’ O 000<>?+f .% jPor s ix ca n ts .a « ■£•7 2tou \won‘t ^ o t J !>''% we'eti. a': Harrier' * ; rf/?; irAs local | , w ill toavo tAo 4 ~ news unlessyou •X daili/ edition o f % r e a 4 ih e j | The Journal 1 jfOU&NAL $ at your door, i 4 ; every afternoon ■ I a a A4 'A a A A li4 A4 4 I V O L. xyil. N O . 90. ASBURY PARK, NEW- j'E R SE Y ,' 'SATttRDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 14, 1900. PRICE ONE CENT BOERS HELD IN CHECK A MODEL MILt. LtDLOVV rfAS,0W>cM MRS. ’S ART. EASTER REUNION. GLORIOUS EASTERTIDE ■{. ';AND “ BOBS” IS HAPPY Ihe New Plant'of Fie Asbury Park Bulld- Her Organ' ftecitpl . at the , First M.; E. Oceon Grove’s Spring Boom ; Will be WILL B f CELEBRATED ing Supply’ pinj' Formally Church Last Night Was Masterful In. Launched This Evening and Continued "■■I But Marokfng is in ‘ a Bad. Way With Sue- ’lHe General Says Were lie to Remain His in’ Songs of Gladness the ' Story of tiie X i , “Opened’*' • Afternoon. Interpretation and Harmony. ' Until -Tuesday "Next. cor Not in Sight-Large .Shipments - fime Woui^ 6o" Devoted' t Resurrection Wlil’: be Told: jn' tiie . 'o f Horses—Boer Losses Over- r.r ■ ■ ■. Not' often . Is. there .ancli an ’'opening’,’ to* the Education' of Soul ^tlrrl'n'g,' edifying,’ grand. Tbe&e "Ocean Cirove's Easter r'euriidri.deiebra- Churches,, Special 'Musical Pro*, , 1 Twelve Thoustvtd.' aa that which touk place this afteiBOM In the Children.; words sum up the lavish praise'b’eBtow^d tlon will be Inaugurated tils evening by, grams Having Been Arranged. the establishment-<)f the A9buiy. Park upon' MrsVBrnce B. Keator’a organ recltsl the Ladies’ Auxiliary Association' of the, > LQNDON, April 14.—“The' forward . HAVANA, April 11.—General LudloW, There' will be> special music In :tlie Building Supply. .Company, Second: and In. the First ;M. JE/.v CJiurch. last night. Board of Trade, when the ladies will ten­ movement of the Boers is cheeked',”; sa js i 'lbo retiring military governor .of the de­ churches tomorpw lBrborior of the ’ risen LordRoberts, This is . taken to ineari,, Langford ,avenues,: West Park. Indeed, Thi ,large audience was held spellbound der the public a reception in Association partment of Havana, whdn interviewed; Lord. The returrectlon, with all Its joy­ not by flghflrig, but by/dispositfona to considered.from the standpoint or^pen. yesterday called special ^attention to the by tha art that copld portray in music the hall. The reception1, committee Is com­ head oft their advance rind'bnr the way ful assurances,\wlll be the buykn-of-the lngs” In geuetal, this event Is regarded a r addition mode by Governor' General sorrow, agoriy, humiliation, death and: re­ posed of Mrs. ,8. JEL'Ci ^nittii, Mrs.. Kate to vulnerable point* in the line of British Wood' to the recent order continuing the Sermons’^and sbn^^df praise arid gladness. perhaps the most' unique Asbury: Park surrection of; the Redeemer of mankind. Raphael, Mrs. G. M .Burnhaiii, Mrs. W il­ communications. t' '; ! police court by which (the court is em­ The children will also celebrate* the .day ; Relief is onthe way ..to Wepener. The has yet -witnessed;:: .It was the opinion of It was abounding of tbo depths of/tuinan liam Moran, Mrs. C. I. King, Jlrs. J. E., powered to 'try libel and blackmailing with services of their own in the Sunday 'Books in ’Natal/appear,'incapable of de­ even ladies, many of whom were present i cages and to treat them on the 'same foot- emotion,'combined a spiritual, mind­ Quibri, ftrSySj, E. DlsoBway,’ Mrs. W. H^' veloping an aggressive' movement at schools, elaborate programs having been at the publlc^inspectlon of;the plant-from ing as other nilsdemcariorsv This addi­ edness that graBped' fti part,'the possibility Beeigie, Mrs. W. H. Garrison; Mrs. R. H . Blondsiangte. :!>,;>v ' : v tion was made in consequence of the nu­ prepared for the'occasion. :8 till 5 o’clock, that this “opening” was of the divine In man. ; ,"V-» ‘ T- Carr,. :Mlss Einiim Johnstoii, Mrs. T. E. Iiora Methuen is at .Zwhrtkopfontoin,. merous misstatements made by the local The following musical program bus 12 miles east of Boshof, arid is sehdlng of more economlc.wor^h than -millinery , Mrs. Kgator’s selections•;- yioro most Morgan. A'comriiittee of gentlemen will papers. , ' been prepared for the mpmlng service by 'srilall<< swjft .columns' through' the tidjar ‘'Openings.” ' . ■ . • / He said he had’received many proofs of happy. Sbe began.fier story of the suffer­ assist in receiving. Music will he fur­ cerit country. Lord Cbcshani, command-; Miss Alice K. Harrison, the organist and : There were present at tbe Inspection regard and • good w ill; from Cubans who ing Lord'With the evening when Jesua sat nished by the Neptune township high ing one of these, : encountered'- a . small many of, the representative citizens of regardless ef \vhnt. hostile newspapers at meat 5vlth His disciples aiid Instituted musical director of the First Presbyter commando; about ten miles southeast of Bchool orchestra. Asbury Park and, vicinity. The visi­ niight sny hnd'^not liesitntcd to express the sacrament of (lie'Lord’s’Slipper.' The rlan Church: • Zwnrtkopfontelhi He fomid 'most of the' their gratitude for his services.",': The mu- A lawn party. wiU be given Monday tors were noti'bowever, confined to those dleclplesj were all'sprrowful. Jesus was Organ p r o l u d e . ................ lln n d c l farms occupied by women and children evening.. For this event Association ball Anthom, “Christ our Passover,”’ . .e.i,un.„SobilliDB only, the only one'who was able to cheer'the who do hot :<know how to operate ma­ has bBen' converted Into a bower of ever­ Anthom, "Uorao seo tho Plflco,”..>....'.....Kooi■■ id An -editorial' note in The Daily ?5Iall onoreolo, "Immortality," ... Shoppord chinery and handle tools, but artisans In gathering nnd H e was in. -the shadow'of green. Mrs, Bi Frank Walnwrlght, Mrs. rsan postludo............. Rbolbuorgor nters tb’nt Mafeking is in n very bad \Vay ■the cross.' Thls snbllme picture was that S and that the hope of relief'is far off, aa imany craftsjand tbeir wives found excep­ Henry .Welsford, Mrs. Reuben Norris, For the evening: no force-Is advancing from the south; tional interest in ail there is to see in an Shelley lias.given the world, “A Twilight Mrs. William E. Taylor, Mrs! W. H. Organ postludo. ............ .. .Gnilmant Anthom, ‘•AwakoThou tlmt Sloopost,” .. .Maker • Tho war office announces th at 4,000 Industrial plant of the ,Supply .Company’s •.Picture.”! “And. when they had/ sung a Anthom, "Hail to tho Bison Lora,”, . - .horses will, arrive at the'Capo this week. Hamilton,; Mjcs, Nelson Llllagore; Mrs. .magnitude!. 1 hyiriri they w^ritl’nto'thb Mount of OlWes” Georgo Pridbdm and Mrs.1 li; C. Bussell - . Gaul-Shopperd I t Is Weir understood that the aiiimnls are. —till) hymn wassurig'by H. B.MartlriJW. Anthom, “Christ is Bison.” . ..Franko not fit for work until About'leu dnys hfter I - Messrs. N. E. Buchanon and George A. will prealdei Chocolate ahd wafers will Anthom, “ Sing, My Sodl.Thls Glorious Bottloi’,’ ,L. Clarke, Dr. J, H. Bryan and E, C. Bur­ , ' •/’ . Prlco the voyage: Two thousand more are due Smock, members of the coriipany, were be served. There will also be triadic.' Organ postludo......... .....Mondolssohn at the Cape next week.. , ;.'- ■ ■■■ tls.' Theri followed that awful, scene in kept busy showing the ; fine points dr tbe Tuesday evening will see tbei'drid of the Tbe choir is composed of Miss Grace D. , Tho war office'UdB called out the re- GeUisemnne, where Jesus prayed until the many machines hrid^explaining the work­ festivities, a bonnet social being the en- Edwards, soprano; K B; Martin, tenor; 'serve 'qpn’ipariies of several infantry bat­ blouily .sweat stood out upon H is brow. talions.- .’ ings of the various department^. An ap­ tertalriindrit arranged. _ The' ladies wlli Mrs. W. T. Hubbard, contralto and (F. E. This difficult work by Massanet- w as b rlt The war office has received the follow­ petizing-puncheon was served; supply untrlmmoil bats or bonnets/with Hunt, basso. ing: dispatch' from General Roberts: - ■ The preaent location of the Asbury I^antiy. rendered by Mrs. Keator. W hen flowers, feathers and ribbons. The geri- In the First M. E. Church the program, “Bloemfontein, April 13.—The enemy’s Park Building: Supply Company was se- thSTrlcfory was won arid the angelic host tl’emen' will also ’’display their skill as prepared by Dr. J.. H. Brya'b.the director. movements south have been checked;; .ministered unto tiie Saviour, Gaul’s “Cher­ Wepener is still surrounded, buttbe Jit; .lected after the deatructlvV fire that visited milliners. One of tiie conditions is tbat Will be as follows at the mernlrig service: tie garrison is holding out well. 'Troops the old plant In First avenne,' several ubic floBt’/ was sung, by an invisible cbolr the gerit|eme"n must use tuioibles. There composed of-Mrs; J. E. Burt, Miss Grace Anthom, "The Day of RoEurroction,’’..Vagpch aro being moved to their assistance'.' The months ago. The plant, now occupies a wili be' three prizes awarded for the best Anthem, "Hall to tbo .Risen Lord,.Gaul health of the troops Is good apd the d ir Bite 215x180 feet. The main building', Edwards, Mrs. Walter Hubbard and Miss Anthom, “Ohrist Our Passover,” Shoppord mate perfection.” . "f jtrlmined bat or bonnet, for the most be- whose exterior IbJ neatly shingled, Is 52x Bertha Martin. In tho evening the Sunday school’ wili Tly^Bloemfontein correspondent of The jcomlpg piece of feriilnin’e headgear, arid' BeauHfftl' effect!; Tiie “ March to the hold Its Easter servlc«, the musical por­ Dallr Telegraph, telegraphing Thursdny, ,75 fee^ iriVslze.
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