Vehicles-Machinery-Tools- household-anTiques-sporTing goods-guns aucTion Saturday May 31 9:30 A.M.-SuNday JuNe 1 10:00 A.M. Located: Olsen Bld. North Iowa Events Center Hwy 122 West, Mason City, IA SATURDAY 9:30 A.M VEHICLES & MACHINERY SELL AT 1:00 P.M. GOlf CaRt-MasOn City: EZ GO elec. golf cart, new batteries, charger, dumP box, 892 hrs. MaChineRy: Allis Chalmers D-17 Series IV gas tractor, wide front, SN 76112, good tires, Allis Chalmers D-17 gas tractor, narrow front, SN 17399, good tires, Case 1210 diesel tractor, model 60 loader-60” bucket, good tires, looks & runs good, MF backhoe loader tractor-older but seems to work well, A.C. 7’ twin wheel trailer tyPe field mower, Ford model 90 I 5’ brush mower. 3 Pt. driveway blade, 2-barge wagons, Quick hitch, Ford loader fits 8N, Minnesota 6 ton running gear, 20’ tandem axle hydr. lift car trailer tOOls: Craftsman 6” jointer-Planer w/stand, Wilton sPindle sander, Delta 10” sliding comPound miter saw,Cal Hawk drill Press, Delta 1” belt sander, Cal Hawk 6” belt/9” disc sander, Farmhand 5 h.P. 26 gal. vertical air comPressor, All trade air comPressor, Chicago drill Press, Wisdom 5” bench vise, Bench grinder, Hydraulic cherry Picker, Lincoln 180 amP stick welder, Continental 60,000# shoP Press, Power Kleen 220v. Pressure washer, ShoP Vac, Many small hand tools, Wrenches & suPPlies-much, much more lawn & GaRden-suPPlies: Toro Z5000 ZTR lawnmower, 21 h.P., 50” deck, John Deere F525 front deck mower 48” deck, Sun Runner front deck mower-needs work, Fimco lawn sPrayer tank w/12v. PumP, 42” lawn sweePer, 10’ steP ladder, 28’ alum. ext. ladder, new roll of 48” woven wire, Grain aerators (tubes & fans), Huffy woman’s bike, Lg. generator to rePair or for Parts, ScorPion WhiP snowmobile for Parts or restoration, GO-GO Elite scooter antiques-Guns: Cream can, Hand yard PumP, Sleigh runners, Vintage varnished interior doors , Lg. wooden off. desk, Victor Ejecto 410- rough, Old 20 ga. Lever action Pat. 1885 – v. rough, Savage Mark I 22 cal. Single sho hOusehOld & COlleCtables: Dining hutch w/glass in uPPer doors, APProx. 20 Longaberger baskets, Longaberger Pewter Platter, 6 metal bar stools, 4’ round table w/4 chairs & leaf ChaRles thRaMs- MasOn City antiques: 3 section Barrister bookcase, Rocking chairs, Pictures & frames, Sm. child’s vanity, Storage stool, High chair/table combo., Glassware & collectables, Oak 4 drawer dresser w/ graPe Pulls, 3 mirror vanity, ornate oak bed frame, Vintage kit. cuPboard,, Yellow Pine lower cabinet, DroP leaf metal table, L.C. Smith tyPewriter, Tonka, Buddy L, Structo toys, 2 Pr. Hutch boxing gloves, Plant stand, Vintage door knobs, Cool SPot blade fan, Wooden block Planes, Monkey wrench, Sm. anvil, Millers Falls chest drill, Buck saw, Vintage hand Press, Garden Plow, Many more vintage items hOusehOld: WhirlPool Estate 14 cu. ft. refrig-freezer wht., Kenmore 4.8 cu. ft. chest freezer-btm. drawer-wht., Kit. countertoP aPPliances, Amana microwave, JVX RX 7030 V receiver, Sony DVD Player, 2-Allegro sPeakers, MaPle chairs, Sev. Bookshelves, End