqing – 5,404 – Liebao 26,060 25,758 1.2 King Kong 62,916 45,438 38.5 CHANGFENG 26,886 25,758 4.4 Meirenbao 268 1,561 –82.8 Ideal 8,294 7,295 13.7 Panda 1,769 – – CHANGHE 8,294 7,295 13.7 Ulio 8,570 33,906 –74.7 A1 28,482 – – Vision 30,195 17,923 68.5 A3 6,965 – – Total Geely 184,794 184,167 0.3 A5 59,582 67,385 –11.6 Haifeng 4,254 2,423 75.6 Cowin 52,027 96,014 –45.8 Hisoon 5,758 4,802 19.9 Eastar 6,127 16,515 –62.9 Marindo 26,345 29,440 –10.5 Eastar Cross 9,522 – – Total Maple 36,357 36,665 –0.8 Karry 1,907 1,818 4.9 GEELY GROUP 221,151 220,832 0.1 QQ 133,386 139,991 –4.7 Excelle 175,470 195,731 –10.4 Riich R2 7,940 582 1264.3 GL8 36,286 42,516 –14.7 Tiggo 50,155 50,102 0.1 LaCrosse 52,746 71,512 –26.2 V5 – 6,854 – Park Avenue 4,824 5,698 –15.3 CHERY 356,093 379,261 –6.1 Regal 9,912 15,255 –35.0 300 1,429 7,743 –81.5 Royaum – 14 – Grand Voyager 2,187 1,216 79.9 Total Buick 279,238 330,726 –15.6 Sebring 6,808 – – SLS 2,633 4,384 –39.9 Total Chrysler 10,424 8,959 16.4 Total Cadillac 2,633 4,384 –39.9 Caravan 776 – – Aveo 119,664 98,451 21.5 Total Dodge 776 – – Epica 43,173 41,718 3.5 Grand Cherokee – 318 – Sail 40 20,471 –99.8 Total Jeep – 318 – Spark 40,797 32,510 25.5 CHRYSLER 11,200 9,277 20.7 Total Chevrolet 203,674 193,150 5.4 Freeca 1,075 1,821 –41.0 GM 485,545 528,260 –8.1 Lioncel 10,097 4,433 127.8 Cowry 1,114 – – Veryca 677 1,475 –54.1 Florid 2,226 – – Total Soueast 11,849 7,729 53.3 Hover 56,669 57,752 –1.9 CMC SOUEAST 11,849 7,729 53.3 Pegasus – 88 – C class 7,321 – – Peri 7,478 – – E class 7,035 6,882 2.2 Safe 3,876 3,511 10.4 Total Mercedes-Benz 14,356 6,882 108.6 Sing 1,667 3,381 –50.7 DAIMLER 14,356 6,882 108.6 GREAT WALL 73,030 64,732 12.8 Future 20,010 18,397 8.8 Yunque – 8 – Joyear 44 281 –84.3 GUIHANG – 8 – Oting 1,875 2,721 –31.1 Family 85,427 113,667 –24.8 Yumsun 1,682 797 111.0 Haima3 7,330 9,243 –20.7 DONGFENG 23,611 22,196 6.4 Premacy 3,342 8,078 –58.6 RCR 107 – – HAIMA 96,099 130,988 –26.6 Total Lotus 107 – – EUROPESTAR 107 – – continued on Page 5 2009 GUIDE TO CHINA’S AUTO MARKET Automotive News • JATO Dynamics 20090427-SUPP--0005-RG1-CCI-AN_-- 4/24/2009 10:55 AM Page 1 SALES 5 CHINA PASSENGER VEHICLE SALES continued from Page 4 2008 2007 % chng.
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