PAfJES I TO 8. PA.E I TO S. fcrfTABUSHKU JULY 2. Ia56. VOL. XXXIV., NO. 6053 HONOLULU, HAW AII TERfll'P H Y, l'U-SuA- UKCttMBEB 31, 1901. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS. 4-- 4 4. 4. 4. 44 4.4. 4 4 4 44 444444 44. iOEATH f-- m WILLIS HONOLULU DEFIED STREETS 1 Determined Will Wires Threaten the of Majority Lives of the i. Church. People. THE CONSPIRACY i CUKUNCK'J JUKI CHECKMATED t N AH FA CASE t What the Second Congregation Some Startling Evidence About W,l Do to Defend Its Loose Methods of Electric Rector. Light Company. 1 vl At 10 o'clock last night the Coroner's second congregation will not com- The 1 J.:ry empanc'1 d lo fatsrmlas the cat ply Bishop Willis with the demand of T 'of the death of Charles Ah Fai, who was join him In one e that its members with 'killed in Mclnerny's sto.-- on Saturday church of which he shall be the head n rule handling a lover switch may until such time as It be turned with the electric lights in - ; IconectLc over to the Jurisdiction of the Protest- the store, found a verdict in which the ant Splscopal church of the United Hiwaii.iii Electric Cj'tipany, Limited. congrega- States. Instead, the second t Tas cenued for not taking proper tion, at a largely attended meeting held a;.-- -- oreca'ju .i ir. the nglng of its wires last evening In the Cathedral school- e X ind exercising proper surveillance over room, decided to appeal to the presid- the syso.n, believins that from wimc ing Bishop of the Episcopal church in negligence on the part of the company States, if Bishop Willis the United and ; the boy h. I come t nij death. In the refuses to extend the time of his ulti- trdic: is recommendation to the matum a reply can be re- r until such rt of Pubi'.-- Works that a ceived, to withdraw from the cathedral rompl.r.t inspector bo appointed to in until then. The second congregation. spect the electric wires In this city, ex- In In trYi t a -- rnnflftcnt that If Iho rl otm t r r pert testimony havi been .ed be M-M- -v ic to submit the matter In controversy tot fore ths Aury that th wires f the g rf - g , g r. : Bishop by gJBMMBBrtBMMWMWIiWniH'r g fSM H " rfWHIHWHataeMM'aBtjrjt n g.g j:iK.H a a s k3j a k n a.g.s a u a a a a a a ! tbe Presiding and abide his j j RjCKa;'SSSSiS. electric light company were in a con decision, asking only they that be al dltlon dangerous fcP property and Utm lowed to worship in peace, until such ! Z RECORD OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND ONE. decision may be received. CHRONOLOGICAL : necessary attention. The jury recoiri-'mend- s :: :: : ::" . ;x action IS taken to is a as. a k a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aja ::,a a'a a a a a a a a y a a a a a a a a 5t a it tt a uU nx a a a . This rather than iss Wgg that this fititOfst-t- hnvr. .e ' Rev. 1 Jeopardize the position cf Alexan Jan. 1 W. Horace Wright. Journal - Jan. 29 W. G. Irwin created cheva Feb. 27 Annual meeting of Klhoi March 16 Auction of the famous power to conde.im all v irej f .jnd unfit der Mackintosh, the Bishop having 1st. commits suicide. Her of the Legion of Honor. Btockholders held. The crop i9 esti- - Rooks property. - ... ror PUD11C Be- - ,,ce-- threatened to withhold his license to Jan. 2 David Center. plantation Ja'i. 31 Mail clerks on a strike. mated at 4.500 ton?. March 16 A building boom in La- - j manager, dies. Jan. 31 Dr. Chapman, temperance Feb. 27 Superintendent Reynolds, of haina. I After listening to the testln.cny of preach. There is but little doubt that ( - jan The Hawaiian Fisbe ies As- agitator, arrives. the leper settlement, resigns. March 16 Virgfe A defeats Aggrava- - experts r.or y.n- - me oe execu- - .. no . j . t . i r . i . electrical nvmJ hours mreai wouia carrieu into Rl,f.:.,t nr t,irrr,o Feb. 1 Prof. w. D. Alexander. Ter-- rt'U, j .MuivctM!(.. on siocil- - uvb in a BBTwainung race u - , t.i p:ni.ii muicn eye- - tlon by the Ilishop who clearly inti jan t Discover of two skeletons in rltorial surveyor, resiens. holders meet. Output is 15.C00 tons. three lentrths Timp teraay, 10 wnicn was tae .:. I mates that while he is willing to give quarry k f Lunaliio Home. F b. 5 Journeymen plumbers strike Vf h J !i t tkl'irtntfnn'n Dntinal March 17 Mrs. Mani O. K. Martin witnesses' account of the manner in ?, - , to the rector of the second congregation ; Jan. Kalakaua's old home. Ho Fete, 6 Honolulu visited by a Ko..a. rpeeti"e The rmumrnr r u its pcefntu vhich young Chinese met death from Inter-Islan- d trans-portatio- n - diT,. IS the license to perform his duties at the nouakaha, sold. delayed. 