tables, Night stand, Sewing mach. w/cabinet, Hoover vac., Community flatware w/chest, Silver Plate set, Lg. Noritake china set, Punch bowl & kitchen glass ware, House fans, Folding chairs, Exer. Bike, Proform tread mill, Patio chairs, Metal storage shelves, Lots of linens & bedding lOts Of linens & beddinG: Tools-Lawn & Garden, SnaPPer ZTR 250Z 18.5 h.P. 38” mower, Jacobson 26” 2 stage snowblower, Weed Eater gas leaf blower, Lawn & garden tools, B&D hedge trimmer, Homelite grass trimmer, Craftsman 14.4 v tool kit, Craftsman 3/8” drill, Craftsman 2 Pc. tool chest, Craftsman 16 gal. shoP vac, Craftsman 3 ton floor jack, Craftsman ¼ h.P. bench grinder, Ryobi 6” orbit buffer, EmPire 4” bench vise, Coleman sm. air comPressor, Black Cat elec. Pressure washer, Sm. metal work bench, ShoP creePer, JumPer cables, Car ramPs, Log chain, Saw horses, Lots of wrenches & sm. hand tools, 5’ steP ladder, 16’ alum. ext. ladder Many more items too numerous to mention! SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. hOusehOld-MasOn City: Solid oak roll toP desk-very nice!, Oak comPuter cabinet/armoire, 5 drawer chest of drawers, Sm. tower cabinet, 2-office chairs, Canon PC 720 coPier, 2-4 drawer Hon file cabinets, 2-wood 2 drawer file cabinets tOOls-tRaileR-snOw blOweR: New Craftsman ¾ h.P. floor model drill Press, Craftsman 10” table saw, Rockwell 6” jointer-Planer, Century 6-12- 24volt battery charger on wheels, Craftsman 12” band saw, Milwaukee saws all, Ariens ST 824 snowblower-V.Nice, H&S Versa Tilt metal sided single axel 5 1/2’ x 10’ trailer antiques: Full sz. Hoosier cabinet w/enamel toP, Zenith Automatic console radio-looks & works good sPORtinG GOOds: Lund S-14, 14 ft. fishing boat w/Mariner 20 h.P. outboard mtr., Shorelander trailer, Minn Kota transom mount trolling mtr., Minn Kota foot controlled trolling mtr.-20# thrust, Evinrude 3 h.P. gas trolling mtr., Lauson 1954 SPort King 3 h.P. 4 cycle trolling mtr., Mr. Heater w/regulator VehiCle-feRtile: 2004 Dodge Neon, 123,000 miles-looks good, Antiques & Collectables, 5 Wizard Of OZ cookie jars, Wizard Of OZ music boxes, Many many Wizard Of OZ collectables, Wizard Of OZ books, Sev. noise makers & child’s toys, Edison table toP PhonograPh, Treadle sewing machine, 1967 Hancock Co. atlas, ToP Ringer horse shoes, 45 rPm records, Jadite Pcs., Juice reamers, Beater jars, 2 gallon crock butter churn, Carnation milk crate-milk jars, Toy battery oPerated car, Sm. disPlay shelf, Steel wheels, Milk & cream cans, Surge bucket, Garden Plow, Swinging Playground duck, Sev. Pull toys, Table toP baseball Pinball machine, Shoe lathes, Sad irons, Cast iron train, 15-20 Chinese checker games, ElePhant collection, Sm. kitchen table, Sm. blow torches, Sm. kerosene htr., Vintage door knobs, Moose horns, Cow skull, Longhorns, Duck decoys, Medicine cabinet, Marvel comics, GOld PCs. & Guns 1:00 P.M.: 1915 & 1926 2 ½ dollar gold Pcs., 2 comPlete sets of 4 each of uncut bills-$1-$2-$5-$10-$20, 50 cal. ThomPson Center Hawken, 50 cal. ThomPson Center Encore, 50 cal. Remington w/4x32 