Mostly ekmdy toolght and Wed- nesday, probably snow Sairieo te north porUoB, colder Wednesday. MANOHECTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHAKM MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, “JANUARY 4, 1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREEl CENTS JAPS CAPTURE F. D. R. Warns Asrainst "Misuse of Powers of CapitaL” \ THE NATAL CITY FRIENDS AND FOES OF CONFUCIUS TERM FDR ADDRESS By Clnnese; Two Ameri- AS “ CONCILIATORY can Airmen Die In A Plane Crash At Hankow. Som Of Preadeot’s Critic^ Hudson Motor Co. However, Say Tkey W 9 Shanghai, Jan. 4— (A P )—Japa nose Infantry columns today drove Recalls 6,000 Men deep Into the "Holy Land of China Await His Special Mes- —central Shantung province—and reported capture of cities more than sage Od Business Beforii 50 miles south of Tsinan, the al- To Detroit Plants ready occupied provincial capital. (Dome!’ tha Japanese news agen- Makmg CommeDts; cy, In a dispatch to Tokyo said the Detroit, Jan. 4— (A P )—A. B.|, T t has become Increasingly clear Japanese vanguard had captured Barit, president of the Hudson Mo- to us,” Barit said, "that with busl- Chufu, 70 mUes south of Tsinan nesa flowing down as It has been trast Its Tone Fitk Reeei$ tor Car Oo., told a gathering of where Confucius, China’s great recently, we were In position to do newsmen today that hla company sage, was bom In 650 B. C. more than announce a new automo- Speeches Made By A idei (The Japanese Army said It will recall 6,000 men to work with- bile—we could In a way aet the pace would accord ful protection to the in the "next few weeks,” as part of In the matter of putting men and a plan to put “ men and money back tomb of Confucius at Chufu, to the money back to work. great (fonfuclan temple there and to work.” At the same time he an- “If the automobile Induatry waa Wa$hinfi!t(Hi, Jgn. 4-— (A F ) nounced the Hudson Company will to the present Duke of Rung, 77th able to lead the way out of the de- —Severml Republican leaden lineal descendant of the sage, now start production this week on a new preaslon. It seems reasonable to ex- car "In the lowest price field.” joined the maijorlty o f Demo> chief ritualist of his temple.) pect It to do something abrat lead- The recalling of 6.000 workers, he cratic Congressmen today A Japanese military epokesman, ing the way out of the receaaion. reporting- "steady progress” for the said, will IncreaM the factory per- “While there are confidence in- terming “concillatoiy* Praal- j; march through Shantung, said one sonnel to 12,000 men and add $1,- *?* eesslon of Congress. President Roosevelt warned that "mlrase of the powers of esp- spiring moves of a general natura dent Roosevelt’s pledge at Japanese column had seized Tawen 250,000 to the monthly pairroll. He that can and should be made, there operation with business if tiia the capitalistic system will destroy Itself through lU own abuses.” Shown on the rostrum (left to right) as Um esUmated that 311,000,000 wlU be kow, on the Tlentsln-Pukow rail- parliamentarian of the House of RepresenUUves. Vice President Gamer, Speak- Is one specific job for Industry— latter abandons *1iarRiftiI^j way, was said to have taken Anchi- er William B. Bankhead, and James Ro-jscvelt, son and secretary of tbs Preeident. expended for tools, production ma- that Is to put more men and money er force, advancing west of the ndl terials and other costs. to work wherever passible.” practices. 'way, was said to havetaken Anchl Some of the President's fi ehuang, also about 60 miles south however, criticized Ma eccnoote of Tsinan. The spokesman said the ic views and said they wooia Chinese set fire to Tawenkow be- SEE A BH UON fore fleeing from the town. Five await his special message aS ether towns along the railway were SLEUTHS DISCOUNT LATE NEWS STATE OFnCIALS UNABLE business legislation bttfon de> reported captured. DOLLAR DEHQT termining their course. Planes Support Drive Administration lieutenaatg Japanese hom ing planes sup- FLASHES! TO FIND $210,000 CHECK ported the Infantry advance by KIDNAPING THEORY described Mr. Booeevd^s bombing heavily many cities along speech at the opening o f Coi)»; FOR N m YEAR the railways behind the Chinese MISSING YOUTH FOUND. gress yesterday aa coi New London. Jan. 4— (AP) — front. Including Suchow, the vital Paper Co?ering Largest Sin- tive and reassuring. Junction of the Tlentsin-Pukow and Richard W. Heurtley, Jr„ 17-yeats- "BIG STEE” SEES Change In Business Condi- IN BENNETT CASE old, who started out from Oartrn Senator McNary of Oregon Lungbal railways In north Klangsu province. last Thursday or Friday In a eanoc gle Transaction In Park- and Representative Snell of Suchow Is the main objective of to paddle to Florida, waa picked