Major Incident Plan (MIP) Version: 7.8 Status: UPDATE FOR APPROVAL Title of originator/author: Wayne Darch, Emergency Preparedness Manager Name of responsible director: Neil Le Chevalier, Director of Operations Protective Marking OFFICIAL Approved by group/committee and Trust Board Date: Effective date of issue: 1st March 2017 (1 month after approval date) Next annual review date: 1st March 2018 Date Equality Impact Assessment November 2013 Completed Regulatory Requirement: Health and Social Care Act 2012 / Civil Contingences Act 2004 NHS England EPRR Core Standards Requirement IF A MAJOR INCIDENT HAS BEEN DECLARED TURN IMMEDIATELY TO YOUR ACTION CARDS DOCUMENT NAVIGATION This document utilises colour coded pages for ease of navigation The sections relating to response arrangements have been aligned to the ‘9 Key tasks’ in order to provide a sequential framework which is familiar to commanders. Electronic links are provided throughout the document and can be utilised with a ‘left mouse click’. SECTION CONTENT PAGE 1 CONTENTS 1 2 GOVERNANCE 3 ROLE AND PURPOSE OF THE MAJOR 3 4 INCIDENT PLAN 4 DEFINITIONS 7 5 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 9 ACTIVATION, ESCALATION & 6 10 MOBILISATION, 7 ARRIVAL AT SCENE 19 8 SCENE ASSESSMENT 20 C C C COMMAND, CONTROL & CO-ORDINATION 9 22 O O O N N 10 SCENE MANAGEMENT 37 N T T 11 TRIAGE AND TREATMENT 41 T E E E 12 TRANSPORT AND PATIENT MOVEMENT 54 N N N 13 SURVIVOR MANAGEMENT 56 T T T S S 14 COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA 57 S 15 POST INCIDENT PROCEDURES 59 ANNEX A ACTION CARDS ANNEX B LINKED PLANS AND SOPS ANNEX C HOSPITAL BED STATE FORM ANNEX D C.R.I.P. TEMPLATE ANNEX E TRUST GOLD STRATEGY ANNEX F REFERENCES ANNEX G VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 1 FOREWARD BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE Under the NHS constitution, the NHS is there to help the public when they need it most; this is especially true during a significant or major incident. The Major Incident Plan (MIP) describes the response of South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust at the time of a major emergency. It has been prepared as part of meeting our reasonability’s under the Civil Contingencies Act, 2004 (CCA) and the Health and Social Care Act 2012. As Chief Executive, I accept executive responsibility for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) arrangements and this MIP has been adopted and approved by the Trust Board. The arrangements in this plan form the basis of the Trust’s generic response to a major incident. However, the Trust’s operational area contains a wide range of hazards each having potential to become ‘major incidents’. The information F F contained in this MIP offers guidance and direction, but every incident will also F require ambulance staff to display flexibility, professionalism and initiative. O O O All staff should familiarise themselves with the contents of this plan, not only as R R preparation for their response to an incident, but to feed back useful information R and suggested improvements. W W W The MIP is supported by individual Action Cards and specific, linked contingency A A plans. Ambulance staff will be trained and exercised in the IRP to ensure an A effective response. Debriefing of, and feedback from ambulance staff will ensure R R that this MIP remains up-to-date and relevant. It presents the Trust with the very R best opportunity of continually improving the care which we provide to the patients D D of major incidents. D This Trust develops its strategic, tactical and operational responses in cooperation with partner agencies in the Local Health Resilience Partnerships and Local Resilience Forums. Extensive consultation has also been undertaken with the other emergency services, local authorities, the military, and the voluntary sector. By its very nature, this plan will be subject to frequent review and, if necessary, revised to reflect the changing requirements of the NHS. Ken Wenman Chief Executive Officer South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust 2 2. GOVERNANCE 2.1 Statutory and Contractual Compliance 2.1.1 The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is committed to meeting the obligations placed upon the Trust by The Civil Contingences Act (2004) NHS Act 2006 (as amended) The Health and Social Care Act (2012) NHS Standard Ambulance Contract NHS England EPRR Core Standards 2.1.2 This document forms part of our planning process and thus assists with meeting these obligations. The Trust undertakes to work with partner agencies within the five Local Resilience Forums and Local health Resilience G G G G Partnerships areas that the Trust covers. G G O O O O 2.2 Consultation With Stakeholders O O V V V V 2.2.1 In order to ensure that the Trust‘s arrangements dovetail with responding V V agencies, all internal and external stakeholders are consulted and E E E E collaborated with concerning their roles and responsibilities as far as is E E reasonably