People in Political Science Activities Lawrence D. Longley, professor of Condoleezza Rice, provost of Stan- government, Lawrence University, ford University and professor of Walter Beach, Director of has been named consulting editor political science, has been named HELDREF Publications, named of the forthcoming World Encyclo- to the Carnegie Corporation Board president-elect of the United Na- pedia of Parliaments and Legisla- of Trustees. tions Association/National Capitol tures to be published in 1995-96 by Area. Congressional Quarterly Inc. Charles Sheldon, professor of politi- cal science, Washington State Uni- James W. Davis, professor emeri- Albert P. Melone, professor of po- versity, has been appointed the tus, Western Washington Univer- litical science, Southern Illinois Claudius O. and Mary W. Johnson sity, delivered a series of lectures University at Carbondale, was a Distinguished Professor in Political on "the American Presidency" at visiting scholar at the Socio-Legal Science. newly established Southern Cross Center, Wolfson College, Oxford University, during September 1993. James Q. Wilson, professor of polit- University, Lismore, New South ical science, University of Califor- Wales, Australia. Melone conducted research on change and presented a seminar nia at Los Angeles, was presented Ralph M. Goldman, director of the on the transition to democracy in an honorary degree from Harvard graduate program in Congressional Bulgaria. University. Studies, department of politics, The Maurice C. Woodard, director of Catholic University of America, is minority affairs, APSA, and gradu- currently a fellow at the Ray. C. ate program director, Howard Uni- Bliss Institute of Applied Politics, versity, was elected to the Board of University of Akron. Goldman also Directors of the United Nations serves as president of the Center Association/National Capitol Area. for Party Development, Washing- ton, D.C., and professor emeritus, San Francisco State University. Administrative Appointments John Green, department of political Suresht Bald, chair, department of science, University of Akron, is political science, Williamette Uni- currently serving as editor of VOX versity. POP Newsletter for the APSA Or- ganized Section on Political Organi- Susan Bourque, professor of gov- zations and Parties. ernment, Smith College, has been named Dean for Academic Devel- Jorge Heine, a past president of the opment in the Office of the Dean Chilean Political Science Associa- for Faculty. tion, and Under Secretary for Defense, Chilean Air Force from Larry W. Bowman, director, Center 1993-94, has been appointed for Contemporary African Studies, Chilean Ambassador to South Af- Albert P. Melone University of Connecticut. rica by President Eduardo Frei. Rowan Miranda, assistant professor Edward Carmines, chair, depart- Robert Katzman, professor of gov- of public and international affairs, ment of political science, Indiana ernment, Georgetown University, University of Pittsburgh, is on University. hosted the first annual Marver H. leave of absence. Rowan is Direc- Edwin M. Epstein, dean, School of Bernstein Symposium on Govern- tor of the Office of Management Economics and Business Adminis- ment Reform at Georgetown Uni- and Budget for the city of Pitts- tration, Saint Mary's College of versity. The lecture was delivered burgh. California. Epstein will also hold by Vice President Al Gore. The the Earl W. Smith Chair for Distin- Bernstein Symposium was created Robert A. Pastor, professor of po- guished Administrative Leadership. to provide a forum for ongoing litical science, Emory University, discussions with scholars, policy- has been tapped to serve as U.S. Majorie R. Hershey, director of un- makers, and students about the ambassador to Panama. Pastor also dergraduate program, department challenges and opportunities con- serves at the Carter Center in At- of political science, Indiana Univer- fronting institutions. lanta as a Latin America specialist. sity. September 1994 563 People in Political Science Paul R. Hagner, chair, department New Appointments Thomas H. Hartley, assistant pro- of political science, Washington fessor, department of political sci- State University. Andrew Appleton, assistant profes- ence, University of Connecticut. sor, department of political science, John £. Jackson, chair, department Washington State University. Ruth Iyob, assistant professor of of political science, University of political science, University of Michigan. Mark Brandon, assistant professor Missouri-St. Louis. of political science, University of Woodrow Jones Jr., professor of Michigan. Kurt W. Jefferson, assistant profes- political science, Texas A&M Uni- Velmer S. Burton, assistant profes- sor of political science, Morning- versity, has been appointed dean, side College; formerly visiting College