np Hons Alters Situation, today off Rooky Point, L. I„ aerooo FEW LEAN MONTHS New York, the Republican floor the Japanese armies driving south- leaders, were among those who ward through Shantung and also Dangler Of Ford Motor Co. Long Island Sound from Sayhrook, way Purchases Not On BLOODY nCHTING by the Oooot Guard Patrol Boat another force advancing northward Says Treasury Head; CCC, called it "conciliatory." CO-835. Several membera of both pariSea above Nanking. Its capture would Executive Has Been Miss- C2det Boatswains Mato Balpli A. FQe; Is Delaying Probe. give the Japanese all the trunk rail- Corporation Head BdicTet, eontraated ita tona with r a o ^ ah* IN TERUEL STREETS MeCkirdy radioes Boaa 4,- hai . drsoaaa by Baeratary lokoa oStf Ae> way Unkliq; Helping .Tientsin Highway Sayings Opposed that the boy araa tliBSlrronraBjra Af with Nanking and Shanghai.' ing Smee Yesterday; Po- •t • - ' — aiotent Attorney General Hobart M. paddling but oeemed to be fat good Hartford, Jon. 4.— (A P )— State However, That Boflnesf Jaekoon. Japan's warplanes also carried condlUoa otheririse. destruction Into central China In Washington, Jan. 4.— (AP) see offlciala Investigating the Merritt The latter offdala had acctiaafi -b ’ce Ifint At DopemenL aecUona of big buslneaa o( going “oa what a Japanese naval spokesman Usually well-informed officials pre- Snow Hampers Mass Offen- BIO JEIVEL THEFT. Parkway purchases were puzzled Win Pick Up Thereafter. atrlke” agalnat government ragnla* said was a campaign to ’’crush directed today that President Kings Point, N. Y., Jan. 4.— today by their Inability to find a China’s reorganized airforce” In- tlono. Mr. Roooevelt aatd yeater> Roosevelt’s budget for the next fis- sives Of 200,000 Troops Four gunmen Invaded the palatial check for 1210,000 covering tbe lar- cluding ’’large numbers of Soviet BULLETIN! home of J. Edward Meyer today, gest single transaction In the $6,- PltUburgh, Jan. 4.— (A P )—John day: planes.” cal year would carry a Sl.000,000,- Detroit, Jan. 4.— (AP) — “Only a amall minority (o( bnite held six persons prisoner for more 000,000 purchase of rights of way. Letter Perry, new president of the Forty Japanese planes from bases 000 deficit, and that he would re- Capt. Donald 8. Leonard of the than an hour and then fled with neoa men and bankera) hava die* vise hla estimated deficit on this Now Battling For Tbe City The officials reported the check Carnegle-Illinola Steel CorporaUon, near Shanghai flew to Hankow, state poHce announced this Jewelry and other valuableo report- Is either lost or stolen. They are played poor cltlsenahip by engaguig year’s budget to 11,250,000,000. advanced a predlcUon today that nearly 600 miles up the Yangtze afternoon that Gertrude Ben- ed to be worth $60,000. not prepared to say which but they In practlcea which are dlihontte or ''jj river, and delivered a crushing blow They made these forecasts after nett, miMing 17-year-old daugh- see the naUon’a large steel consumers definitely harmful to ooclety. Ihla Mr. Roosevelt told Congress yester- Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Fron- Indicated that Ita recovery la essen- at the new Chinese airbase there, ter of Harry Bennett, Ford KOVACS WINS MATCH tial to their investigation. Btatement la stralghtforsranl oad day that the budget for the 1939 tier. Jan. 4.—(A P )— Beleaguered will buy on a "hand-to-mouth” basla the spokesman declared. He said Motor Oo. personnel director, Coral OaMes, Fla., Jan., 4,— The check waa Issued to the for the first few months of 1988. true., No peroon In any reoponalbla fiscal year, beginning July 1, would and Russel] Hoghes were mar- Insurgents and Spanish government all Japanese planes returned safely. be unbalanced but the deficit would (A P)—Up and coming yonng Frank Green Point Realty <3o. for pur- At the same Ume the whlte- place In the government ot tho Both Sides Lose Heavily ried at $ p. in. yesterday In troops fought today at rifle range Kovaea displayed Impreoslve form chase of a Greenwich tract in whijih ualred, S6-year-old execuUve of the United Stetea today haa ovor takaa be smaller than this year's. Aubom, Ind. Chinese admitted they bad suf- Secretary Morgenthau, comment- through the Ice-crusted streets of today In the Miami BUtmore ten- G. Leroy Kemp, appraiser and agent U. S. Steel CorporaUon’s largest any poolUon contrary to It.” fered 5,000 casualties In fierce fight Capt. Leonard sold be nis tournament as he defeated Don of the highway department, repre- subsidiary declared be believed busl- ing on the Presldent’a announce- learned of the marriage from Teruel. In guerrilla warfare that Unfavorable ing for control of the Shantung rail ment.
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