USAID WULA NAFAA PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT OCTOBER – DECEMBER 2010 January 2011 This publication was produced for the United States Agency for International Development by International Resources Group (IRG). USAID WULA NAFAA PROJECT Quarterly Report October-December 2010 Contract No. 685-C-00-08-00063-00 Notice: The points of view expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or of the Government of the USA. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................... II 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................... 1 2. AGRICULTURE COMPONENT .............................................................. 3 2.1. Targeted results and planned activities .............................................................................. 3 2.2. Progress achieved .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Constraints, opportunities, and priorities for next quarter ....................................... 17 3. BIODIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABLE NRM COMPONENT ............ 18 3.1. Targeted results and planned activities ........................................................................... 18 3.2. Progress achieved ................................................................................................................. 20 3.3. Constraints, opportunities, and priorities for next quarter ....................................... 28 4. GOVERNANCE IMPROVEMENT COMPONENT .............................. 29 4.1. Targeted results and planned activities ........................................................................... 29 4.2. Progress achieved ................................................................................................................. 31 4.3. Other activities implemented ............................................................................................ 40 4.4. Constraints, opportunities, and priorities for next quarter ....................................... 40 5. POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPONENT ........................ 41 5.1. Targeted results and planned activities ........................................................................... 41 5.2. Progress achieved ................................................................................................................. 42 5.3. Constraints, opportunities, and priorities for next quarter ....................................... 46 6. WEALTH CREATION COMPONENT ................................................. 47 6.1. Targeted results and planned activities ........................................................................... 47 6.2. Progress achieved ................................................................................................................. 48 6.3. Other activities implemented ............................................................................................ 54 7. WATER AND SANITATION COMPONENT ..................................... 56 7.1. Targeted results and planned activities ........................................................................... 56 7.2. Progress achieved ................................................................................................................. 62 7.3. Constraints, opportunities, and priorities for next quarter ....................................... 64 8. CROSS-CUTTING ACTIVITIES ............................................................ 65 8.1. Coordination and Administration ..................................................................................... 65 8.2. Small grants fund ................................................................................................................... 65 8.3. Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Analysis ........................................................... 65 APPENDIX 1: DOCUMENTS WRITTEN DURING THE QUARTER ... 67 APPENDIX 2: PARTICIPATION IN MEETINGS, SEMINARS, OR WORKSHOPS .......................................................................................... 70 APPENDIX 3: MAPS OF CURRENT AGRICULTURAL PLOTS ............ 71 i Acronyms ABG Amélioration de la Bonne Gouvernance (Governance DRDR Direction Régionale du Développement Rural (Regional Improvement component) Rural Development Directorate) ACA Association Conseil pour l’Action (Action Council DRH Direction de l’Hydraulique Rurale (Rural Hydraulics Association) Directorate) ACF Assistant Coordonnateur des facilitateurs (Assistant EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Facilitator Coordinator) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization AGR Activité Génératrice de Revenu (Revenue generating Fc Forêt communautaire activity) FC Forêt classée ANCAR Agence Nationale de Conseil Agricole and Rural (National Agriculture and Rural Council) FIARA Foire Internationale de l’Agriculture and des Ressources Animales (International Agricultural and Animal Resources ARD Agence Régionale de Développement (Regional Fair) Development Agency) FIDA Foire Internationale de Dakar (International Fair of Dakar) BDS Business Development Services GAF Gestion Administrative and Financière (Administrative and BFC Baobab Fruit Company (www.baobabfruitco.com) Financial Management document) BIC Bureau Inventaire and Cartographie (Inventory and GDRN Gestion Durable des Ressources Naturelles (Sustainable Mapping Unit in the regional forest service offices)) management of Natural Resources) BV Bassin Versant (watershed around cultivated lowland) GIE Groupement d’Intérêt Économique (Economic Interest CADL Centre d’Appui au Développement Local (Local Group) Development Support Center) GIRE Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau (Integrated CBO/OCB Community-Based Organization (Organization Management of Water Resources) Communautaire de Base) GP Groupement de Producteurs (Producers’ Group) CDR Création de Richesses (Wealth Creation component) GPF Groupement de Promotion Féminine (Women’s Promotion CEF Campagne d’exploitation Forestière (forest exploitation Group) season or campaign) GRN Gestion des Ressources Naturelles (natural resource CF Conservation Farming management) CFA Communauté Financière de l’Afrique (currency) GUS Gouvernement des États-Unis (U.S. Government) CG Comité de Gestion (management committee) GWI Global Water Initiative CGB Comité de Gestion du Bloc (block management com.) HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (Analyse/Contrôle des points critiques) CGF Conseil de Gestion de la Forêt (Forest Management Council) IDÉE Intervenir pour le Développement Écologique and CL Collectivité Locale (local collectivity) l’Environnement en Casamance (Intervention for the Ecological and Environmental Development of the Ria CL Convention Locale (Local Convention) Casamance) CLPA Conseil Local de Pêche Artisanale (Local Artisanal IREF Inspection Régionale des Eaux and Forêts (Regional Fisheries Council) Inspectorate of the Forest Service) CLCOP Comité Local de Concertation des Organizations de IRG International Resources Group Producteurs (Local Concertaion of Producers’ Organizations) JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LASF Local Agriculture Support Fund CLUSA Cooperative League of United States of America MDG/OMD Millennium Development Goals(Objectifs du Millénaire pour CMS Crédit Mutuel du Sénégal le Développement) COGIRBAF Convention de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources du Bas MR Maraîcher de référence (lead contact gardener) Fond (Integrated Management of Lowland Areas Management Agreement) NGO/ONG Non-governmental Organization (Organization Non Gouvernementale) COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative COOPRACA Coopérative des Producteurs de la Casamance Naturelle NRM/GRN Natural resource management (Gestion des ressources (Natural Producers’ Casamance Cooperative) naturelles OCS Organization of la Société Civile (Civil Society Organization) CR Communauté Rurale (Rural Community) CR Conseil Rural (Rural Council) ONUDI Organization des Nations unies pour le développement industriel (UN Organization for Industrial Development) CSE Centre de Suivi Ecologique (Ecological Monitoring Center) OS Objectif Stratégique (Strategic Objective) CTP Conseiller Technique Principal (Principal Technical Counselor) PAF Plan d’Aménagement de la Forêt (Forest Management Plan) DAO Dossier d’Appel d’Offres (published bid) ii Acronyms PAGIRE Plan d'Action pour la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en RTS Radio Télévision Sénégalaise Eau (Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources SARAR Self-esteem, Associative strengths, Resourcefulness, Management) Action-planning and Responsibility PAM Programme Alimentaire Mondiale (World Food Program) S-E Suivi-Évaluation (Monitoring and Evaluation) PAPIL Projet d’Appui à la Petite Irrigation Locale (Support program SERA Suivi, Évaluation, Restitution et Analyse (Monitoring, for small irrigation projects) Evaluation, Restitution, and Analysis) PCE Programme Croissance Économique (Economic Growth SIG Système d’Information Géographique (Geographic Program of USAID) Information System) PCR Président du Conseil Rural (President of the Rural Council) SIGESCO Simulation, Gestion, Comptabilité (Modeling, Management, PEPAM Programme Eau Potable and Assainissement du Millénaire and Accounting) (Potable Water and Sanitation Program for the Millennium) SLGF Structures Locales de Gestion de la Forêt (Local Forest PFNL Produit Forestier Non Ligneux (non-woody forest products) Management Structures) PGF Plan
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