24,453.54; dividends ?19o 00U- surplus Bark Olympic makes port Royal school, he will not extend the Jan- - 3 Liverymen's trust broken. Damage allgilt. 1X4.092.07. ' dismasted. the electric current, and probing the - penator - y same ;ourtesy to him as a minister. I v.f.al?- T Perkins Introduces a, Feb. 6 Kdwin S. CJill. editor of the Feb. 2S Annua! metinff of Waimea March IS Hackman Gonsalves bru- matter to the bottom, Wie lu.-- was of - i s n,c Honolulu and tally assaulted. The position of the second congrega- 52 1 . T, republican, shoots and slightly wounda Sugar plantation h'd. The treasurer dlr--it ct tes- - . s - the orlnion that although no ,l.-n- 18 I ...v...., i ai. i. Mi.vi n? renri-i- ri s 7(177 'S- rl v . u March Mystic Shriners banquet at tlon is peculiar. It the Bishop persists 3 I ; Jan. Mrs. N. Lumahaihci dies. p,., vi.-iiioHn- l 75A HOCM Hotel. had been offered to Indicate in his present attitude and refuses to I. urvlreM At kwaI. six lmonn that Jan. i rresujent upnUK nhnn Chnrrh l: !r,..nmrv of On Via. lfan.il 1 Rt nrl.ta r,f Onh.. College ssarcn i j. ai. uuni::(f mm in xos any one was directly to blame in this allow the second congregation further Governor Do In the public land sales, toria augcies, 5 ornata Utrtwv rlnh lime to hear from the presiding Bishop Jan. Miss Sus:e Kirkland, of Maui, p.h gcPnrl:inil lpfMt Kn-ln- nfl urarah 1t Tho rin'v March 13 The Legislature visits Ka particular case, yet from the condition he will rain control of the Anglican dies. I wfnnine in,. Association Footimil infants VM leper station. of the electric wires in this el'y, other Jan. 10 George Mclntyre. 1 March 19 Lew.s Morrison appears church organization in Hawaii, at the kamaaina. championship. March Legislature sal's for Molo-- in liven would be sacrificed unless meeting to be held January al8-- Feb. 11 Kngaqement of Inspect ?e ro,e or lcneileu at the Upera tune loth. The ! Martha kal to the leper settlement. corporaUon affairs will be in the hands Jfn- - "Francis Murphy, temperance Along to Lieut. A. J. Dougherty an- - March 3 The Hanaiti makes maiden 17 attention was given to rectifying the i I I ' i 20 completed. meeting Ui I to i.ounced. trip to Kauai March Naval slips imperfections. Following is the ver-d:c- t: of the trustees elected at a Tan 1 Arirnivnt Inn rlofpntq 20 Mystic Feb. 12 Dr. Martin Hogan, kamaai- C March Grand ball of the none present of three-eight- hs March Murder attempted on the . w which of the members Jn a match race. course, na. dies In Lfif. Angelos. Cv,. t.hw..i the second congregati n will attend, and j iil- -. whaler Andrew Hicks, en route to 0f a Feb. 13 lionoluiu Brewery starts Honolulu March 20 Colonel Sanger appointed This finds that one Charles Ah for the next thre- - months the Bishop Jan. 14 Century Telephone Company. - king beer. March 4 Honolulu Flower Society tc lnsPect Hawaii and report needs in Fa: tame to ids death at Honolulu, Isi- experts to run things. The members of ; articles of Incorporation filed; capital iU - Feb. Attorney C. Bitting sentenc- jloids annual meeting Petitions Gov- - ccaf!t defense. .i'.d of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, on the second congregation propose to qui-- j stock, $150,000. I f 20 1901. to tea days In jail r contempt of ernor for recompense. In of 1 :nd March German Lutheran Church the sth day of December, A. D. etlv withdraw until thev can hear from I Jan. 14 Mamie Smith. daughter of court, by Judge Humphrey. matter ccniPlc,ted. an a D- taken from the society by the Terrl- - (from electric shock received from he - Smith, marries E. Burke 14 I 22 -- the presiding Bishop, which will take atf Feb. Mikahala's keel punctured tory. March Hawaiian Tramways bill , witch In the store of E. A. Mclnemey. in runs ii'x. by a . ; at least a month, and when that re- MIps nwortlilsh.
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