of Liberal Arts. sor, department of political science, Washington State University. assistant professor of political sci- ence, Westminster College. Carmen Cirincoine Jr., assistant professor, department of political Robert S. Kravchuck, assistant pro- science, University of Connecticut; fessor, department of political sci- formerly Clemson University. ence, University of Connecticut; formerly U.S. Department of the Susan Collins, instructor, depart- Treasury, Kiev, Ukraine. ment of political science, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; Thomas Longoria Jr., assistant pro- formerly Boston College. fessor of political science, Univer- sity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; for- Jill Crystal, department of political merly Texas A&M University. science, Auburn University. Amy G. Mazur, assistant professor, Charles Epp, lecturer, department department of political science, of political science, Indiana Univer- Washington State University. sity. Johanna Granville, assistant profes- Kathleen McNamara, assistant pro- sor of political science, Carnegie fessor of politics and international Mellon University. affairs, Princeton University. Jay Greene, assistant professor of Tali Mendelberg, assistant profes- political science, University of sor of politics, Princeton Univer- Houston; formerly Harvard Univer- sity. sity. Woodrow Jones, Jr. Charles H. Moore, chair and associ- Jean-Germain Gros, assistant pro- ate professor, department of politi- cal science, Millsaps College. Peter M. Lange, professor of politi- fessor of political science, Univer- cal science, Duke University, has sity of Missouri-St. Louis. Kathleen M. Moore, assistant pro- been appointed vice provost for fessor, department of political sci- academic and international affairs. ence, University of Connecticut; formerly University of Rhode Walter Nicgorski, professor in the Island. program of Liberal Studies and Dawn Nowacki, assistant professor, concurrent professor of government department of political science, and international studies, Univer- Linfield College; formerly Univer- sity of Notre Dame, has been ap- sity of South Carolina. pointed editor of The Review of Politics. Patrick Sellers, lecturer, department of political science, Indiana Univer- William R. Thompson, director of sity. graduate program, department of John Scott, assistant professor of political science, Indiana Univer- political science, University of sity. Houston; formerly Dartmouth Col- lege. John E. Wood, chair, department of political science, Franklin College. Stephen J. Solarz, former congress- man from New York, has joined Cyrus £. Zirakzadeh, director, Uni- the faculty at George Washington versity Honors Program, Univer- University as the J.B. and Maurice sity of Connecticut. C. Shapiro Professor of Interna- Walter Nicgorski tional Affairs. 564 PS: Political Science & Politics Activities and Appointments Jennifer Sterling-Folker, assistant Christopher Foreman, American Robert C. Wigton, associate profes- professor, department of political University and Brookings Institu- sor of political science, Eckerd science, University of Connecticut; tion, senior fellow in governmental College. Wigton has also been se- formerly Wheaton College. studies program at the Brookings lected as collegial chair of the Let- Institution. ters Collegium, Eckerd College. Scott Tarry, assistant professor, department of political science, Dale A. Hathaway, associate pro- Raymond B. Wrabley, associate Southern Illinois University at Car- fessor of political science with ten- professor of political science with bondale; formerly University of ure, Butler University. tenure, University of Pittsburgh at Michigan. Jeffrey Herbst, associate professor Johnstown. Elizabeth Wingrove, assistant pro- of politics and international affairs, fessor of political science, Univer- Princeton University. sity of Michigan. Visiting and Temporary Thomas Holbrook, associate profes- Quansheng Zhao, assistant profes- sor of political science with tenure, Positions sor of political science, Old Domin- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Arthur Blaim, department of politi- ion University, has been appointed Patricia A. Hurley, professor of po- cal science, University of Missouri- visiting senior lecturer at the divi- St. Louis, professor and head, sion of social sciences, Hong Kong litical science, Texas A&M Univer- sity. Institute of English, Marie Curie- University of Science and Technol- Sklodowska University, Poland, ogy for the 1994-95 academic year. Paul Huth, associate professor of visiting professor on a Fulbright political science with tenure, Uni- Research Award. versity of Michigan. Promotions Roy E. Miller, associate professor Jeffrey Isaac, professor, department
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