X ■ ( ■ FQintTEEIf inaur^Mtrr lEtiftting Hrralli WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1942 it Ishft too Late to Increase Your Donation to the Red Cross ! The Sevrlng: Circle o f the Con­ The newly elected officer* and The Woman’* Auxiliary of SL- The Laities Society of St. Mau­ Mis* Annie Swift of the Rubl- Mr*. Ernest Biintly, Chairman o f It w as. announced M a ir b y the cordia Lutheran church will meet group leaders of the South Metho­ Mary's church will hold It* month­ rice’s chdreh, 'Bolton, o f which now building has returned from the food sale^t Hale’a tomorrow Board of Selectmen that no local About Town dist W. S. C. S; will meet tomor­ ly meeting Friday evening at eight Mrs. K.deney Hutchinson 1* presi­ the Massachusetts General Hospi­ from 10 o’clbek on, announce* that atreeta will be set apart this year Average Daily Circulation tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock row evening'%t 7:30 at the home o'clock in the parish, house, -when dent, has .act the date of Thursday, tal. Boston, w here she underwent a -number of the chyrch people for the children ,to coast on. All For the Month of December, 1941 at the church. The congregational January 22. for a food sale for the The Weather Til* Ladle* Aid »oclety of Sman- of the president. Mrs. Inez, Truax Thomas Wejr. will apeak on Air a major operation. Miss Swift was have promised to' bake beans hills and intersection* In town are meeting will take place tonight at of 80 Spruce street. Raid. Precautions. The hostesses benefit of Ihc Red Cross. It will be a patient ' at the institution for There’ will also be a wide variety belng< sanded for the safety o f lo­ Forecaat of D. 8. Weather Bu tm u ur u*l Lutheran church will meet to- heltt at Hale’s store from 10 ^ morrow afternoon a t .2:30 at the eight o’clock and a good attend­ will be Mis* Jennie Wind, Miss a month. of other horn* made fdoda. cal motorist* and ■pedestriana 7,100 Geneva Pentland, Mrs. Gordon o'clock on. ^urch. ance ia desired.. The 0 .,C lef Club will sing in Member et the Andlt Monson, Mass., - tomorrow evening Fogg, and Mrs.- Ludwig Hanson. Increaalng eloudlriess, not quite at a concert^ponsored by the Arts Mrs. Charles Wade, and Mrs.- In the current weekly health bul­ Bureau of CIrctdatlon* ao cold tonight. .. and Literary club of Monson. Mi.ss Frank Crocker will represent the’ letin is.Hued, by the State Depart­ auxiliary at the meeting of the ment of Health .Manchester is list­ NOW LErS PLAN MEALS WITH Ef JZABETH WOOD Helen Berggren, local contralto, Mtmehester— A City of Village Charm will be guest soloist. Connecticut Braiich, National ed as having an estimated popula­ .. .McCALLS d i r e c t o r OF FOODS Council of Epis<-opal women in tion of 21.209 as of last Ju ly-1. The Trinity church’. New Haven, on bulletin also shows this town be to HALEYS SELF SERVE MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) 'A sk for Your Copy of the January Meal Planner. ^ I Past Chiefs of Memorial Temple Friday, 'ree of reportable tlisea.ses at this PRICE THREE CENTS ; Pythian Sisters will meet tomor- time. I row evening at the home of Mrs. Lamb or Beef Stew Shoulder Lamb Chops Orford Parish Chapter, D- A. R; ! Mamie Dickinson, 3.V Bigelow AND with Vegetables ■/ Mashed Carrots will have a luncheon-raeeMng to­ street. The hoste.ss will be a.sslst- morrow at the Y. M. C. A. for its (Onions, Potatoes fd by Mrs. Elizabeth Caverly. Hashed: Brown Potatoes first of the year, get-together. and (jarrots) Cole Slaw I ' ■ Guests of honor will be Mi.s.s .Mary ! Miss I.ela Webster of Center HEALTH MARKET Shredded Lettuce with C. Welch ,.f Hartford, state regent, M N T ^ ^ c f Chocolate Refrigerator street, who has been confined to and Miss Katherine Matthias of Relish Dressing, her home r.s the result of a frac­ Raisin Bread Padding Dessert Seymour, viCt regent. The meet­ tured arm. has been able to re­ ing will fclk-w ,at 2 :30. and it is PhiKppine Forces Brace for Jap Attack; sume lier duties in the housewares Pinehurst Meat Department Will Feature Lean. .Meaty expected Mi.ss Welch and’ Miss THURSDA Y SPECIALS department of Hale’s store. •Matthias will speak. Miss Jes.sa- mlne Smith, Mrs Herbert W Robb GREEN STAMI^ GIVEN WITH CASH SALES. Shoillder Lamb Chops lb. 38c ! A certificate of organization has and Ntrs, Arthur I.aionu.s con.stitiite been is.sued by the Secretary' of the hospitality committee for the BINGO Hale.’ Kre.h Lean Cuts of Stewing L am h .................. .lb. 18c to 2.ic .State to the F. W. \ Corporation meeting. Meaty Sbank* Soup Hones...Bare Bones... Knuckles. of this town. William A. Knofla HEALTH MARKET Or, if you prefer Veal ft>r slewing, we have Shanks and . listed a.s agent and the offipt-rs Mon Ypres suxiliary. B. W. 'V . Tonight Doughnuts doz. 19c are: William A. Knofla. president will meet thl* evening at 7:30 in Says Singapore Not Neglected Forequarter Cuts. and treasurer; Judge Williams S. the B. W. V. workrooms, 7.1 Maple In Fresh Fish You Look Fot Quality, I Silver Lane— Dill j Hyde, serretnry. The offtOers and street A good turhout.of tfie mem­ Quantity and Variety! Fresh Star Rib or Strip I Arthur A Knofla are directors. bers IS hoped for. St. James Roasting Pork lb. 29c P ickles AliSMen Fit After One Month of War in Pacific f A large number of the members See Our Display of Fresh Loin Roast, 34c lb. Chops, 35c and 39c lb, of the Elks fraternity living In ALICE COFR.4N School Hall ll-Oz. Buttle Burt Olnc}- ' Manchester will go to Rorkville to- (Known .As Queen Allee) Park Street Arrived Sea Food. Fish Muht Face 'i i .... i morrow night for the ’’Meriden .SPIRITI’ .AL .M EDIfM ‘ ’ 1 "** f. X ^ Large Scale Assault JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF TEA i. 1? ■ ~ ’■ Night” program. Members of Mer­ Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son Ketchup u Hfif Pinehurst Orange Pekoe......................... 'j-lb. pkg. 42c iden lotlgc will fill the chairs and Rom with a Veil. To Bake, Boil, Broil dr Fry. DuIVkS Call following th.' lodge room cere­ l-’alrv ■ . ■■ ' ! ■ B u lk .......................................... ...........................Ih. T.5c Readings Daily, Including Sundu>, V. - II®-" ■ ' monies an Italian style dinner will 9 A. M, to 9 P. M. Or By .Appoint- ALSO: Garden of Allah Tea Balls are a fcood buy at 50 for 3.>c; be served. Chef Arno Paganl of .iient. In the Service of the Peo­ Evental Servriira Pos$i- ^ C A N A D A , ' 100 for 69c. this town will cater. ple for SO Year*. $130 Soap 4 bars 19c By Invaders Coming; Also Plenty of Lipton, and Tenderleaf Teas. IN PRIZES Clams, Oysters, Scallops, 169 Chureh.Street, Hartford, Conn. \one-Such bility Beforere \^xi* 1$ I Members of Center cjiurch choir .Phone 6-0097 will have a supper at 6:30 this Smoked Fillets, Salt Cod Delivered Knhekout iH [•qC’ "i 'iiiiiiiiiH! FRUITS VEGETABLES evening at the church. It will be 1 SIO Free Game Broccoli ...................22c \4ince Meotpkg. 11c New Barrel of Silver Ijtne Juicy Florida Oranges, under the direction of the music B / o le , Officer ^ays. AlIUT^^^ ' I Japan#*# Subs 31c dozen. French Endive, !i lb. 38c committee which consists of Miss 26 REGULAR GAMES; l.arge, .lulcy Base Made Stronger Laura House, chairman; Ralph C. Rapoftad Tangerines....... doz. 22c Real Fresh, Green I Chicago, Jon. 8— iJF) — E\ery ' Brown. Mrs. A. F. Simmons, Rob- $1.00 Orders. Krout 3 lbs. 25c G o ^ Cooking Apples, M’atercress . .. .bch. 19c Range and I ert Marcham and Rbger McCor- 4 DOOR PRIZES: Tangerines doz. 21c Comed man fit to fight, no matter what UNITED 5 lbs. 29c New Carrots . .bch. 9c Deliberate Decision in MacArlliiir Reports Mo­ [ mack. The regular rehearsal of ■$4.00 Orders. Job he. now holds, must face tl^ First iS T A T E S l _____ ' the choir will follow the meal. Fuel Oil Fresh Air Raid Preparing Defenses 6f Plans Force 1 $10 FREE GA.ME: possibility of eventual service with' rale and Determina- Just in .. .Snow Shovels, 24-inch size....... ........... $1.10 Spore Ribs lb. 19c the armed force* before the Axis i CHINA Alarm A L L FOR 2.5c! \ TOKYO Far East Naval Base; lion of Troops High, R ock ^ I t . Crown Jar Rings, 5 boxes for 25c. The - '' Broccoli White, Tender, Plekled is delivered a knockout blow. FRANCISCO For Defense Doors Open 7 P. M. Weighed Each Time This was the picture Lieut. Col Japanaia Occupy Says They Will ‘Con­ W. G. Glenney Play Starts ,\t 8. X lb. 25c Joseph F. Battley, chief of the CHANGSHA i h W ar Cabinet ,• Consid­ SILENT GLOW lae. bch. 19c Liaison Division of the Office of ThailaiMi, Paarl Harbor O f Airfields tinue Their Resistance on Burner Sales and Service Co. Undersecretary of War, gave draft Invada AAalaya Guam Garrison , MIDWAY ered Sending Rein­ Guaranteed Attackad With Skill and Cour­ Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, occupational advisers from li Last Haard From CHAS. G. SCHELL . states at a conference lost night. Japanasa Subs forcements to Middle age’ ; Fighting of Vary­ Paint $50 Sweepstake PHILIPriNE Britain Is Creating Spe­ 106S .Main St.
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