scoPe lawn & GaRden: Earthquake 22 ton hyd. log sPlitter-Pro Series- 6 ½ h.P. ViPer engine, Pull tyPe 3’ garden sPring tooth harrow, Coleman 5000 watt 10 h.P. generator, Master Force drill Press COwbOy COlleCtables: Gabby Hayes Picture, Lone Ranger autograPhed Picture, Rex Allen framed Picture, Clint Walker framed Picture w/autograPh, James Arness framed Picture w/autograPh, HoPalong Cassidy Picture & neckerchief slide, Buffalo Bill Poster, Davy Crockett toy guitar, Daniel Boone toy shotgun, Roy Rogers Pistols & belt, Wyatt EarP Pistol set w/box, 6 toy derringers, 15-18 toy Pistols, Ranch Phone tin telePhone, Vintage heavy metal handcuffs, Sev. sPurs, Many more collectables!, Guns-fORest City: Ithaca 20 ga. lever action single shot model M66 suPer single, Ithaca 12 ga. double barrel, Winchester model 20-410 ga. single shot, Winchester model 1200 16 ga. PumP shotgun, Remington model 550-1 22 cal. semi auto tube feed, Riverside Arms 20 ga. double barrel, Mauser 8mm-nice condition, SKS rifle w/sPortorized stock & 2 50 round magazines, antiques & COlleCtables-bRitt: Barrister 3 section bookcase, Gentleman’s chest of drawers w/mirror, Seth Thomas mantle clock, Oak glass toP disPlay, 3 code of Iowa books, 1896 & 1925 Cerro Gordo Plat books, 1895 Hancock Co. Platbook, Late 1800’s Earlyl 1900’s books, Earlyl 1900’s Photo albums, 5 vintage Photo books w/Pictures, Music & song books, Sears & Penny’s last catalogs, Trout Fly book w/case, Vintage reciPe books, 9’ steel fly rod, Steel casting rods, SPlit bamboo Poles, Sinker & jig molds, ShakesPear, Pfleuger, Atlas, Hiawatha, South Bend reels, Folding landing net, Tackle boxes, Metal minnow bucket, School desk, Vanity, Twin headboard, 6 caned dining chairs, Griswold Pcs.-#273 corn stick Pan, #8 griddle, #8-10-12 fryPans, #9 high form Pot, 6” damPer, Duck decoys, Rifle scoPes, Pistol scoPe, Folkman Dairy-Clear Lake milk bottle, Sad iron, Oasis 1 qt. canteen, Miners lamP, Ford model A coil, 48 star flags, Revereware tea kettle, Doilies, Match safe, Stuffed mink, Aluminum ware Pcs. some signed, Salt & PePPers, Board games, Goebel Friar Tucks, Hummel Bell, Jar of old buttons, Kitchen Plaque, 100-150 year old basket, Box camera, Bull whiP, Die cast models, Desk lamP, Child’s sle, Toboggan, Vintage Crayon tins, Chenille baby bedsPread & Pillow casing , Flour sacks, Oak desk file, Large 12 gallon-1932 glass jug, Wooden block Planes, Stanley #5 Plane, Coffee tins, Brass weights, SPice tins, HemP coffee bags, Bottle caPs, Sm. toys auctioneers note: Much much more! Too many items to list, surPrises for all! Don’t miss this auction, lots of excellent quality items-Thanks, Rex terms: Cash or good check, not responsible for accidents or items after purchase. REX TAYLOR AUCTION SERVICE Office Phone 641-585-4646 AUCTIONEERS AND CLERKS Res. Phone 641-896-3717 “For The Top Quality Auction Service You Expect and Deserve” Cell Phone www.globegazette/rextaylorauctioNservice.com- 641-425-2711 www.globegazette/rextaylorauctioNservice.com.
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