T H E P O E M S O F F R A N K D E M P S T E R ! H E R M A N EDIT ED W ITH A N I NTR O DU CTI O N B Y CL INTO N S C O LL A R D COPY RI G HT 188 1 0 1 2 1 AND 1 B D E ER ER , 7, 39 , 89 , 897 , 904, Y FR AN K MP ST SH MA N COP Y RI GHT 1 1 B Y L I ET D RA HER , 9 7, JU U ND S MAN A L L RI G HTS R E S E R VE D T HI S DITI O R I T D T THE R I VER SI DE R ES S E N, P N E A P CA MB RI D E I S L I ITED T O O NE T HO SA D CO I ES G , M U N P O F W HI C H T HI S I S NUM BER NOV CONTENTS INTRODUCTION MADRIGALS AND CATCHES — DEDICATION TO MY FANCY MORNING MIST DAWN AND DUSK SUMMER INDIAN SUMMER — THE ICE PRI SONER FEB RUARY THE MARCH WIND AN APRIL CAROL IDYLLIC — A GLOW WORM IN AN OLD GARDEN WITH A ROSE TO A DAI SY ON SOME BUTTERCUPS TO‘ A DANDELION APPLE BLOSSOMS A ROSE LYRI C ! PANSIES FOR THOUGHTS NOBILITY A BUNCH OF QUATRAINS A RED ROSE APRIL BACCHUS 1v1 CONTENTS A CATCH A SNARE A MADRI GAL A BETROTHAL A PERSIAN DANCING GIRL A MAD RI GAL THE B OOK- HUNTER AT THE DOOR A REMINISCENCE LOVE ’ S SEASONS IN PARENTHESIS TO MY MESSAGE A CI GAR A BUNDLE OF LETTER S A RHYME FOR PRI SCILLA A PERSIAN NOCTURNE HER GUITAR THE MUSE FOR SAYNTE AL T HIS A V EN YNE, D YE TO C I F BR AR 1 UP D , E U Y 4 ENGAGED A LYRI C AN UNTUTORED MIND THE VILLAGE SCHOOL A COLONIAL MISSIVE GOOD- NI GHT SONNETS BREE! ES OF MORNING A PACIFIC DAWN A BUTTERFLY IN WALL STREET THE DANCING GYPSY STRATEGY — RE AWAKENING CONTENTS MISS THOMAS ’ S A NEW YEAR ’ S MASQUE FRENCH FOLLIES CO PAN AND I ME , , P PE WHEN TWILI GHT COMES AN OLD ROND O B EHIND HER FAN HER CHINA CUP TO CUPID ! A A AW A ! ” W KE , KE TO MY LOVE VAL ENTINE TO AN ANONYMOUS MISS A COQUETTE A SWELL OF RHYME TO AUSTIN DOBSON LYRICS FOR A LUTE FANCY TO FANCY THE HARBOR OF DREAMS BREATH OF SONG . OMAR KHAYYAM REVERY AT MIDNI GHT ISRAFEL BACKLOG DREAMS SORCERY MOTHS ON A GREEK VASE MOODS FULFILMENT MNEMOSYNE’ S MIRROR TIME ’ S SONG ATTAINMENT Vii CONTENTS ALLAH’ S HOUSE PERPETUITY QUATRAINS SUNRISE MOONRISE A HOLLYHOCK WINTER ’ S B EGGAR CONTRAST SUN AND MOON SURF MUSIC LYRI CS LOVE AN OLD SONG THE LAST LETTER PEPITA HER SMILE HI S SUNLI GHT TO A ROSE UNDER HER BALCONY AD ASTRA CONTENTMENT HELIOTROPE VALENTINES ON A CLOCK TO WINTER HI S STARLI GHT UNSPOKEN SONG THE NUN ’ S ROSE MEMORIES DIRGE NOCTURNE REMEMBRANCE A GREETIN G FOR SPRING viii CONTENTS — THE SKY SHI P A WOODLAND SPRING THE NAIAD ’ S CUP ETERNITY LANE STORM IN THE CLOVER WINTER STARLIGHT DAYB REAK B OOKS ASPIRATION — THE FLY LEAF TO THE READER FORGOTTEN BOOKS TO HI S B OOK LITTLE—FOLK LYRICS TO THE LITTLE READERS BLOSSOMS ANEMONE DAI SIES SPRING ’ S COMING — GOLDEN ROD [ ix CONTENTS DECEMB ER KING B ELL IN THE MEAD OW FAIRY JEWELS THE FOUR WINDS HUMMING- B IRD SONG PEB B LES IN THE ORCHARD A REAL SANTA CLAUS CHERRI ES FLYING KITE KRI SS KRIN GLE WI! AR D FROST THE JUGGLER A FAI RY STORY THE SHADOWS — — HI DE AND SEEK THE ARCHER A FUNNY FELLOW SPINNING TOP SMILES AND TEAR S CLOUDS LEAVES AT PLAY SHADOW PI CTURES GHOST FAIRI ES SONG FOR WINTER A DEWDROP JESTER B EE SNOWFLAKES DREAMS — MAY CHIL DRE N ROB IN ’ S APOLOGY SOLDIERS OF THE SUN ° I x l CONTENTS SNOW SONG ELFI'N LAMPS BIRDS’ MUSIC SHADOW CHILDRE N FAIRY SHIPWRECK BEES THE WATERFALL WINTER ’ S ACROBATS VACATION SONG — THE SNOW BIRD THE FAI RI ES’ DANCE THE ROSE ’ S CUP — THE SNOW WEAVER — THE STORY TELLER THE RAINBOW THE STORY OF OMAR THE CHRISTMAS CAT LYRICS OF JOY FANCY CONFESSION WITCHERY DIES ULTIMA A TEAR B OTTLE THE DAY’ S SHROUD A SEA GHOST A BIRD ’ S ELEGY SECRET THE POET THE CHARM HIS DESIRE THE MUSE THE INTERPRETER W ITH HERRICK CANOE SONG A GARLAND A PRAYER THE YEAR ’ S DAY ARB UTUS VIOLET APRIL MAY MORNING HONEYSUCKLES W INTER DREAMS WHITE MAGIC FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW NANTUCKET LOVE TO JULIET ROSE LORE THE B OWER OF CUPID MOONLI GHT AND MUSIC IN AB SENCE FOR MUSIC LOVE ’ S SPRINGTIDE TO HER MY APRIL A MAY MADRI GAL NOCTURNE MEMORI ES A SONG ’ S ECHO WITH ROSES TW O SONGS SONNETS I xii SAINT ROSE SURF MUSIC TO A MOCKING