September 2016 Volume 29: Supplement The Chromatographic Society Diamond Jubilee Supplement 1956–2016 Published in Partnership with Chromatography is what we do and who we are. We are an independent, international, and diverse team of employee-owners not bound to a specific brand of instrument or geographic region. We live and breathe phase chemistry, peak separations, resolution, and inertness because while chromatography may be a necessary tool in your business, it is our business. And it is a business that we directly serve across 100+ countries and six continents with unrivaled Plus 1 service, applications, and expertise. From LC and GC columns to sample prep, reference standards to accessories, Restek is your first and best choice for chromatography. www.restek.com The Chromatographic Society Diamond Jubilee Supplement 1956–2016 6 ChromSoc: The First 60 Years Paul Ferguson An introduction to The Chromatographic Society’s 60th Anniversary Supplement. 8 The Changing Face of The Chromatographic Society and Chromatography in a Changing World Chris Bevan, the longest serving President of The Chromatographic Society in recent times, is interviewed by another former President of The Chromatographic Society, John Lough, on the evolution of The Chromatographic Society and chromatography in a changing world. 13 Progress in LC for Complex Biological Samples — Smaller, Better, Faster Robert S. Plumb and Ian D. Wilson Ian Wilson was a principal speaker at The Chromatographic Society’s Diamond Jubilee meeting on “Advances in Microcolumn and Related Separation Technologies”, which took place in London on 22 March this year. In this article Ian and co-author Rob Plumb elaborate on the theme of the meeting. 17 Past Contributions and Future Visions A popular feature of The Chromatographic Society’s Golden Jubilee publication was an article by Waters describing their heritage and setting out their contributions to the development of chromatography. In this special feature, some of the companies who are regular exhibitors at Society events answer questions on the current and future status of chromatography. 25 Meeting Review: Advances in Microcolumn and Related Separation Technologies Paul Ferguson A review of the first Chromatographic Society meeting in 2016. 26 ChromSoc Activities: The Reid International Bioanalytical Forum Tony Edge, Ray Briggs, and Derek Stevenson This article describes how the Reid International Bioanalytical Forum was initiated and developed over the past 40 years and how its unique philosophy came about. 28 High Impact Chromatographic Developments of the Past 60 Years W. John Lough from the University of Sunderland, UK, in conversation with (old) friends from academia and industry to celebrate 60 years of advances in chromatography. 34 ChromSoc Activities: Medals Chris Bevan and W. John Lough A recollection of The Chromatographic Society’s medals and medallists over the years. 35 Impact of Chromatography on Life and Society Tony Edge Tony Edge, The Chromatographic Society Vice-President, discusses just how much chromatography underpins everyday life. 39 ChromSoc Activities: Academic Support Karen Rome A look at some of the opportunities ChromSoc currently offers. 42 The Future Revisited Peter Myers Photo Credit: Volker Gugath / EyeEm/Getty Images Peter Myers ponders the future for separation scientists. www.chromsoc.com 3 Published by UBM EMEA Editorial Advisory Board Kevin Altria Huba Kalász Vice President/Group Publisher (MBYP4NJUI,MJOF )BSMPX &TTFY 6, 4FNNFMXFJT6OJWFSTJUZPG.FEJDJOF Mike Tessalone Daniel W. Armstrong Budapest, Hungary 6OJWFSTJUZPG5FYBT "SMJOHUPO 5FYBT 64" Hian Kee Lee [email protected] Günther K. Bonn /BUJPOBM6OJWFSTJUZPG4JOHBQPSF *OTUJUVUFPG"OBMZUJDBM$IFNJTUSZBOE Singapore Editorial Director 3BEJPDIFNJTUSZ 6OJWFSTJUZPG*OOTCSVDL Wolfgang Lindner Laura Bush "VTUSJB *OTUJUVUFPG"OBMZUJDBM$IFNJTUSZ Deirdre Cabooter 6OJWFSTJUZPG7JFOOB "VTUSJB [email protected] Department of Pharmaceutical and Henk Lingeman 1IBSNBDPMPHJDBM4DJFODFT 6OJWFSTJUZPG 'BDVMUFJUEFS4DIFJLVOEF 'SFF6OJWFSTJUZ Editor-in-Chief Leuven, Belgium "NTUFSEBN 5IF/FUIFSMBOET Alasdair Matheson Peter Carr Tom Lynch [email protected] %FQBSUNFOUPG$IFNJTUSZ 6OJWFSTJUZ #15FDIOPMPHZ$FOUSF 1BOHCPVSOF 6, PG.JOOFTPUB .JOOFBQPMJT .JOOFTPUB 64" Ronald E. Majors Jean-Pierre Chervet "OBMZUJDBMDPOTVMUBOU 8FTU$IFTUFS Managing Editor "OUFD-FZEFO ;PFUFSXPVEF 5IF 1FOOTZMWBOJB 64" Kate Mosford Netherlands Debby Mangelings [email protected] Jan H. 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