practicable. R R R R R R 2.3 Training and Exercising N N N N N N A A 2.3.1 The Trust is committed to a regular and continuous process of training and A A A A exercising the Major Incident Plan using a combination of communication, N N N N tabletop and live exercises commensurate with the requirements of the N N NHS England Core Standards for Emergency Preparedness, Resilience C C C C and Response (2015). C C E E E E 2.4 Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) & E E Lexicon of Terms 2.4.1 Common terms and abbreviations are explained throughout the document however a comprehensive list of terminology and abbreviations can be found at: Lexicon of Terms 2.4.2 This document has been written to be compliant with the JESIP Joint Doctrine. 2.5 Risks, Threats and Planning Assumptions 2.5.1 This plan has been produced to reflect the planning assumptions detailed within the National Resilience Planning Assumptions (Cabinet Office, 2015) and the Community Risk Registers which cover the Trusts area. 3 RROOLLEE AANNDD PPUURRPPOOSSEE OOFF TTHHEE PPLLAANN FFOORRWWAARRDD service service - el PLAN es and it is Mod Decision boundary boundary inter - for dealing with emergency Joint Incident Plan Major Major are to : toare : Incident Plan is to ensure the South Western RPORSE OF THE MAJOR INCIDENT INCIDENT MAJOR RPORSE THE OF ay be maintained during a major incident as far as is this Major vide vide guidance for effective cross jectives of plan jectives this Pro collaboration relatedplansand capabilities. Identify Assist in identifying roles, resources responsibilities and Assist in identifying Assist in forming action plans service in m order that normal practicable reasonably provision of Provide a source of reference that will assist plans in the integration with of hospitals, andagencies services emergency external other NHS provider organisations, other Offer guidance, direction and information to ambulance otherpersonnel NHS staff and outlined in this and associated plans and the associated outlined in and this This plan provides a generic framework for operational response, however no plan can ever be complete against all possible contingenci therefore essential that all staff and commanders exercise their judgment and initiative when confronted with such an incident utilising the principles Ambulance Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) response to a major incident is managed. patient focused, clinically led and The ob effectively Experience in emergency management has repeatedly demonstrated the value of detailed planning and situations. preparation The aim of ROLE AND PU ROLE AND and of the Objectives Aim 4 3.1.4 3.1.3 3.1.2 3.1 3.1.1 3. DDEECCIISSIIOONN MMAAKKIINNGG AANNDD UUSSIINNGG TTHHEE PPLLAANN (NILO) , reasoned, any any complex stent methodology within the agency Liaisonofficers agency - effectively with others effectively NationalInter order to provide a consi in of making reasoned, lawful and justifiable decisions. reasoned,making of and justifiable lawful incident incident and across emergency services for making informed The ability to communicate The ability from available Advice A suitable environment from function. which to exercise their command Knowledge of the circumstances and the available ofintelligence Knowledge the circumstances being in a location where they have: being in where a location DECISION MAKING USING THE DECISIONPLAN MAKING AND A Commander’s ability to perform their role effectively depends on them The Joint Decision Model (JDM) should be used throughout Effective Effective command and control can only be achieved by commanders or major Trust decisions. rationale and auditable who are capablewho .1 5 4.0.3 4.0.2 4.0 4. DDEECCIISSIIOONN MMAAKKIINNGG AANNDD UUSSIINNGG TTHHEE PPLLAANN RROOLLEE AANNDD PPUURRPPOOSSEE OOFF TTHHEE PPLLAANN any initial initial any any specific threat, threat, specific any circumstances are are circumstances olicies and procedures might be might be procedures and olicies might apply? might vel of risk acceptable? of risk vel What Ambulance resources might be required? might be resources Ambulance What of incident? type this covering guidance national any there Is apply? guidelines or policies organisational local any Do legislation What How probable is the risk of harm? risk is the probable How it be? would serious How le that Is with? deal to alone service ambulance the for situation this Isa this? with deal to person the Iappropriate Am What is happening? is What far? so know I do What need? or I want do (or intelligence) further information What immediately? take action to IDo need information? more to seek IDo need go well? could What go wrong? could What Joint Decision Model Joint Decision This stage involves considering what p what considering involves stage This situation. in this particular applicable yourself asking by stages guide subsequent to strategy a working Develop that Remember to achieve.
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