BIRD MUSIC THE SHOWER THE WINTER POOL THE SNOW’ S DREAMER THE CATHEDRAL B ELLS DAWN STORM DUSK STARLIGHT A SEA FANCY MASTERY DERELICT FOG THE PENALTY LIFE THE GOAL KNOWLEDGE IN A GARDEN IVY GRASS ROSE DAY DREAM FIRE FANCIES CITY SPARROWS WRIT IN WATER CONTRAST A WI SH UNCOLLECTED POEMS THE LOOM OF SONG [ xiii ] CONTENTS ECHO THE BROOK ACCOMPANIMENT MOONLIGHT THE FORTRESS OF SAN MARCO THE FAMILIAR MELODY TWILIGHT ROMANCE BROADWAY AT MIDNIGHT THE END OF AUTUMN THE LONELY ROOM ON A BRON! E MEDAL OF LINCOLN FOR POPPIES GIPSY EXPERIENCE LABOR OMNIA VINCIT AUTUMN LEAVES THE TREE TAVERN NOCTURNE A FIRST EDITION THE HOUSE OF DREAMS LIMITATION THE IMMORTAL FLOWER INDEX OF FIRST LINES INDEX OF TITLES I NTRO D U CTI ON a 1 6 o N the ye r 33, there landed in Bost n two brothers , S S m o o amuel and Philip her an, wh se ancest r, in di wa s S G rect line, one Thomas herman, entleman, a man D C En of parts and prominence in iss , ounty Norfolk, g wa s land, during the reign of Henry VII . It from the o younger of these two brothers, Philip, a pers n of note S in his day, he having been the first ecretary of the C m R F olony of Ports outh, hode Island, that rank Dempster Sherman was descended . wa s New The poet born in Peekskill, York, on May 6 1 860 . , , being the oldest of a family of nine children wa s D S m His father John empster her an, an educator L Ma cFa rla nd and bookman, and his mother, ucy , of S S cotch ancestry . Mr . herman passed his boyhood relimi days in his native town , where he received his p a t A nary education the Peekskill Military cademy . For m wa s a ti e, just before entering college, he secre Ca indr who tary to Mr . William de y, of Washington , D wa s connected with the War epartment . He entered C U 1 8 m olumbia niversity in the autumn of 79, co plet 1 8 8 m ing his course in 4 , being co pelled, on account - wa s of ill health, to drop back a class . He one of the A first graduates of the School of rchitecture, a depart R A t ment founded by Professor William . Ware . Harvard U niversity he passed a year in post-graduate study, but was obliged to give this up owing to the [ XV ] INTRODUCTION influ physical breakdown of his father . Through the F ence of Professor Ware, he was made a ellow in 1 8 8 A t A rchitecture at Columbia in 7 . this institution he wa s in turn instructor adjunct professor and Professor of Graphics The last d named position he held at his eath , which occurred 1 1 1 6 On 1 6 on the 9th of September, 9 . the th of No vember 1 8 8 a D , 7 , he married Juliet Mersere u urand, of Peekskill . Of his atta inments as an instructor one of his col leagues has sa id In the School of A rchitecture Pro fe ssor S herman was not merely an extraordinarily bril a liant lecturer on mathematical subjects , but lso the u g ide, counselor, and friend of his students . His work will live in the lives of hundreds of those whom he inspired, and in the progress and development of the w School, for hich more than once, in of per ! times l exit C p y and uncertainty, his wise counsels and lear d headed Vision had prove of inestimable value . A ’ v nother of Mr . Sherman s Uni ersity associates F G cor (Professor ranklin H . iddings! tenders this dial tribute ! To those who knew Frank Dempster Sherman in the intimacy of colleagues the trait that marked him wa s his cheerful faithfulness to da y-by A S day duty . a teacher he gave himself without stint, and from students he demanded knowledge and accu wa racy . His own exquisite workmanship s more than wa s re talent ; it also fidelity . His genius for tireless search and relentless verification made his exhaustive genealogy of the Sherman kindred a work that will [ xvi ] INTRODUCTION be cited for generations as a standard- setting achieve F or ment . kindred and friends nothing that he could wa s give too good, and sacrifice of time and strength was a thing of course .
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